Gonal Girls

My my you ladies have just been chatting it up!! I don't check in for a few days and have 5 pages to look over! LOL!!

Hi and welcome Princess Lou :hi: Does your RE not do a blood test for you? Are you taking progesterone? I know that can delay AF. If not then I would ask your RE for a HCG blood test to be sure.

Hey scerena!! :wave:

Alicatt when will your egg retrieval be? When do you go in for us to see how many follies you have going on? I have no clue how IVF works lol!

AFM me and hubby are trying to BD regularly we started Sun CD13 and will continue for another week or so......AF due around the 19th but I'm not doing OPK's or anything.....although I did cave the other day and took one (CD 15).....I think it was a sign that I shouldn't lol! I didn't have a second line at all!!! So either I missed my surge or haven't had it yet. So I'm not doing that again I'm just going to relax and let it all go. That's how we got pregnant before 4 times! So we know it works lol!

Wishing us all super sticky :dust:
Hi and welcome Princess Lou :hi: Does your RE not do a blood test for you? Are you taking progesterone? I know that can delay AF. If not then I would ask your RE for a HCG blood test to be sure.


I'm not taking any supplements other than normal pre-natals. If I don't get anything by Monday I will asking to have a blood test done. They'll probably want one doing anyway, they did when I was on Clomid and a week late with a BFN (turns out I didn't ovulate or anything else for that matter).

I've got a FRER and hoping I can wait until Monday to test. If AF arrives or I still don't get a BFP, there's nothing I can do till then and a BFN will just be depressing.
Whilst taking the injection I was in every few days having scans and blood work done and they seemed pleased with the results but I haven't been in since the 18th.

I thought it might give me some clearer indication of what to expect if I post a poll to check when other ladies using a trigger got their AF in the Assisted Conception forum.

Hopefully it will help.

My my you ladies have just been chatting it up!! I don't check in for a few days and have 5 pages to look over! LOL!!

Hi and welcome Princess Lou :hi: Does your RE not do a blood test for you? Are you taking progesterone? I know that can delay AF. If not then I would ask your RE for a HCG blood test to be sure.

Hey scerena!! :wave:

Alicatt when will your egg retrieval be? When do you go in for us to see how many follies you have going on? I have no clue how IVF works lol!

AFM me and hubby are trying to BD regularly we started Sun CD13 and will continue for another week or so......AF due around the 19th but I'm not doing OPK's or anything.....although I did cave the other day and took one (CD 15).....I think it was a sign that I shouldn't lol! I didn't have a second line at all!!! So either I missed my surge or haven't had it yet. So I'm not doing that again I'm just going to relax and let it all go. That's how we got pregnant before 4 times! So we know it works lol!

Wishing us all super sticky :dust:

Hi Amber! Thanks for thinking of me! I am 10 days into stimming, and my follicles are growing, I have 19 at the moment ranging in size from 10-15mm. My lining is 10mm triple layer. So we are getting somewhere, it is just going SLOWLY. I think my ER will be either Sunday or Monday. I go back in on Friday to make the decision. So just a few more days!!!

I wanted to say to those ladies with unexplained infertility that there are articles stating that up to 85% of unexplained infertility can be caused by a gluten sensitivity, and simply by cutting out gluten you can become more fertile. Apparently gluten like other things that you are allergic to, causes you to produce excess mucus, and in the case of gluten it clogs your tubes and coats your uterus making it more difficult for the embryo to implant. So just by cutting out gluten you can improve your fertility! There is a book out there called "Wheat Belly", and they explain why some people have issues with wheat. I have found that my digestion is improved, and I haven't had any acid reflux this cycle either. Normally I have acid reflux almost daily. I figure it can't hurt to give it a try, and see how I do this cycle!
Alicatt: Yay for follies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Princess Lou: I got mine 14 days past trigger for 2 months and on progesterone twice a day I made it to 16 days past trigger.
Princess Lou: I got mine 14 days past trigger for 2 months and on progesterone twice a day I made it to 16 days past trigger.

Thanks, it got me about an hour ago. 17 days after trigger.

On to the next round.
princess - I was on progesterone so I cant really say when I got af...sorry, but welcome to the forum!

Amber - glad to see you around! That relaxed approach works sometimes...good luck!

alicatt - wow I didnt know that about gluten, I will have to look into it. How do you know if you have an allergy to gluten???? I am off to Mr Google now!
Sorry AF got you Princess; but, hope this current cycle is the one!
princess - I was on progesterone so I cant really say when I got af...sorry, but welcome to the forum!

