Getting Fit Before Baby

Urs- I know it’s hard but try and remember it’s just a screening for genetics. Lizzy flagged some genetic abnormalities and so did my friends child and neither were born with any issues. I hope that is the case for you. They should get a better idea at your anatomy scan if anything looks strange.

Krissie- sometimes I go up like 8lbs before af shows up!!! That isn’t fair at least we know it’s just water weight lol. Glad yours came off.

Afm - I went to the gym this morning at 5am before my dh had to go to work. I work the next 3 nights so the rest of the week is pretty much out for working out. But at least I got 2 good days in this week. I really need to go back to cutting down my carbs. I love bread too much!!!
I think I’ll try testing on Sunday. Gonna try and hold off testing until then.
i did a blood test tonight at work (its kind of cool just like a urine test but you put blood on it). It detects starting at 10hcg and it was a bfn booooo. I know im only 10dpo but feeling like this isn't my month either. I had an appointment at the fertility clinic yesterday and had a serious crying fit after. My DH had to work so he couldn't come but she pretty much told me IVF was our only option and then went over everything for over 45 minutes. What method she would use, meds, the option to wait 3 or 5 days after fertilizing or doing frozen. I felt like my head was going to explode. I don't know if i could handle all the appointments and 15,000$ worth of expense (even if my nana said she would lend me the money so we wouldn't have to get a loan). My DH said he wants to use a donor instead but the dr wouldn't even talk to me about donor/iui options because my DH wasn't there to confirm that's what he wanted. He already has an appointment at the urologists in a few weeks for an ultrasound and blood work to see if there is something they can do. Sorry for such a long rant i'm just feeling very overwhelmed and defeated tonight.
Sorry about the bfn swimmy.

That appt sounds like it was tough. Was this the same place you used before?
Swimmy: Thank you for sharing. All of us on here have struggled trying to have our babies one way or another. We all want the same thing, a healthy baby.

Have you explained the appointment to your DH? Tell him that you would appreciate him making it next appointment because the specialist couldn't take your word as his word. Or have him call them and voice his wants so everyone is on the same page. I wouldn't say you're jumping to IVF right now, I'd say she just gave you the run down incase it comes to that but nothing could be decided until your DH is present. When is your next appointment with the specialist?

AFM: Our gender scan has been moved up to Monday! Excited. I hope it helps me calm down from all the anxiety. I hope to update you gals relatively soon after the appointment. Hehe!
Krissie- it is the same place we used before, but the doctor I had before isn’t there anymore :( so we have a different one.

Urs- I don’t have another appointment yet. I’m going to make one on Monday and make sure it’s a day my dh can be there (my own fault for scheduling it on a bad day). I’m sooo excited to see pictures/find out what your having!!!!

I have to have another hsg scan before doing a donor or ivf so I’m gonna call Monday to have that sceduled. I’m also going to call and make another appointment on a day I know my dh can be there to decide “officially” on a donor. The more we have talked about it the more the more I realize that’s probably our smartest way to go. If my dh is comfortable and says he wouldn’t think of that child as anything but his I guess there isn’t a reason not to right?
Hi gals!
Swimmy- sorry about the bfn. Ivf is not the worst thing in the world! (It gave me my perfect son!) But I found it emotionally harder than any other ttc methods. Be calm, listen to calming music, smile a lot :)

Urs! Congrats on almost finding out the gender! Only a few more weeks until you reach viability date, wow!!!

Irym- if you are still reading your thread :) please update us! We are all hoping that you and baby are ok!
Urs- excited for tomorrow! I hope your scan goes good.

Swimmy- I hope your next appt is better and you guys are able to proceed. It seems if you do go the donor route there should be a lot more options other than ivf.

How are you doing fern?
The gal doing the ultrasound is 90% positive it's a GIRL! Yay! We will go back to her just to do a double check because she likes to be 99% sure at least. She told us that our baby is the most active one she's ever seen and she's been doing these ultrasounds for years. She also mentioned for about the last 7 months she hasn't had a single girl, only boys, so she thought it was going to be another boy. Excited for our girl! We have tons of photos.


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Yay! Congratulations on your girl. That does definitely look girl
My boy was so obvious, no missing that.

