Getting Fit Before Baby

IRYM - Your birthday sounds like a lot of fun!!! Glad you had such a great time :)

Can't believe the holidays are this week. I feel like I don't have enough done lol. Can't wait to get a day off so I can finally go to the gym or a hike. From last week to Jan 7th I'm either at work or driving hours away to a families event. I just want to hole up on my couch with coco, Netflix and my dog hahaha. Beta's doubled again yesterday. They said no more hcg's but I have one more blood draw order if I want it ... trying to figure out should I just wait until the 4th or redraw in 6 days .... what do you think??
Yay for doubling #'s! I would probably try to wait, but not sure I could lol

I'm ready for the holidays to be over! lol Just not feeling it this year & I swear, between the clomid, flo & treats I have NOT had any self control at all! So here's to starting over....again! Good thing is dh has packed on the pounds too this last year, so he's going to hit it with me! In other news, I started Clomid round #2 last night! 100mg this time...ugh....woke up with a killer headache today. Not sure I can do this & try to lose weight at the same time for the next 5-6 months, so I guess we will see how it goes this cycle......
Hi everyone

First of all I just want to wish every one of you a wonderful and blessed Christmas time. This year has been full of ups and downs for all of us (diet wise and weight wise included!). You ladies have all been such a blessing and support to me, so even though I don't know you personally I'm sending you all love, hugs and prayers. May you all be able to relax and have a sense of peace during the next few days. For those of you who are Christian - may you experience a spiritual revival & joy as we celebrate our Lord's birth. :) :)

IRYM congrats to you, so glad you had a nice birthday and was made to feel special!!! Hope you have a lovely new year ahead full of fun & hopefully pleasant surprises! ;)

Cupcakestoy - don't be too hard on yourself; we all need extra tlc I think when taking fertility meds because they are just soooo hard on our bodies & emotions. Sending you an extra tight hug hun. I'm going to be working hard losing the clomid weight with you just after the holidays because despite me being back on bcp, something's weird this time I haven't been able to lose ANY clomid weight so I will definitely have to step it up. Nice that your hubs will also support you!

Swimmy - I'm still so chuffed with your bfp! Please keep us updated, we are all rooting for you. And then you can work hard with all of us to lose the post-pregnancy weight again! hehe!!

Drjo - congrats on the little girl, how exciting!

Ursaula - that's great that you are going to see a dietitian next year. Hope you get a good plan; we are all here to support you. My best friend has pcos & is overweight, she didn't have a period for 3 years prior to January. Long story short she got really bad side effects with all the hormonal & pcos medications that she tried and decided to try the all natural approach & treat the metabolism & hormonal problems solely with a proper diet. She went to a dietitian ("1st personal diet" by dr Cohen), got a very strict personalized diet, and started her 1st period in 3 years 3 days after she started the diet. Now I know a diet is not just a quick fix HOWEVER I do believe that once we eat right our bodies can just function so much better. And what's right for one person might not work for the next person, so a dietitian is just such a good option. FX!

AFM - chugging along. Things are going a bit better between my husband and I. Now that his brother has left we've had some time to spend together and actually have a conversation now & then instead of just fighting. We are sleeping in the same bedroom again but we haven't had sex at all since O time last cycle! (I couldn't care less but I think he needs it more than me). We'll see what happens, I think we are both trying very hard to be civil atm.

We went to a farmers market yesterday & bought so much fresh fruit and veg. So we have lots of healthy stuff to snack on! I'm being lenient with the diet now and will start with a bang again in January. x
Fern - there has to be some healing in a healthy diet. A few of my friends were unable to get pregnant. They and their husbands went on a palliative diet and within a few months bfp. Plus I will say their skin started to look amazing lol along with the weight loss.

Cupcake - fingers crossed on the clomid!!! It always gives me crappy headaches and hot flashes. Oh the crazy stuff we put ourselves though ttc.

Afm- I think I have bad news. While putting in my progesterone today I noticed my cervix is still open. Pretty sure that should be closed ..... Having on and off cramping. Probably will call my doctor later.
IRYM: Happy birthday and glad you had a great one! :)

Swimmy: That baby BETTER stay in there!! Fx'd for you. Knowing this now, I would definitely do a redraw prior to the 4th. Thanks for the healthy diet advice as well. I've come to terms that what I'm doing just isn't working and need to see someone professional.

Cupcake: Big hug for medication side effects, and fx'd it works too!

Fern: I know it's going to help a lot to see a dietitian and I do believe that I can't get pregnant because I am SO big. I'm going to write down what both you and Swimmy said and look into different natural things to help. I haven't had an "actual" period in almost 6 years now. It stopped when I went on BCP and hasn't come back since I went off of it 1.5 years ago.

