so i did 1 round unmedicated iui, 2 rounds with femara and bfn on all 3.. im single and so im not going into this with 6 or 12 months of bfn.. doc says with only 3 months of neg.. i dont even qualify as infertile.. whatevs.. this is making me nuts.. i think he was kind of pushing to do another month of femara but.. i decided that felt like a holding pattern to me. last month i made 2 great follicles on femara (i ovulate just fine on my own too). lining, was great, iui was within 6 hrs of ovulation (i did us before and after at work which confirmed it) and bfn.. the only unclear point is that ive never had a sperm count on my donor (which doc says is pretty pointless and a waste of money as donors are selected to be high count etc). so.. i decided that i wanted to go to injectibles.. in reading through you guys it seems he has me a on way way high dose 225 of gonal f. i responded really well to femara so it seems odd. but i have no real objection to ivf if i make a zillion follies it is just that i dont see the point to spending that kind of money at this point when im not even diagnosable as infertile. anyway, first injection went fine (well. had trouble getting the needle in til i pinched the flab). fingers crossed this cycle goes well because ive become a total loon which i hate. i think he probably thinks im nuts now (not that he isnt used to people going hormonally crazy but.. i work with him too, and well.. it is complicated).