Getting Fit Before Baby

Urs - goodness that sounds like a horrible period. But glad you can move on from it now and hopefully it cleaned everything out and all looks good for a baby to implant. Good luck!

drjo - love the name. I'm sure you are so excited and probably a bit overwhelmed. So glad you are both doing well now. Congrats!!

miracle - I'm down to no working tubes, but had one for awhile. It can still happen and the other tube can scoop up the egg from the opposite side (which the visual on that is so weird for me, but it happens), so your chances with one tube aren't decreased that much. Not sure about the egg penetration issue but that doesn't sound good. They usually want you to wait a year for trying without success, so I don't think it's a bad idea to hold off on stuff for awhile to see what happens. And if you do need to go back, sounds like you have a good plan of action to start with. Good luck.

cupcake - great job on the weight loss, even if it's water weight, it's still pounds off and you probably feel better not being bloated. I'm also still doing 21 day fix and really enjoy the program. I'm not getting in as many workouts as I'd like, but some is definitely better than none.

AFM - the scale this morning said I'm 4 pounds down this week from last week, but it's been fluctuating a lot, so I'm guessing it's more like 2 pounds. Did much better with eating this week and got a few workouts in. My weeks have just been busy with work and events at night, so it's hard to find the motivation and time some nights to work out. And I'm so not a morning person to wake up early to workout. That would cause me to fail faster than anything, I believe. I've been working out some nights at 10 pm or 11 pm, which is probably not the best. I figure it's better than nothing though.
:hi: ladies as for went back last week to have another ultrasounds on my cyst she said there is some think on the wall of the cyst got to have have bloods done and go and see a gyacoleagist just waiting on a app for the day she said don't worrie about any think because if it ewt its only now started to do somethink xx xx xx
DrJo - Aww, congrats! I'm glad things are on the mend and you and baby are okay!

Urs - Wow, I'm sorry you had such a traumatic AF -- but now you can get back to TTC and it sounds so hopeful! Happy birthday to your SO!

Miracle - I probably would have cancelled, too! They really ought to go in and have a look at your ovaries before they decide to do surgery on them! What if what they think they see isn't really there? Yikes!

Cupcake - Huzzah for losing that fluid!

AFM - Well, this week was better than expected. Since I was sick, and injured in so many different places, and all of that nonsense -- I expected to GAIN weight.

Instead, I find that I have lost some of the bloat and water weight from last week, and I've gone DOWN a pound instead of up! So I guess technically I'm maintaining my body fat at least. I'll take that over a fat gain ANY day!

I have to get back to those after-bathroom workouts, they seemed to really help me!

I'll post this week's challenge here in a few minutes. :)

This week's challenge is a simple one, but it might be difficult for some of us!

The challenge is: do not weigh yourself at ALL this week, until next Monday morning!


Every time we eat a meal, our body weight changes depending upon what's in the food. Salt and grains cause water retention, certain plants/vegetables, coffee, and liquor are diuretics which cause us to lose water weight.

Our weights can fluctuate several pounds on a day to day basis, and none of it tells you about your overall weight loss!

Obsessing over the scale in this way can cause you to become stressed, depressed, angry at yourself, etc. and when those things are added to a health/fitness routine, they cause us to stall out, or worse -- we give up hope and start binge eating!

Therefore, I challenge you to avoid that scale like the plague and don't even give it your time until Monday morning's weigh-in!

What can I measure instead?: Your energy levels, feelings of bloat, the fit of your clothing, how hungry or thirsty you are, what you're craving, and your mood.

If you eat something and it makes you feel disgusting and bloated, ditch it and try an alternative next time!

If you're too thirsty all the time, drink more water and cut out a little salt and carbs.

If you're having cravings, try to think of what might cause them, and fix THAT problem instead.
Hi everyone, congrats on all the weight loss for this week!

Urs- so sorry that you had a horrible af. Glad it's over. Enjoy the birthday! !

Miracle- hope this is a better week ahead.

Bronte GL with workouts this week. Hope you can get in a few morning ones :)


I'm going in for embryo transfer on Wednesday. This morning all 3 were still properly dividing. ... and lo and behold one of my other egg cells also got fertilized and by this morning had started to divide. It's clearly a very slow grower but I feel better with 4/9 fertilized than 3/9.
I want to ask the dr a lot of questions on Wednesday too.. eg what did they mean with my eggs were "abnormal"?
Fern - definetly keep us updated. So exciting another one fertilized. I'm curious what abnormal eggs meant in your case as well.