I'm glad things with you and hubby are starting to ease. And yay for fresh fruits and veggies!

AFM: I'm in a bit of a better mood now. My "ex" was causing some issues for me (emotionally) until they admitted they made a huge mistake and want to be with me and have a family. Long story short, we're trying to figure out our lives a little bit as we NTNP (although I am still taking Metformin).

I received a letter in the mail yesterday for a pelvic ultrasound and an endovaginal one. My doctor requested it back in June and I finally received an appointment date for Jan. 27!

I weighed in today expecting scary numbers but I'm at a steady weight of 380.
Wishing all you sweet ladies a very Merry Christmas & a BFP Blessed New Year!!!
I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas holiday! Mine went well for the most part, but then while DH was outside playing frisbee with two of our nephews, he accidentally stepped on a nail. It pierced all the way through his shoe, the shoe insert and into his foot.

Thank goodness the puncture wasn't deep and doesn't seem to be infected, but he'll be getting a tetanus booster tomorrow just in case. It seriously soured his mood yesterday, which is understandable, and the pain made him crabby. He ended up going to bed early. I felt so bad for him!

So it wasn't the greatest Christmas ever, but it was still nice up until that point.

Did Santa bring you gals anything good for Christmas? ;)
Well my Christmas was a little drama filled. I woke up Christmas morning at my moms and was having a hard time breathing. Did some rescue inhalers and got little relief. It wasn't until i noticed my mom was using a real Christmas tree did I make my DH take me to the hospital. I'm really allergic to Christmas trees lol my mom said "I would have thought you would have grown out of that allergy" hahaha.

But santa was very good to me, I got a new kayak and my mom tracked down these two children's books that I loved and were destroyed in a house flood a few years. ago, and lots of hiking cloths :) I was a very happy camper. Hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday!

also input needed. Am i a bad person if i fake sick and don't drive 5+ hours to another family party next weekend. I've gone out of town every week for the past 4 weeks and I'm just feeling so run down and want some me time. But i haven't seen this side of my family at all for Christmas and they keep saying how much they miss me.
Irym-Hooe dh heals up quickly! Ouch! Santa brought me sensible gifts :/ travel mugs, PJ pants, bath & body, cash! Oh & dh got me a oscillating heater?!?! Bless him, he's just NOT a good gift giver! It was sweet that he bought it for NY side of the bed since he freezes me out! LoL
Swimmy- I'd seriously bail on the trip! LoL Any new betas or baby news?
Glad the holidays are over!!! Also finished clonid for this cycle tonight! FF has my O predicted for New Year's Eve!!!!!
Irym-Hooe dh heals up quickly! Ouch! Santa brought me sensible gifts :/ travel mugs, PJ pants, bath & body, cash! Oh & dh got me a oscillating heater?!?! Bless him, he's just NOT a good gift giver! It was sweet that he bought it for NY side of the bed since he freezes me out! LoL
Swimmy- I'd seriously bail on the trip! LoL Any new betas or baby news?
Glad the holidays are over!!! Also finished clonid for this cycle tonight! FF has my O predicted for New Year's Eve!!!!!

No real news. I haven't decided if I want to get beta's done monday or not. My home tests are way darker than they ever got last time so i'm hoping thats a good sign. My cervix is closed (figured out it opens a little after sex :haha:) so unfortunately for my DH we are avoiding that for a little bit. I can also say I've never been so happy to feel sick or want to cut off my boobs they hurt so bad lol. I refuse to be a person who complains about her symptoms when i worked this long for it :cloud9:. Do you think i should get them done monday? or just wait until the 4th for my scan? Also i think your right unless I feel worlds better I want to just stay home.
Swimmy - glad to hear you're still doing well, I would definitely not have driven 5 hours in early pregnancy/while not feeling great! I find it very easy to tell people I'm not feeling well & staying home lol. If you think that getting the beta done will be comforting to you, then why not. :) Can't wait to hear the scan news! Eeeek, so close! Oh dear your mom is so random? At least you have a super supportive husband! x

IRYM - sorry to hear about your DH's foot! Hope he heals up well. What is that I see on your chart...? SKY-HIGH temp?

Cupcake - I really hope clomid does the trick for you this time hun. xx New Years party baby!

