Getting Fit Before Baby

Hey gals! :)

Santa bought me clothes (YAY!!!!) and a heart of the ocean (Titanic) necklace, but it was back ordered so I won't get it until mid-late January. We just finished our last Christmas supper with my family and my s/o was not invited because he might "offend" my mennonite aunt. BULLS**T!!!! Rant over.

Fern: Thanks for sending me good wishes in regards to my ex. We figured a lot of stuff out. I also really like your Christmas ways.

IRYM: Sorry to hear about the foot. My brother had something similar happen when he was younger and doesn't even have a scar now, so I'd be hopeful :) Your temps look so great!! I can't wait to see the result! I agree 9 or 10 dpo is very early still.

Cupcake: Way to go with holding out to test, that takes a lot of will power!

Swimmy: Fingers crossed and praying for some great news!

AFM: I'm stuck! My s/o and I plan on moving to Toronto to work on getting ourselves on our career paths but can't leave yet because of family issues. Here's the we ttc and have a baby now before working on careers or do we forget about having a child? (Keep in mind my s/o is switching genders and we only have so much longer for trying until it's all said and done. So, it's either baby now or no baby at all.)

Any advice would be great...
Urs-Glad you & SO are doing better & that Santa was good to you! As far as TTC, I say get at it! You never know how long it may take to get a bfp or your keeper!
Swimmy-Waiting for your beta results! LoL I believe all is well!
Fern-Hope your doing well!
Irym-How long is your luteal phase usually! I was thinking it was usually kinda long..... Ready to see your bfp woman!
Not much news here :/ I did re-boot my efforts yesterday! Doing a couple days of "lite" foods, mostly increaserd liquids to so.ewhat cleanse my system! I managed to escape the month of December with I believe a 6 pound gain! Which is honestly less than I counted on LoL I really struggled with the depression this Season. Thought a lot about our 2 angel babies....But moving on & hopeful that 2016 is the year for all our hopes, dreams & goals come true!!!
Urs - I agree no reason you guys can be ttc and working towards moving/other goals. Better to TTC you never know how long it will take. also yay for good christmas gifts! i got a lot of cloths this year too i love cloths lol i just hate buying them.

IRYM - My fingers are crossed! i really hope you have a bfp! do you guys have any more plans with the fertility doc?

Cupcake - Hopefully a good jump start will get you on your way! I hate nov-dec thats like the worse time. Somehow I only did 3 lbs of damage this season. Time to get moving on the gym.

AFM - beta is up to 3575 :happydance: so you were right cupcake lol still super nervous for my ultrasound next monday. Hoping for a Heartbeat. I was looking at scans online and i swear last time the ultrasound tech was on crack. Comparing a 6 week scan with my last one it seriously looked like a blight ovum and her moving the prob gave it a flickering HR look. I honestly think im changing OB's though. I've had nothing but trouble with mine.
Cupcake - My LP is always 15 days. I've never had a shorter one, but there have been ones that lasted to 17 or 18 and those I think were chemicals. So for me, I think testing at 10DPO is too early since AF would still technically be a whole week away.

Swimmy - I have to call for a follow-up appointment, but I'm waiting until after New Years'. There's too much going on right now, AND our benefits renew and we get more funding in January, so it's better to wait for that anyway. :)

Hopefully I won't have to go in at all because I will get a sticky BFP this month? A gal can hope, can't she!? lol

This morning I have slight twinges on my left ovary area. There's a cyst there though so I'm wondering if it isn't just acting up. I wouldn't be able to feel anything implanting, would I? Hmmm.
I without a doubt had implantation cramps with our 1st bfp! Nothing with the last one :/ Hoping its a good sign for you!!!!
Cupcake -- Hmm! That gives me something to think about! lol

Another day of high temps. I'm not sick, I just have my usual allergy sniffles that go away when I take my daily allergy pill. I made sure not to leave my heater blanket on last night, only used it to warm up the bed before I climbed in.

Despite that, I still have these high temps AND I got a BFN this morning. Tested on an internet cheapie and a FRER.