Do you guys have any names picked out?
Omg yay urs!!!! Congrats. Totally would say that’s a girl lol

I got a bfp guys!!!!!!! Kind of freaking out! I’ve taken 1 hospital test and 2 wondfos tonight all have light lines. Gonna take a digital and FRER tomorrow!
I had betas drawn today. I still haven’t told my dh lol idk when/how I’m gonna tell him. I kind of want to do a cute thing with lizzy in a t-shirt but idk if I can wait that long
thought i would post my tests. my beta today was only 28.9 today going to go back friday morning for a redraw. still trying not to be to hopeful. How is everyone else doing?


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Aww congrats! My first beta was only 6 with my daughter. My Dr wouldn't even redraw for a week if I was still getting positives.

I hope your next draw shows a strong increase.
Omw swimmy i have everything crossed for you!

Yay urs for a healthy little girl!

Thx Krissy I'm doing ok, struggling a LOT with my thyroid suddenly and have picked up some weight because I urgently had to stop doing keto. And other stuff going on health wise. But I'm slowly trying to figure everything out and trying to get my thyroid, my menstrual health and weight back on track. Xx
Fern - i'm sorry you've been having such a struggle lately :( is your doctor running more tests on your thyroid to see whats going on?

Krissie - i need some advice with dealing with a toddler lol. My DD has started throwing these crazy tantrums when things don't go her way, hitting and trying to bite. She says about 4-6 words and we have had her hearing checked so we know its not a hearing issue at this point. I've tried time out, ignoring the behavior, heck i've even bitten her back. Do most kids do this about the 1 1/2-2 age?

AFM - beta was 103 today!!!!! i drew about 46 hours after the first draw lol i was being impatient. doing another draw on saturday.
Swimmy- I'm so happy your beta is increasing properly. Have you told dh yet?

As for toddler behavior... my son was dx with a hearing impairment at 21 months so he was clearly not listening at that age. However, my normal hearing nephew was the same way. They both went through a biting phase around two as well. As for the tantrums I found just ignoring them and then briefly stating when it was over why it was not okay was effective. Although I found the terrible 2s to actually be easy with my son, 3 on the other hand has been challenging. We use the corner (he seriously acts like this is the worst punishment) and after 3 mins we discuss what happened and how he can approach it different next time, but at 2 he couldn't have done this. Although we did start timeouts then and often ended them with an I love you and a be nice warning.

As for the biting, I know my mom bit my nephew a couple times because he was biting my son all the time. It didn't really seem to phase him. But after about 6 months it stopped. Not sure why really.
Swimmy: Eeeek! When do you plan to tell your DH???

Fern: Praying everything figures itself out for you. You've had a long struggle.

AFM: Our ob/gyn appointment yesterday went well. Maternal serum bloodwork was back and showed a very, very low chance of any abnormalities. I feel relieved now since my medication would have affected this as well as limb growth. We saw all limbs this past Monday though. Family gender reveal is tomorrow. Excited <3
Krissie - thanks for the advice, I keep trying to tell myself toddlers are frustrated because they can’t tell us what they want. Heck I would be frustrated if I wanted to go outside or take a nap but no one was letting me lol. Today went better with using time outs.

Urs - a gender reveal is going to be fun!!!! Have you started buying things yet?

Afm - I ended up telling my dh after getting the second blood results lol. He was like I knew it!!! You have been acting weird all week and I was wondering why you hadn’t sent me for chocolate or ice cream this week Hahahaha. He knows my cycles wayyyyy to well. Trying to get some big projects done this month. We are building a play room in the basement I’m soooo excited!
On a sad note, a friend I made off of here told me this week she can’t be my friend anymore because I’m pregnant again before she had a baby :( it really hurt. I wasn’t rubbing it in her face or anything she asked me to send pictures of tests and what not so I did. But she blocked me on fb now and stopped responding to text messages/calls. It’s really hurt my feelings. I feel like I wouldn’t be doing this if our rolls were reversed. But I guess everyone handles things differently. :(
Swimmy- it is so true they are frustrated because they can't explain their needs and wants. My son definitely has fewer tantrums now that he can use his words. A lot of his behaviors now are attention seeking. I've really focused on trying to get him one on one attention frequently through the day. He has really needed it since DD was born.

I'm so sorry about your friend. All my friends had all their babies before I have one. Sometimes it hurt but I knew it wasn't about them and I always happy for them.

Urs- so happy your tests came back low risk.

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