Gonal Girls

Hi Scerena! FX crossed for you! Cysts suck!

Alicatt - yeah, I think each doctor and each clinic have a slightly different way of doing things!
So I had my scan today. I now have 4 follicles between 8-10mm in size. So that is great, but why are they still so small? I have been taking 75 iu of Gonal F and 75 iu of Menopur, and they are still not growing that fast. So now I have to go back on Saturday morning for a repeat to see where we are. They gave me more Gonal F and Menopur and are waiting for my blood work to come back before they give me the dose. I should know later today what it is.

Has anyone else had slow growing follicles like this? I normally don't ovulate until CD16-17 on my own anyway, but they are usually bigger than this on their own by this time. So odd that the Gonal F and Menopur seems to be slowing down the growth.
Curliegirlie- yes they do suck :( 10weeks tomorrow already that has gone quickly :happydance:

ALicat- mine grew very slow and then BAM I ovulated 2 before my next scan! They can grow quickly all of a sudden :)
Curliegirlie- yes they do suck :( 10weeks tomorrow already that has gone quickly :happydance:

ALicat- mine grew very slow and then BAM I ovulated 2 before my next scan! They can grow quickly all of a sudden :)

Yikes! I hope mine don't do that! They are doing blood work, and I should get those results here soon. That should help determine the speed.

Thanks for letting me know that they can speed up. I feel like I have turtle follicles! Don't they say, slow and steady wins the race?
Scerena- FX that the cysts are gone and you can start a new cycle!!!!! Are you on Birthcontrol or they sitting back to see if they will just dissolve on their own?

My cycle that I ended up with 8 huge cysts they gave me the option to see if they dissolve or do birthcontrol. I did the birthcontrol because if they didn't I would have to wait out longer. I know alot of ppl that try to conceive is scares of the birthcontrol but it gave my body a much needed break and I responded lovely the next cycle. Maybe to lovely but hey it worked!!!
Chiles :hi: no bcp's just naturally as one I had before went naturally so fx'd! How are you and baby???
They didn't offer me birth control, but hoping I don't need it like last time, yes you did respond lovely :)

Alicat- yes slow and steady is the way I done 15 injections they were so slooooow! And I only obulated before as it was the weekend and my clinic don't do weekend scans, they wasn't expecting it lol not was I we was hoping to trigger that day of the scan!
Gl i am sure it won't happen it's rare I think :shrug: I was happy I didn't need the trigger though as my body worked for once :)
ali- i was using 225 of gonal and 150 of menopur... still ended up doing stims for 2 days more than expected.. started on june 1 and had er on june 13 (instead of 11 which was the target).

scerena- ick on the cyst. i was going to do a natural cycle beforei went to ivf but... had a cyst so.. since i had to skip a cycle anyway.. said screw it and went to ivf. luckily it went away with downreg
ali- i was using 225 of gonal and 150 of menopur... still ended up doing stims for 2 days more than expected.. started on june 1 and had er on june 13 (instead of 11 which was the target).

scerena- ick on the cyst. i was going to do a natural cycle beforei went to ivf but... had a cyst so.. since i had to skip a cycle anyway.. said screw it and went to ivf. luckily it went away with downreg

WOW! OK, good to know! My dose is not that high.
I'm doing 100 iu of Gonal F and 75 iu of Menopur now. It was 75 of both up until today. I really don't know why I'm taking both? Since they are the same aren't they? Or similar?

Just waiting for the surge, and bigger follies!! HEHE.
ali- gonal is just fsh, menopur is lh and fsh. other people can tell you better why they use one or the other... oh i forgot.. when i was doing iui injections i did ummm either 225 or 150 gonal.. cant remember.. no menopur.
Hi Everyone! I am new here. I am 41 and TTC. I TTC three years ago and had no success. I took a break to wrap my head around everything. I am now on my own and as determined as ever to have a baby. I did my first round of Clomid 100 in June. I had three small follies and an iui with no luck. In July, my RE increased me to Clomid 150 and two follies...one was 22 and the other 24. Then went for my second iui and was devistated when I was BFN. Now I am doing a combo of Clomid 150 for five days and then starting Gonal-F 225 on day six with blood and u/s scheduled for day seven. I have an excellent RE who is very aggressive.