We don't really do Christmas gifts. DH and my birthdays are so close to Christmas, we always give each other a big birthday gift instead. For our December summer holidays we prefer to spend money on activities instead of gifts. E.g last year we went camping at the beach; this year we're doing home renovations and some "bucket list" activities. Went zip-lining last week (awesome!!) and today we went to a Rhino and Lion (& loads of other animals) sanctuary/park. We got to interact with & cuddle some babies: white lions, a jaguar, black leopard, white tigers and a bengal tiger. Also a fully grown cheetah. What a privilege, I feel so blessed to have had that experience! Must say spending quality time with my husband & focusing on something other than ttc failure & fighting, has done wonders for my mood. Just focusing on some positive things again.

Our families are also not big on Christmas gift exchanging. What we did this year (with both husband and my own family Christmas celebrations): every woman buys an inexpensive girly gift, same thing for the men. Then the women randomly exchange gifts, so do the men. In that way everyone buys one gift, everyone receives one gift & everyone can afford it lol. I got funky colored measuring spoons at my family Christmas and a pack of girly toiletries at my husband's family Christmas dinner. Most of us do charity Christmas boxes/projects too. DH and I made up grocery packs for some underprivileged immigrant families. My SIL collected toys for a couple of months and on Christmas Eve she started driving around the poor rural areas surrounding the farm where she works and just handed out loads of gifts to all the kids she came across. I love her lol she is such a cool chick! On Christmas day I told her about the C/P... she is so supportive. She actually told me to relax and it will happen.... I told her if she says that again I will throat punch her :haha:. (I haven't even told my mom about that. I keep trying to and then chicken out. :blush:)
I got some small appliances I've been wanting: a slow cooker, and a stand mixer. My sister bought me one of those adult coloring books I have wanted for EVER, where the images are super detailed and intricate, and you can spend hours just coloring one page. I'm stoked to get started on it!

DH's foot is doing pretty well, all things considered. No infection present, it's already closed up and healing. He is going in to the urgent care office today for a booster shot for Tetanus just to be safe. We got home too late yesterday to make it to the office. They closed at 3pm for crying out loud. lol

IRYM - sorry to hear about your DH's foot! Hope he heals up well. What is that I see on your chart...? SKY-HIGH temp?

Fern - I knooooow! Look at my chart! WTF is up with that high temp this morning? I didn't temp yesterday because I couldn't get a solid 3hrs sleep all night long (the air mattress we were using has a leak and was flat only a couple hours after we filled it. Yuck), then this morning I see 99.1°F!?

I keep thinking that's a sure sign I'm pregnant, and that if my temps are already up then I should POAS and I'd get a line------ but then I stop and tell myself that 9DPO is too early, and I should wait.

What do the rest of you gals think?
Ursaula so you're back together with the ex? I really just wish you loads and loads of happiness, love and feeling safe hun, with or without him. Hope everything works out, hugs!!!
IRYM - that was meeeeee lol! I vote TEST TOMORROW!!!
IRYM - that was meeeeee lol! I vote TEST TOMORROW!!!

I know, I caught my mistake after I posted and I edited it. Sorry! lol

I might test tomorrow, I'm not sure! I think I wanna see what my temp does. If I use a BBT adjuster (since I woke up 45mins late) then my temp looks like 98.9ish and that's still really high for 9dpo!

So if it's still high tomorrow, or even higher, I think I'll test! If it drops down to a more normal temp, maybe I'll wait. I can't deciiiiide! :dohh:
Ohhhhh! Irym! Fx'd!!!!! I don't test unless AF is late, tho....seen too many bfn's & hate being discouraged so I just wait. Last cycle was weirdly long, even with clomid, so I did test at 14dpo who h of course was bfn. But ya never know......:/ good luck & kup!
I vote test!!! i got my bfp the night of 9dpo it was super light but by 10dpo it was there. ooohhh i really hope you have one! Also i got a ton of the adult coloring books it took me 3+ hours to do one of the pages haha so much fun!

I think i will go get a beta done tomorrow morning then I will only have a week to see whats up. I really suck at waiting.
Cupcake - Thanks! I always try really hard to wait out the TWW but it never works. lol. You're made of sterner stuff than I am!

Swimmy - Wow, 3 hours for a single page! That sounds nice though. In the little kid coloring books I'd always do several pages in one sitting. It'd be neat to spend all that time on a single page.... I think. Haha. We'll see how it goes!

Welllllll I tested this morning and BFN. The cheapie I used had some physical dents and dings on the test strip too, so I don't know if it was even a valid result. The control line showed up just fine, though, so it's probably still a functioning test.

I'm thinking it's just too early for an accurate result for me. Last time I didn't get a +HPT until AF was 3 days late!

I know it's not over til it's over, so I'll test again on Wednesday I think. Wish me luck and baby dust!

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