Getting lonely..


TTC baby #3
Jul 19, 2013
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Hi, my names Rachel, I'm 19 and 6 weeks today!
I live in Somerset in the UK to move in with my fiance (used to live in the South East)
Except 1 friend I talk to by text, she lives in Nottingham in the North. I have no one except my OH and I feel as if they're getting sick of my baby talk - My friends reaction to me telling her was 'OMG What are you going to do about it?' :/
It would just be nice to speak to someone and maybe make some friends :)
I don't work but my fiance does so I'm home a lot on my own and get really lonely :/
Hello hun im Lauren im 19.and nearly 24 Weeks pregnant and live in north west I feel the same I have grew and they.get sick of pregnancy talk so.its.mostly my family and partner and same here I don't work anymore for the time being but my partner works alot long would be good go.have a pregnancy buddy is pregnancy treating you.? Xx
Hello :)

I'm Laura, 22 and I have three children. I found myself incredibly lonely in my first pregnancy, I knew absolutely no one that was also pregnant, which was why I found real comfort in talking to people on this forum. I was 17 when I conceived my first. Have you looked into whether there are any pregnancy groups local to you? You may find friends through that, and at the very least would give you a way to meet new people.
Hi Lauren, yeah my partner works long hours, well he is part time but he does a lot of extra hours - working 6 days this week :( Sickness is getting the best of me with being tired - still don't really 'feel' pregnant as haven't thrown up etc. but I'll regret saying that when I do start haha. Except that It's been good, just waiting till the 12 weeks to tell people which is taking ages :( I'm terrified but it will be nice not have to watch what I say in front of OH parents etc. How's yours going? xx

Hi Laura, yeah the majority of my social life is on here haha, I've got a doctors appointment on the 2nd of August so I'm going to ask then :) Yeah I was saying to my OH that I can't wait for the baby as I'll have someone there with me, even if they can't talk yet haha. x

Thank you both xxx
Hello hun my partner works full time but dose alot of.extra hours like half 8 morning until ten at night he used do sleeps where he would go in like one day morning and come home next day night but recently cut them to aiIn't it I just felt sick so you could just get that hun bet your really excited to tell them hun mines going good except severe heartburn and my addiction to ice pops lol have you got the date for your twelve week scan.hun and you got any cravings yet ? You.dont have to hun could do with some friends.on here to go through pregnancy.experiences with.xx
Hey darling, I'm Jess :hugs: I feel your pain! Although I do have my group of friends as I've not moved since high school finished, the ones I see must get sick to death of baby talk, I can see it in their eyes! Feel free to message me on here if you'd like to tlk :) x
Ah I'd find that so hard, nice that he's cut down though :) My partners done the opposite, the moment I told him (after all the excitement etc) he rang work and ask for any extra hours they had so we could save loads for when baby comes. Luckily I've spoken to him about being bored at home, (especially now morning sickness has kicked in every morning till about 12pm if not longer so I can't go out and do things till later and then it ends up hitting me at random points in the day and don't like being out alone when I feel like that :() and he's making a bit more of an effort to go and and do things with me, even if it is just a walk :) Ice pops seem to make me feel sick, and yeah, chicken - everything chicken related haha. And no not yet :( Yeah :')

