Getting Fit Before Baby

IRYM: I hate when doctors think that no matter how hard you're trying you still aren't doing something right. Being bigger boned (not necessarily overweight) is hereditary too so maybe it's some of that, right? Good luck though and share what you learn! As for bloodwork, I have a very visible vein in my left arm and they always seem to want to use a different one. I'm almost always poked about 2 or 3 times before they go to that vein to get the blood. IVs are awful too for me. With IVs they try putting warm towels on you to get your blood circulating more, maybe try that before going to bloodwork?

They've tried heat packs on my arms too. No luck. I really only had one time out of like a dozen when they easily found my vein, and I hadn't done anything different that day than any other! So I'm not really sure drinking more water does anything for me.

The test results came back today --- but they didn't test my hormones at all! I'm baffled.

They tested my thyroid levels (again! I just had that done in July!), looked for STDs, ran a platelet count -- and I should point out that I've already been tested for many of these things by my GYN either during my MC in June, as part of my normal physical, and/or before my surgery last year.

As I already knew, I don't have any STDs or STIs. My TSH levels always come back normal, and I don't have high cholesterol, syphillis (yes, they tested for that!), etc. They even checked my blood type AGAIN when all that info is already in my medical file.

It's actually a little frustrating that they ran so many of these a second time, when clearly those things weren't needed... they could have looked at all the blood tests I had done from June of this year, and they'd have known all kinds of things about me already. :dohh: I mean, I'm paying for all this out of pocket, you know? Ugh.

I hope they don't want me to keep repeating this stuff. Like if they make me go in for another pap smear when I just had one in October. I'll refuse that one!
IRYM-I would be so livid! I mean, surely, even if they didn't take the time to read your chart, they would assume that your GYN had covered the basics.....Wow. I hate to pay co-pays on labs/appts, let alone to pay for repetitive non sense!!!!
Cupcake: Ooh, how fun! I like building things out of popsicle sticks if that counts, haha. Have fun this weekend ;).

IRYM: That is SO annoying! I'm in Canada and hearing about having to pay every time for tests, let alone tests you've already done, that's so frustrating! I'd bring it up on the next visit.

Forgot to add my update. I've been having a really weird feeling in my lower right area. I'm not sure if this is normal but I'm going to be looking it up. In regards to weight loss I had my s/o home the past couple of days and they brought me so much chocolate. So not looking forward to weighing myself in the next few days.
Hi Ladies :flower:

I'm still here, hanging in there! Weight has finally started moving again, for whatever reason. I don't know what's different now, but I won't complain!

DH was gone last week so I was probably eating a bit less; I need to stay on top of it this week now that he's back. Next weekend I am having a birthday party, so that'll be a 'bad' day, but otherwise it's all going well food-wise.

Thyroid medication going well; no side effects that I've noticed.

ireadyermind: That is so annoying! Are you paying for all of the labs out of pocket, or only co-pays? Sheesh I remember those days; the healthcare system is one of the reasons I'm really glad that I moved from the U.S. to Denmark -- especially now that we're facing needing fertility treatments. :hugs: Are you going to ask/demand them to check your hormonal panel?

cupcakestoy: It sounds like we're in a similar situation, actually -- needing to lower BMI to some doctor's threshold to get access to fertility treatments. What's your target BMI, if I may ask? I'm supposed to get down to 32 in order to qualify to start treatments (no idea where that number came from). It drives me nuts that there's no consideration for bone structure, etc. Good luck with your medicated cycle :hugs:

Ursaula: I don't have any advice :nope: but I wish you :hugs: Willpower around weakness foods is super hard! I had to teach my DH to stop bringing stuff I don't need to be eating into my house!

