Gonal Girls

I'm with you dbluett...good attitude!! Stay positive! I've also read lots of success stories that started with a negative hpt....beta is Monday???

Yup beta is monday at 7 am. The nurse usually calls around noonish with results. So I will be on the edge of my seat until she calls. I was doing some more research ( and not that I am getting my hopes up, just being curious LOL), but i was reading an article where several women had negative hpts even when they were 3-4 months along. Apprentaly some women's HcG levels can be so low to be detected by a hpt.
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

AND TONS AND TONS MORE TO EVERYONE!!!!! Bring on the bfp!!!!
Hi ladies! Can I join? I'm lilyannabella and I was diagnosed withh Pcos when I was 15 (I'm 26 now) . My hubby and I have tried 2 rounds of clomid and diagnosed with being clomid resistant. I asked for femara but my doctor said no he's moving right along to FSH injectables.. That really freaked me out because I'm so afraid of needles. So I've been reading this thread and you ladies have made me feel a lot better going into this. I hope we all finally get our BFPs!!! I know it can be frustrating but I know we'll get there.
:hi: lilyannabella :) welcome!
I too am clomid resistant sucks right!
You will be a pro in no time at the injections once you've done the first one you will be okay :hugs: when do you start??

Dbluett- looking forward to your beta results :)

Chiles- thank you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
:hi: lilyannabella :) welcome!
I too am clomid resistant sucks right!
You will be a pro in no time at the injections once you've done the first one you will be okay :hugs: when do you start??

Dbluett- looking forward to your beta results :)

Chiles- thank you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Well my specialist said I should come back to him Sept 6th. He wants me to relax because he knows how the clomid made me crazy. So I'll get my scripts then.. I hope we all get our bfps because it sure does suck going through all of this..

Yh it sucks big time :/
Clomid is a nasty drug I HATE it!
Are you ttc#1???
Yeahh I am!! And it gets harder and harder each day for me because all my close friends are due to have their babies end of this month and early august. So I have been avoiding them right now. I shouldn't bee jealous of them but I am.sigh..its been hard.
I understand that completely I'm in the same situation :(
But it will be our turn and our babies will be even more of a miracle :)
Sending you plenty of baby :dust:
I think so too. We'll have our babies..its just taking a little longer but we'll get there :hugs:
Great post Chiles!!! It definitely brightened my day!!

Welcome Lilyannabella!! You and Scerena are right...you'll get your babies. Just be patient and try not to let other people's situations get to you...remember you never know what goes on in their lives. TTC #1 taught me those lessons, and recalling them now, while struggling to conceive #2 really helps. You will both get your turn, and it will be even sweeter because of all you had to go through!!!
Hi ladies! Can I join? I'm lilyannabella and I was diagnosed withh Pcos when I was 15 (I'm 26 now) . My hubby and I have tried 2 rounds of clomid and diagnosed with being clomid resistant. I asked for femara but my doctor said no he's moving right along to FSH injectables.. That really freaked me out because I'm so afraid of needles. So I've been reading this thread and you ladies have made me feel a lot better going into this. I hope we all finally get our BFPs!!! I know it can be frustrating but I know we'll get there.

Hi :wave:
I also have PCOS and am clomid resistant. I just did my first round of injectables. It's not that bad, and you get use to it.


Wish you luck!!!
Welcome lilyanabella!!!!!

I can remember ttc reading these post and see women with their bfp and think of a million different ways I would be feeling if it was me. And i been through alot to get here...but I never gave up. I never tried clomid, but femara did not do anything for me. I also have PCOS, and IR. I was on like 4 diffrent pills when i got pregnant and it took a while to get the right combination. If someone would have told me that I would get pregnant in april I would of been so much easier on myself. So what I am trying to say is if you get bfp tomorrow or 3 months from now...you never really know when its gonna happen...but it will happen...the waiting part sucks but it will be right on time. Good Luck!!!! And we will be here to support you along the way!!!
Hey dbluett...I've been thinking about you. How are you holding up???
Hey dbluett...I've been thinking about you. How are you holding up???

Hi turkey!
I'm holding up just fine. Haven't really had any symptoms. Beta is tomorrow, so I guess we will see.
How are you feeling?
I bet you are I would be too, do you get your results the same day? Have everything crossed for you :hugs:
I bet you are I would be too, do you get your results the same day? Have everything crossed for you :hugs:

Yes I usually get the results the same day. I will be on the edge of my seat until I get "the call". I'm just worried because I have not had any symptoms.

How are you feeling?:hugs:
Hey dbluett...I've been thinking about you. How are you holding up???

Hi turkey!
I'm holding up just fine. Haven't really had any symptoms. Beta is tomorrow, so I guess we will see.
How are you feeling?

Hey Dbluett!!
Glad to hear you're doing well!! I will be thinking of you tomorrow!!!! Hopefully you have something going on afterward to distract you until you get "the call".

I'm fine. Definitely having some cramps...a lot like AF cramps, but shorter in duration. I've had cramps w/ the last two IUIs too, but not til a day or so before my beta. These cramps have been going on for days now, and my test isn't 'til Friday!!! Not sure if that means anything, but I'm really hoping it does!!!
I'm on day 4 of Gonal F 400mg. Up from last months dose of 150mg. Am hoping for a good result as previous ultrasound and bloods showed not much action and cycle got cancelled. That was crushing.

Incredibly have felt no side effects at all....(this is worrying me a little...is it working...doing a mental trip on myself)

Anyway...hopefully on Friday the blood work will show that there is something there and I can feel hopeful that we can get to retrieval stage.

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