Getting Fit Before Baby

Height: 5'2
Starting Weight:213
Goal Weight:200
MyFitnessPal Username:swimmyj1

Lose 13 lbs/kgs by: 8/1/16
Fit into size ___ pants by: Eval post baby
Be able to do ___ push-ups by: post baby
(Feel free to change these to suit your needs!)

My Plan:
To lose a safe amount of weight while pregnant (or at least maintain current weight). 30-60 minutes of walking outside a day, increase protein! Stop eating chips!! Find a yoga studio I like close to home and join. Hike once a week or kayak (weather pending)

(4/12):215.5 :)growlmad:)
(4/24): 216.6

Things I struggled with this month: letting my cravings get the better of me.

Things I did well this month: increase my water intake, joined a yoga class. Kept fruit and veggies in my house all the time for snacks.
Sassy welcome! I would definatly recommend wondfos they picked up +hcg and +opk just as well as clear blues did for me. I'm sorry your cycles haven't been cooperating :(

Irym - I love this weight loss tracking for everyone! Perfect :)

Afm - pretty nervous about my 20 week scan. Baby didn't have enough fluid around it, so I have to increase fluids (2 gallons a day eeekk) and getting rescanned Friday to be sure SHE is ok.
Poor gal Swimmy this pregnancy had not been easy on you!! Take it easy xx

Yesterday evening some lower back pain started (I did a hard workout that afternoon ) and it's a bit worse today. I also have pain in my left ovary area (not where I ovulated from but they did do most of the surgery on that side) so I just did a light workout this morning and stretching.... now to start getting ready for the wedding.

Will hpt tomorrow morning but no expectations as usual.
Sassy- welcome!

Swimmy- when is your next scan. I'm sorry it's been such a tough pregnancy.

Fern- can't wait to see a bfp!
Swimmy - Your stats post is now linked in the front page! Please remember to come back to this stats post for future edits and updates. :)

Sorry to hear it's such a difficult pregnancy for you. I'm sure the little girl will be okay! But 2 gallons of water per day -- yikes! You'll make sloshing noises every time you move, with all that water in your system! :haha:
I feel like one of those little old ladies that sees a bathroom and is like well I might as well go now Im gonna have to pee in 10 minutes anyway hahahaha. My next scan is on friday. I know I shouldn't complain so much about all the scares this pregnancy has given me I should just feel blessed.
I was super panicked before but after talking with some more people who have had low fluid levels, they all seemed to turn out fine after drinking a lot more.

Anyone know of any good fruits to put in water to make them taste different? so far I've just been doing pineapple
Swimmy- i love lemon/lime slices, strawberries, mint leaves or cucumbers (or a combo) in water xx

Stark white bfn @ 11dpo with fmu after 11 hr hold.
:hi: girls hope your all well as for me been walking ever were the past 2 week had no car been in the garage been doing a run 25 minutes ever day and cross trainer 15 minutes a day :af: got me today day 24 so cd1 for me looked back on my fertility freind to all my charts and my af started to weird when I started exercising its gone shorter xx xx
Caz- do you temp or use OPKs? When I recently when to the doctor we were talking about cycle length because I had a couple short cycles and he said at 22-24 days I was most likely not ovulating. Which I agreed with since I never got a positive opk.

Fern- I'm sorry!
Good afternoon, all. :)

It's been an interesting morning. DH has been sick and woke up in a crummy mood today. Everything I said to him, he either rolled his eyes, made a rude comment, snapped at me, etc. For example, he was cooking some scrambled eggs for breakfast and had the stove cranked up to its highest heat setting and the oil in the pan was smoking. I said, "You're going to want to turn the heat down and take the pan off the burner for a few minutes, or else those eggs are going to just burn." And you'd have thought I insulted him or something, the way he reacted. Jerk the stove knob down to a lower setting, slam the pan onto a different burner, slam the bowl of scrambled raw eggs back onto the counter... good grief. He is a grown man, not a moody teenager (though with men, it's sometimes hard to tell the difference! lol).

So I told him I didn't want to do anything with him today if he was going to behave like that, and he's been sitting alone in the other room ever since. Sigh.