Fern81: I'm surprised that going on bcp helps you lose weight (usually it's the opposite), but that's awesome! At least you know you have it to look forward to as well someday (after you're safely snuggling your new little lovebug :winkwink:). Good luck with the medicated cycle; hopefully it works!
I only need to get mine @ 35 to do ivf, even tho the nurse said usually below 36 is ok. I had to be below 37 to do my reversal, so I know I can do it, going to schedule my RE appt in 36 pounds/1st of April...which is good since clinic is 2 hours away, I don't want to have to worry about snow & ice screwing up a cycle....oh! I picked up my scripts today, got home & found 3 months worth of clomid in the bag! Still have a refill too! Not sure how MD called in script or if pharmacy screwed up, but I'll take a 3 month supply for the cost of 1! This also means I'm starting it next cycle at the end of the month, instead of waiting a cycle! So at least 4 cycles, hoping I don't need them all. At least it will help pass the time til spring tho.....
Hi everyone

Omw IRYM I can't believe they did all that and let you pay for it!!! WTH??? It's like they had no idea what to test for and just went eeny meeny miny mo on the bloodwork form. I personally would contact my dr, complain, refuse to pay for unnecessary or repeat tests, etc. Just to clarify: why exactly were these tests done? To check for general health issues, fertility issues, m/c issues or...? And no hormone tests? Sounds more and more like they mixed up your testing instructions with those of of a different patient! They don't make sense to me. Your healthcare providers are frustrating the heck out of me, just reading your stories!!

Cupcake - maybe your insurance covered some?? Sorry if you've mentioned this before but you have used clomid before right? Maybe it will help you superovulate because you do O on your own too... and you end up with twins :)!! (100mg clomid seems to give me 2 mature follies per cycle so that's why I'm taking it again).

Swimmy - hi hun, any news on the genetic tests?

Ursaula - ooohhh shame that you ended up in hospital! If you don't mind me asking, how did you confirm ovulation? Did you do OPKs or..? Because sickness will unfortunately mess up your temps so they can't reliably predict ovulation :(. Will you be doing 7dpo progesterone tests? Of course I'm very positive that it did really happen for you after so many years! My sister conceived twice using only metformin to control her pcos. xxxx

MrsTigger - Great news! I'm sure your weight loss has started up again due to the thyroid meds hehe IDK but they made such a difference in my life and my metabolism; my hair and nails are growing like mad, those meds helped me shed about 25 kg 5 years ago, helped improve my depression etc. I will always be an advocate for proper T3 and T4 levels :). I can't remember now, are you ntnp atm? The specific bcp that I'm taking has very low levels of hormones, suppresses excess estrogen etc so that the endometrial cells don't overgrow. So I guess that's why it helps me lose weight & bloat too. After this cycle I will be back on bcp permanently until we manage to save up for IVF. I don't even know if that will be next year or the year after. SO expensive and we are struggling financially a bit atm due to the problems of our new house!

Cd3 here, starting clomid tonight! I'm also taking black cohosh and EPO with multivits, b6 and folic acid this cycle. I know it's too late to influence my egg health for this cycle (if indeed I have any egg cells) but hey I can try my best to optimize hormone levels etc right. I honestly don't think I will conceive because we've tried this sooooo many times before without success but we still feel we *have* to. I almost told my sister last night... we had a family function and everyone commented on how thin & healthy I looked (of course it's from being back on bcp) and I said something about how this month I will get fat again from the hormone treatment.... she looked at me funny and I quickly changed the subject. I'm a bit tired of involving my family in this, none of them understand. :shrug:

Ladies - are any of you using/have used/plan on possibly using donor eggs/sperm? I've started thinking more and more of the very real possibility that I have no eggs/crap eggs and then donor eggs might have to be considered. I don't know how I feel about that. At a molecular level it's just human DNA in a healthy package which might enable me to have a baby.... but at the same time I feel very conflicted. If DH had a sperm issue or if I was single, I don't know how I would feel about using donor sperm. For some reason I think I would be happy doing it if I didn't have a male partner. Probably because we haven't really considered anything like this before, I can't even think of all the arguments for or against. Would like to hear your opinions. x
Mrs. Tigger: Thanks for the encouragement :) My only issue with no unhealthy food in the house is when I start feeling depressed I'm the one who brings it in not noticing...frustrating!

