Getting Fit Before Baby

Thanks Cupcake and IRYM for the muscle repair theory information!

Swimmy: Any news yet? Don't let bad news bring you down!
He has a genetic disorder called 47 xyy so an extra chromosome. It is usually found in men that are very tall (which he is) so we are on to see a genetic councler hopefully in 2-3 months when they can get us in to talk about all the possible risks that come with it and our chances of getting a healthy baby. It all depends on what the extra chromosome is. My fertility doc said that its not something that is genetically passed but it can cause increase in mc so we can keep trying but it's a good chance we will have more mischarrages before a healthy baby. Or we can do IVF with genetic embroy testing. At least I have some answers it was just a lot to take in.

Thanks for listening to me vent :)
Hi ladies

Swimmy - many many many hugs!! Well your husband lives with the extra chromosome so even if your future baby does get it, seems like there is still a chance of a full-term healthy baby? So there is a chance that the baby doesn't get it at all, and also a chance that it doesn't have adverse health effects, if I understand it correctly? Hope you don't have to wait too long before you have the final answer. Just hoping & wishing for you that you get your little rainbow after what you've been through. xxx

Ursaula - just love that puppy!

IRYM - my friend has a retroverted uterus and was only able to get pregnant with a specific pose after bd. Also; if your cervix & cm is problematic, has your dr suggested IUI?

Cupcake - so are you tww'ing? You definitely still have a shot at age 37 :) after all you had a surprise bfp recently! It might very well happen again!

I haven't started picking up clomid weight yet yay! I started exercising again yesterday (swimming; it's too hot to do anything else in this INSANE heatwave). This morning I weighed in at 56kg. I would love to weigh 50 but 52 is more realistic (that's what I weighed when I got married 2 years ago). Yes my weight is low but I am really tiny so for my body that's too much. I have a very flabby belly, fat butt and arms! And my face is round. So it's not just getting the kilos down but also getting more fit and healthy. My knees &back are starting to give me problems so I need to move more & stretch more!! I really need to find time during the day to exercise. Working 12 hour days is starting to get ridiculous.

My regime until AF starts again (with the exception of my birthday end Nov):

TTC regime: 120 mg black cohosh, EPO, clomid 100mg cd3-7, prenatal vits, b6, folic acid, 2 cups spearmint tea daily. All of that to boost hormones.

Fitness regime: swimming or exercising as much as possible. Thank heavens it's almost my holiday (one more week). Stretching daily. Dry skin brushing twice a day!

Diet regime: I've found that if I limit the types of foods I allow myself to eat, dieting is much easier. I'm LITERALLY ONLY allowing myself:

Black coffee, rooibos & spearmint tea
1 spoon peanut butter (the type with no added sugar/salt)
2 eggs
meat without sauce
any plain veg/salads (no creamy sauces!)
1 fruit
1 small portion plain oats OR rice
olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil
full cream yogurt & a little bit of full cream milk
Small piece of cheese as a cheat.... mix n match daily, until AF shows! Upon which I will reevaluate. Hoping I have some good things to say about my weight and fitness at the end of this cycle.

Hugs xx
IRYM - my friend has a retroverted uterus and was only able to get pregnant with a specific pose after bd. Also; if your cervix & cm is problematic, has your dr suggested IUI?

We haven't made it that far yet. Every time I told my GYN about issues, such as really light AF (Barely lasts two days!), no EWCM, pain in/around ovaries, she would just write it down and wouldn't say anything else on the subject. I've been having to ask other doctors/nurses about it instead. I really do seem to have bad luck with physicians!

I haven't had an initial consult with the infertility folks yet. They wanted to get my initial blood test results back and do the HSG, and THEN talk to DH and I about everything. Seems a little backwards. Wouldn't you think they'd want to talk to us about our TTC issues first, and decide what to do from there? I mean, I know they had us fill out that questionnaire, but that didn't cover all of my concerns and there wasn't a place for us to write in any additional questions or concerns for the doctor, and I can only call to talk to the nurse. They won't set me up an appt with a doctor yet. SIGH.

Ursaula - I would LOVE to have another puppy! I'm so jealous! Haha
Swimmy: So good to finally hear what's been going on for you. I went to university to become a pharmacist and learned a lot about chromosomes. 47 xyy if I remember correctly only affects males, and the only thing it really affects is having lower testosterone levels and a slower learning curve? Height as well...that is if I remember correctly. I'm thankful it isn't something that would cause dramatic issues...although this is pretty hard to take in as well. I hope you're taking it well.