IRYM - such a good challenge for me. I'm horrible about getting on the scale. However I know it fluctuates so much it doesn't discourage me. There's just no point in weighing myself as much as I do currently. Going to have to resist...resist...resist, this week.
Fern - I'm so happy for you that a fourth egg was fertilized!

Looks like everyone has done quite well this week! Good job ladies. Keep it up! :)

I lost 1.5 pounds. Not a very big loss but I'm glad my weight is steadily going down.
Height: 5'1"
Starting Weight:226.8
Goal Weight:180
MyFitnessPal Username: N/A

Lose 10 lbs/kgs by: June 17, 2016
Fit into size _18__ pants by: June 17, 2016
Be able to paint my toenails and breath at the same time by June 17th

My Plan:
I am including low carbohydrate dieting and using coconut oil as a weightloss supplement. I am taking 2 tablespoons each morning in a low fat yogurt & fresh strawberry smoothie and adding it where ever else I can before each meal. If I get a BFP, I will stop the coconut oil if the OB says I should. Also taking Folic Acid 800 and will begin prenatals soon, just to prepare.

5/17/16: 226.8

Things I struggled with this month:
I struggle with portion control and sweets

Things I did well this month:
messymommy - You certainly can! Welcome, welcome! You're just in time to start a new week with us!

If you haven't already, check out all the resources we have listed on the First Post of the thread! That's where I'll put a link to your new stats post, too. :) That way, every Monday you can check back there and click your link to be taken to your post immediately, without having to wade through old posts to find it.

Let us know if you have questions, concerns, if you're feeling good or bad or whatever -- we're here to help! :D

Fern - Woo! Surprise 4th egg has got to be a mood booster!

Edited to add: OMG, my day is DRAGGING! I have now come down with what feels like a cold, with sneezing, coughing, and a sore throat -- but sometimes my allergies get this bad too. I'm not sure if I'm actually sick, or if I just need to take an extra allergy pill!

I'm half convinced I'm pregnant, because the last time I felt this way in my TWW was when I got my BFP/MC.... But I'm refusing to POAS for a few more days, because I don't want to see another BFN! It's so hard, though. I keep telling myself that the odds of our conceiving this month are just as slim as every other month, and to wait for AF. Ugh.

I am resisting googling things like "9DPO cold symptoms" and trying to focus on other things, but it's difficult. Sheesh!
Hello gals :) Great job for everyone losing weight! And thanks from s/o for all the birthday wishes!

IRYM: Let me look up 9dpo cold symptoms for you, hehe! Fx'd for you, I'll be watching your chart!

Fern: YES!! 4! That's awesome! Will you only do one at a time or are you going to try two for the possibility of twins?

Messymommy: Hello! This is a great group to be apart of, lots of encouragement and good ideas.

Bronte: Are you starting the preparation for IVF at the end of May or in June?

Hello to everyone else :)

AFM: In terms of TTC, my opks have started getting a little darker, not close to positive. I plan to test twice a day and aim to bd every 2-3 days until a closer positive, then every day. Really praying hard now that my cycle is figuring itself out and I had af that this will be a quick fix...fx'd!

Weight wise I have really been struggling. My emotions are everywhere probably from the progesterone, af, and all hormones related. I HAVE to lose a good portion of weight before I see my gyn again if I need clomid or anything, to prove to her that I'm serious. Stressing...and emotionally eating because I'm stressing...then stressing because I'm emotionally eating...and it all continues.
Hi everyone, just to let you know I'm PUPO with one expanded grade BB blastocyst :) And we decided to freeze the other 2 (of lesser quality) together so that if this cycle doesn't work then we'll transfer both at once (FET).

Urs - noooo we definitely do NOT want to try for twins! :) Hun is there anything else you enjoy doing as a treat; like a bubble bath or going for a walk or buying flowers or gardening...? Maybe you can try a non-food related treat when you are stressed. Hugs!
Congrats Fern and now we wait:wohoo::wohoo:

AFM well am doing URS smoothie this week and how it goes....i gained 4lbs the other week i wanna loose all and more so still on it...
i feel so lazy and i sleep a lot at work, i dont know maybe its the workout as i have started HIIT on cardio i do or maybe cause i wake up at 4 everyday or maybe just maybe am doomed for a baby lol :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Fern - For those of us not in the know, what does PUPO stand for? And good luck! FX'd for you, baby dust, prayers, good vibes, THE WORKS being sent your way! :)

Miracle - I hope those smoothies work out for you! Are you in your TWW yet? When do you plan on testing?

