Getting Fit Before Baby

Mrs.Tigger - That WOULD be irritating! Why is he putting it off? It's not a difficult task, maybe slightly embarrassing -- but he could always collect the sample alone.

He just doesn't want to do it. He thinks we have no reason to think there's anything wrong with his :spermy: and he just finds it really embarrassing to call up the doctor, actually have to talk to someone on the phone about this, and then actually go provide the sample in some hospital setting. He's kind of a private person like that.

Yesterday he and I talked about it and agreed I'd help by giving him written instructions on what my specialist said he should ask for, etc, so I did that and we'll see. It turns out he can actually book the appointment for the SA online at the clinic, once he gets the referral from the GP, so that's good.
Okay! Just spoke with my physician.

She says my fasting glucose and A1c levels are fine, despite their being at the high end of the 'normal' range. I'll just try and stick to my low carb eating to help prevent those numbers from climbing outside of the normal range, I guess!

Good News!

So we're getting somewhere, albeit slowly. And even though my estrogen levels are low, I'm still showing symptoms of estrogen dominance, and that means that my progesterone must be down to almost nothing! :shrug:


Well that was fast! The doc decided not to talk to my GYN after all (thank goodness) and went straight to the specialist. The specialist said that with my symptoms and test levels, PCOS is the thing that makes the most sense. And that the only things you really need to qualify for PCOS treatment are: 9 or fewer cycles a year, and some other symptoms such as excess facial hair, weight gain, etc. But she also said, "Since we don't know exactly what day in your cycle those were taken at, we have to redraw on your next CD7." Well, thank goodness I'm tracking, because that was CD 8 when I went in, and I told them so! Hopefully I won't have to have new blood drawn and they can just use my original results.

They must have different diagnosis criteria in the US. Here they require that you have at least 2 of:

- Annovulatory cycles
- Polycystic ovaries
- Hyperandrogenism

But I suspect there is some "sub-clinical form", just like with Hypothyroidism, where the numbers are technically OK, but the symptoms are there.

Did they report back on progresterone levels yet?
Mrs.Tigger - The hyperandrogenism I do have. I have bad acne, excess facial and body hair, elevated testosterone levels. Especially when compared to how low my estrogen levels are. That exacerbates the elevated testosterone.

I dont know for sure if I'm ovulating. I get +OPKs but we all know that all THAT means is that my body was trying to ovulate. Whether or not it actually succeeds, with my hormones so wildly out of balance, is questionable. I'd like to think that I am! Otherwise AF wouldn't arrive exactly 15 days after, right? But we haven't diagnosed that. My BBT spikes up and down and all over the place, too, which I've heard can indicate PCOS.

But anyway -- since we haven't looked at how many (if any) eggs I'm making, they are going off the fact that I have had 9 cycles in 12 mos, which indicates irregularity. Add that in to the other symptoms, including the stuff mentioned above, and they feel I do have PCOS in some form. Perhaps it's only a minor case now, but that means it ought to be easier to correct, right? And that it's been diagnosed before it gets worse?

Aanndd we're STILL waiting on the progesterone test levels to come back from the lab, which is frustrating. They've had my blood since May 28th, what's it doing in there, anyway? :haha: I'm hoping the result comes back today so I can research that, too!

EDIT: Forgot to say that the endocrinologist still wants me in on my next CD7 to test my testosterone, estrogen and progesterone again. Sigh. I guess they're trying to be extra certain!

Ursaula - Where are those tests for us to obsess over? lol
Mrs.Green - How are you doing? Haven't heard anything from you in a little while! :)
I've been reading along and keeping up to date with you ladies. You inspire me to stay on top of my healthy eating. But I never have much to say. Haha
Everything is fine with me. Not much going on got sick yesterday for the 1st time. And other than that I'm just exhausted. My first appointment isn't until next Friday. Then ill actually have fun stuff to update.
Oh man, Friday! That's right around the corner! Are you super excited and nervous?
Next Friday so 8 days... But whose counting?! Lol right now I'm excited but I know the day or so before I'll be SO nervous!
Sorry for keeping you all waiting!

S/o and I had an argument over which pregnancy test was better. Long story short I JUST picked up the FRER today and plan to test either on a 4 hour hold or with fmu. Which do you all prefer?

Also trying to add the promising pic!
FMU is the best in my personal opinion but I don't want to wait! Lol

Irym- yes so close and SO far away! Lol
Urs - can't wait to see that test!!

IRYM - glad that you might finally be getting some answers. I hate that you have to wait another month to draw blood again.

