Getting Fit Before Baby

Swimmy - Aw, that's adorable! He's finally letting it sink in! ^^

Fern - Huh. Interesting. You've even tried some of the newer prescription sleep medications and all?
Awww Swimmy!! I can't even imagine it ever happening to my husband (sorry but I have this doomed feeling about ivf) but sometimes he slips and calls the cats our kids and I just want to cuddle him and laugh when that happens (he is soooooo unemotional ). I hope your dh is coming round to the idea of having a lil girl :)

IRYM yep I've tried it all since my teenage years; all the herbs, sleep meds, sleep therapy, sleep rituals, special meditations, exercising and sunlight exposure for sleep, psychiatry, psychology, nada. There is clearly something wrong with my brain and has been for the past 20 years :)!
I have no idea how it feels to fall asleep and wake again in the morning. And I have a very active dream life so I don't really rest when I'm sleeping and can wake up exhausted after spending a night in my other life (dreamworld) lol! My mom is the same though. It is what it is and I try to live around it.

Cupcake how is the weight loss before ivf program going?
Just a thought. My sleep life is as dysfunctional as my reproductive life so maybe there's a link....
Fern - don't feel doomed about IVF, the clinic that you are using do you know their success rates? I think you will end up with your rainbow baby :)
I agree Fern. I know you want to keep realistic and not get your hopes up, especially since you have had a very long and hard TTC journey. But IVF can be successful in endo cases. I'm glad you get to try it at least before moving on. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Swimmy, how adorable of your husband. Glad everything is going well during your pregnancy.

I had a horrible few days of eating and workouts since we were visiting with family and I went out to eat three nights in a row. But not getting too mad at myself. I could have been far worse in my food choices. So going to get right back at it.
Thanks girls :) I know I have a far better shot with ivf than without so we will forever be grateful to the Angels helping us financially so that we can at least give it a try.

Yep Bronte get to it again girl! This week will be better! X
I was doing great until our Anniversary! Sometimes I feel like dh is trying to sabatoge my progress :/ my goal is not gain this week lol geez!
Loving your signature, Fern! 2 weeks 6 days! We're all cheering you on!

Is everyone ready for the weigh in tomorrow? I'm nervous, I haven't done well this week.
Actually LOST! :happydance: Only 1 # down, but thats ok! I'm still in it to win it! lol Hope everyone's Monday is AWESOME!
My weight's been updated now that the scale has batteries. lol.

I have to say I'm pretty upset with how high my weight has gotten in only a year. I started last year at about 222 and now I'm almost at 280, and that's ridiculous. I really don't know what my body thinks its doing! I haven't been this heavy in 15 years! I sure have my work cut out for me!

This is a big eye-opener for me, that's for sure.

Yesterday DH and I started the day off right, with some scrambled eggs, bellpeppers, and sauteed mushrooms for breakfast. I also made a test batch of Flax meal waffles and served those. I may continue to make them, but maybe with almond flour instead? Not sure. The benefit of the flax meal is that there is so much fiber in flax, it essentially has 0 net carbs. I served them with a little butter and some sugar free maple syrup.

Dinner was steamed vegetables and pork roast, with 1 slice of buttered whole grain bread.

But we ended up having ice cream for dessert, so that most likely put me over my goal for the day. Boo.

I'm seeing a lot of "I didn't do so well today" posts, and it's only our first week on our health plans! We all need to take a moment and look at what it is that caused us to go off plan, and what we can do to avoid future slip-ups.

Was it eating dinner at a restaurant? Next time, look for the "light and fit" (or similar) menu, or choose a salad with the dressing on the side. Pro tip: do NOT pour the dressing on your salad. Instead, dip your fork into the dish to get a little dressing on the tines, and pick up your next bite of salad. You'll get the flavor of the dressing without all those extra calories.

Did you go to a party/event where junk food was served? Next time, eat healthy food before you go to the event. Make sure it's filling, high protein food so you're not hungry later. Bring a snack bar along with you in your purse so that if you do end up getting hungry, you can snack on something from your 'approved foods' list instead of eating junk.

Was there alcohol involved? It may not seem like it, but alcohol can pack in SO many calories. Try adding a low sugar or sugar free liquor to a diet soda, club soda, or low calorie mixer instead. Don't choose blended/mixed beverages like pina coladas, which often contain cream, syrups, and tons of sugar.

Do you like to have dessert after every evening meal? There are a wide range of healthier dessert options that still taste good: Skinny Cow is one brand of low calorie dessert options. Additionally, you can try having a scoop of frozen Lite whipped topping with a drizzle of chocolate syrup or some sprinkles instead of ice cream. Tastes good, and has far fewer calories! A cup of hot cocoa with a few marshmallows in it can feel like a decadent treat without racking up too many calories, too.

