Go GLAMAMAMAS!! **The most wonderful, beautiful and Lucky women**

My TCOYF says I am fertile from tomorrow up until 20th (if I ovulate on 19th).
Are you using anything this month Blusatin ? I'm not going OPK's or temps this cycle as I'm back home.
What vitamins do you take ? I take EPO (up until ovulation), B6, B-Complex, Multivitamins with Iron, Vitamin C and Zinc dissolve able tablets, Sea Kelp, Vitamin E and Folic Acid. I am totally obsessed with vitamins !!! Might get some more types when my next load of student loan is in (Jan 10th). I don't drink any alcohol either and haven't done for about a year (which is weird for a 20 year old student) but I just don't see the point in it.

Funny thing, my mum who is 42 has been sterilised for about 12 years (tubes tied) about 7 years ago she had surgery to explore abdominal pain and they found that the clips on her tubes had come off and lodged in parts of her body (such as her liver) and it would be too dangerous to remove then but that her tubes are now sealed by scar tissue. I was talking to her yesterday and her cycles are usually like clock work, every 28 days, she is 3 days late for AF ! She's way too young for 'the change' as she calls it, so I told her I would bring one of my IC tests with me when I go home for xmas, just to put her mind at rest (also if she was preg, due to tubes tied there is a very high risk of ectopic preg so best to test). But I was just thinking, wouldn't it be sods law that she falls preg and yet so many of us on her temping, using OPK's, doing handstands and taking buckets full of vitamins, can't manage to get a BFP. I doubt she is preg but I am just worried about the risk of ectopic if she was.

Anyway I have made another sig thing, again not the best I have ever made but I'm having a little bit of lack of creative artistic flare at the moment, I'll put it down to the fact that I didn't get to bed until 5am and was up at 7:30am for a lecture !

Wow! thanx for the siggy it's perfect!

Well this cycle I am using preseed for the very first time and I too am taking a bucket load of vitamins. DH too. I am hoping that preseed and vitamins will be sufficient for us to get a sticky beanie this time.

How surreal would it be if your mum was to be pregnant?! :wacko: Well I wish her all the best. I am sure everything will be ok, it's probably her period being funny this month and coming up later than usual. My AF is also usually like clockwork, but I may get a cycle (once in a while) where AF shows up late.

I wonder where the rest of the girls are….
Hi girls!

Just letting you know that I just posted a new Blog Post entitled: Manstrology: Understanding the 30-something man according to his star sign.


Let me know what you think!
hey blusatin, ur siggys r amazin!! i <3 them i tried addin mine but jus got a load of words n symbols, ill hav another go at addin it- ??
yeah not guna tell fella when im o' nxt dnt want him 2 feel "pressured again, well i had my lh surge on monday morn, which explains why my af was coming so early, cos i was o'ing so early!! but havent actually managed 2 get any of the goods so 2 speak as of yet, hopin 2 hav a go 2nite, my friend bff o'd really late, meanin we actually o around the same time, do u ladies reckon i stand a chance of still concieving if we bd 2night,
i got lh surge monday morn, from that point it can b 24-48hrs b4 o' im jus wonderin, or this month has been a waste :( havent been monitoring my temp as i havent been rememberin in the mornin!!! but dont feel any hotter, like when u o' i am so confuddled, this early ov has comletely thrown me!!! but still guna try durin the days the 28day cycle wud say im ovulating, jus incase i havent o'd early? oh i am super confused, i am totally not feelin like i guna get preggo this month!!!!!
i suppose ther is always nxt month rite?
i think the 2ww will b an easy 1 4 me as ther is virtually no chance i got preg this month!

sorry 2 bang on n ramble, jus had 2 get it out i suppose!!!! <3

so how are we all doin on ere? is evry1 else got busy and dun plent of bd'ing?
Hi everyone!! Love the siggy's you come up with bees; they're super cute and creative. :thumbup:

Well, had the dr appt today and doc said since we conceived so quickly the first time, and it's been over 6 months of trying that we'd check me and DH out. I get a progesterone check on the 30th to make sure I o'd and hubby will have do-the-deed in a cup for sperm analysis. I'm sure he'll be thrilled about that, but at least he doesn't have to do it in a weird room with a magazine! :haha:
So, we'll see what happens with that. I'm feeling much more relaxed just knowing we're getting checked.

