Gonal Girls

Yeh sorry mines 35.05 pmol/L (optimal fertility) I see yours is measured in ng/ML

Yes I have pcos and I'm 26 (sounds young but I've been TTC for years) I'm not sure on my protocol yet, I have my nurses appointment tomorrow (injection training again) I'm going to be an egg sharer to help another lady as well at the same time as myself so I will need to produce a minimum of 8 eggs, I think I will have no problem as I had 3 on one injects cycle on a low dose and here they only like one or two max... (Follicles that is) With IVF I will be on a higher dose so all should be ok fx'd!

Basically I have pcos- I found that out 9 years ago, I fell pregnant the month after naturally but had a loss at 9weeks and haven't managed to fall pregnant since...

Shame you haven't got a journal- feel free to come over to mine the link is in my siggy :)

Do you have any idea when you would be doing your FET?
Yeh sorry mines 35.05 pmol/L (optimal fertility) I see yours is measured in ng/ML

Yes I have pcos and I'm 26 (sounds young but I've been TTC for years) I'm not sure on my protocol yet, I have my nurses appointment tomorrow (injection training again) I'm going to be an egg sharer to help another lady as well at the same time as myself so I will need to produce a minimum of 8 eggs, I think I will have no problem as I had 3 on one injects cycle on a low dose and here they only like one or two max... (Follicles that is) With IVF I will be on a higher dose so all should be ok fx'd!

Basically I have pcos- I found that out 9 years ago, I fell pregnant the month after naturally but had a loss at 9weeks and haven't managed to fall pregnant since...

Shame you haven't got a journal- feel free to come over to mine the link is in my siggy :)

Do you have any idea when you would be doing your FET?

Sounds like you'll be just fine! There is an IVF thread I'm on where others are doing IVFs and FETs if you want to join.


They are really nice, and you can ask IVF related questions and they will have answers! :thumbup:
Another thing to think about trying is going Gluten Free maybe starting a month before your IVF. I think Alicatt, was not eating gluten her last IVF cycle- correct me if I'm wrong Ali. I actually read that it may help with infertility and cut out gluten this cycle. Who knows if it helped do the trick- but couldn't hurt. A lot of folks have gluten intolerance and don't even know it. GL!
Any more news Kmae? Did you have your betas done?? I'm soooo excited for you!!:hugs:

Amber, any news on your natural cycle? Any surge?

Afm, I'm asking myself some pretty serious questions regarding my fertility clinic. My e2 is slightly over 4000, I have 6 mature follicles, and they called to schedule my IUI. I'm confused, isn't that e2 RIDICULOUSLY high? I had 5 follies last cycle but my e2 wasnt anything near that. Should I just listen to them and assume I'll be fine? I don't want to be the next octo mom
Yes, I did go Gluten Free. It does play a role in your fertility. If you have any allergies at all, they can cause your immune system to be a little off balance and cause you to have infertility issues.

Lauren, your e2 should be between 200-600 for each mature follicle, so having an e2 with only 4 mature follicles is a little high. I'm not a Dr, so don't count what I say as gospel. However with an e2 that high you are likely at risk for something called OHSS. It can be serious, but most women only get mild/moderate symptoms. Are you feeling bloated, having trouble breathing (shortness of breath), gaining more than 5 lbs in a day? These are the major symptoms of OHSS, so just be careful. Call your FS if you have any of those symptoms, and get them to address them. Also, you can help combat it by drinking things like pedialyte or gatorade and eating small meals of protein. The gatorade helps keep you hydrated and the protein helps build up the walls of your cells. Basically OHSS is a side effect of stimulating your ovaries, and it makes your cell walls break down and the fluid leaks out into your abdominal cavity. So the gatorade is important as it gets the fluid back into your cells, and the protein helps your cell walls hold the fluid like they should. I hope that helps. If you are experiencing any side effects, make sure you call your FS. Just so that they are aware. Unfortunately other than keeping hydrated and eating protein, there isn't much they can do, but wait it out. If it gets really bad they may admit you to the hospital and drain the fluid, but that is only in extreme cases.
Lauren I never had my E2 levels tested so I am not sure what is high or not. Did you express your concerns with your doc? It might be good to hear their reasoning and ensure they are informed of your levels. My RE would have canceled with 6 mature follicles- they were even on the fence with 4. Is there male factor involved or any other known issues?