Cupcake: Fx'd for you these next few months. I'm really hoping with the weight loss and prescription you'll have a very sticky bean soon! (Or maybe beans ;) )

Fern: Ff confirmed ovulation using temperature I'm assuming, which is why I was hesitant. I think I'm 11dpo and not 5dpo because I checked my cervix when ff confirmed temp ovulation and to me it felt probably low, firm, and closed? This was the first time I checked cervix and then the next day I was out with being sick and wasn't well enough to check for comparison. If ovulation was when I personally think it was I'd be 11dpo today. I did a test yesterday at 10dpo and got a BFN. So my plan is to check at 12dpo, 15dpo, and if it's still BFN I'll wait until Nov. 16 to check incase ff got it right and I o'd then. I really think it was just because I was sick though where ff chose. I was surprised it wasn't the timing before. Either way, my s/o and I somehow dtd two days leading up to both dates (for ff o we also dtd one day after). My temp now seems to be dropping about one degree daily, but is still above cover line. I can attach a photo if that would help more than me explaining it? You can see what you think that way.
I really hope for not only your financial situation but for you overall that this "last" try is going to work. I have thought a LOT about donor eggs/sperm. (A bit about my brother is transgender and was originally female. I use s/o for my "girlfriend" because she feels female but her sex is male as of right now. I am young and don't have my life together but due to my s/o wanting to get on hormones, that will decrease her fertility greatly until the point she switches everything over and is fully sterile. We've discussed freezing the sperm but it's too expensive for us right now. So we had to consider that as well as my doctor has been pushing me to get a hysterectomy since I turned 18.) I say all this because we thought of getting one of my brother's eggs before he gets his hysterectomy done in April and either trying my girlfriends sperm or a donor because my girlfriend doesn't like the idea of her DNA. But again, it's something that won't be covered by healthcare and we just don't have the funds to do it. The idea of having an unknown donors sperm frightens me though and I'd much rather have my girlfriends...just a personal opinion. Haha.
Ursaula-Share your chart please & we'll have a look ;)
Sorry I got a little lost in your post, so to clarify....your partner is now a man, but will be looking into reassignment surgery to become a woman?
We briefly discussed egg donation, if mine are crap, bit honestly I'm jot interested much, unless dh pushes for it. If I didn't have 2 kids, then yes I would do it if need be. We started this mess because we want a baby together, not to just have another kid in the house. I know yhatsoubds harsh to a lot of people, but its our circumstances....
Sorry for the confusion. Yes, he is currently a man wanting to become a female through gender reassignment surgery.

I understand wanting to have a baby together completely, I'm in the same vote too, other than I have no children from previous relationships. It just feels special the thought of having a child with the love of your life and it makes me feel really complete inside. A warm feeling.

Any news from IRYM or Swimmy?

I also attached my chart below. I ended up in hospital on cd150, so cd151 might be from sickness. Todays temp though is much higher? Do you gals think I o'd cd143 or cd149? The temps that are taken at different times are all within a half hour of the regular temping time. Would be nice if I had cd147 in there but I didn't even get 3 hours of sleep that night.


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Thanks for sharing ladies. I agree with both of you in that it is a very personal decision at the end of the day and it will depend on the individual's background, circumstances, faith/belief system etc. I'm already questioning & praying about IVF, which I'm also still conflicted about... None of this is a decision to make lightly.

Well I started 100 mg clomid last night as well as 120 mg black cohosh which according to studies greatly improves the pregnancy rates of clomid... and decreases the side effects of clomid. I haven't tried the two together yet.
My tummy has INSTANTLY bloated up again and I feel soooo fat. Clomid diet starts today!
Fern & Cupcake: What are the side effects you have when taking clomid? If metformin doesn't work on its own my doctor will likely add clomid. I'm worried about adding medications to my already well-medicated body, especially when they have severe side effects.

Weight loss wise I plan on weighing this morning once I get out of bed. I feel SO bloated and thirsty all the time so I won't be surprised if I've gained weight. I also had a nose bleed when I woke up? Haven't had it in like 10+ it a possible symptom?