I figured that if I was pregnant, a FRER would be accurate at 12DPO, right? Or maybe I'll get lucky!
Swimmy - yay for great betas! I hope & pray this baby continues to thrive; and of course you too. :)

IRYM - OMW I'm just loving that triphasic chart. Seeing as how you only got a bfp late last time I hope you still get one in the next few days. Hugs!

Cupcakestoy - I'm sooooo sorry that you're having such a hard time hun. 6 pounds is nothing, I know you will shake it easily. Hope the new year brings you some new emotional energy. xx

Ursaula - I agree with the other ladies that ttc might take a long time. If it was me I would start as soon as I felt comfortable with the decision. After many years of struggling ttc I wish I'd started fertility treatments/checkups sooner. What line of work are you in?

AFM - holy moly this bcp cycle has been cr@p. I've had bleeding/spotting, cramps, sore bbs, insane weight GAIN where I normally lose weight easily while on the Pill... I NEVER normally have these symptoms while on bcp. My hormones are sooooo out of wack. AF due tomorrow or the day after and I'm debating not taking the Pill again next cycle to just give my own hormones a chance to even out again. I'll try and arrange for my endo ablation operation in 2016 as soon as the dr has a surgery slot available!

I've started dieting again after the Christmas feasting. I'm going to do a planking challenge for the month of Jan (plank 3 times a day for a whole month); anyone want to join? :) My tummy (potbelly) is my biggest issue. I sit all day long when I work so I have zero core muscle strength...
Hi gals, have a great new year's eve! What are your plans for tonight?
IRYM - OMW I'm just loving that triphasic chart. Seeing as how you only got a bfp late last time I hope you still get one in the next few days. Hugs!


I've started dieting again after the Christmas feasting. I'm going to do a planking challenge for the month of Jan (plank 3 times a day for a whole month); anyone want to join? :) My tummy (potbelly) is my biggest issue. I sit all day long when I work so I have zero core muscle strength...

It looked great but the temp dropped this morning! Still above cover line though. Two more days (Or, well, 3, since AF usually appears the morning of the 16th DPO) until AF is supposed to show. We'll see what happens. I don't feel pregnant, and I'm pretty sure that since BD was timed so poorly this month that I'm out. But there's always a chance, since we managed to BD before I ovulated anyway! :)

Hi gals, have a great new year's eve! What are your plans for tonight?

Same to you! I don't have any plans for tonight. Might watch a movie with DH, I don't know. He doesn't get off work early so it puts a damper on any plans we might have had for other things. He won't be home til 7pm or later and by the time we eat dinner, it's 8pm or so and I'm already tired. lol

My dad had been considering coming up for a visit, but my grandpa fell and broke his hip yesterday and they're in surgery with him today. :/ It's a 5 hour drive (one-way) there, or else I'd be with them.

Maybe I'll take a nap today to help me stay up late tonight with DH or something. Hm.

What about you? Anything exciting going on?
Happy New Year's ladies! May 2016 be our year of reaching our weight loss goals & the year we get our miracle babies!
DH is sooo in the dog house. He agreed we didn't have to go up north for this big family party but when I woke up after work my house was full of people (have to love coming out of my room crazy hair no bra to like 40 people I barley know) apparently he thought I meant he could have a big party here instead. Oh also I was the only girl lol I ended up falling asleep on the couch by 10 and DH carried me to bed. This morning my house is trashed ughhh. Boys can be so dumb sometimes lol
Thanks everyone for your input! :) I think we'll NTNP for a while as we continue to work on ourselves before we get hardcore into ttc.

Cupcake: Huge hug for you! I'm praying 2016 is going to be your year, everyone's year, to finally have our biggest wish, a baby :) Good job gaining only 6lbs throughout the season too, I reweighed myself and I've gained more and have our New Year meal with the other side of our family today.

Swimmy: Yay betas! Praying for that heart beat, ahh I'm excited for you! Your DH through a party...without your knowledge? All men? I'd be pissy about that too!! Make sure he cleans up all the mess and not you!

IRYM: With implantation you can bleed because the uterus lining can shed a little from the burrowing, so I believe you can feel when implantation occurs! Fx'd for a BFP, I'm stalking your chart, go back up temps!!! 12dpo still can be early, I'd try again at 15dpo or later like you told me, implantation can still happen at 12dpo. Oh no, praying for your grandpa's hip!