Kimberley - I would definitely still :sex: over the next week, because the strips only detect your surge, not actually ovulation, so you could still have a chance. You might surge, then not o, then surge again, then o late; you never know. I like the every other day method for a couple weeks around o personally; you're bases are usually covered that way.

And yes, there is always next month!! Hopefully not for any of us though.
Hi girls!

Just letting you know that I just posted a new Blog Post entitled: Manstrology: Understanding the 30-something man according to his star sign.


Let me know what you think!

Blu, is that your blog you write?? The manstrology is clever! My DH is a gemini, but it's only about half right. Boyish charm and fun and used-to-be womanizer (not anymore of course, I tamed him) :winkwink: The other stuff not so much though. I'd like to see the women's version.
Hi everyone!! Love the siggy's you come up with bees; they're super cute and creative. :thumbup:

Well, had the dr appt today and doc said since we conceived so quickly the first time, and it's been over 6 months of trying that we'd check me and DH out. I get a progesterone check on the 30th to make sure I o'd and hubby will have do-the-deed in a cup for sperm analysis. I'm sure he'll be thrilled about that, but at least he doesn't have to do it in a weird room with a magazine! :haha:
So, we'll see what happens with that. I'm feeling much more relaxed just knowing we're getting checked.

Kimberley - I would definitely still :sex: over the next week, because the strips only detect your surge, not actually ovulation, so you could still have a chance. You might surge, then not o, then surge again, then o late; you never know. I like the every other day method for a couple weeks around o personally; you're bases are usually covered that way.

And yes, there is always next month!! Hopefully not for any of us though.

yeah i am guna keep bding - even tho the fella still hasnt "ejaculated" not once, now he is sayin HE is feelin frustrated!!! and its the pressure of knoin he has 2- i am guna us tell him nxt month (as i am pretty sure this ent my month) so i ent guna tell him nxt month when i o- seems like it putss him under toooo much pressure!!! AND WE CANT HAV THAT NOW CAN WE!!!
Hi girls!

Just letting you know that I just posted a new Blog Post entitled: Manstrology: Understanding the 30-something man according to his star sign.


Let me know what you think!

Blu, is that your blog you write?? The manstrology is clever! My DH is a gemini, but it's only about half right. Boyish charm and fun and used-to-be womanizer (not anymore of course, I tamed him) :winkwink: The other stuff not so much though. I'd like to see the women's version.

Thank you Annabelle! Yes, it is my blog…I love to write!
This is only a humorous generalisation of the star signs. Of course one's personality cannot be analysed through knowing the star sign. You must look at the ascendant, on which planet his moon, mars and jupiter is etc. Maybe I should create a thread on BnB with children's star signs…

As you probably guessed, I am really into astrology and my friends say I am quite accurate when it comes to profiling people...:blush:
Hi girls!

Just letting you know that I just posted a new Blog Post entitled: Manstrology: Understanding the 30-something man according to his star sign.


Let me know what you think!

Blu, is that your blog you write?? The manstrology is clever! My DH is a gemini, but it's only about half right. Boyish charm and fun and used-to-be womanizer (not anymore of course, I tamed him) :winkwink: The other stuff not so much though. I'd like to see the women's version.