Waiting to hear from the other gals too! :)
Ursaula sorry I actually wanted to reply to you personally earlier, but then my student arrived and I just hit "send" lol I don't want them to read my posts. Wanted to comment on your chart - just going by temps it looks like FF could be right; but then of course your temps could be messed up a bit because of the illness. I really, really hope you DID ovulate. Cervical position is not too reliable for me personally because I've found it can change several times during the day, also depending on whether you have a full bladder/bowels etc. Cervical mucus on the other hand has been a BIG sign for me with fertile CM starting 4 days before ovulation and starting to dry up the day of ovulation. I also used to do OPKs and I can feel serious O pains while it's happening (although apparently we can feel O pains before, during OR after ovulation). Before I seriously started charting and checking everything, I had no IDEA when I ovulated.
I would suggest doing a combination of CM checking, temping, doing OPKs from CD12ish onward, etc. After a few cycles you will find what works for you personally :) (hoping that it doesn't take too many cycles though lol).

How long will you and your s/o still be trying naturally? Do you have a time frame planned out? :hugs:

Clomid side effects also differ from person to person. I used to get hectic hot flushes, painful swollen ovaries, headaches and feel a bit nauseous. This time I'm not feeling anything weird so far :). The worst thing is that when on clomid, you basically get all the early pregnancy signs during the tww!! Grrrrr!!!! Some people feel absolutely fine when on clomid though and it helps to take it at night because then you sleep through the worst.

Definitely going to start exercising again tomorrow.... Exams are winding down so I'm not working 12-14 hour days anymore thank heavens. It's almost my birthday so I'm going to try and not cheat at all until then! Turning 34 makes me feel old especially considering my infertility. :cry:

Hugs to you all x
Sorry, gals!

I was helping my mother move house this weekend and that was chaos! I ache everywhere, and not in the good "I used my muscles" sort of way. More back and joint aches, and I'm pretty sure I caught the cold that the school-aged nephews had when I went to visit them. Oye.

I'll try to answer everything as best I can, I skimmed through the replies since my absence but I haven't even finished this morning's cup of coffee and I'm still a little foggy.

1. Yes, I'm paying for all infertility testing & treatment out of pocket. My insurance doesn't cover a single cent. :(

2. Apparently all these tests they ordered were part of the infertility program.... I still don't know why they re-tested some things like my blood type. That's not going to change even if I live to be a million years old! lol

3. I will be asking about testing my hormone levels. It seemed to me like that ought to have been the FIRST thing they looked at instead of something they aren't even considering, but... well. The American health care system is garbage. As a general rule, they care more about what they can charge you for than how they can heal you. I do know there are exceptions. When I injured myself at work and my boss lied and would not fill my workers' comp claim, I had a doctor who covered parts of my bill himself because he was so outraged at the position I was being put in at such a young age.


Next up for us is DH's semen analysis, which they permit you to do from home. That was supposed to be done this morning, but he's clumsy and - well, DH'll be picking up another kit from the doctor's in the next few days. :dohh:

Then they want me to go straight to the HSG, where they inject dye into your uterus and see if you have scarring, blocked tubes, a tilted uterus, etc. I got to thinking about it the other day and I suspect I might have a retroverted uterus. When I had my MC in July, the midwives kept insisting that there wasn't anything IN my uterus and at first they argued that I must not actually be pregnant. Then my blood tests came back and I was pregnant, and the levels were increasing for a while too.

Well -- TMI warning here, but -- when I was miscarrying I actually expelled the little gestational sac intact. So I know it was in there, but the ultrasound couldn't find it. And that makes me think that my uterus is positioned oddly.

I'm gonna try that child's pose after BD this month and see if that makes a difference!

In other news, I've been strangely feeling like I'm already about to O, and it's only CD12! I have never O'd this early before in my LIFE, but I wouldn't be complaining if I did! That might mean I'll have a regular 28 day cycle this month! Wouldn't that be something? Haha

It might also mean that my hormones are self regulating for some reason. Not sure why or how that'd happen, as I haven't really changed much in the past year. But if my body suddenly wanted to get onto the right track, I'm not gonna complain. lol

Now I'm glad I started my OPKs early this month just so I could be 100% sure I wasn't ovulating at a strange time. I'll be able to catch the very start of my LH surge for SURE this time and not have to guess at it like last month.
IRYM: So good to hear from you! I honestly know very little about the American health care system. I dated a boy from the states when I was around 12 and I just remember my parents talking about getting insurance because they will charge for every little thing.