I am so thankful I found all of you! I never imagined how much of an emotional rollercoaster this is, however, I am keeping positive and keeping the faith reading all of your posts. Baby Dust to everyone and xxoo!!
not to hijack this thread, but I need some help/reassurance. I'm on gonal-f and just today my RE started me on orgalutan as well. That injection hurt like a b*tch! Is that normal? At first the needle wouldn't even go in and then once it did and I started injecting it, I nearly started crying. My whole thigh was sore for an hour after. How long do you normally have to orgalutan for? Can I ask to switch to cetrotide? Is that any better?
Sorry about a million questions, but I'm really considering just not going through with this, it was that bad.

thanks ladies!
Mizuno- Sorry I can't help with that, never took any of those...only Gonal F. Maybe try an IVF thread because they're usually on those type meds to hold off ovulation.
Hello Wonderful Gonal Girls,

Alicat – FX that your follies grow

Christine1213 – :hi: Welcome & GL on your cycle.

Chiles – I wanted to say Thank you!!! You always respond and are so knowledgeable! Thank you for your encouragement :hug:

So here is my quick update…So on Monday when I went in for monitoring they bumped up my dosage from 75 to 150iu of Gonal, they said my E2 level had dropped but my follicles are still growing.

On Tuesday I went in and the Doctor said my E2 levels went back up and my follicles continue to grow, so everything was looking great :thumbup: I asked her for the sizes because I was keeping track and she told me not to drive myself crazy and let them do the tracking, needless to say I was upset:growlmad:

Today Cycle day 9, I go in and the Doctor tells me that I have 3 big follicles on my left with a few smaller ones that continue to grow and 2-3 on my right so because of this she spoke to me about Selective Fetal Reduction. She basically wanted to know whether or not I would be completely against it and discussed the risk of multiples. After reviewing my blood work, my E2 level is low, so she has put me on Menopur and Gonal. Tonight I took 37.5 of Gonal and 75iu of Menopur.
I am feeling a little discouraged and giving myself 2 shots is anything but fun :sad2:Hopefully when I go in tomorrow morning they will tell me that my E2 is up…..So FX

I would love to enjoy a glass of wine but if something were to go wrong during this cycle i would blame it on that one glass of wine :wine:
Do any of you have the same fear?Am I crazy? LOL, What are your thoughts??

Jellz-Its easy to get discourage especially when a cycle is a rollercoaster. Just remember that it takes a while to get the right meds to work. I have been on so many meds while ttc and finally we got the right ones.

I really wish I could have a glass as well. I know they say one glass of red wine is okay but If there is any problem I would feel guilty as well. I also didn't consume alcohol while TTC so I know the feeling. I did enjoy myself between cycles and forced breaks. So I do not think you are crazy at all. Just an pre-mother instinct in harming the making of :baby:
Hello Wonderful Gonal Girls,

Alicat – FX that your follies grow

Christine1213 – :hi: Welcome & GL on your cycle.

Chiles – I wanted to say Thank you!!! You always respond and are so knowledgeable! Thank you for your encouragement :hug:

So here is my quick update…So on Monday when I went in for monitoring they bumped up my dosage from 75 to 150iu of Gonal, they said my E2 level had dropped but my follicles are still growing.

On Tuesday I went in and the Doctor said my E2 levels went back up and my follicles continue to grow, so everything was looking great :thumbup: I asked her for the sizes because I was keeping track and she told me not to drive myself crazy and let them do the tracking, needless to say I was upset:growlmad:

Today Cycle day 9, I go in and the Doctor tells me that I have 3 big follicles on my left with a few smaller ones that continue to grow and 2-3 on my right so because of this she spoke to me about Selective Fetal Reduction. She basically wanted to know whether or not I would be completely against it and discussed the risk of multiples. After reviewing my blood work, my E2 level is low, so she has put me on Menopur and Gonal. Tonight I took 37.5 of Gonal and 75iu of Menopur.
I am feeling a little discouraged and giving myself 2 shots is anything but fun :sad2:Hopefully when I go in tomorrow morning they will tell me that my E2 is up…..So FX

I would love to enjoy a glass of wine but if something were to go wrong during this cycle i would blame it on that one glass of wine :wine:
Do any of you have the same fear?Am I crazy? LOL, What are your thoughts??