Thank you Annabelle! Yes, it is my blog…I love to write!
This is only a humorous generalisation of the star signs. Of course one's personality cannot be analysed through knowing the star sign only. You must look at the ascendant, on which planet his moon, mars and jupiter is etc. Maybe I should create a thread on BnB with children's star signs…

As you probably guessed, I am really into astrology and my friends say I am quite accurate when it comes to profiling people...:blush:
Hi everyone!! Love the siggy's you come up with bees; they're super cute and creative. :thumbup:

Well, had the dr appt today and doc said since we conceived so quickly the first time, and it's been over 6 months of trying that we'd check me and DH out. I get a progesterone check on the 30th to make sure I o'd and hubby will have do-the-deed in a cup for sperm analysis. I'm sure he'll be thrilled about that, but at least he doesn't have to do it in a weird room with a magazine! :haha:
So, we'll see what happens with that. I'm feeling much more relaxed just knowing we're getting checked.

Kimberley - I would definitely still :sex: over the next week, because the strips only detect your surge, not actually ovulation, so you could still have a chance. You might surge, then not o, then surge again, then o late; you never know. I like the every other day method for a couple weeks around o personally; you're bases are usually covered that way.

And yes, there is always next month!! Hopefully not for any of us though.

yeah i am guna keep bding - even tho the fella still hasnt "ejaculated" not once, now he is sayin HE is feelin frustrated!!! and its the pressure of knoin he has 2- i am guna us tell him nxt month (as i am pretty sure this ent my month) so i ent guna tell him nxt month when i o- seems like it putss him under toooo much pressure!!! AND WE CANT HAV THAT NOW CAN WE!!!

Sweetie, try not to feel so frustrated, I will agree with Annabelle don,t give up now, continue with BD as often as you can, preferably every other day, and try to relax ( I know easier said than done) but it's a shame to miss out on this cycle because of stress. You guys have to do something to relax. Open a nice bottle of wine, put on some smooth sexy music and enjoy an evening together. It will happen, don't despair!!

Annabelle, now that you feel more relaxed having gone to the Drs I reckon your chances of conceiving this month are much higher!! Let's wait and see!
he works soo much, long days! he doesnt drink, at all, so wine is out of the question, lol, never had a prob wiv him "ejaculating" b4- tbh, its usually the opposite problem!! lol, i may hav sum wine,jus 4 me, jus 2 help me unwind a lil. i am already thinking about nxt month!! still guna bd as much as poss, this month has been a tricky 1! i doubt its my month, so nxt month! im ready!!! our sex life is fairly amazin, the sex is gr8! we are adventurous, and ther isnt much we DONT do, sorry if tmi! but sex isnt the prb, jus him ejaculating!! delivering that LIQUID GOLD!!!

he is so anxious, and knos he HAS 2 deliver, so think the pressure is on him, i cant help but b a bit mad at him!! lol nxt month i am not even guna mention baby-makin, in fact i havent mentioned it since! jus hopin he can forget bout the pressure he is under,... i jus hav 2 keep thinkin, it WILL happen! i WILL get my BFP! jus a case of patiently waitin!!

thanx 4 ur advice girls, i hope u all get ur bfps, i hav a fellin i will still b here nxt mnth, but i am guna do everythin i can nxt month!! EVERYTHIN!!! <3
Thanks for the invite over. Started digital OPk's yesterday cd10 and just got o:) cd11 there now. I wasnt expecting it this soon as my last cycle was 30days. So lots of :sex: for the 3-4 days
Hi girls!

Just letting you know that I just posted a new Blog Post entitled: Manstrology: Understanding the 30-something man according to his star sign.


Let me know what you think!

Blu, is that your blog you write?? The manstrology is clever! My DH is a gemini, but it's only about half right. Boyish charm and fun and used-to-be womanizer (not anymore of course, I tamed him) :winkwink: The other stuff not so much though. I'd like to see the women's version.

Thank you Annabelle! Yes, it is my blog&#8230;I love to write!
This is only a humorous generalisation of the star signs. Of course one's personality cannot be analysed through knowing the star sign only. You must look at the ascendant, on which planet his moon, mars and jupiter is etc. Maybe I should create a thread on BnB with children's star signs&#8230;

As you probably guessed, I am really into astrology and my friends say I am quite accurate when it comes to profiling people...:blush:

That's great! You're a good writer. I used to really get into astrology b/c I thought it was pretty darn accurate about myself and found it very fascinating. I noticed you said your hubby is Austrian and that's where you live now. Where are you from? Europe somewhere I'm assuming? I love geography and maps, so I'm always curious as to where everyone is from. It's fun thinking about other cultures and the similarities/differences between them all.