Urs - Find out anything interesting about 9dpo cold symptoms? ;)

AFM - Super duper cranky this morning! I was already feeling moodiness the past couple of days, but this morning just made it worse.

Our elderly cat, who is notoriously finicky, broke her streak of going several months without peeing on the carpet at all, and peed on our BRAND NEW CARPET... I am so ticked. There is a perfectly good, CLEAN litter box for her, and she chose my floor instead.

Everyone always says, "Well maybe it's because she has an illness," well -- I'm here to tell you, after owning her for 16 years, I know when something's up with her health, and this is not it! lol. I was woken up at about 5:45am with her BS and I normally don't get up until 730 or 8. Ugh.

Her problem is that she wants to sleep in our room with us, only then she doesn't let anyone sleep. If I fall asleep instead of petting her, she scratches my face! So we shut the bedroom door, and then she camps out there all night, and rather than going to the box to pee, it's like she figures, "If I leave now, I'll miss out! Let's pee on the floor instead!"

I have half a mind to put a bed for her outside and let her sleep there while the weather's nice. She spends most of her daylight hours in the back yard anyway. :growlmad:


On the TTC front, my uterus area feels puffy and tender this morning? I thought I felt like there was a tight band across it, almost as though my underwear had suddenly become a size too small, and the waistband was pressing across the area. Well, I checked and that wasn't the case. My underwear waistband doesn't even rest there!

Not sure what's going on, but the tenderness and swelling was such that I couldn't lay on my stomach in bed any more. My temp at 5:45am when I took it was unusually high for that hour, and a BBT adjuster put it up further, so I'm maintaining hope that AF will stay away at least a few more days!
Irym :yes am in TWW and today its 8dpo and i did test in the morning i think i saw something am not so sure am waiting until tomorrow morning i will test again but i have mixed emotions btn bfp n bfn so am just there. Should i post it here dor u guys to see it and tell me if u see anything.

Fx'd that u get a bfp too... Lets hope for the best
Thanks ladies. I'm super upset today because it's just impossible for me to take time away from work & doing the housework. .. so while running with laundry today (trying to quickly put it away before unlocking for my next student), I fell down the stairs. Flat on my back. Injured my back and left ankle. And now I'm cramping & feel like my embie will not implant. Sorry for complaining but just so stressed.

IRYM- PUPO means pregnant until proven otherwise. :) will you test tomorrow morning? All the progesterone I've been taking has given me a sore, swollen stomach so maybe that symptom means you're progesterone is nice and high!

Miracle- good job on the smoothies and HIIT! And gl, hope you get a bfp in a few days :). Yes PLEASE post ALL your tests!! I love looking at tests :).
Miracle - Definitely post pics! I can do some tweaking to the colors in Photoshop and see if there's something there!

Fern - OUCH! I hope you're okay!

You may be right about the progesterone. I feel a little less run down and foggy brained today than normal. I've decided I'm going to purchase some progesterone cream if AF shows this weekend (Sunday or Monday, actually), because I'm about 99% sure that's my problem, and the fertility clinic won't test that until I do another ultrasound, and I don't WANT to do another ultrasound! Without insurance (infertility tests aren't covered on my plan) they're something like $1200 USD each and I already had TWO of them! Ugh.

Anyway. If the progesterone cream works, I will then go to my physician and say, "Look! All my problems are improved/gone!" and see if I can't get something by prescription, which could potentially be free or less expensive than buying my own stuff.

Buuuuttt FX'd I won't need it and I get a BFP this cycle!

I'm seriously obsessing over the TWW this month though.
IRYM - why won't they test progesterone until after another ultrasound? Is there something specific they want to know before that. I'd get firm if you have too. I've learned a lot during this process and one of them is that you have to advocate for yourself. You know your body better than anyone and if they aren't listening to you or doing a fairly simple blood test at your request don't be afraid to ask questions and be direct (just as nicely as possible). They will usually consent to stuff then.

This stuff is expensive which annoys me. Most all my stuff isn't covered by insurance either and it makes me sad.

Urs - I start IVF during my next cycle. This one should start soon. So the next one should be end of June.

Fern - I'm so sorry you fell. Hope you are alright. I really wish you could take a few days off. I'm so sorry you can't.

Miracle - how exciting. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Ooh Fern am so sorry,i hope u get better and hope u get some time off you need that girl
Irym that sucks but i think u can still hold on and you know your body better follow your guys
Well Afm i dont know if this is it but hey maybe it is maybe not,am having mixed emotions


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