Will the midwives still allow you to be under their supervision with a retroverted uterus? I looked into midwives and they said they wouldn't touch me because of the possible complications I could have with having PCOS and being overweight, etc. I'm wondering if it will be the same for you?

I don't know your cycle for your whole life but I will say that would be AWESOME if your hormones were balancing out on their own and you were going to have a "normal" cycle. When do you usually expect ovulation to occur?

I've noticed on your signature a few times about the 17mos cervical cancer free. Assuming you had cervical cancer, are you completely cancer free now?

Fern: I will admit I was a little pouty when there was no comment from you, haha!

My temperature dropped to 97.6 today, which according to ff would be 6dpo, possible implantation drop I'm thinking. I found my cervix really hard to find so I'm not quite sure I actually even found it. Also, in regards to CM, when I was younger I'd have very noticeable CM but once I lost my periods I've been dry. I did notice when I was checking my cervix that day there was some form of CM, but I didn't know how to explain it. Nothing like I used to get though. (Sorry TMI)

I've looked into OPKs but I don't exactly have a "12dpo". I started my ff chart on June 8 after a pap and there was like a speck of blood. I decided to just put it as I had a light period because I was being hopeful. In February it will be 6 years without having an actual period. I'm really hoping my cycles begin to regulate. I was tested a couple years ago for my testosterone level and I had more testosterone in my body than estrogen. I can't imagine what the levels are now.

With that said, I've had the same doctor since I was born and he's aware of it so he gave me a shot of something the last time I was there to force my body to have a period. He said ovulation would be possible too so to keep charting. I can't recall what it was? He had it all ready for when I got there though.

My s/o and I have been trying for 7 months now and with my doctor knowing my cycles he decided it's been long enough to wait for treatment. I see him again on Nov 20, which if my period has come by then, he'll be prescribing me metformin.

Thanks for the advice on clomid too! I looked it up a little but I find asking people I "kind of" know for their experience is a little more helpful.

Happy Birthday if you don't get on when it is your birthday!

AFM: I weighed in today at 381lbs. Not as scary as I was expecting so I'm hopeful for that. Started doing my shakes again today but still waiting to be 100% back to self before exercising. I don't want to end up with that cold again!
Fern & Cupcake: What are the side effects you have when taking clomid? If metformin doesn't work on its own my doctor will likely add clomid. I'm worried about adding medications to my already well-medicated body, especially when they have severe side effects.

Weight loss wise I plan on weighing this morning once I get out of bed. I feel SO bloated and thirsty all the time so I won't be surprised if I've gained weight. I also had a nose bleed when I woke up? Haven't had it in like 10+ it a possible symptom?

Waiting to hear from the other gals too! :)

Usually when I took Clomid, I had a dull headache & some hot flashes along with bloating.

Ursaula sorry I actually wanted to reply to you personally earlier, but then my student arrived and I just hit "send" lol I don't want them to read my posts. Wanted to comment on your chart - just going by temps it looks like FF could be right; but then of course your temps could be messed up a bit because of the illness. I really, really hope you DID ovulate. Cervical position is not too reliable for me personally because I've found it can change several times during the day, also depending on whether you have a full bladder/bowels etc. Cervical mucus on the other hand has been a BIG sign for me with fertile CM starting 4 days before ovulation and starting to dry up the day of ovulation. I also used to do OPKs and I can feel serious O pains while it's happening (although apparently we can feel O pains before, during OR after ovulation). Before I seriously started charting and checking everything, I had no IDEA when I ovulated.
I would suggest doing a combination of CM checking, temping, doing OPKs from CD12ish onward, etc. After a few cycles you will find what works for you personally :) (hoping that it doesn't take too many cycles though lol).

How long will you and your s/o still be trying naturally? Do you have a time frame planned out? :hugs:

Clomid side effects also differ from person to person. I used to get hectic hot flushes, painful swollen ovaries, headaches and feel a bit nauseous. This time I'm not feeling anything weird so far :). The worst thing is that when on clomid, you basically get all the early pregnancy signs during the tww!! Grrrrr!!!! Some people feel absolutely fine when on clomid though and it helps to take it at night because then you sleep through the worst.