Kimberley - You're from England right? Where is everyone else from?
he works soo much, long days! he doesnt drink, at all, so wine is out of the question, lol, never had a prob wiv him "ejaculating" b4- tbh, its usually the opposite problem!! lol, i may hav sum wine,jus 4 me, jus 2 help me unwind a lil. i am already thinking about nxt month!! still guna bd as much as poss, this month has been a tricky 1! i doubt its my month, so nxt month! im ready!!! our sex life is fairly amazin, the sex is gr8! we are adventurous, and ther isnt much we DONT do, sorry if tmi! but sex isnt the prb, jus him ejaculating!! delivering that LIQUID GOLD!!!

he is so anxious, and knos he HAS 2 deliver, so think the pressure is on him, i cant help but b a bit mad at him!! lol nxt month i am not even guna mention baby-makin, in fact i havent mentioned it since! jus hopin he can forget bout the pressure he is under,... i jus hav 2 keep thinkin, it WILL happen! i WILL get my BFP! jus a case of patiently waitin!!

thanx 4 ur advice girls, i hope u all get ur bfps, i hav a fellin i will still b here nxt mnth, but i am guna do everythin i can nxt month!! EVERYTHIN!!! <3

I know the feeling! I think my hubby is feelin the pressure too. He doesn't like the test sticks, definitely not happy about the testing I want to do. He just thinks it should happen naturally and we shouldn't stress. Easier said that done right?? :dohh: I would just rather know than not know, but I feel bad that this is turning into a science experiment instead of normal sex. I need to remember it's about him too; sometimes I get too wrapped up in me and my issues. Whoops. Hard when you just want a baby right? :wacko:
Thanks for the invite over. Started digital OPk's yesterday cd10 and just got o:) cd11 there now. I wasnt expecting it this soon as my last cycle was 30days. So lots of :sex: for the 3-4 days

Good luck babyfeet!!!!! :happydance:
yeah it can so easily become jus about makin a baby, and soon sex becomes nothin mor thn the "transportation" 2 make the baby. guess my bf is startin 2 feel a bit of a robot, me demanding sex whenever!! instead of jus bein a time 4 me and him 2 b intimate- its a nuisance, but i want this baby! and he really wants it too!!! not even guna hint that im o'ing nxt time, pretty sure im out- but time will tell, not even sure when af is due as opks said i o'd super early, ?? oh the confusion poas has caused!!!
Hi girls!

Just letting you know that I just posted a new Blog Post entitled: Manstrology: Understanding the 30-something man according to his star sign.


Let me know what you think!

Blu, is that your blog you write?? The manstrology is clever! My DH is a gemini, but it's only about half right. Boyish charm and fun and used-to-be womanizer (not anymore of course, I tamed him) :winkwink: The other stuff not so much though. I'd like to see the women's version.

Thank you Annabelle! Yes, it is my blog…I love to write!
This is only a humorous generalisation of the star signs. Of course one's personality cannot be analysed through knowing the star sign only. You must look at the ascendant, on which planet his moon, mars and jupiter is etc. Maybe I should create a thread on BnB with children's star signs…

As you probably guessed, I am really into astrology and my friends say I am quite accurate when it comes to profiling people...:blush:

That's great! You're a good writer. I used to really get into astrology b/c I thought it was pretty darn accurate about myself and found it very fascinating. I noticed you said your hubby is Austrian and that's where you live now. Where are you from? Europe somewhere I'm assuming? I love geography and maps, so I'm always curious as to where everyone is from. It's fun thinking about other cultures and the similarities/differences between them all.

Kimberley - You're from England right? Where is everyone else from?