Tigger - my DH didn't want to do a SA either, at first he was saying it was because he was sure there wasn't a problem with him but later admitted he was scared to find out he was the problem and that I would leave him :( sometimes i forget how sensitive men can be about ttc also

Green - sorry the sickness started :( but at the same time that's a good sign its a sticky bean

AFM - Just have been keeping up on reading how you guys are doing :) just got back from my mom's birthday trip ... i'm trying to get over it but my DH and brother went to a strip club. I woke up and they were gone. No note nothing. I waited until 530 in the morning before really getting worried about the unanswered text/phone calls and gps'ed my DH's phone and sure enough there they were in a strip club. I sent one text saying I knew where he was and then shut off my phone. They were back within 15 minutes.... Even before being pregnant I was not comfortable with my body but now it is so much worse. I'm having a really hard time with knowing he was out enjoying himself with naked dancing women and didn't seem to care that I was worried until he was caught .... any advice on how to deal with this? we did talk about it and he said it would never happen again that my brother really wanted to go but still.
Swimmy - Thanks, I'm so impatient for CD7 next cycle! DH is most likely still going to be out of town when I O, so I've pretty much figured I'm out this month already. I want to move forward, get meds and fix my hormones!

The doc DID say she wants me to consider Metformin -- which I've already BEEN considering. I've pretty much been a self-diagnosed PCOS patient for years, and this is just the first time a doctor's looked into it. lol

As for your DH... Have you mentioned how insecure you feel about your body? Not the "Ugh, I feel like a house!" type comments, but an actual, "I am worried you won't want me any more" type statement? Because I'm pretty sure that most guys would just take the "Ew I'm so fat" comments as the general complaints women have 365 days a year, and not an actual indication that you're feeling insecure. Gotta be straight forward!
Urs - waiting impatiently for that test! :)

Swimmy - urgh hun I'm SO sorry that happened to you. Maybe he is feeling a bit overwhelmed because baby is almost coming and he rebelled a bit? (My BIL did that; turned into a party animal trying to recapture his "lost" youth... he's back to normal now). IDK. Just sending you so many hugs. I would kick my husband out if he did that but I'm full of nonsense & very cynical after my first failed marriage. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

IRYM - I don't understand why this doctor still didn't ask you which CD you were on though because certain tests (progesterone, estrogen, fsh, lh) should be done on certain days of your cycle. Anyway it's good that they are at least considering metformin. The less sugar & starch/carbs you consume, the better for PCOS. xxx

AFM - will be peeking in now and then (to cheer you on and I'm stalking for Urs's tests!) but probably am going to be scarce. Right now I'm not trying to get fit... just trying to stay healthy and walk daily & do very light weights. I will rejoin officially after baby is born to lose weight and get fit again. (Still hoping and praying that we have a heartbeat end June though; have to cross that bridge first).
Fern- I'm sure little baby is just sticking in and is preparing for his or her little heart to beat!

Still waiting for urs to post a test!!
Fern - Thank goodness I've been watching my carb intake for ages! It's become a habit now. All of my snacks are boiled eggs, string cheese, yogurt, the occasional bit of canned tuna, etc. and dinners are usually lean meats with some sort of vegetable. IF we have carbs with dinner, it's either a single slice of whole wheat toast, half a sweet potato, or rarely some brown rice. So I'm usually under 100g of carbs per day -- and less than that if I skip the yogurt and opt for boiled eggs or tuna. So I'm doing pretty well! Just need to really crack down on eating more home cooked meals. I do not enjoy cooking much, and less so when temps break 100°F and we're trying to keep the house relatively cool. :dohh:

That, combined with the fact that I count my calories and work out when I can, is why this lack of weight loss is so damned frustrating. After years of it, you start to think, "Well, why do it if it's not helping me any!?" you know?

Urs - Where are those tests!? We're all on the edge of our seats here!
For those who asked, here's a pic of my little one when she was 11 days old. She turned 5 weeks yesterday!

I hope everyone is doing well! Iread- I'm glad to hear someone is finally listening to your concerns and getting the ball rolling to help you. Sometimes that's half the battle.
DrJo - Aww! Is that red hair I see? Congrats on turning 5 weeks! lol

I go in to pick up my Metformin prescription today! I have to say, I'm excited. I've been reading about it, and aside from helping with insulin resistance, it decreases appetite and carb cravings (my carb cravings are brutal), and helps weight loss.

We're starting out with 500mg 1x per day, and going up from there every week. FXd it helps me, 'cause I sure need it!

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