Getting lonely..

Aww bless its hard like you said to many cute things and good deals on our bellys are mad mines constant mostly very hard and im sure it keeps going lopsided he been kicking me most day haha aww haha it's not easy further get gets painful heavy and hard work lol I was like that now it's one more i think haha I don't know yet I got my labour to come yet haha and aww that's nice :) went Wales for a few hours with my family to visit my nanna then chilled with my partner getting so tired and heavy I am sure he going be a chunky monkey has tiredness hit you yet mine was tiredness and constant pressure so needing to wee lol up to like 12 week went away and come back like 19 week xx

Every time I go to the shops I ask to look at the baby clothes and end up finding something new I like :D Awww :) Can't wait to feel my baby kick :') Yeah when my stomachs bloated it gets in the way and I think to myself - How am I going to manage when I'm getting to the end and I'm massive - I've got a small frame so if I am massive I'll find it so hard :dohh:
My OH's parents are in Wales at the moment for a holiday - Looks AMAZING! Heard on This Morning, this morning that someone gave birth to a 13lb+ baby naturally, just remember you're lucky it's not 13lbs+ haha! Yeah, I find one minute I want to go on a big long walk then the next I'm laying on the sofa wanting to sleep, it's my bbs that are the biggest problem, they constantly hurt and then one day they stopped hurting I thought yay! It's so much better but then the next day I could barely walk without them hurting :( Needing to wee hasn't been that much of a problem at the moment, I need to go more but I can manage it :) xxx
Hey, I'm Tennessee, 19, and I'm 29 wks. 1 day today. I'm always up to talking about baby stuff :D

Hi Tennessee :) Hope your pregnancy's going well, do you know the sex? Yay! I think even my partners getting annoyed now :p xxx
I have 3 friends, 2 I rarely get to see and the other doesn't live here :(

Yes that's him at 10 months, thank you :flower:

Our hospital don't tell you but I don't want to know, it was so special when Jason was born :) Do you plan on finding out? :) xx

None of my friends live near me as I moved down to the South West (Somerset) to be with my partner as he'd lived here and I lived in the South East (Buckinghamshire). I like to speak about my pregnancy as, as stupid as it sounds, I'm really proud of myself that I've done it, but my friends don't seem to care :/ One friend said congrats etc and then didn't say much and then the other friend said to me 'OMG What are you going to do about it?!' :/ So I don't tend to talk about it with them.
I can't wait to know :') One side of me wants to wait till I give birth but then the other very impatient side wants to know as soon as possible haha xx

My firend who doesnt live here, I actually met in Teen Pregnancy :flower:

All I talked about was my pregnancy, now ALL I talk about is my LO :dohh:

Haha, it's horrible not knowing but so worth it IMO! I was so desperate to now last time but now I've done it I'm not all that bothered, I actually really don't want to know lol xx

Aww that's nice to know people do actually find friends on here :D
Yeah my partners already said I best not take loads of photos on his phone (better camera than mine) and use all his memory up - My response? 'Get a bigger memory card' haha!
Yeah I can't make my mind up, but OH wants to know so might just find out as I'm impatient enough as it is :p xxx

Oh definitely :)

Haha I couldn't even count the amount of photos I have of LO! Way too many :haha: xx
Haha same I always go baby sections so many good deals aww haha I won't be able see my feet soon I only started feeling him proper lately this morning first time I woke my partner up as he was kicking his feet out my stomache and done a roll first time he saw it and me was proud of my little man lol :) aww ha mad how we have energy boosts next were tired zzzzz haha I'm struggling with my boobs gone to like f already about I'm struggling walking alot pain lately ribs and stomache think stretching pains but ouch was up all night last night nearly in tears :( wow haha I can't wait for them to estimate his size do you think you will have small or big baby xx
Haha same I always go baby sections so many good deals aww haha I won't be able see my feet soon I only started feeling him proper lately this morning first time I woke my partner up as he was kicking his feet out my stomache and done a roll first time he saw it and me was proud of my little man lol :) aww ha mad how we have energy boosts next were tired zzzzz haha I'm struggling with my boobs gone to like f already about I'm struggling walking alot pain lately ribs and stomache think stretching pains but ouch was up all night last night nearly in tears :( wow haha I can't wait for them to estimate his size do you think you will have small or big baby xx