Fern: Funny about the heat wave, we're having a snow storm! Are you into yoga? Yoga feels so good to me and really tones my body.

IRYM: Are there any other physicians you haven't tried in your area? I would've liked a meeting before tests so you'd all be on the same page...
This is the only infertility clinic in town that is in my insurance provider's network, so I'm kind of just at the whims of whatever procedures they think I need to follow, unfortunately.

Though really, since we're paying out of pocket for everything anyway, I could probably find a different clinic to work with. It's just less of a hassle to have everything done by one system, with all my files accessible by their network so that I don't have to keep filling out release forms, faxing stuff between offices, etc.

So let me ask you gals a question:

Any of you ever experience really sharp ovary pain, either from cysts or not? I do have cysts on my ovaries, I just generally don't feel these stabbing sorts of pains.

I had some yesterday on BOTH sides that were sharp enough that they'd make me jerk upright whenever one hit me, and a couple of times I actually went "Ow!" out loud. I generally have a really high tolerance for pain, so it was odd to me...

Anyway, the stabbing is gone now. I was thinking it might've been ovulation related, but my OPKs and BBT don't seem to indicate that I ovulated at all.

I'm half hoping it means I'll ovulate from both sides this month -- twice the chances for a BFP, right? Haha. My mom was pregnant with twins when my youngest sister was born. She lost the other one of the twins due to MC, but they managed to save one.. Anyway it means that twins run in my family and it's possible I could release two eggs --


The main thing is that I'm confused about the sharp pains and was wondering if you gals experienced it at all, and what the outcome was. Thanks in advance for your input! :)
Hugs Swimmy. Even though this can be a hurdle, you still have hopes of success! I googled & apparently this is common in 1 in 1000 males. It goes on to say that most have normal testosterone & normal fertility being able to father children. Also its not hereditary either, so don't freak out just yet!

IRYM-I've not had a cyst that I know of, so no help here......I do have painful O type sharp pains at times though????

Fern-Yay for no weight gain!!!! Wow that's pretty strict! Hope it works for you! We are in Fall here, but pretty nice temps so far....Expecting more rain tomorrow though...*sigh.....Not much else here, just in tww.....:coffee:
IRYM-I've not had a cyst that I know of, so no help here......I do have painful O type sharp pains at times though????

Well, like I said -- cysts or no cysts. So if you did have them, do you know what caused it? Was it before O or after? How long did it last?

Since mine are several days before when I usually ovulate, I'm confused. :dohh:
I've had aches a day or so befor . Then sharper pains/cramps on O day.....nothing severe, just discomfort
IRYM: Interesting about the twin situation. Do you want twins?

As for the pain...I started getting a severe pain when I was about 15 years old to the point where I would be hunched over and couldn't move. No medication would work for it, the only thing that worked was sleeping it off. They aren't sure still if it has something to do with cysts on my ovaries, or if my intestines knot up sometimes. That's the only pain I've really had that might be ovary related.

Cupcake: How many dpo are you? I'm excited to start seeing tests! Haha, I plan on testing Friday and again on Monday. Bought FRERs yesterday in preparation!

AFM: I ended up in the hospital again today. I thought I was having a heart attack but they have it all figured out now. Last week when I ended up in the hospital they thought it was due to my lungs. They figured out today I have a tear in one of my muscles on my ribs and it's become infected and is now the size of a golf ball. My entire rib cage is inflamed. I was scared to go on medication because of the possibility of pregnancy and I talked with the doctor I had and she got me on a medication that will help with everything and is also safe for a baby, if there is one.

But anyway! My question for you ladies...would you prefer a girl, a boy, same sex twins or opposite sex twins, and do you have any names you particularly like for both sexes?
Oh no Urs! Hope you recover quickly! LOL @ testing early! We have been at this for 3 years, so I don't test unless I'm past 14dpo, since that has been my longest LP....I think today is 3dpo for me :coffee: Staying busy helps pass the time! Just found out last night that I have a part in our Christmas Program this year! LOL Silly, but I'm excited! I used to LOVE being in plays when I was a kid, but its been YEARS since I've been on a stage. The guy that is directing our play actually is a Pro! I went to high school with him. He was always big in Theater Arts, but after graduating he landed a job directing at a local play house, then moved onto going to New York & directing on Broadway!!! Not sure why that fizzled out, but now he's like the main director at the play house....Anyways, the program will be a good distraction......
Cupcake: Thanks and I'm sorry you've been trying for 3 years. I understand after waiting that long how it would get disappointing and expensive to continuously test every time early. I'm just excited because this is my first confirmed ovulation since I've been tracking.