Fern: Do you have to be on bcp? If you have an option I'd just NTNP and see where it goes. How long do you have to hold the plank for? I might do it with you :) As for New Years eve plans I went to bed around 7:30...big day toady. In regards to what field I work in, I'm currently on disability but I also work with my s/o (he's blind). We were hesitant when I was put on disability to ttc but after my doctor and I discussed it we realized it is probably one of the best times to ttc. As for the field I want to be in, FASHION! I want to be a fashion designer or blocker or something. I'm really into it all and plan on going to a school dedicated to the industry.

AFM: Fertility friend has decided I ovulated! I've had a lot of cramps and feeling nauseous the past few days and kept looking at my chart and wondering. Then when I put in the temperature for today it showed up! I tried to take my temperature at the same time everyday but a few days I wasn't able to manage. I'll attach my chart so you gals can see.


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Swimmy - lol.... husbands!!! Hope he cleaned up everything!

Ursaula - hold the plank as long as you can! ATM I can do a grand total of 40 seconds hehe... I plan on increasing it every week.
I find it a bit strange that FF decided that you ovulated on a day when you had sticky CM? Maybe it's going by temperature averages? Only time will tell - if you get AF in about a week then you know you did ovulate. Are you still on metformin?
I'm on bcp because of dr recommendations. I have stage 3 endometriosis & have had chocolate cysts before. The biggest problem is that I have lots of endo on my ovaries. Bcp helps to slow down/suppress the endometriosis growth so as to limit further damage. However I had such a sucky cycle last month, my hormones are SO confused, I'm just going to take no hormones/meds this month to just give my poor body a break. I think taking black cohosh & 100 mg clomid last cycle and then having a CP AND taking bcp right after, was just a bit too much. When I'm not medicated, my estrogen & progesterone levels are within normal parameters, the only problem is that normal hormone levels allow the endometriosis to grow. But I feel I need one cycle to detox from all hormone therapy! Not thinking about ttc.
Depending on how soon I can get surgery for the endo removal scheduled, I will decide on whether to go back on bcp next cycle. Normally I like being on the Pill but this past cycle was just horrendous!

IRYM - oh no that temp has to go back up! I'm still keeping my FX for you!

Cupcakestoy - are you doing OK?

AFM - planking challenge day 1 done. Diet day 4 done; onto day 5.
I've lost 2kg (4,4 pounds) since starting the diet :happydance: but keep in mind I had actually GAINED 4 kg since starting to post on here! So I have 2 more to lose before even being back at my starting weight, boo hoo. That despite eating healthy foods 70% of the time and trying to exercise when I had time. Clearly my hormones have played a HUGE role and I am definitely stepping it up!

Diet consists of eating no preservatives, no sauces, no refined or tinned foods. No sugar or sweets. Drink only water and herbal tea. Eat only lots of veg, one portion of fruit daily, some meat, eggs, healthy oils, full cream yogurt, red kidney beans. Only carbs I'm allowing myself is 1 small portion of plain oats (with only boiling water) OR plain rice daily. Again, I find making a short list of what I CAN eat and just sticking to combinations on that list is easiest for me, I don't have time to calorie count, etc.

Noticed someone posting this idea somewhere (can't remember where I saw it)... a reward system for weight loss that has nothing to do with food. I'm thinking of maybe trying it for myself, also keeping a food diary again when possible and distracting myself from comfort eating by rather doing comfort bubble baths, comfort walk around the block, etc. My personal reward system would look something like this:
* Lose 2 kg (after keeping it off for a week): have my hair done
* Lose 2 more (after keeping it off for a week): Buy 1 nice item of clothing
* Lose 2 more and keep it off for a week: Get a massage/other spa treatment
* Another 2 kg, keep it off for a week: Buy 3 items of clothing
* Reach body weight of 50 kgs: Big celebration. Buy expensive boots or other.
* Keep weight on 50 kgs for 2 months: Buy new clothes!