Definitely going to start exercising again tomorrow.... Exams are winding down so I'm not working 12-14 hour days anymore thank heavens. It's almost my birthday so I'm going to try and not cheat at all until then! Turning 34 makes me feel old especially considering my infertility. :cry:

Hugs to you all x
Oh to be 34 again lol :( I'll be 38 in March:cry: BUT I still hold onto hope that I still have time!

Sorry, gals!

I was helping my mother move house this weekend and that was chaos! I ache everywhere, and not in the good "I used my muscles" sort of way. More back and joint aches, and I'm pretty sure I caught the cold that the school-aged nephews had when I went to visit them. Oye.

I'll try to answer everything as best I can, I skimmed through the replies since my absence but I haven't even finished this morning's cup of coffee and I'm still a little foggy.

1. Yes, I'm paying for all infertility testing & treatment out of pocket. My insurance doesn't cover a single cent. :(

2. Apparently all these tests they ordered were part of the infertility program.... I still don't know why they re-tested some things like my blood type. That's not going to change even if I live to be a million years old! lol

3. I will be asking about testing my hormone levels. It seemed to me like that ought to have been the FIRST thing they looked at instead of something they aren't even considering, but... well. The American health care system is garbage. As a general rule, they care more about what they can charge you for than how they can heal you. I do know there are exceptions. When I injured myself at work and my boss lied and would not fill my workers' comp claim, I had a doctor who covered parts of my bill himself because he was so outraged at the position I was being put in at such a young age.


Next up for us is DH's semen analysis, which they permit you to do from home. That was supposed to be done this morning, but he's clumsy and - well, DH'll be picking up another kit from the doctor's in the next few days. :dohh:

Then they want me to go straight to the HSG, where they inject dye into your uterus and see if you have scarring, blocked tubes, a tilted uterus, etc. I got to thinking about it the other day and I suspect I might have a retroverted uterus. When I had my MC in July, the midwives kept insisting that there wasn't anything IN my uterus and at first they argued that I must not actually be pregnant. Then my blood tests came back and I was pregnant, and the levels were increasing for a while too.

Well -- TMI warning here, but -- when I was miscarrying I actually expelled the little gestational sac intact. So I know it was in there, but the ultrasound couldn't find it. And that makes me think that my uterus is positioned oddly.

I'm gonna try that child's pose after BD this month and see if that makes a difference!

In other news, I've been strangely feeling like I'm already about to O, and it's only CD12! I have never O'd this early before in my LIFE, but I wouldn't be complaining if I did! That might mean I'll have a regular 28 day cycle this month! Wouldn't that be something? Haha

It might also mean that my hormones are self regulating for some reason. Not sure why or how that'd happen, as I haven't really changed much in the past year. But if my body suddenly wanted to get onto the right track, I'm not gonna complain. lol

Now I'm glad I started my OPKs early this month just so I could be 100% sure I wasn't ovulating at a strange time. I'll be able to catch the very start of my LH surge for SURE this time and not have to guess at it like last month.

Oooooo...I hope your cycle is settling down! I guess O-ing early is in the water this month???? I got a + Opk on cd 11 at bedtime!?? I guess the Soy caused it, even though it hasn't changed in the past? Oh well, We got it "covered" & I felt my RIGHT ovary throbbing this morning, so far nothing on the left yet!:happydance::happydance: Excited that the right side is waking up a little! HAHA

Nothing else going on here....No change in my weight this week :/ But I am sticking with the "muscle repair" theory as we worked in wood all weekend & I'm sore today! Did get off work & am "spring" cleaning lol
IRYM: So good to hear from you! I honestly know very little about the American health care system. I dated a boy from the states when I was around 12 and I just remember my parents talking about getting insurance because they will charge for every little thing.

Will the midwives still allow you to be under their supervision with a retroverted uterus? I looked into midwives and they said they wouldn't touch me because of the possible complications I could have with having PCOS and being overweight, etc. I'm wondering if it will be the same for you?

