Hi ladies! Mind if I join? Just finished my first cycle on Gonal F and IUI was cancelled due to over stimRE wants to move straight to IVF given my age. I wonder if it's worth it to try low and slow another cycle on Gonal F. I was on 75iu, bumped to 150iu then bumped to 225iu, back down to 150iu and cancelled. I stimmed for 20 days. I'm thinking next one just stay on 75iu for the whole time. I really, really don't want to do IVF.
Can't add a signature but I'm 38, DH is 40. I've got PCOS, his stats are great thankfully. TTC since 5/2008.
so just for amusement i drew up what i had left in the two vials.. nearly 400 iu. neednt have freaked out saturday.. and quite frankly wish i hadnt cause now ive got an extra unused box of gonal f...
Hey ladies.
My ovulation was triggered last Monday (March 26) and my husband and I BD Monday and Tuesday. Today, a week later (April 2) I have some bleeding. Could this be implantation bleeding? I was not having regular periods before, so I have no idea when my period would come normally.
Apparently implantation bleeding is usually brownish and this is a lot brighter. Going crazy right now....
Really? I've read the opposite...that IB is usually very bright and not brown and lasts a very short time, like 24 hours give or take. The two reasons that I know of for bleeding at this time are IB or low progesterone. Are you taking progesterone suppositories or have you had your blood levels tested? In theory though, with a strong ovulation from injections, your progesterone should be fine...so FX for IB!!!
Well, I had my trigger on Saturday night and a 36 hour IUI done this morning. FX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so just for amusement i drew up what i had left in the two vials.. nearly 400 iu. neednt have freaked out saturday.. and quite frankly wish i hadnt cause now ive got an extra unused box of gonal f...
That sucks! I had to order one as backup and didn't touch it. But better safe then sorry I guess.
Well, I had one 14 mm, two 12mm, two 11mm and one 10mm. That wasn't the issue. The problem was my E2 went from 651 to 1939 overnight. Not good. They consider overstimming to be over 1000. I also had 44 smaller follicles between both ovaries and some were close to reaching 10mm.
After no response on 75iu for a week they upped me to 150iu for 3 days. E2 wasn't climbing so I did 225 for 4 days and then back down to 150iu. My E2 literally didn't start ascending till 4 days before I was cancelled. I also attribute it to not having the same RE seeing the results with each appointment. Each RE is in the office only 2 days a week so if you're there on that day you get whoeve is covering and they make the decision.
RE is willing to do injectables again lower dose longer although she doesn't seem to think it will work. She is a PCOS expert so I do trust her but not sure I'm ready to give up on this yet. On the other hand I'm 38 and don't have time to waste. I called the insurance company today and they need a specific piece of paper before they will do the IVF review so I'm faxing it tomorrow.
I've got two boxes of GonalF and one ovidrel never used so I hope they don't go to waste! AF will show sometime next week probably but normally I don't get AF until I do a round of provera.
Hey girls - pretty worried... I am still bleeding (since Monday April 2, so 2 full days now). It's weird because it's a week earlier than my expected period, but seems like too much for implantation bleeding. It's bright red and doesn't seem the same as a regular period. It's not a ton of blood, but enough to need a pad to protect my underwear... Has anyone ever experienced this? The bleeding started 1 week after my ovulation was induced.
Hey girls - pretty worried... I am still bleeding (since Monday April 2, so 2 full days now). It's weird because it's a week earlier than my expected period, but seems like too much for implantation bleeding. It's bright red and doesn't seem the same as a regular period. It's not a ton of blood, but enough to need a pad to protect my underwear... Has anyone ever experienced this? The bleeding started 1 week after my ovulation was induced.
I'm sorry we don't have an answer for you. It is odd that it happening a week after O. I know you say it's a little heavy for spotting but I still say IB or low progesterone.
got an us at work... 4-5 greater than 2cm ones. about 5 or so 15mm ones (we didnt really measure) and a bunch of smaller ones... iui at 10 am tomorrow.. 36hrs post trigger. i did us last time within 6 hrs after iui that showed the follies gone,.. im off work tomorrow so no fu us (well actually i probably could go by the department where the re doc is because i work there too). getting a sperm count tomorrow.. not much i can do if it sucks but at least id know not to buy more. makes me feel a bit better after being so down this am.
my trigger shot hurts too =( forgot to get a small needle (wellforgot to get a syringe too but had one left from last time). had to use the 22g needle... yowch
Chiles - I am just confused because I thought my trigger HCG shot was supposed to help with luteal phase defect...?
It really does not seem like a period. Sorry if this is TMI but it is not thick and dark like my period usually is. This is bright red and there are actual drops of blood. With a period, there are never drops, it's more like a thick stream...
Chiles - are you preparing for a round of IVF?
Turns out the sperm is crap. Good count. Crap progression. Ie it just sits there and wiggles. Doc was really discouraging about this cycle. He said I can't say this is why you haven't gotten pregnant but you need a new donor. I'm still kind of hopeful given my crazy number of follicles but...