I miss having Christmas plays. We aren't allowed to have them anymore because Canada is open to all religions and not all religions believe in Christmas. It's bs in my opinion. It seems the government is paying attention to every religion BUT Christianity (Catholic, Baptist, etc.). It's a big ordeal over Starbucks having a red and green coffee cup right now and how it's a "Christmas" cup and it's offending other religions. ANYWAY, I too love theatre! Very cool about the director, I hope you have tons of fun! Let us know how it goes!

AFM: I am 9dpo, trying not to test. I plan on testing tomorrow morning with my first FRER, super excited. I feel fairly positive, not too sure about some of my temps though, I guess I'll find out tomorrow/for sure by Monday.

Decided to weigh in this morning as I was feeling really good and I lost a pound (380). Not as much as I was hoping for but I'm taking it a lot slower than last time and making long term changes. Also glad I lost some weight too :)
Hi everyone

I love that the thread's been so busy recently :hugs:.

Ursaula - that sounds soooo painful, hope you recover soon! I'm so curious to see your chart again, if you don't mind please post a pic again :). GL with testing. A snowstorm right about now sounds so nice. It doesn't snow here. In my 34 years I've seen snow ONCE, a freak weather phenomenon which saw a few flakes coming down in my city 2 years ago in winter. Interesting to hear about Canada's approach to Christmas. I find it so funny that my country adopted the European Christmas decorations; including spraying fake snow, snowmen and reindeer everywhere, despite the fact that we live in AFRICA and Christmas is during peak summer time... more lions here than reindeer... Hahaha!! (I actually don't do the christmas tree & winter deco & santa stuff; but, each to his own). Oh yeah and for the same reason I don't do yoga (my own personal beliefs :flower:)

As for your question re gender preference & names... Boy or girl doesn't matter to me. My sister had twins a few months ago, so after seeing how hard raising multiples is I would prefer to just have ONE (she is suffering!). However after 12 years ttc I would be happy with what I get. (And if I don't have any, I'll cope. :thumbup:) Names: We like Milan for a boy and Anouk or Annika for a girl. Bear in mind English is not our home language, I don't know if these names sound weird to other cultures.

Cupcake - I feel you on testing early! I don't either if I can help it hehe. I actually poas the day I started clomid just to be 100% sure I wasn't pregnant... I think it says a lot that I threw the stick away without even checking it; I totally forgot! Congrats on the part in the play! It sounds like SO much fun, I wish I could go watch it!

IRYM - I've had ovary "cramps" before ovulation once, I was taking 100mg clomid and went for a run a few days before O. Was so bad I curled up in a ball. I assume I put too much strain on my swollen ovaries. Were you exercising or straining to pick up something maybe? Other than that I also have loads of pains and aches and cramps all through my cycle but that is due to endometriosis, so maybe my experience won't be much help to you. Hope you O on both sides :) double trouble!

AFM - nothing much, stomach super bloated urgh... still no s/e except being very emotional. Last night I BURST out sobbing at a scene in CSI. Luckily DH wasn't home to see it! Almost on holiday.... almost.... I will be doing loads of gardening then too so that's some extra exercise! Can't WAIT! :happydance:
IRYM: Interesting about the twin situation. Do you want twins?

Well, sometimes I think it'd be nice to have twins. I only want two children, so if I could get two of them with only one pregnancy, and then have the hysterectomy I need so that I don't have to deal with cancer or AF for the rest of my days, it'd be great!

On the other hand, two babies at once would be really difficult!

As for the pain...I started getting a severe pain when I was about 15 years old to the point where I would be hunched over and couldn't move. No medication would work for it, the only thing that worked was sleeping it off. They aren't sure still if it has something to do with cysts on my ovaries, or if my intestines knot up sometimes. That's the only pain I've really had that might be ovary related.

I had similar issues like this when I was still using my copper IUD. It gave me cramps so bad, I was in real trouble if one hit me while I was driving because it made it very difficult to maintain control of the vehicle! O.O

AFM: I ended up in the hospital again today. I thought I was having a heart attack but they have it all figured out now. Last week when I ended up in the hospital they thought it was due to my lungs. They figured out today I have a tear in one of my muscles on my ribs and it's become infected and is now the size of a golf ball. My entire rib cage is inflamed. I was scared to go on medication because of the possibility of pregnancy and I talked with the doctor I had and she got me on a medication that will help with everything and is also safe for a baby, if there is one.

