Getting Fit Before Baby

Hey ladies! Happy New Year! Hope all is well! We have had a tough start here, as dd has a best friend who overdosed on Dec. 30th. He had sent her a goodbye text during the night, while she was sleeping. He was in ICU on a vent until yesterday, but fx'd he will make a full recovery! DD has been a wreck, as she feels guilty for not being awake when she got the text & not being able to stop his attempt...sigh..Hurts my heart for her & him!
In other news, I had horrific O type cramps on Thurs. & Fri. night. Again I have yet to get a +OPK! I have ALWAYS gotten a + on cd12-cd14 in the past even on meds, but nada :/ Not sure what's up? Starting to think I got a set of bad Opks! Today is cd 15, still negative. Going to test up until cd18 then I'm done. Not had any ewcm this cycle, which I attribute to the clomid. Still bd-ing every other day, so I guess we will keep at it!
Tomorrow starts my New Year's plan! I have decided I have to GO to the GYM EVERY DAY! Hoping I can make it a habit! Plus my bff is jumping on the weight loss train & wants to walk with me after work during the week, so here we go! Not sure I can meet my goal by May, but I'm going to try my best! I do know we WILL be doing IVF before the end of 2016, so Game on!!!!
Fern: I'm really exciting for the dietitian! She's sounds super nice, and is going to be so helpful too. Let us know when you get scheduled so we can cheer you on. Yay gardening!

I was about to do the plank but stopped. I want to know, when you gals are in the 2ww or being cautious, do you continue exercising, and what exercises do you do? I suddenly became nervous to do the plank because it might mess something up, what do you think?

Swimmy: Thanks! I always like trying out other peoples favourite exercises to see how I like them. I'm praying for you tomorrow!

I'm very sorry about your uncle, but as you said, he isn't suffering anymore. Thinking of you during your loss.

IRYM: Ah! So the time is to go in October...I might plan a family vacation with my parents and my brother and my s/o's.

Also, thanks for the Vitex information. If this isn't my BFP then I plan on getting some and taking it with metformin. Really glad to hear it works.

Your doctors are driving me insane. You KNOW you have hormonal imbalances yet instead of fixing them they're looking into other things? I'd straight up tell them what you're needing...urgh!

Cupcake: Good to hear from you. I was in a similar situation about 5 or 6 years ago as your dd. Psychological issues are more than society shows. Big hug!

Keep bding gal, no matter what the OPK says! Woot weight loss plan! I know you can do it!

AFM: I've attached my chart again. I decided to get VIP for ff back when it had a sale on so I added in all the little details I skipped out on last time. Super nervous to test tomorrow yet SO EXCITED!


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Urs- I continue my normal exercises through out my cycle. I'm a firm believer that if your going to get a bfp, then your going to get a bfp! I've missed out on too much & had put life on hold for too long, so I now carry on as usual....Went to the gym this morning, you can sure tell its the new year! Usually at the time I go, there MAY be 10 people there! This morning it was packed lol Pretty sure all the new years resolutioners will fade away in a few weeks though.
Swimmy - I'm impatiently waiting lol I HOPE AND PRAY for great news for you hun. xxx. So sorry to hear about your uncle.

IRYM - IDK if I've asked this before, but have you considered IUI? To bypass your poor cervix? :) Geez I wish I can see Disney before I die. Our currency is just so worthless that traveling overseas, esp to USA, is a huge deal. Maybe one day I can join you there hehe!

Cupcakestoy - you sound so motivated, that's great! And it sure helps to have someone training with you IRL as well... is your DH still on board to lose weight too? Ovulation wise - do you temp at all?

Ursaula - I would definitely keep exercising throughout ttc. For a number of reasons:
* A better BMI increases the chances of getting pregnant
* Being physically active increases blood circulation to all organs including the ovaries & uterus, bringing oxygen & nutrients, removing waste products and cycling hormones throughout the body, etc.
* Exercise improves endorphin levels and helps lower stress
* Like Cupcake said, we shouldn't put our lives on hold for ttc. One of all of our aims is to be healthy and lose weight
... etc etc etc.