I can't wait for him/her to kick, hoping my partner is around when it first happens though as I know he'll be kinda sad if he's not there :( Yeah yesterday I felt like I could have run a marathon, then my partner work me up an hourish later.. Guess I couldn't have run that marathon haha! At the moment I haven't had to change cup size but I can feel them getting smaller and I've had to change the straps but the pain is so bad at the moment every time my partners hugs me I have to be careful he doesn't hug me too tight or I'm in pain - joys of pregnancy 'ey haha. Oh dear :( Hope it sorts itself out soon :(
I'm hoping small but partner says he was a bigger baby and I was an average size baby so not putting my hopes up haha. I said to OH that if him being a big baby makes me have a big baby I'm going to blame him for all my pain haha. When do you get to know? xx
Hi sweets! I'm Shannon, 21, and I have a 2 year old named Victoria "Tori"! Always around for a chat. :D
Hi Shannon, she's so cute! Having any luck TTC #2? (Just about to read your journal - I was going to start a TTC journal then ended up with a positive when I least expected it (in other words, we barely BD'd in June as it was so hot etc) My OH wants a 5 year gap between our babies but with all the excitement of this one I don't know if I can hold on for 5 years, might be different once I'm in labour haha xx
Hey, I'm Tennessee, 19, and I'm 29 wks. 1 day today. I'm always up to talking about baby stuff :D

Hi Tennessee :) Hope your pregnancy's going well, do you know the sex? Yay! I think even my partners getting annoyed now :p xxx

Its going great so far, besides leg pain like you wouldn't believe! Yep, I'm having a little boy. <3 Mine seems to be too, he just doesn't seem to enjoy the little things like I do lol.
Hey, I'm Tennessee, 19, and I'm 29 wks. 1 day today. I'm always up to talking about baby stuff :D

Hi Tennessee :) Hope your pregnancy's going well, do you know the sex? Yay! I think even my partners getting annoyed now :p xxx

Its going great so far, besides leg pain like you wouldn't believe! Yep, I'm having a little boy. <3 Mine seems to be too, he just doesn't seem to enjoy the little things like I do lol.