I'm on almost the same regimine as you are. I'm doing the Gonal F and Menopur together. It does suck to have to do 2 injections! Plus the Menopur stings for a while after the injection.

I have been having the occasional drink here and there, and feel that it is better to calm your nerves than to have the stress in your system while trying. But also feel like you have to do whatever you feel comfortable with.

Have you discussed the timing of your O with them? Do you think it will be this week? I think mine will be over the weekend. I'm doing 2 IUIs, we're just waiting on my little follicles to mature some more.

GL, FX'd and :dust:
Jellz- hoping your scan and levels are good today :hugs: fx'd! I can't imagine two injections are nice I only do one :( I do Merional (the same as Menopur) I know it stings a little but hopefully you won't be doing the two injects for long :hugs:
Good luck hope to hear good results today :dust:
Hey Girls...thanks for all the positive encouragement. Husband & I are taking a break for a few months. Way too much stress!!! Don't wanna lose my hub trying for another baby. I tried really hard to stay "breezy" through all the doc visits, prescriptions, shots, bad news, upped prescriptions etc., but unfortunately, it's just NOT a "breezy" process. Sigh. Anyhow, when I got my 3rd BFN after what was deemed a "perfect" cycle, I requested a consult w/ my RE because I felt strongly that just upping the meds once again was not the answer. My DH & I met with him and he was great. He emphatically gave his blessing as far as taking some time off (I'm 39, so this is super scary for me, but he said the stress is more counterproductive than my age) and he suggested 2 "paths forward" once we reconvene...an all injectable cycle or IVF. Wow! Thought I'd be more terrified, but I'm actually relieved. Do any of you guys have any advice??

Thanks again for the support. Good Luck to everybody!!
Curliegirlie- yes they do suck :( 10weeks tomorrow already that has gone quickly :happydance:

ALicat- mine grew very slow and then BAM I ovulated 2 before my next scan! They can grow quickly all of a sudden :)

Yikes! I hope mine don't do that! They are doing blood work, and I should get those results here soon. That should help determine the speed.

Thanks for letting me know that they can speed up. I feel like I have turtle follicles! Don't they say, slow and steady wins the race?

Alicatt - you may need a higher dose... My doctor started me on 50, and every 2-3 days monitored my growth. They didn't really grow for me until past 100 (I can't remember the exact dose now). Anyway, you may need a slightly higher dose!
Christine - welcome!

Mizuno - I've never taken any of those. Are the needles bigger than the gonal-f ones? Where do you inject? Maybe your technique is wrong - you could ask a nurse.

Jellz - I was also on 2 injections, it is no fun! My E2 levels were never monitored though... I think we all share your fears and anxieties! My doctor never suggested selective reduction. If there were too many follicles, it was either cancel, or switch to IVF. I'm glad I switched!

Turkey - I completely understand you. I was apprehensive at first about all this as well. The first time I went to see my doctor I naively thought he'd be able to just give me a pill and it would kick start ovulation and voila! (Since there didn't seem to be anything else wrong with me...) Then we moved on to injections... Then finally IVF. It's not as scary when you get there, and I was also somewhat relieved when I was given the option. It was like "Ok - so one way or another, this WILL happen for us..." Luckily my OH was very supportive. I wish you all the best!
Curliegirlie- yes they do suck :( 10weeks tomorrow already that has gone quickly :happydance:

ALicat- mine grew very slow and then BAM I ovulated 2 before my next scan! They can grow quickly all of a sudden :)

Yikes! I hope mine don't do that! They are doing blood work, and I should get those results here soon. That should help determine the speed.

Thanks for letting me know that they can speed up. I feel like I have turtle follicles! Don't they say, slow and steady wins the race?

Alicatt - you may need a higher dose... My doctor started me on 50, and every 2-3 days monitored my growth. They didn't really grow for me until past 100 (I can't remember the exact dose now). Anyway, you may need a slightly higher dose!

Yep! I was just increased to 100 iu from 75 iu. Plus I'm taking 75 iu of Menopur too. So hopefully that will get them moving a little bit.

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