I don't know your cycle for your whole life but I will say that would be AWESOME if your hormones were balancing out on their own and you were going to have a "normal" cycle. When do you usually expect ovulation to occur?

I've noticed on your signature a few times about the 17mos cervical cancer free. Assuming you had cervical cancer, are you completely cancer free now?

The "Midwives" that saw me weren't the sort that handle home visits, home births, etc. They're midwives, but they work exclusively out of the doctor's offices and the labor & delivery center on the other side of town. Because of that, I'm thinking that having a retroverted uterus wouldn't really be an issue for them, since I essentially have to go to the hospital or the OB/GYN offices for every visit. Not 100% sure on that since I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything, but I guess we'll see!

As for the cancer -- the cancerous cells were surgically removed, but I go in every 6 mos for biopsies to make sure that what I had hasn't come back yet. According to my GYN, it will come back eventually and there's nothing we can do about it except a radical hysterectomy. That's why we're on the "fast track" to the infertility clinic. They would likely have made me wait a little longer before I saw a specialist, but given the special circumstances, I was able to get in earlier.

Then once I decide I'm through having babies (and provided the cancer doesn't come back), we will almost immediately do the hysterectomy.

One of my problems with getting pregnant, I'm sure, is the fact that they had to remove some glands from my cervix when they removed the carcinoma, and I can barely produce EWCM on my own any more. Sometimes I'll get some, but it's rare and not very much. So that can't possibly be helping matters any. :dohh:

Oooooo...I hope your cycle is settling down! I guess O-ing early is in the water this month???? I got a + Opk on cd 11 at bedtime!?? I guess the Soy caused it, even though it hasn't changed in the past? Oh well, We got it "covered" & I felt my RIGHT ovary throbbing this morning, so far nothing on the left yet!:happydance::happydance: Excited that the right side is waking up a little! HAHA

I don't know if something's in the water, but if so -- why didn't they add it in there sooner!? Hahaha

I'll just have to make sure that DH and I aren't slacking off in the next week or so while I see what's going on with my freakin' ovaries. Haha
Cupcake: Thanks for the side effects! I haven't heard of the muscle repair theory, what is it? Spring cleaning always makes me feel so new and fresh, helps with losing some weight too I find.

IRYM: It's hard not to let your mind race to the future with things like a retroverted uterus. My mind would be going crazy! Interesting about the midwives though, I'll have my fx'd for you in that regards. Definitely something I'd check into once you know what's going on.

I understand now about the cancer. I find it happens to the best of people. How many children are you wanting and how long are you willing to "risk" it? I'm glad you got in sooner to see help.


AFM: I'm thinking I'm 6dpo now and if implantation dips is a thing that my body does then I believe I'm having it. Lots of weird things going on, not sure if they're symptoms or not.

I had two of my shakes today and ate some potato/ham soup. Yummy! Hoping to lose a bit before Monday.

On another positive note, my parents are getting their new pug dog this upcoming Saturday. I thought I'd share him with you guys to bring some smiles!


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Such a cute pup! The muscle repair theory, is that after you have a hard work out, or work hard your muscles have little tears & inflammation so you retain fluid so they will heal :) IRYM filled me in on it lol
Sorry it's been a while girls I have been off on another hiking adventure and this time decided to leave my phone in the car. That puppy is so cute! i love pugs!

IRYM - I would be so mad about the tests, my doctors repeated all of mine too though, i understood the thyroid sense I hadn't had mine checked in over a year but they rechecked everything else too. They don't do blood hormones at this place sense they can fluctuate so drastically during the day but said that because of my short LP alone they knew i had a problem with progesterone.

AFM - finally got a call about the genetic testing today and it's not good news i guess. All's they said on the phone was that there was some abnormalities and they want us to come in tomorrow and go over the results...... I'm really kind of freaked out. It's not like you can fix genetics. I'll let you guys know tomorrow after I talk with them. Right now i just need to keep staying busy, hiking and knitting. It sounds crazy but I'm actually looking forward to snow I want to be able to snowshoe soon lol.

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