Ah, I'm just dealing with sickness and painful bbs - but it's slowly stopping so worrying a bit (never thought I'd say I didn't not want pain haha) Aww :') Yeah same with mine, I'm hoping once we get a scan and he's seen our little sweet pea he'll pick up with the excitement and want to talk about it :D xx
Aww bless I could feel it for a while before my partner felt or saw it other day I woke up with belly moving with kicks so woke my partner up and he did.more.kicks and a big roll turn over luckily he was there to.see and aww bless they will get big gee r soon just wait haha and iknow what you mean when I have sore boobs ouch cheers just spent two days in hospital so its why i.havent.replied sooner the midwifery used doppler and said he was like a if you can baby everyone says.he. Is a.right wriggler and I was a bigger baby and my partner was small think you find out like 28 week scan or midwife appointment as uterus height.and that could be later or on scan but.sure they estimate weight and got a feeling he won't be small lol how you today.xx
Sorry for the late reply, internets messed up :( aww bless :') Oh dear! Are you and baby okay? :( aww I hope a nice healthy small baby haha. Told my OHs parents last night (on our two year anniversary) haha. He chickened out 3 times but when he finally told them they were so happy! :') Been told I'm going to be wrapped up im cotton wool now haha! Just got my parents to tell - the scary part! :( waiting for a bit to tell them though :) xx
Sorry for any typos etc. On my phone.
Aww its okay hun yeh were fine my little man had become so active in last few days awe that's loverly they was really happy :) awe you should be okay telling them you never know how are you and little bump xx
Aww :') can't wait to feel my baby - OHs mum said it's amazing when you feel the butterflies and realise it's actually your baby moving :D I keep changing my mind how to tell them haha. I'll probably chicken out and do it by letter haha. We're okay, been getting like stitch pains dk rang my doctor just waiting for a reply :( but except that sickness is still there -.- I have a little bump already! D: how're you two doing? Xx
aw ye at first i used get butterfly's and like popping in my belly and after a while i realized was him and now i get roll kicks haha now when i get up and down my belly shapes in the middle to his back shape where he must be lieng my partner said it was scary as can see his back poking out definitely part of him haha you wake up and see it you will amazed but scared hurting him as evreytime i get up it his back there dose dk mean partner hun ? and i get pains like stitches hun its baby growing i used describe them exactly like that now its rib and bump pain lol all we go through but its worth it my partner put his hand on my rib the other day as he was moving and he nearly jumped it was that strong i thought yeh feel how strong my ribs are getting booted haha so he can feel sorry for me :p sorry for waffling on glad you feel okay hun hope the pain wears off it gets worse though further along :( were fine hun thanks for asking been up to much today? xx
How far along do you have to wait until you feel the baby? I want yo feel it now :( Haha I bet, and it means I can't type on my phone haha sorry, my internets gone so using phone internet and it goes about two miles an hour so as I type so fast it delays and messes up :( I rang my doctor as I was worried and she basically said 'stop worrying just enjoy it' it's hard to enjoy when ever pain I think is somethinh going wrong haha. Got something to look forward to then haha. Just trying to sort out money problems, fun haha. Hopefully all sorted now :) how about you? Xx

(Sorry for any typos on my phone)
it all depends hun they do say longer on first pregnancy but i dont know i felt popping about 18-20 weeks what i dident know was baby at first and proper kicks and see movement about 24 -25 weeks so can all depend on person growth baby i think haha lol its okay dont worry about it im sometimes same on my phone haha mine can be slow sometime quite annoying when your used to a fast laptop or pc lol and aww bless i was like that after 2 miscarriages one missed around 11 weeks was really hard and i dident settle untill my gender scan at 16 week and now he a big healthy active little boy who will be here in 14 weeks and 2 days about hehe :) time flys hope your feeling better soon haha and same really but were okay now roll on pay day lol got get my little fellas pram you doing anything today? xx
Ah, have ages yet then :( yeah it's slow in the first place but sometimes it goes even slower haha. Aww bless :( think that's why I'm worrying more as I didn't realise how common a m/c was until being on here. That's quite soon! Excited and nervous? I'm not even at 14 weeks yet haha. So long to go! :(I love pram shopping! Can't wait to actually buy my baby a pram rather than just look :) Cleaning - so loads of fun haha, you? Xx
Hi there! Mind if I join? I kinda know how you feel...
I'm 22 and pregnant with my first (due in February), I've not long graduated from university and was working as a temp while going through IVF. Unfortunately because temporary workers don't get the same right's as permanent employees, I could no longer work and they didn't have to find other employment.

So I've become a full-time housewife while my husband works full-time. I'm home pretty much all the time (luckily I have my two fur-babies to keep me company!).

I've been trying to start hobbies such as baking and knitting, maybe this is something others could think of too?
You.might feel them early but its worth the wait I thought was taking forever and now its going more faster they are.common.but really hard and heartbreaking to go through iknow not. Long scared of labour but excited to.hold my little prince awe how far are you percent goes quite.low after 12 Weeks aw bless im getting.mine in 2 week.same really.been so exhausted loads.latley xx your sickness still there.?

Awe it being at.home all.the.time I get.bored how.are you.? X
Hi missl, what's your story for being lonely? :hugs:

It's kinda nice being home, particularly when you're not feeling well or are tired. But there's nothing to do! I think it doesn't help that I worked so hard at the end of university it was all I could think about (I even dreamt about it!).

So now I have nothing to do it's weird.

I'm good thanks though, my pregnancy has been pretty easy thankfully :) How about you?

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