The only type of exercise that MIGHT be problematic is high intensity exercise like marathons, insanity workout, starting a HECTIC exercise regime when in tww, and so on. It's also not recommended to increase core body temp too much when pregnant, so no prolonged exercise in the sun or tanning for hours on end (like I'm doing these days lol!).

Ooohhh those last temps on your chart look promising. I really have everything crossed that you DID ovulate! Obviously first prize would be a bfp! But if not then I guess having a proper cycle would be a great thing too. Post your test tomorrow if you want. :winkwink:

AFM - omw I'm SO lonely. I can't tell anyone about the crap that I'm going through with my husband. Work starts again slowly next week, then I'll have students to talk to during the day at least. I know I just HAVE to keep focusing on the positive... :wacko:
Well good news! We have a Heart beat of 121 measuring a little on the small side of 5 weeks 6 days but my darn bean was doing a very good job at hiding so our doctor wasn't concered at all one measurement we got had us at 6 weeks 6 days but again at a weird angle. Next scan in 2 weeks im sure I will go crazy by then lol. It was so nice seeing that flicker though. Now on to look for a new ob sense I don't trust mine at all after my last mc.
Great news!! Congrats! ♡☆
Thanks Cupcake and Fern! :) I'm not freaking out to exercise now, onto the plank challenge!

YAY Swimmy for a heartbeat! Lots of prayers for the next 9 months!

AFM: I tested last night (11dpo) with a BFN and tested again this morning at 3am (insomnia so bad) and got another BFN (12dpo). Hoping I can hold out until Thursday now when I'll be 15dpo. Or when I'm in the city tomorrow I'll buy more tests so I can do one every day...hehe...
Ursaula - Rather than just October, I'd say any time when the school kids are IN school works well. So avoid end of June through August (besides, it's HOT in Los Angeles, so in my opinion, Autumn temps are much better!) and watch out for Spring Break, and Winter Break. That leaves quite a lot of opportunities! They also deck the whole park out for Christmas too, so if you're interested in seeing everything all festive, October and December are great choices. :D

Also, boooooo for those BFNs! But there's still hope, you're still testing a little early! FXd!

Fern - Since DH and I have only just recently been referred to that specialist, we haven't even been able to discuss IUI with a doctor. So far it's only been testing, testing, testing. This month I'm going to try using PreSeed every time in my fertile window, 'cause I can't rely on my own body to make the right stuff on its own any more! I even tried stopping my allergy meds during that week in case they were the reason I was all dried up. But it didn't really change anything, except for the fact that I was sneezing all over the place and whatnot. lol

Swimmy - That's excellent news! Keep us posted!

Cupcake - I bet the gym was crowded! Everyone trying to stick to their new years' resolutions and whatnot. Does it bother you when the gym is crowded? I know that I always felt like everyone was staring at me, especially because I never bothered with trendy workout clothes, makeup, etc. like I've seen some women do. Honestly, who loads their face full of makeup and then goes and tries to work out without mussing it all up? lol!

AFM -- Another short AF. I don't mind it, really. One heavy day and one light day, and I'm done. But the heavy day tends to leave me curled up on the couch under a heavy blanket. DH and I had planned to see a movie that day, but AF was a day early and I asked if we could reschedule, I felt so crummy.

When I was younger, my periods always lasted 10 days. I'd say this is a definite improvement! And I'm trying to mentally work out some kind of 'schedule' for DH and I to really get some BDing in this month, since last month was so hectic, we were always too exhausted.

I had a dream last night that I get pregnant this cycle, so who knows!
Fern~I temped in the beginning years ago. Showed consistent O, plus I've had monitored cycles in the past. It got old so I stopped when we went to NTNP....
IRYM~YES! The gym was packed, of course the guy at the desk said things will be back to normal by the end of Jan.! Hahaha!
Saw my dietitian today, she was great! She wants to see me next Tuesday to see my progress. This week I'm working on setting the fork down between bites, chewing food at least 20 times, exercising more (dancing), as well as drink at least 2 cups of water a day.