Were you too tired to cook dinner and got takeout instead? Try batch cooking! What's batch cooking? That's where you prepare and freeze multi-serving meals in advance, so that they can be reheated later without much effort from you. Choose one day a week to prepare food for the week, or do what I do: prepare 2-night meals every other day, so I don't have to cook 7 days a week. I cook 3 or so days a week, instead.

Did you overdo it on your cheat day? Take a look at how many calories you're consuming on your cheat day. In order to lose 2 pounds a week, you (technically) need to have a deficit of 7,000 calories. Sometimes just ONE meal can have upwards of 2,000 calories, especially if it contains lots of fried foods! If you're spending a whole day eating high calorie meals, you could easily reach 6k calories or more, and there went your 7,000 cal deficit. Instead of cheat day, plan one cheat meal instead. And you should still aim for a meal that isn't going to ruin your deficit. For example, a dinner of steak and lobster with steamed veggies is going to have far fewer calories than a burger and french fries. :)

Were you on the road and you "had" to get fast food? Order from the kids' menu, or see if the restaurant offers salads. Wendy's has several good salad options, and most kids' menus now offer apple slices and milk instead of fries and soda.


I'd like us to start some kind of weekly challenge! Are you gals up for that?

Challenges could be weekly workout routines, calorie goals, exercise goals, trying out new recipes, etc.

Since we're just getting started on this years' fitness routines, I think this week's challenge ought to be:

Start a Food Journal/Tracker

When you log everything you eat, it helps you see where you're going wrong. It also will help you stay accountable and stick to your goals! Charting our foods for one week will help us all see what we need to change next week to do better.

If you aren't using MyFitnessPal, you can use some other tracker -- even just lined paper and a pen(cil).

Here is a good article on the benefits of keeping a food journal:

The bullet points in the article are:
1. Mindfulness, not calories, is the key
2. Calorie data can be inaccurate
3. Calorie needs change daily, and with body weight
4. Calorie limits encourage the “what-the-hell effect”
5. Counting calories encourages “nutritionism”
6. Food journaling helps you identify habits <--- this is the biggest one, I think. You can see the days you're over-eating and a journal helps identify WHY it happens. Once you recognize the triggers, you can learn how to avoid them.
7. Counting calories feels neurotic

Another article, , gives further reasons:

4) Identify reasons for binge eating
5) Provides a hard, objective record of our habits

And WebMD recommends recording time of day your meal was and the portion size, in addition to the level of hunger you felt at that time. This helps you learn to tailor your meals to your personal level of hunger, and change things like the amount of protein or fiber you eat to help you feel full longer. If you notice that you're always hungry immediately after lunch, for example, you can make a change.

What do you think? Are you gals up for the task? Let me know! :)
Hi all, I've updated my stats page too. I've picked up a kilo but not too bothered. I did eat a bit more last week, had alcohol during the weekend where I normally have none these days and didn't do workouts for 4 days. All because of a sickening post-hysteroscopy AF. However - I quickly got back to doing my workouts as soon as I felt better, and got right back into my meal plan. On Saturday we had date night but my food choices were not too bad. Meat stew, no dessert, 1 glass of wine.

I'm really getting fitter with these workouts, love them! My legs already feel more muscular and I'm getting defined shoulders after 2 months of workouts. :) And still loving & doing dry body brushing at least twice a day.

All in all I'm happy with myself. AF is usually VERY hard on me and I totally succumb to emotional eating but it was much better controlled this time around. Again, thank you IVF for your motivation. :haha:

IRYM - now that I'm severely limiting my food choices I basically have the same food every day; I just change up the veg and hormone-free meat to get a bit of variety. So a meal journal will not work for me at this stage (but I have tried it before when I ate a much greater variety including fruit etc, and it did work then!)
In other news - things are so much better between DH and I atm. Since the operation and IVF became "real" it's as if he's realized that I really need him and that his support is extremely important. Especially if IVF fails and it's just the two of us forever - we just have to learn to get along better.
We have both been working hard at patience and communication and he is being adorable & super supportive :)
Cupcake - good job on the 1 pound. I'm also down 1 pound and I'll take it!

Fern- glad you are doing better and your DH seems to be more on board with the process. Fingers crossed for you. So exciting you are starting soon!

