Hi Ladies
Sorry I've been MIA, I took the bed rest to heart and laid off the computer, and mostly just relaxed in bed. I read and slept and watched a little TV. I'm pretty butt sprung now and looking forward to getting back to my normal routine. Although i'm not supposed to lift anything heavier than 10 lbs.
So as you know I had the transfer yesterday and we transferred 2 very excellent quality blastocysts (5 day transfer) and the FS said that the transfer went smoothly. So now we wait, and wait and wait. UGH. Unfortunately the other 3 that were in the running did not make it to freeze. One almost did, but they just weren't sufficient to freeze. So we implanted what we had, and we now just have to hope and pray that they stick!
llampie so sorry about your

and best of luck on your IVF cycle. Let me know if you have any questions, it is definitely a lot more intensive than IUI.
drsquid wow, a boy and a girl! I understand not wanting to know what you were having, but well, sometimes the boy just isn't as modest as he should be, and its hard NOT to see it. Especially when you are a DR! I must say though that having one of each is my dream. So happy for you!
Amber sounds like your cycle is progressing well, your progesterone level definitely means you ovulated, now you just have to wait for another few days/week to see if it took! I'm in the same boat, I bet we'll find out whether we are pregnant or not, around the same time!
Curliegirlie thanks for thinking of me!!

I hope you are feeling well!

to all!