13dpo today and feeling like I'm out. I have so many symptoms but can't tell what they are for yet...fx'd still.
Urs - have you tested again? That's great news about the dietitian! Interesting that she's not just telling you what to eat and what not, but also working on your habits surrounding food. It sounds like a holistic approach; can't wait to read about you feeling healthier, fitter, losing weight etc. x Good luck my friend, a lifestyle change is never easy but slow and steady does it!

Cupcake - lol there have been sooooo many people jogging past our house since the beginning of Jan! Our living room and kitchen overlook the street that we live in, so I constantly see people running and speedwalking past. Even though we are still trapped in a heat wave (42 degrees C/107,6 deg F today!!) there are just runners GALORE. I actually love the "newness" and positivity of new year's resolutions, even if they are a cliche. It's a cool cliche. How are your gym resolutions faring? :thumbup:

IRYM - I've read that a 5 day flow is optimal for reproductive health, in that the lining was thick enough and the whole lining gets expelled. My friend has AF that lasts only for 1 very light day though, AND she has endo and she still got pregnant with fraternal twins at a time when she was taking bcp :dohh: so IDK. Maybe it's worth mentioning to your doctor?

Swimmy and the other pregnant ladies - sending you hugs.

AFM - day 9 of the diet done, also day 6 of the planking challenge done & dusted! I'm already getting used to eating less/only limited types & amounts of food. The first week is always the WORST, I always feel so hungry the first few days of starting any new eating plan! But I'm very motivated and very happy that it feels like my stomach is shrinking, I don't get so super hungry all the time anymore. I want to be able to run 5 km by the end of the year, weigh 50kg and have a sixpack tummy (but I say that every year waahahahaha! :haha:). Even better will be a baby bump though!

I'm STILL spotting brown, basically for 2 weeks now. I hate it, it just feels so yucky. However, I forgot to phone my dr. :dohh: So I still don't know when my surgery will be. Soon, I hope! :coffee:
Fern: I tested twice on 13dpo, in the am, and pm. I'm 14dpo today but I prayed to God and told him if I wait until 15dpo then he can give me that BFP, but if I test 14dpo then I'll get af! (I know it doesn't work like that...but I need some deal to save on some money) So, I plan on testing 15dpo (tomorrow) which is also the day that ff has placed af. I'm getting really nervous now but these symptoms are crazy.

I've already had 3 cups of water today and I'm feeling fairly good about losing weight this time around. I have more confidence than ever! I'll keep you gals posted on it all of course :)

I couldn't imagine 42 degrees! That's WAYY too hot! It's around -18 C here right now.

I'm really praying for this year for you Fern, as well as everyone. Weight wise and ttc. Fx'd!

Hope everyone else is doing well :)

Forgot to mention it's my puppy's 1st birthday today! Yay!


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IRYM - I've read that a 5 day flow is optimal for reproductive health, in that the lining was thick enough and the whole lining gets expelled. My friend has AF that lasts only for 1 very light day though, AND she has endo and she still got pregnant with fraternal twins at a time when she was taking bcp :dohh: so IDK. Maybe it's worth mentioning to your doctor?

My OB/GYN seemed entirely uninterested when I brought it up. She didn't ask any follow-up questions, comment on it, or anything. My own personal research indicates that what is most important is how much lining you shed each month. Since I use a menstrual cup instead of pads or tampons, I was able to tell that I'm within the acceptable range.

Here's a quote from an article I found:

The average volume of menstrual fluid during a monthly menstrual period is 35 milliliters (2.4 tablespoons of menstrual fluid) with 10–80 milliliters (1–6 tablespoons of menstrual fluid) considered typical. Menstrual fluid is the correct name for the flow, although many people prefer to refer to it as menstrual blood.

Since I'm at 30ml (give or take), that's pretty healthy sounding.

It also states that typical flow lasts 2 to 5 days. So I guess I'm fine. It was just concerning to go from 10 days without BC, to 5 days on BC, and 2 days without it.

It would have been nice if the OB/GYN had said, "2 days is still normal," or something when I brought it up, though!

I guess I just have really heavy flow for that first day, and it all comes out at once? Whoooo knows at this point.
Thanks for the info IRYM, interesting. I was wondering about that.