Not sure what brought it on. He had a fun day yesterday, at a tabletop gaming convention where his sword fighting group was putting on a demonstration. Stayed and played there for a good 5 hours, so I'm not entirely sure where this mood came from.

It's a good thing we're NTNP this month or else we'd have completely missed O day, thanks to his attitude.


As for me, not much new going on. Was able to get the lower-carb grocery trip completed and started on that eating plan today. Scrambled eggs with mushrooms and cheddar cheese, and whole grain toast for breakfast, and then sugar free creamer in my coffee. Much better than the usual oatmeal or biscotti I tend to make for myself.

I also found this company that makes sugar free coffee syrups that're supposed to be better tasting than Torani. Amazon reviews say that many of the syrups lack that chemical-like aftertaste that Torani SF syrups have. They also have a line of SF cocktail mixes, in addition to something I'd never heard of before: flavored pump-on coffee foams!

I thought I'd give one of the syrups a try, since right now, the SF coffee creamer tastes so artificial and chemical-laden. Blech.

Here's a link to the site if any of you are interested:
Irym- that is sooo true with men. Are they grown men or a moody teenager? Hahaha
Hey all, I'd love to join you and it looks like you are just starting weigh ins. Here's my info:


Height: 5' 7"
Starting Weight: 250lbs (as of two weeks ago when I started a new fitness program. I am down some already)
Goal Weight: 180lbs
MyFitnessPal Username: emmawrites (but I don't use much)

- Lose 10 lbs by: May 1, 2016
- Get BMI under 37 to qualify for IVF shared risk plans (though I'd like under 35 before starting)

My Plan:
- Currently doing 21 Day Fix program by Beachbody
- low carb, high protein diet
- continue to cut out soda and sugars from my diet (my biggest weakness)
- exercise more

April 4 2016: 244 lbs
April 11 2016: 243 lbs
April 18 2016: 242 lbs
April 25 2016: 239 lbs

May 2 2016: 238 lbs
May 9 2016: 239 lbs
May 16 2016: 235 lbs
May 23 2016: 236 lbs
May 30 2016: 238 lbs

June 10 2016: 244 lbs (trip ruined everything. Grrr)
June 13 2016: 237 lbs (let's hope it was all water weight gained the last two weeks!)
June 20 2016: 236 lbs
June 27 2016: 237 lbs

July 4 2016: 237 lbs
July 11 2016: 240 lbs (IVF bloat, hopefully!)

Things I struggled with: getting workouts in, especially when life gets in the way or I'm stressed out. Also getting all my water in.

Things I did well: did fairly well is resisting sugar cravings and eating a healthy diet.

New Goals:
- Lose 30 lbs by: January 1, 2017
- Get BMI under 33

August 1, 2016: 240 lbs
August 8, 2016: 239 lbs
August 15, 2016: 236 lbs
August 22, 2016: 233 lbs
August 29, 2016: 233 lbs

Things I struggled with: getting workouts and water in.

Things I did well: tried to at least walk the dog as much as possible to do something. Got back into the healthy eating after messing my body up with IVF and started acupuncture.

September 5, 2016: 233 lbs
September 12, 2016: 233 lbs
September 19, 2016: 230 lbs
September 26, 2016: 230 lbs
Welcome Bronte! WTG on your loss so far!

4 pounds down this week! Going to mow when I get home today, if it don't rain :/ Plan B is walking rain or shine lol
Welcome Bronte, so happy to see you here!

AF got me after only an 11 day LP... well after the operation my dr did warn me that this cycle could be weird (post-hysteroscopy specifically) so I'm happy that I did ovulate and had a normal-ish cycle regardless.

Height: 1,65 m (5'4")
Starting Weight: 55 kg (121 lb) in April (Started diet & workout plan in Feb - starting weight then was 60 kg)
Goal Weight: Maintaining at 55 kg until after IVF; then re-evaluate (would love to get back to 52 kg) BFP 27 May 2016 - now to pick up a healthy amount of weight!
MyFitnessPal Username: N/A

Lose max 1-2 kg by: 1 May 2016 (month in which IVF starts)

My Plan:
Follow a personalized combination of paleo diet & endo diet (anti-inflammatory, organic, no carbs/sugar except plain sweet potato) at least 95% of the time (1 cheat meal max per week)
Exercise at least 5 days a week for a minimum of 20 minutes at a time. Running, HIIT, pilates, etc. Thank you!