Oh no! That sounds awful! I hope you're feeling better soon!

But anyway! My question for you ladies...would you prefer a girl, a boy, same sex twins or opposite sex twins, and do you have any names you particularly like for both sexes?

I'd like one of each gender. The first names DH and I have picked out are Logan (boy) and Gwen (girl). If we have two boys or two girls, then we'll have to do some more brainstorming. lol

IRYM - I've had ovary "cramps" before ovulation once, I was taking 100mg clomid and went for a run a few days before O. Was so bad I curled up in a ball. I assume I put too much strain on my swollen ovaries. Were you exercising or straining to pick up something maybe? Other than that I also have loads of pains and aches and cramps all through my cycle but that is due to endometriosis, so maybe my experience won't be much help to you. Hope you O on both sides :) double trouble!

My ovaries generally hurt a little bit every single day. But the other day they were positively stabbing. Sharp, quick stabs. Not like anything I've experienced before.

I wasn't doing anything strenuous. They happened while sitting, standing, sleeping... I hadn't done any weight lifting that day and the most exercise I'd done was housework in the form of sweeping, mopping, and so on.

It was gone by morning, and hasn't been back. And no sign of ovulation on OPKs, temps, or cervix -- just watery CM. My usual O day is somewhere around CD18, so I still have a few more days to wait.

I guess I won't know what was going on with my ovaries until I either see a BFP or a BFN in a few weeks! :dohh:
Thanks everyone for wishing me better, I'm soo ready for it!

Fern: My chart actually has me slightly worried...I've had "lower" temperatures and I've been testing a lot. Mind you, I've only been using cheapies. I looked on another site where I get the pregnancy test information and the cheapies I'm using don't even pick up 50% of pregnancies until 10dpo, and I'm only 9dpo today. Whereas FRER is over 60% by 9dpo. So I will admit I'm nervous to test tomorrow with a FRER, especially with the lower temperatures...fx'd though, right? FRER detects almost 80% of pregnancies by 10dpo (and I have the old ones), just over 90% by 13dpo, which is the day I'll be using my last FRER. Sorry, you gals probably know all of this already, I just worry a LOT about EVERYTHING.

My family and I still celebrate Christmas, we go to church regularly. It's sad though, our church only has 4-7 members on a good day. My family (2people) included. I'm losing faith in people these days in regards to Christianity. It seems I find Christians only far and few between.

I apologize about the yoga, I wasn't aware.

I do know two girls by the names of "Anika" and "Anouk", both are of indigenous decent. I see more indigenous peoples having unique names that tell a history in them than caucasian, here anyway.

What do you enjoy gardening?

IRYM: I see where you're coming from completely in regards to twins. Double the love, yet double trouble. I'm praying for you that you get your two sticky beans soon and as you see fit (twins or not), before it becomes an issue again.

I imagine our abdominal pain was similar, although I haven't had a copper IUD, but it sounds similar to what I feel as well.

I like both Logan and Gwen, however I know people with those names and I have issues with that for some reason. I don't like naming things someone else's name, if that makes sense? Good choices though!

Have you been dtd even though there is no positive OPK, temps, or cervix change? (Sorry if it's personal...)Watery CM sounds promising and I'd be dtd now just incase, as well as later. Praying for a BFP for you as well as everyone else! :)

AFM: I think my s/o and I are going to stick with just one baby, seeing as (s)he wants to get on hormones asap. We've talked about not even having a baby recently and it hurts me, even though I know my s/o wants to start hormones already, I feel like it's all my fault now.

ANYWAY, if we have a girl I like my middle name, Anneliese, and my grandmother's middle name, Mae (she goes by Mae). Mae is also my mother's, as well as my cousins, middle name. It's like a family tradition. So, I'd like Anneliese Mae. Or I'd combine both grandmothers names, Mable Mae. My s/o however wants the first name as we'll see. As for a boy, that's up to my s/o, I get the say on a girl name, s/o gets the say on the boy name. Both parties have to agree upon it though.

My chart should be attached. I'd appreciate if all of you could look at it and tell me what you think? (Todays test is BFN. Again, all the temperatures are within an hour of each other.) Thanks in advance! :)


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Ursaula - Yep! If you take a look at my chart, you can see it listed where we've BD'd. This week since there's watery CM we're switching to every other day. Normally I just kind of try to keep things going myself, in terms of BD. You know, trying to make it feel more natural than if DH and I scheduled everything. But last night I flat out said, "The next week or so is important for TTC, so we will be BDing every other day at least." lol.