AFM, yesterday was a holiday so all the labs are closed- so I went in this morning to get my blood drawn to have my hcg checked (I also had them check my progesterone) and I go back in on Thursday to get my blood drawn again to see if my hcg level is doubling. So, I should know on Friday. Friday couldn't get here soon enough! Oh, and I have always read that your opks might also turn positive if your pg- I put it to the test and it did! Always wanted to test that theory!
Bizz - I completely understand what you are saying about a donor egg as I feel the same way. I have been told to take Coq10 as well as PQQ, which you can google. They both do the same thing which is optimize the mitochonrdria but when put together it seems to assist in even stronger egg quality.
Thanks Allicatt! I made (after lots of online research) an executive decision and only took 5000 IU instead of the 10000 IU of my trigger shot. I read that lowers your chance of ohss moderately. I'm just scared I guess. I have a 5 y/o that I have to think of also.
Thanks Allicatt! I made (after lots of online research) an executive decision and only took 5000 IU instead of the 10000 IU of my trigger shot. I read that lowers your chance of ohss moderately. I'm just scared I guess. I have a 5 y/o that I have to think of also.

Yikes! Really? Did you talk to your FS about it? You may not get all of your follicles to ovulate by doing that. I hope it all comes out OK!

I understand your concern over the OHSS. My e2 was over 4000 my first cycle, I think it was 4200 at last count before I triggered. I did the full 10,000 IU of HCG and only had moderate OHSS.

I didn't mean to scare you, just get you to talk to your FS about the situation ;)

You didn't scare me hub, everything I read did. As I figure, even if I only ovulated 1/2 of my follicles...that's still three (at least). I could still do the other 1/2 of my trigger. Ugh. I'm so torn. I wasn't able to talk to my doctor. They just post instructions on a patient portal. My e2 was 4290.
Nothing going on here as of yet. I should have ovulated last week and my lines are just as faint. So I'm thinking I missed my surge....at least that's what I'm hoping and I'm hoping we did enough to catch the egg. Just gotta wait and see I guess.

kmae have you taken any more HPT's? I wish it were Friday!!! Got everything crossed for you!!!! I have heard that about the OPK's....hoping that's a good sign!!!!
Amber, yes I have taken more HPT (just can't help myself). The line got darker! I attached a photo of a test I took on cd14 and one I took on cd16. Now just waiting to get my hcg results back. I do the second draw tomorrow. I really hope you will O soon or that you BD'ed at the right time without even knowing!


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Yay kmae!!! That looks very promising!!!! Hoping and praying for a wonderful sticky bean!!!
well, here I am again, at the stat of another cycle :(
We are seriously planning IVF starting with the next cycle and my FS recommended doing endometrial function test (EFT test at Yale), which is a biopsy of the endometrium. I am obviously reluctant to have any poking inside mu uterus, especially if it's not necessary.

The information you get from it seems to be minimal, but a couple of papers suggest that the process of biopsy itself helps with implantation. The test is not cheap ($450) and it would basically mean I have to waste one cycle. I have to decide tomorrow if I want to have it done and I just can't decide.

Would it be better to have one IVF try and then if that doesn't work try the biopsy? Or do it now, make sure everything is clear? Then again, the only "treatment" if something is not right seems to be 3 months of lupron to "reset" the lining. I don't know...

Anyway, I was wondering if any of you have had it done? Any advice would be much appreciated...
kmae! :yipee: that looks like a strong BFP :bfp: CONGRATS!!!

mizuno - as you know I'm taking this month off to do a trial cycle to test my endometrium. I don't think it is a bad thing, and I have heard plenty of positives about the biopsy itself improving your implantation chances. If you are going to move to IVF, then I would definitely consider doing the biopsy. In addition, it would be good to give your body a rest for a cycle. IVF is a lot different from an IUI medicated cycle, so having that month off to relax and to prepare will probably do you good.

mizuno - as you know I'm taking this month off to do a trial cycle to test my endometrium. I don't think it is a bad thing, and I have heard plenty of positives about the biopsy itself improving your implantation chances. If you are going to move to IVF, then I would definitely consider doing the biopsy. In addition, it would be good to give your body a rest for a cycle. IVF is a lot different from an IUI medicated cycle, so having that month off to relax and to prepare will probably do you good.

thanks for your advice.
The thing is, my FS wants me to go on estrogen and progesterone for the test, when I've had 2 unmedicated cycles to purge myself of all the badness I've been putting into my body :wacko:.

Also, where are you having the tests done and what exactly will they test for?
I asked my FS what she would be testing for and it would basically be just cyclin E and p27 (which is what they do at yale). I asked her specifically if she would test for NK cells or immunological markers and she said no. Also, regardless of what the results are, I will proceed to IVF (with perhaps 3 months of lupron first to "reset" the endometrium - her words), so I don't see what this will change in my treatment plan. Plus, I'm a little uncomfortable with how invasive the test is compared to how little information we will get. This test is not widely ordered and seems to be a bit of a pet test of my clinic. I will go again and talk to her tomorrow. DH and I are pretty set on not doing it, unless she has really convincing arguments. We are thinking of trying a round of IVF and then if that doesn't work going through with the test.