I love to write although when I write on my blog and I read what I've written the next day, I always notice some syntax or grammar mistakes I've made from the rush of getting inspired and writting.

Regarding where I am from…LOL complicated! My Father is from Mauritius born and raised there (but his Father is English and my Grandmother is French) my Mum is half Greek half English born and raised in London. So what does that make me? he he I was born in Mauritius but lived in London practically my whole life except for the 6 years I decided to move to Athens, Greece (i met my hubby there and a few years later we moved to Vienna). My mother tongues are English and French though! Well, that's it! Hope I didn't confuse you much! ha ha.

How about you? and the rest of the girls on here?
Hi girls!

Just letting you know that I just posted a new Blog Post entitled: Manstrology: Understanding the 30-something man according to his star sign.


Let me know what you think!

Blu, is that your blog you write?? The manstrology is clever! My DH is a gemini, but it's only about half right. Boyish charm and fun and used-to-be womanizer (not anymore of course, I tamed him) :winkwink: The other stuff not so much though. I'd like to see the women's version.

Thank you Annabelle! Yes, it is my blog…I love to write!
This is only a humorous generalisation of the star signs. Of course one's personality cannot be analysed through knowing the star sign only. You must look at the ascendant, on which planet his moon, mars and jupiter is etc. Maybe I should create a thread on BnB with children's star signs…

As you probably guessed, I am really into astrology and my friends say I am quite accurate when it comes to profiling people...:blush:

That's great! You're a good writer. I used to really get into astrology b/c I thought it was pretty darn accurate about myself and found it very fascinating. I noticed you said your hubby is Austrian and that's where you live now. Where are you from? Europe somewhere I'm assuming? I love geography and maps, so I'm always curious as to where everyone is from. It's fun thinking about other cultures and the similarities/differences between them all.

Kimberley - You're from England right? Where is everyone else from?

I love to write although when I write on my blog and I read what I've written the next day, I always notice some syntax or grammar mistakes I've made from the rush of getting inspired and writting.

Regarding where I am from…LOL complicated! My Father is from Mauritius born and raised there (but his Father is English and my Grandmother is French) my Mum is half Greek half English born and raised in London. So what does that make me? he he I was born in Mauritius but lived in London practically my whole life except for the 6 years I decided to move to Athens, Greece (i met my hubby there and a few years later we moved to Vienna). My mother tongues are English and French though! Well, that's it! Hope I didn't confuse you much! ha ha.

How about you? and the rest of the girls on here?

ok, i was born in england, lived here all my life, my grandma- grandad and my mum r all spanish, and my dad is half german! so i am 1/2 spanish, 1/4 german, and the rest english, i speak english but not very good spanish, x

and hav a guess what ladies, i got my "LIQUID GOLD" lastnite, after so long wivout it! what a relief!! phew! and i noticed b4 we bd'd, that my cervix was WAAAYYYY mor open than it usually is, i figured it done that 2 allow mor sperm in right? meanin im fertile!! ( i think) oh was "relieved" 2 say the least, after not bein able 2 ejaculate 4 so many days!!! lol i hope we caught the eggy!! i was still gettin ewcm ystdy, so i must b fertile atm! not sure why opks gave me a positive on monday, cos i cant hav been o'ing twice right??? confusing! im feeling much mor positive, after noticing my cervix was open and still hav ewcm!! fx'd hopin the fact he dint "deliver" 4 quite a while will mean mor chance of conception!!! woohoo! im feelin on top of the world now,YIPPEE!! officially feel like i am in the 2ww now!!
sn) he only managed 2 "deliver" after i had told him, we was a few days late 2 get it now, cos of the surges on opks, the pressure was off him, if this isnt my month, i will never again tell him when i am o'ing!! he says he felt like he HAD 2- 4 a baby, makin it soo much harder 4 him, i was tellin him 2 b selfish, do it how ever he liked, and sed id do anythin b4 sex that cud help- ......but even wiv all that he jus cudnt, bless him, x

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