I'm focusing on clothes since I don't really have nice clothes, most of my clothes are second hand, some with holes that I repair etc! I never spend money on clothes, I don't make a lot of money. But if I get thin I will really try to focus on my appearance a bit more instead of always wearing baggy 2nd hand clothes... maybe that will also motivate me to look after myself a bit better and not try and hide behind looking mousy.

We will probably not be ttc this cycle as husband and I'm back to sleeping in separate bedrooms and living separate lives. Sigh. We had one good week and then his bipolar aggression spiraled out of control again. :shrug::cry:

My weight today: 59 kg (130,1 pounds). Goal weight: 50 kg (110,2 pounds).
Fern I love your reward sheet!! My fingers are crossed for you keep it up!!
I went on a pretty tough hike yesterday with my boys, I couldn't believe how out of shape it made me feel (i know it was icy and snowy but still). I need to get my butt in gear. Time to start back at the gym even just light work out.

urs - that is weird that it gave you a + on FF on a day that you didn't have watery ewcm
Swimmy - What! DH didn't even ask you!? That's nuts! I'd have been really peeved (in private, of course) with him about inviting all those people and then leaving such a big mess.

I don't mind having people over, personally, but I have to have time to prepare for them. lol

Ursaula - Woohoo, ovulation! Get it, girl!

Fern - Man, 40 second plank would probably kill me! Before my cervical surgery, I was able to hold one for almost a whole minute. But because there were complications with it (the stitches kept tearing, the wound was really slow to heal, etc) I was unable to exercise for months and I lost all the progress I had made. Since then, I've still been dealing with various problems that only cropped up after the surgery. Makes me wonder what they did to me while I was out!

Also, good job picking non-food rewards for yourself. :) DH and I had a system like that a year-ish ago. Once we lost 30 pounds we rewarded ourselves with a vacation to Disneyland! In the fall, by ourselves, the trip was amazing. I had only ever been when there was a crowd of people to go with, and tons of kids because it was during summer break, so on our trip we didn't have to worry about what everyone else wanted to do, or waiting in line for hours and hours. I would definitely do that again!

AFM -- AF arrived this morning, a day early, and in full force. I didn't have a single cramp yesterday, but did have some slight spotting before bedtime. So even though my temp never dipped below cover, it DID dip below 98.0 which seems to be my personal AF indicator, regardless of my cover line. Boo!

Went and bought some raspberry leaf tea that I think I will start drinking 1x a day to see if it helps, and we will be using PreSeed this month. It was one of the things we used for our last BFP and last cycle, since I had a scrap of my own EWCM I figured we'd try without it. Guess that was a bad idea! lol
IRYM - boooo for AF! I love preseed that's what we have used. I usually have a ton of ewcm but it seems to work (just no way can I use all that it recommends lol wayyy to slippery haha)

That's what I was mad about with DH I would have liked a heads up about the party then if I wanted to I could have gone to a friends house or at least cleaned. My house was sooo yucky even before the party lol. As a make up he's taking me out to outback steak house and to see Star Wars. Yay!!! Can't believe this time tomorrow I'll be going in for the scan. And finding out what's up.
I honestly feel ff has started giving up on me. I had to force a new chart because it just wouldn't chart any further so I'm technically on CD 209. Although I've really been trying to keep temps at a regular time. I think ff is right that I ovulated then. I don't ever have CM and I couldn't really describe this. It was such a small amount I just put sticky.

Fern: That sounds great (plank), I'll do it with you. Also, way to lose weight! I really want to go on a diet similar to yours with no preservative type foods but I need to figure out what I CAN eat with my dietician first. I see her Jan. 5 (Tues.) so excited! I love the sounds of treating yourself, especially by clothing, hehe. Just think how nice it will feel to get down to that goal weight with all new clothing! That's my huge motivation.

I understand now why bcp isn't exactly an option, big hug for you Fern! When do you find out about surgery?

Swimmy: What do you do for exercise in the gym?

Yay steak! I honestly disliked StarWars though...very disappointed. I'm curious to see how you like it.

Fx'd for the scan, I can't wait to hear good news!

IRYM: Disneyland sounds like a blast for a reward! I've never been there but can only imagine.

Stupid af :( your chart was looking so great! Have you tried Vitex? I've been reading into it and wonder what you think?