Baaah, why is this so hard? It took us so long to decide on IVF, and now she brings this up and throws us off completely :dohh:!
mizuno - as you know I'm taking this month off to do a trial cycle to test my endometrium. I don't think it is a bad thing, and I have heard plenty of positives about the biopsy itself improving your implantation chances. If you are going to move to IVF, then I would definitely consider doing the biopsy. In addition, it would be good to give your body a rest for a cycle. IVF is a lot different from an IUI medicated cycle, so having that month off to relax and to prepare will probably do you good.

thanks for your advice.
The thing is, my FS wants me to go on estrogen and progesterone for the test, when I've had 2 unmedicated cycles to purge myself of all the badness I've been putting into my body :wacko:.

Also, where are you having the tests done and what exactly will they test for?
I asked my FS what she would be testing for and it would basically be just cyclin E and p27 (which is what they do at yale). I asked her specifically if she would test for NK cells or immunological markers and she said no. Also, regardless of what the results are, I will proceed to IVF (with perhaps 3 months of lupron first to "reset" the endometrium - her words), so I don't see what this will change in my treatment plan. Plus, I'm a little uncomfortable with how invasive the test is compared to how little information we will get. This test is not widely ordered and seems to be a bit of a pet test of my clinic. I will go again and talk to her tomorrow. DH and I are pretty set on not doing it, unless she has really convincing arguments. We are thinking of trying a round of IVF and then if that doesn't work going through with the test.

Baaah, why is this so hard? It took us so long to decide on IVF, and now she brings this up and throws us off completely :dohh:!

I too will have to do the estrogen and progesterone to make my endometrium conducive to implantation. My test is something that they are going to ship out to Spain! The company that is doing it is https://www.ivi.es/en/ they are expanding to the US, and are setting up an office in Miami with which my FS is going to be part. So he is using me as a guinea pig in a sense, as he has never run these tests before. As for what they are going to do? I have no idea what the official names of the tests are, but I hope that in addition to the tests they are running my FS will have other tests run. We shall see. The test that they are doing is actually 2 biopsies, and they are going to look at them to determine my implantation window. The biopsy will tell them if I am in the window, too early or too late. By doing 2 they hope to narrow down the window for them to return the embryo to my uterus.

I know you are frustrated, but the act of scratching your endometrium will improve your chances, it causes your body to push more blood to it and that helps with implantation. So I know you are in a rush to do IVF, but I think the pluses of the test will help improve your chances of getting pregnant when you do the IVF.
I too will have to do the estrogen and progesterone to make my endometrium conducive to implantation. My test is something that they are going to ship out to Spain! The company that is doing it is https://www.ivi.es/en/ they are expanding to the US, and are setting up an office in Miami with which my FS is going to be part. So he is using me as a guinea pig in a sense, as he has never run these tests before. As for what they are going to do? I have no idea what the official names of the tests are, but I hope that in addition to the tests they are running my FS will have other tests run. We shall see. The test that they are doing is actually 2 biopsies, and they are going to look at them to determine my implantation window. The biopsy will tell them if I am in the window, too early or too late. By doing 2 they hope to narrow down the window for them to return the embryo to my uterus.

I know you are frustrated, but the act of scratching your endometrium will improve your chances, it causes your body to push more blood to it and that helps with implantation. So I know you are in a rush to do IVF, but I think the pluses of the test will help improve your chances of getting pregnant when you do the IVF.

Thanks for talking this through with me ali!
I saw my FS today and we had a chat and I decided not to do it - BUT, only because she said that she would only test for cyclin E and p27 (which have a limited usefulness) and because she doesn't think I have a problem with the lining. As far as the "mechanical" benefit of disturbing your endometrium and testing for infection and inflammation, I will get that anyway, because she does a biopsy during the IVF cycle as standard procedure. I feel a thousand times better today! Now I'm off to enjoy my last unmedicated cycle before IVF!
Good luck with our tests Ali :hugs: and good luck to all you girls here with your next cycles! I'll be back in a month!!!
:dust: :dust:
Mizuno, I'm so happy you made the decision your happy with and can relax now. Keep us updated with how your IVF is going.

Alicatt, when are you having your tests done?

I got my hcg betas back today. At 17 dpo it was 417 and at 19dpo it was 910. The RE said that those numbers were good:happydance:. They also scheduled me for an u/s on Feb 8th. Funny, another tww! I can't wait to see how my little bean it doing- I'll be around 7 weeks then- so hoping to see a strong heartbeat so I can relax a little more.

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