I just feel like if he's aware of the fact that it needs to be done that often, it'll take some of the pressure off of me and make sure we BD consistently. We'll just keep BDing every other day until I get a +OPK with a sustained temperature rise.

As for your chart... hm. Lots of open circles, but I think you said you have a weird sleeping schedule or something, right?

The main thing isn't that the temps are higher or lower than previous months. What you want to look at is whether they're staying above the cover line or not. Yours are, so it's a good sign thus far. What you can do is look back and see in previous charts if your temps dropped below the cover line before AF showed up, on the same day as, or after AF showed up. THAT is a pattern that will normally repeat from cycle to cycle and will help you guess what's coming up.

And a note about using HPTs this early: even with FRER you aren't guaranteed to get a positive until your missed AF. It's possible, but it's not the most likely thing to happen. I know that for me, I didn't get a positive until AF was 3 days late, and that was with a FRER too! It all depends on how much pregnancy hormone is in your system, when you implanted (which could be as late as 12DPO!), and the reliability of the test.

So if you implanted on 12DPO, it'd take about 48hrs for HCG to show up in your urine, which would mean that not even a FRER would give you a BFP until 14DPO.

For now I'd say just keep watching those temps and hope they don't drop below the cover line!

Article about conception and implantation:

"Once a sperm meets an egg and conception takes place, the resulting blastocyst will complete the journey in the uterus where it implants into uterine lining. No soon had the implantation occurs than the embryo starts producing a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin commonly known as HGC. This is a key hormone during pregnancy. Whenever a person carries pregnancy test, it often tests the presence of HGC hormone. Depending on the day of fertilization, this process can take 6 to 12 days. However, research has shown that it often takes approximately 10 days in over 80% of women."
I apologize about the yoga, I wasn't aware.

Hun this is not a place where any of us should be apologizing for differences in our personal beliefs/opinions/preferences or anything :flower::hugs:. That's one reason why I love chatting here.

I adore Anneliese! It sounds a lot like a name from my language :). Beautiful and unique. I like Mae too.

JUST by looking at your chart, those temps look good. I hope you get good news. We all feel like that in the tww!! (Like crawling up the walls.) It's made a bit difficult though by not having other ovulatory charts of yours to compare to (I know you haven't had proper cycles thus far), it would have been easier to see whether any pattern is unusual for you in particular. If you don't get a bfp then I hope your dr will be willing to place you on metformin or something so that you can at least start getting more regular cycles. A girl deserves that much at least, if at all possible! That should make ttc much easier. xx

I love digging and planting & all garden work, at least everything that I can manage lol and that is not too heavy to lift etc! My favorite is growing vegetables, fruit & herbs for my kitchen. I have loads of summer seeds that I just have to get in the soil asap.

FX for your FRER :)
Thanks IRYM! I do have a weird sleeping schedule. It's really hard for me to sleep because I have insomnia so bad and even with my sleeping pill it's a hit and miss. I try to keep it within an hour of the time previous when temping just because I sometimes don't fall asleep until around 4am and I wake up during that's confusing so I'm hoping with how I've been doing the temps that it is still fairly accurate.

Thank you for the article as well. I've looked up quite a lot of things but seemed to have missed when to take the tests so this was very helpful. If I take my first FRER tomorrow at 10dpo, when would you suggest I take the second one? I'm not sure when af will show up but I know if I don't get a BFP she will eventually since the doctor gave me that shot.

Also glad to hear you've been BDing. You guys know a lot more than I do but just thought I'd ask to make sure! :)
IRYM we crossed posts! I see we agree on it being easier to have a few charts to compare. What a pity that there ARE so many of our charts though and not just a quick bfp, oh the irony. :winkwink:
Thank you Fern. I've just been having a really hard time with this chest thing going on and my mood is all over the place. I'm pretty sure I've apologized to my mom today at least 10 times for her looking after my dog while I was at the hospital.

My doctor gave me the shot to get af to come and as soon as she does I'm starting metformin (unless I get a BFP of course). I'm nervous to have af because it has been so long, I feel fairly positive about getting a BFP though as I haven't had any sort of the symptoms I'm feeling now previously, however it could just be from the shot too.

I started a fairy garden this past summer, have you considered making one? They're so fun to make. I enjoy vegetables and herbs, although our garden can't produce any...we had corn one year and after that, nothing. We just grow plants now.

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