Getting Fit Before Baby

Aaawwww IRYM we all know exactly how you feel. Please vent away. TTC SUCKS!! I cry sometimes simply because I have no control or say over it; whereas it happens so easily for other people. I personally dislike it if people have been ttc for 1 month and complain; or if they have 7 kids and so focused on the "1 more" they can't have, that they never even speak about their living kids. I know everyone has their own journey but yeah, that's my opinion. Many people don't realize how much they have to be grateful for and how truly hard ltttc is. Wish I could give you a big fat hug right now! xx
Irym- I know exactly what you mean. You want to be happy for them and you are but at the same time you're so hurt that they think it's such a long journey after not a couple months. Don't give up hun! Your time is coming!
Plus the weather has been gorgeous lately! And it's a 3 day weekend.
Thanks, ladies. Digital hugs to all!

I agree, Fern. The ladies that already have several kids who are acting like it's the end of the world when they can't have a 5th, 6th, 7th, etc. are the worst. I am a big proponent of being thankful for what you already have!

I'm so grateful that DH is the kind of man he is, and that his job allows me to stay at home to do MY job. And I would be so so so grateful for just ONE baby.

Mrs.Green - I forget that you live across town from me. lol

It IS a three day weekend. DH and I might do something nice, I don't know. To bad this weekend isn't near O day or else I'd take advantage of it. :p

He'll be out of town right about when I'm supposed to O this cycle! Ugh! He planned to go to this event with his family out of town, though, and I didn't want to make the trip, so I won't be with him for a couple of days.

I told him we're gonna have to get a lot of BDing in the night before he leaves and right when he comes back to town, just so he's aware I'm jumping him. :p
lol love that you're warning him! You definitely should do something this weekend it's supposed to be warm! We're headed out to the lake for a couple days with our pup just a nice get away from the stress.
I also agree that some people are not thankful for what rhwu have. I don't think it's any easier to deal with infertility if you have a million or no babies but I think sometimes people forget how lucky they are to have a child already. Luckily it's been awhile since I ran across any women like that.
Haha -- I have to warn him or else he makes plans for the evening, or stuffs his face at dinner and then he's too full & sleepy for BD, that sort of thing.

Besides, maybe it'll give him something to look forward to while he's gone on the weekend! :p

He's going down to Los Angeles for this NASA open house thing that they do once a year. It sounded really neat, but the idea of making the 8hr drive down to LA for a walk through a museum, then the 3hr drive from there to his Mom's house for a night over, then a 6hr drive back up HERE on Sunday was too much!

Not to mention we'd have to kennel the dogs, find someone to look after the cats, etc. etc.

All that just to walk through their museum. Which, by the way, is gonna be crowded to the BRIM because they're permitting several thousand people (I think it was like 15,000 per day for two days?) in there... I told DH that as nice as it'd be to walk through and look at all the neat NASA stuff, I just did not want to have to deal with all that.

I am an introvert. Being in crowds like that AND with the in-laws at the same time would be more than I could mentally handle. lol.
Oh man, I wouldn't be able to hang out on those boards, I'm much happier over here and in the Assisted Conception and TTC after loss boards. TTC is not fun at any stage and I'm generally happy for people who get BFPs, but some of the stuff is just too much to deal with, especially anyone that offers advice or thinks a few months of TTC is a challenge. Everyone is different and handles it differently, but there's a huge difference between TTC for a few months and LTTTC for a few years or more. That's why these boards are nice though, so you can get support from people that get it.

IRYM - hopefully you can still work some BDing in around his trip. I'm with you sometimes traveling is so much work.

However, I'm getting ready to go on a big trip and am excited for some time away. I need it!
Ooohh bronte where are you going? Is it for work or fun?

Enjoy your long weekend girls I'm really jealous. :) we have a short 3 week winter school holiday coming up at the end of June and I'm looking at taking 2 or so days off.

Yeah I really appreciate all the ladies on the threads I follow. So much love & positivity & at the same time the threads are a safe place to vent. Xxx
We are going to Spain. I'm counting it as our one big last trip for awhile before our life changes. Because we are prepared to do multiple rounds of IVF and then look at adoption, so one way or another, I'm pretty convinced I'll get a baby at some point. Just have no idea how long it will take. And since we have to do all the above, travel might not be a priority for awhile. We had it planned before we decided for sure we were doing all this though.

Anyway, my husband has a duathlon race (like triathlon but it's run/bike/run) in Spain, so we are going for that and for vacation. We'll be gone for about 10 days. I love traveling, so I'm really looking forward to the break before we start IVF, which will happen about 2 weeks after we are back. I think it will help me not focus on that coming up as much either.
Well gals, here's a somewhat happy update:

I was getting super tired of all my doctors immediately assuming that my weight was the CAUSE of all of my problems and not a SYMPTOM of an underlying cause.

I finally emailed a new physician a list of my symptoms, since it's very difficult to overlook a list when it's in print, plain as day! This new physician says she's concerned about PCOS and asked if I'd considered that as a problem. I told her what my GYN said ("You can't have PCOS. If you did, you wouldn't have a period at all!") and the new doc said that's not true at all!

She said she's treated women who just have irregular periods or skip one every few months, and that I don't even have to have visible cysts on my ovaries in order to have the problem. So I set up a phone appointment with her for tomorrow and we're going to discuss my options. She'll tell me what can be done and what I need to do in terms of testing for this problem.