Monday Weigh-ins:

4 April 2016: 55 kg..............................2 May 2016: 54,3 kg
11 April 2016: 56,3 kg.........................9 May 2016: 54,5 kg
18 April 2016: 55 kg............................16 May 2016: 55 kg
25 April 2016: 54 kg............................23 May 2016: 54,2 kg.................31 May 2016: 53,5 kg

Things I struggled with this month:
April: I ate more than usual and also had a lots of drinks around AF time. I didn't do workouts for 4 days due to a horrible post-hysteroscopy AF. I didn't have enough healthy meals pre-prepared so I was caught without healthy food options a number of times in the beginning of the month.
May: Nothing (took it easy exercise-wise for IVF, did a lot of walking, continued with my eating plan)

Things I did well this month:
April: After the first few days in April I bought, pre-cooked & froze many healthy meals again so I was never caught without diet food in the house. I did 25-30 min moderate to hard intensity workouts almost daily.
May: Walked 30-40 min as many days as I could, kept on following my eating plan and didn't pick up weight from the stims!

* Will start weight loss program again after Baby is born! *
BronteForever - Welcome! Nice to see another new face around here, and just in time for our 2016 plans! :)

Cupcake - Woo! That's amazing, keep it up and you'll reach your goals in no time! :D

Fern - Thankya, you and Bronte are now linked to in the first post. Thanks for joining us!

AFM --

Randomly in the middle of lunch yesterday, this enormous piece of one of my crowned molars just.. crumbled off! Out of the blue! Now I have this really rough, jagged edge on that tooth and it's driving my tongue crazy. I'm having to make calls around town to see which dentists are accepting new patients, and who can get me in to get this thing repaired. Ow.

Today: started off the day right with a breakfast of scrambled eggs and coffee. I'm planning on having yogurts as snacks, and there is some tasty leftover egg salad in the fridge that I will have for lunch, maybe with carrots or celery sticks instead of bread.

How's everyone doing on their water consumption for the day?
I drink millions of litres of water daily, having had a kidney stone that had to be surgically removed.
Thx for reminding us of H2O intake!

May I dare you ladies to post a "before" pic in swimwear/underwear (without showing your face) on your stats page and updating monthly /six monthly? :) how do you feel about that.

Question- what are your opinions on dry skin brushing?
Mine: love it. I can't believe how it has decreased my cellulite (still have lots but waaayyyy less).
Fern - I'm too chicken to post my progress photos! :dohh:

As for dry brushing: I really like it, when I can remember to do it, which isn't often. I have such ridiculously dry skin no matter what I drink, which lotions or oils I use, or how many supplements I take that it's one of the only ways I can keep myself from shedding skin like snake or something. lol
Thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to losing weight with you ladies.

Fern, I'm not brave enough to post that either. However I have taken before photos and think it's nice to compare results against.

I've also never even heard of dry skin brushing until seeing your posts. I might have to try.
IRYM - how do I update my weight for this weeks weigh in? I forgot to post it yesterday. Sorry about your DH, mine gets that way or really whinny like a toddler if he's sick and I won't do exactly what he thinks I need to do. One time he said to me "I thought marrying a nurse would mean you would take care of me when I'm sick" I laughed sooo hard. Ummm no you have a cold, get over your man sickness and get out of bed. I gonna go to work and take care of really sick people lol. oh men.

Fern - I have done before and after pics but I'm not brave enough to post them lol. Heck right now I'm super self conscious just looking at my week by week bump progression.

cupcake - congrats on the weight loss this week!!!

BronteForever - welcome!!

AFM - starting to really hate drinking water lol its giving me such bad heartburn (weird side effect?) But I'm keeping on it. Finally cutting caffeine for good (I know a little late) but jeez it is killing me. I swear someones gonna just look at me wrong and I get snappy lol. Went out and bought a new bathing suit for my anniversary trip this upcoming weekend (nothing too fun just staying at the hotel we got married in) but DH really wants to go swimming and my bathing suit was getting a bit stretched.

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