AFM: I decided on testing with a FRER yesterday (10dpo) and BFN :(. Still have hope though and planning to test probably tomorrow (Monday-12dpo). Ff doesn't know how long my luteal phase is (nor do I) so it suggests waiting until Jan. 11, where I will be 19dpo. So I'm testing at 12dpo, 15dpo, and 19dpo. Hoping I'll get a BFP or af by then.
Ireadyermind- aaahhhh so sorry about stupid AF!!! Hope the raspberry leaf tea does something for you hun. When are you going back to your dr? You and I are cycle buddies :), however I will first see IF I do decide to bd around O time this cycle. Maybe.

Swimmy- enjoy! Steak... mmmmm!! How are you feeling, any food aversions? Omw I can't believe your scan is tomorrow, I'm so excited for you!!! Please post your news immediately lol.

Ursaula- and an important week for you too!!! I hope your dietitian is a darling and knows his/her stuff. I'm going to phone my dr tomorrow to hear when we can schedule surgery. Yay I'm glad to have a buddy for the planking challenge! Which reminds me, I have to go do my afternoon session. Up to a whole minute, chuffed with myself. Post your chart again, I love chart stalking! :). Fx for you. X

Cupcake - thinking of you!

Afm- diet is still going well. I'm working in the garden today, carrying bricks &big rocks up and down (I built a rock garden all by myself hehe ). I'm sure I'm going to be sooooo stiff tomorrow.
Urs - I like the elepictal machines but I really love that my gym has boxing gear. It's such an amazing work out to jump around and kick and punch. When I was doing it year ago I was at my all time thinnest of 130.

Fern - promise I will be on here by like 9 am at the latest with an update. My symptoms keep coming and going. I usually love garlic but the last week it has made me crazy sick. Also prenatal vitamins, I had been taking them for months with no issues but latley im vomiting within an hour of taking them. Really hoping this is my sticky bean but I know I have a long way to go.

Bad news this morning ... My uncle lost his 5 year battle with cancer last night. He went hospice on Christmas and im just so glad he isn't sufferint anymore. I hate cancer it is such an ugly horrible disease!
Swimmy - So sorry to hear about your uncle. Cancer IS a nasty thing to have to deal with. So much suffering, even in the "cure". :hugs:

On the subject of PreSeed... might start out with the recommended 'dose', since I generally have no EWCM to speak of and my watery CM is pretty scant. I had EWCM every month before my surgery but since it was glandular cancer that I have, they removed some important glands in there and I guess I can't make much of my own any more. Sad. But at least there's PreSeed!

Ursaula - I was so excited for Disneyland because for one thing, I was small enough to comfortably fit in the rides! lol

Going there while school was in was excellent. Our first day was a Friday and there was almost NO ONE there. Line wait times were less than five minutes for everything! And since it was October, the whole place was decked out for Halloween and that's my favorite time of year. ^^

I do use Vitex. There was one month when I didn't ovulate until CD33, and there was no sign that I would any time soon. So I started taking Vitex. It brought on ovulation and that's the month I got pregnant, too. So I'd say it works! Taking it this most recent cycle, I ovulated a day or two earlier than my usual CD20, and my LP was one day shorter for a 32 day cycle instead of my usual 35+! So even though it didn't seem to help me get a BFP, it seems to be setting my cycle to rights.

One thing about it, though: it makes my stomach queasy. I have to take just one pill before bed instead of the recommended 3x a day or else I'd never eat anything. lol

Fern - Cycle buddies, woo! Haha. I'm hoping the raspberry leaf does something for me, too. We know I'm ovulating and we know DH's :spermy: are fine, so I think it's either my post-o hormone levels (which I'm hoping Vitex will fix), or the lining of my uterus (which I'm hoping the tea will fix).

I haven't called the fertility clinic to set up my next appt yet because I'm waiting for DH to let me know his work schedule for the coming weeks so that we can go together. We're supposed to get a detailed interpretation of all our test results and physicals, as well. I figured we could at least hear all the details together even if we need separate appts for the physicals.

I already know the doc's going to say that I need to lose weight anyway. But with as difficult as it has been, I think I will demand a battery of hormone tests to see why I keep going UP instead of down with diet and exercise.

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