Ursaula - happy puppy birthday! Hehe I'm just the same with my cats - they are like my children that I fuss over. GL with testing tomorrow. So glad that you are feeling motivated. If you have a down day - don't eat!!! Rather have s/o give you a massage or take a bubble bath or watch a treat movie with a cup of sugarless herbal tea... It takes a long time to learn a good habit but it's super easy to learn a BAD habit (thanks, Murphy!). :) so just take it one day at a time and don't give up!

I'm so chuffed with my diet and planking so far - obviously I have a LONG way to go toward getting fit and thin still, last year's diet was on and off & lots of emotional eating and drinking so I did not meet my goals. I hope to do it this year though!

I haven't lost that much weight yet and haven't started exercising in earnest (it's SO HOT! and we are working hard at home renovations so I haven't had that much time to swim for exercise either), just the planking challenge.

Still, I have lost loads of bloat and already fit into some clothes that I couldn't wear last year! Whoop whoop!

BTW I've started taking L-arginine just because I saw it was on special when I went to buy L-lysine for my cats. Who knows if it will make a difference, it can't hurt right?
My husband and I had another serious talk and he agreed that some things have to change... so far so good... I don't mind fighting or disagreeing some times but this past year things have gotten really bad. Here's to hoping things will really change. I'm committed. We are going to bd around O time (if I even ovulate with the last 2 cycles' hormonal overload!). I wasn't planning on ttc this cycle but since I AM not taking bcp, might as well take a gamble. So IRYM I guess we are really ttc cycle buddies lol. :hugs:
Ursaula - Have you tested yet?! We're keeping everything crossed for you!

Fern - Woohoo, cycle buddies for reals! ;) So about the L-arginine, what benefits is that particular supplement supposed to provide? I've heard of it, but I haven't really looked into it.

Sounds like you're doing really well on the exercise front! For me it's just been a matter of getting back into some kind of productive routine. For the past week I only permit myself a few hours of "fun time" a day. The rest is housework, cooking, art for customers, etc. Toward the end of the holiday, there were days I did absolutely nothing because I felt so run down.

So far the routine is helping and I'm feeling the urge to work out again. Soon as the flare-up of my old foot injury subsides, I'll be getting back to the elliptical trainer, I think!

AFM -- Woke up this morning, made coffee... and then randomly got a massive nosebleed? I have never gotten an actual nosebleed (where there's blood dripping from my nose) in my life, not even after being hit in the face with a ball, a toddler's head, a sibling's elbow, etc. so this was pretty shocking.

If my temps weren't so low I'd be convinced I was PG! I even actually POAS yesterday because I had to pee 3x in one night and my temps were actually climbing... It was BFN of course, so I really don't know what's going on right now.
IRYM: I'd get a new ob/gyn, that one sounds too annoying! Are you past ovulation? Nosebleed sounds positive, although it's a nasty thing to have.

Fern: Thanks for the ideas!

I'll post again in a while - s/o is here right now so I don't have much time. I tested this morning with FMU and it came out BFN. Still waiting for period so I went into the city to buy another dollar tree test. Found out they had been recalled for giving incorrect results!!!! Long story short, I bought a cheaper brand that wasn't dollar store cheap and I'm waiting to test tomorrow likely...or should I tonight? No af yet!
IRYM: I'd get a new ob/gyn, that one sounds too annoying! Are you past ovulation? Nosebleed sounds positive, although it's a nasty thing to have.

Today is CD6, so AF (or something resembling it!) showed up 6 days ago. I have roughly 14 more days before I ovulate, but hopefully less. So this really can't be a pregnancy symptom unless that bleeding I had last week wasn't really AF!

Still, I POAS the other day (woke up 3x in the middle of the night to pee -- what's THAT about?) and got BFN, so I'm not sure what would cause my nose to gush like that. :dohh:
I hate nose bleeds they are the worse. I tend to get the, a lot in the winter from all the dry air
I hate nose bleeds they are the worse. I tend to get the, a lot in the winter from all the dry air

Same for me -- only it's not full-on gushers, it's just a little red on the tissue in the mornings. But it's been raining for the past several days, so the humidity is through the roof! Do you think a high level of humidity could cause a nose bleed?

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