IRYM - it is hard, this year I've gained quite a bit of weight as well. Mainly because I was involved in roller derby, with intense 3 day a week practices and workouts in between. Then I stopped when TTC and my fitness got put on the backburner and I gained alot of weight quickly. It's so frustrating. Hang in there. It's great we have some new goals to help us.

I like the idea of a weekly challenge. I also log my food intake, but I'm not a huge fan of calorie based logging itself because I never figure it out right.

Since I'm doing 21 Day fix by Beachbody, I got their free iPhone app and love it. I was doing the meal plan anyway and am keeping up with it. But basically the meal plan is all about portion control and has the color-coded containers. It is based on calories, but it's kind of figured for you already based on the portion of the meal and foods that are allowed. I hardly ever use the actual containers anymore since I know about what is a serving. Then I just check off each time I get a serving. It's pretty easy to follow and figure your serving portions based on your start weight. Plus, I love having the tracker on my phone, since it's the only way I'll update it and remember to take wherever I am.
Food logging isn't just about what you're eating, but how much. Do you ladies weigh your foods or measure them another way, like with measuring cups every day, every meal?

Think of it like a maintenance check, to be sure that you are still eating the right amounts in addition to the right foods themselves. If you go a whole week and discover that, yes, you are still eating the right amounts of foods, then you will know you're on the right track!

Otherwise, you may discover that your serving sizes have crept upwards rather than remaining the same.

For the rest of us, food logging for calories in addition to portion sizes will help us learn better habits if we don't have them already.

Besides, if you eat the same stuff every day, food logging will be easy this week, right?
Absolutely, IRYM. Knowing how much you are eating is super important. That's why I like the program I'm on. It has color-coded containers that are a recommended sizes of proteins, fruits, veggies, etc. Though you can easily measure the size without getting the containers. Then based on your weight you are allowed a certain number of containers per day. The app lets you track the amounts of each type of food you are getting easily.

It just takes away the math of the actual calorie counting which I'm horrible at. You also have "allowed" foods, which are all pretty low calorie, low fat, and low carb.
Bronte - I like how those cups make it easy to figure out how much of a food you get!

You mentioned above that you hardly ever use the containers any more. Are you willing to go back to them for this week to see how your estimated portions compare to what they were when you started the plan?
I've been terrible!!
But I wanted to comment on the portions. I do weigh or measure carbs and meat. But I don't with veggies. I was way off on portions! But now I'm starting to get he hang of it.
I eat exactly the same amounts (2 eggs, 1x500 ml smoothie, fist sized piece of sweet potato, hand sized piece of free range meat and unlimited non-starchy veg and coconut/coconut derivatives, berries and sometimes 1 handful of nuts). I'm quite strict about it; I don't mean portion control will be difficult just unnecessary because I've been doing it in any case since Feb (so it won't make a new change or difference ).
I personally don't believe in calory counting because I don't eat a lot usually; also I firmly believe not all calories are created equal or have the same effect on your body eg calories from proteins are used for growth &repair while calories from carbs& fats are used as energy sources.... some calories are healthy and easily used by the body while some are stored and/or can't be digested which leads to bloating....
Sorry hun my personal view on that specific topic is to never calory count but rather focus on healthy, organic, no additives, certain types of foods etc. For me personally it works. It keeps my appetite under control and gives me enough energy to get through my hectic days while still maintaining a healthy weight (toning is more of a concern right now as well as maintaining my weight before ivf).
Bronte - I like how those cups make it easy to figure out how much of a food you get!

You mentioned above that you hardly ever use the containers any more. Are you willing to go back to them for this week to see how your estimated portions compare to what they were when you started the plan?

Sure. I can use them this week. I usually don't use them because i tend to eat similar stuff and can judge what it looks like on a plate pretty well after using them for a few days so I know my portion sizes. It's just easier since I feel like I eat half my meals at work (which I often do breakfast, lunch, and one or two snacks there). It's less transporting for me. I already keep the fridge pretty full there. But if I'm not prepared I eat worse during the week.
I think we all find different ways that work well for all of us. I lost 110 pounds doing weight watchers & walking 2-4 miles a day, I lost 15 pounds the 1st round of 21 day fix, I've lost by calorie counting, low carb etc.....I'm focusing on smaller portions, less caloric intake, increasing water & motivating myself to get up & EXERCISE! That's the only consistent thing with each weight loss "program" I've tried! lol It works for me. I think a big part of any successful program is planning ahead too! I'm meal planning & taking my lunch/snacks with me, as well as planned exercise....I do feel like life in general can throw us curve balls though. Even when strictly following any plan, I have days when I'm just hungrier or more tired than others :/ We GOT this ladies, just hang in there & get past the bumps in the road :)

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