I'm a little giddy! This is the first time a physician has actually looked at what I was telling them and offered to test for PCOS without just brushing me off!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Well, today is CD13 and my Clearblue Fertility Monitor gave me my first "High" reading (though I expected it as when I wiped this morning, I had EWCM, which I have as a pretty reliable indicator now that my hormones are not out of whack).

I'll be using the CBFM as well as digital OPKs 2x per day until I confirm O.

And now it's time :sex: until the day after O!

I'll plan on testing this cycle at 14 DPO if I haven't gotten :witch:.

I almost wonder if I actually might have had a chemical last month, as AF was 2 days late, and when I tested on the expected day of AF, I got just the faintest of a line, but the next day stark white :bfn: and when AF did come, she was quite a bit heaver than normal (although she did last my usual 5 days). We'll just have to see what happens this month.

ireadyermind - I have a typical case of PCOS; before I got it under control, I had slightly elevated testosterone, lots of cysts in both ovaries, and was completely and totally annovulatory. And even then I had :witch: every few months (totally irregularly and when it did come it was pretty long, but still, it did come). If I were you, I'd ask for CD3 tests to check if LH and FSH are at the right levels / ratio, a scan of your ovaries to look for cysts, and a check of your thyroid and testosterone levels. Are your cycles regular in length and do you get positive OPKs?
Mrs. Tigger - I've already had scans. My left ovary had a large cyst at the time, but nothing on the right. I had FSH tested, but it wasn't after ovulation. I had testosterone tested and that came back moderately high, but the GYN didn't seem to think that was remarkable at all.

My cycles range from 32 days to 50 or longer, with the latest O day since I've been tracking BBT being CD33... which you can either count as one annovulatory cycle and one regular, or just one really long cycle.. not sure.

TSH was tested and is relatively low, but I did not have a full thyroid workup as my previous physician did not think it was necessary.

But given my list of symptoms, the new physician still thinks PCOS is a real possibility, even if I don't have visible cysts on my ovaries, it seems that their merely being enlarged would qualify me, so that's something we'll look into. She said she has treated women with the disorder before, so that's reassuring to me. She'll know what to look for that I may not think of.

I asked about testing estrogen and progesterone, and she said that doing those two things is difficult/hard to interpret the results.

I'll be talking to her around noon tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have a better idea what she wants to do with me after that. :)
IRYM - yay for finding a doctor that listened to you, sometimes that is half the battle. Given your symptoms I'm very surprised they didn't look at PCOS more closely as a reason before. Really hope she can give you some answers and a better plan of attack.

Mrs. Tigger - nice to meet you and good luck this cycle. Sounds like you have a lot of your levels under control and are at prime BDing time. Good luck!
I'm pregnant!!! Beta has more than doubled in 47 hours; from 47,5 to 121,4.
In so much shock & totally ecstatic!!

Will catch up on everyone's posts later; I have to teach a class now (wish I didn't!!)

Love u all!
Thanks so much everyone! It's very surreal My husband and I keep grinning foolishly at each other. Now the long wait until the u/s. I guess we will never stop stressing from now on! I'm hoping & praying my baby sticks. However I just had to get 2 tickers immediately, want to make the most of this pregnancy hopefully for the next 36 weeks :).

I'm going to stay right here and do my best to stay healthy & in shape! And of course cheering you all on until you get your bfps.

IRYM have you had your phone consult yet? So happy you finally got a dr to take you seriously.

Bronte - enjoy Spain! It sounds lovely.

MrsTigger - that does sound like a CP. My dr says a CP is good news, however painful it might be... it shows that your eggies can be fertilized & that your tubes are functional, also that implantation can potentially occur successfully. FX for a bfp soon!
Fern - Nope, phone call's still an hour out and I feel ridiculously nervous about it! Ugh. It's just a phone call, no big deal, right? But I think what I'm nervous about is yet another physician saying to me, "You're fat. If you'd just lose weight, everything would resolve itself." and dismissing me again.
Fern - yay!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you. I'm sure you are nervous and it hasn't sunk in yet. But I'm excited you made it to this stage and really hope this baby makes it's entrance in around 36 weeks, healthy as can be!
Irym- sooo glad you'll be getting some answers soon

Fern- congrats again!
So incredibly happy for you!
Well, spoke with the physician over the phone. Essentially she's ordered another round of blood tests for me, including a full thyroid panel.

She started out by saying that if my GYN didn't think I had PCOS, maybe that wasn't the problem - but I pointed out that my GYN dismissed my concerns without looking into them, and that I wanted to get to the bottom of my issues and treat them or whatever needed to be done.

Sooo after I mentioned that, she said PCOS definitely has a spectrum, but that they diagnose it more by looking at symptoms and less by hormone levels. She asked if I had had regular cycles before, like right after puberty -- which I never did. They were 45 days or longer, with 10-day AFs that were super heavy and painful. I told her that pretty much all that was done for me back then was to be put on birth control, which doesn't treat the cause of PCOS and wouldn't work for me now because I am TTC!

So I'm going in tomorrow morning for fasting blood work. She said she can order me some progesterone and estrogen tests, but that they are difficult to interpret since the results can vary so widely.

I don't know if she actually DID that part... I'm going to email her and ask for specifics so I know what to tell them at the lab tomorrow.

Hopefully we'll know more about what's going on by Monday-ish! Or, well, since Monday's a holiday, then Tuesday. lol

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