Welp, I goin out today that my follies are growing! Right said has one at 1.2 and 1.4 and left has one at 1.1.so hopefully a few more days of stims and I'll be going to the clinic to make my baby
My clinic is about an hour and a half away, so I don't travel for blood work and ultrasounds. I do them in town and just go in for my IUIs. This saves me a TON of money in travel expenses and clinic charges. But if they're not keeping pace I might hve to rethink that :-/
I'm going to be taking a month or two off (I say this now...) if we don't get a sticky bean this time.
So now I'm so friggin confused. I went to my new u/s tech an had bloodwork done today. This new ultrasound tech found waaaay more follies, but the larger ones I had before hadn't really grown much. And my e2 has quadrupled. This was Wednesday
https://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o617/MissesClemens/9112F1DE-C4FB-43B1-B7A5-D0196EB093D5-541-000000DED8D6ABE5.jpg and my e2 was mid 300s. Today and my bladder wasn't very full, but she said it was fine, these were my results:https://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o617/MissesClemens/22D51429-4C0A-4281-8CAB-478C6D94A4B3-541-000000DEAF5F63D2.jpg and my e2 is 1390. I'm so confused and upset. I'm wondering often measurements were off with the less than full bladder and new us tech.
That's what I thought too. That it woul be too many follicles, but they seem fine with it all. I do plan to do IUI. We may switch to TI. This is CD 11 though do I figured I'd have mature
Follies by now. Oh well, well see on Monday. Thank you for your input, sorry the pics made the post so big, just thought it was easier than listing all of it since typin on my phone sucks. Lol.
Lauren, I really hope you get some clear follicle numbers. With the E2 and follicle monitoring- the FS should let you know if there are too many or not- they don't "typically" like to take big risks. Do they have a protocol for canceling a cycle or suggesting transferring to IVF instead? I hope that all turns out fine. Good luck!
Amber, whoop..whoop! Sounds like you will be ovulating soon!
Redhead, last medicated cycle I felt like I had gas trapped in my stomach which caused a lot of pressure and gas. Of course, if it gets crazy painful then let your RE know.
AFM, I'm cd 13 and my temp is still up! It's never been up past cd12. So I took a pg test and saw a super faint like. I just don't know if it is still the trigger in my system- do I don't want to get my hopes up. How long does the trigger stay in your system?