Hi Jess :) Yeah mine seem to be getting annoyed :( Will do, when I find out how haha. Congratulations on recently finding out your baby's a girl! Did you want a girl? My partners really wants a girl (really wants a daddy's girl haha) but I'm torn - Obviously a healthy baby is all I want but you can wish :p
It was yeah its abit better :).we nearly have everything for Baby they don't come aww I know how you feel i.get random moments where feel alone we can thank our that's nice of him that's the only.meat im eating mostly chicken haha aw it won't be long iknow its early but have you got any feeling wether your having a girl or boy I thought little girl and so did most my family and he was a little boy really happy :) what you up to today anything ? Xx
I made a list the other day of everything we needed - so in the next few months if there's a sale we can get it and I've said three times already 'right that's it all' then I end up adding more each time :( Yeah my partners loving my hormones at the moment, one minute I'm shouting at him for nothing the next I'm crying haha. I've eaten all the chicken in our home so now I'm complaining I need more :p I haven't really thought about it. It sounds stupid but the first sign I was pregnant was that I had a dream I took a test and it was positive and recently I've been having dreams of pink and a baby girl but also of a toddler boy so was convinced it was a girl but now I'm not so sure.
So far nothing as my sickness has come with some sort of vengeance today, spent since about 8am going to the bathroom every 10 minutes so don't want to go out then throw up on the side of the road haha. Going for a walk with my partner this evening when he gets home :D How about you? xxx
Haha I understand the list never stops we keep adding to it haha can't help it got get few more bits same I feel sorry for my partner he gets the tears the screams the shouts the happiness and smiles he dont know if coming or going but we have excuses lol ;) I dreamt little boy and little boy he is aww bless you and aww been to see my partners family :) how was your walk ? Xx
We think we have a list of everything now.. We THINK haha! Yeah he gets it all and more haha, especially as he's the only one I live with haha. I read ages ago that some women dream about a baby/taking a test when they were pregnant so the moment I had that dream I took a test - I didn't even think my period was late as I'd lost track of the date haha. Ah I'll have to wait and see :) Aww, how'd that go? My OH has 3 dogs so I'm trying to stay away because the dogs have a thing about stepping and etc on my stomach and they're not small dogs haha. It was nice, we took so bread and fed the ducks in a park then went on a walk round the town, completely forgetting it was a Friday night haha xx
Haha it will never end you will see something else say that's it then a week later you will have loads new baby stuff haha I dreamt weird dreams and they say that's another sighn and before I found out the sex of the baby alot people and myself was saying girl and my dad said no its a boy as I was very close to my grandad who passed away a few years ago and my dad dreamt of my grandad holding a little boy I have gave birth to and was like I'm hundred percent it a boy even with me saying no it's a girl they say what you dream of is opposite in my case was wrong as i dreamt a boy and got a boy and my partner said was boy two sorry for waffling but keep out for sighns like that it went good spent a few hours there :) aww bless bet your really careful I am when comes to dogs scare me of my stomache so protective me haha bet it was packed how are you today ? Xx
I hope it ends soon haha, I keep having dreams about baby's but it's never just a girl or just a boy :( My partner said 'I'd laugh if it was twins, you kinda showing as well' I was like 'No, that's no laughing matter!' haha. Oh good :) My partners parents are away on holiday at the moment so every time I go on Facebook I see new pictures :( haha. I'm unbelievably protective over my stomach, dogs or not dogs haha. Sorry I didn't reply completely forgot, came on here to reply then forgot haha, had such bad backache last night and for some reason with the covers on I'm boiling hot but without I'm cold I'd rather just be on or the other :( No bad sickness today so fx'd :) How about you? xx
I think I was secretly hoping haha :p well if you put any stock in symptoms and gender, I had a really bad chicken aversion as well! Couldn't stand it for ages :haha: how long til you find out!
Aww :( I have a thing for cheese at the moment but I've been through that before when I wasn't pregnant so who knows haha. I can't stand chocolate at the moment my OH nicely went and brought me a packet of Minstrels as he knew I love (well loved now!) them and I ate three and thought I was going to be sick, now even the though of chocolate makes me sick :( I don't find out till the end of October :( xx
Haha dose twins run in.the family im showing im massive but. Am.six.months lol its just a mother instinct and its okay hun my biggest craving in pregnancy was cheese see they say sour stuff.and cheese is boy and.choclate and Girl and not bad hun xx
No and I told my OH that and he said 'yes but you never know ;)' I think he's just trying to annoy me haha. I don't think I'm showing but he does so who knows :) I'm craving cheese and chicken but then I'm also craving sweet, not chocolate, just sweets. I just think my body is being a pain in the backside and confusing me on purpose haha. When did you start showing? My parents are coming down when I'm 8/9 weeks and I'm not telling them till 12+ weeks so hoping I won't be showing by then - or noticeably showing! xx
Haha lol men love winding us up and when were pregnant its worse haha your cravings should settle down in a few.months are you excited of nervous or both to tell them? I would say earliest 12 but tiny bit I would say from 18 Weeks the most start to show
Mines very big are. excited to get bump love mine and when Baby gives some kicks well cute got to say he like a mini footballer already when do you find out when your scan is the scans kept me going looked forward to t
hem I have a 28 week one in just over 3 week :) xx
Yeah haha. I don't mind cravings it's the cravings that I don't know that are annoying - at least when I know what I'm craving I can have it haha. OH's parents I'm alright about telling because I know they'll be supportive and more open to it, my parents I'm sh*ting my pants about telling, luckily they live a good 200 miles away so won't be face to face haha. Oh good I would have told them by then :D Yeah I can't wait to get a bump :D! Aww bless him :') Have you named him yet or not? (You might have said but my mind is like a sieve at the moment :()
Aww :) I have no idea when my scan is :( Just want one now, I'm so impatient haha.
Haha and that's nice they will be supportive lol so you know they won't be round the house after telling them will be a good point for you it's amazing heavy though and yes Joshua :) me and my partner agreed and he won't budge now no I haven't said Hun and I'm so clumsy and forgetful lately 16. Weeks and he will be here getting scared already i was like labour don't scare me and all this further I'm getting is more I'm getting nervous and scared its flying so make sure you treasure it i was like four week when found out and was like its taking forever and now six months and like wow where's it gone make sure you take lots bump pictures :) I'm going miss my bump but can't wait to meet him and see what he looks like aww it's hard waiting aint it I was like that they keep you going seeing them is amazing they do scans sometimes at. 10. Weeks like mine and if you want a Scan what measures te fluid at back of kneck and that is at like 13 week so you get two I know it's early but have you and your partner picked or saw any name you like for both girl or boy xx

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