Amber - glad to see you around! That relaxed approach works sometimes...good luck!

alicatt - wow I didnt know that about gluten, I will have to look into it. How do you know if you have an allergy to gluten???? I am off to Mr Google now!

TTCBaby -

There are some tests that your DR can run, my gastroenterologist tested me, but found that I was not a celiac, nor did I have the gluten sensitivity. The problem is (and I didn't know it at the time), that I stopped eating gluten about a week before they tested me and apparently you have to have been eating wheat (gluten) right before the test! So I think my test was perhaps a false negative. My Dr did say to try being gluten free for a few weeks and see if I felt better. Well I did that and I do feel a whole lot better! Here is an article that I read:

There is also a book out there called Wheat Belly, and it discusses a lot of the different issues that people can have due to eating wheat.

As I said in my previous post, giving up gluten for a few weeks to see if you feel any different is not that difficult, and if you notice any difference in how you feel, then I'd say stick with it!
I am actually trying to find out what you can and cant eat....I might try it....
what are you symptoms that you deal with?

It's more of a realization of what symptoms I was dealing with that I no longer have! I no longer have acid reflux, or bloating due to my bowels.
When I first went to see the gastroenterologist, it was at the suggestion of my OBGYN. She had ordered a U/S of my ovaries because of my history of ovarian cysts. Well instead of seeing a cyst, she saw my bowel was inflamed! So I go running to the gastroenterologist all stressed out, he does this huge long workup and finds nothing wrong with me besides inflamed intestines! :argh: Fast forward about 4 years, and I see an article about gluten and how it can cause infertility, and how the tests they use to diagnose gluten sensitivity can give false negatives. So I figured why not try it? What do I have to lose? Maybe I will feel better and maybe I will have my miracle baby!

The biggest change I have had to make is that I can no longer eat processed foods. It makes going out for dinner difficult too. So the convenience factor is gone. Otherwise I don't feel like I'm missing much of anything.
Things you can't eat:
most cereals

If you have a health food store near by, or your regular grocery store has a gluten free section, you will have more options. My local store stocks gluten free pasta, and gluten free cereal, even gluten free bread in the freezer section. I've even found a few GF prepared meals to eat when in a bind. My local whole foods has frozen GF pizza crusts that are pretty good, so I can even make my own pizza. I wasn't a huge bread or pasta eater to begin with so the change for me was easy. I make a lot of rice based foods, like chicken and broccoli with rice, or things like chicken fried rice.

In the time that I have switched to GF, which has been about a month now, I had lost 8 lbs or so. That is without even trying to diet! I'm in the middle of my IVF cycle now and I'm totally bloated from that, or I'm sure I would have continued to lose weight this past week.
Hi ladies! My CB Fertility Monitor finally turned high today (cd17)! So I am hoping ovulation is right around the corner and that I'll get a peak soon. However, I am going to my parents for Christmas which is in Southern Cali which would be right when AF starts and right when I would need my baseline u/s done (story of my life)! Hoping they have a doc office down there I can to and get my meds if this happens. I have Kaiser health insurance. Anyone ever have this problem?

As for the Gluten Free diet, if you are trying to go GF make sure you also check your beauty products (including shampoo, conditioner...) as gluten is found in the products often and your skin (being the biggest organ) absorbs about 60% of the stuff you put on it which goes directly into our blood stream! Crazy huh?
Kmae - Oh I am sure you will find a dr in Cali...but maybe you will be pregnant by then and wont need your baseline....yeah for positive thinking!!! WOW I had no idea about this gluten stuff...geez...I can tell you I changed all the stuff I use on my skin, shampoo, conditioner, etc. to all natural stuff so I hope they dont have gluten.
Hi ladies! My CB Fertility Monitor finally turned high today (cd17)! So I am hoping ovulation is right around the corner and that I'll get a peak soon. However, I am going to my parents for Christmas which is in Southern Cali which would be right when AF starts and right when I would need my baseline u/s done (story of my life)! Hoping they have a doc office down there I can to and get my meds if this happens. I have Kaiser health insurance. Anyone ever have this problem?

As for the Gluten Free diet, if you are trying to go GF make sure you also check your beauty products (including shampoo, conditioner...) as gluten is found in the products often and your skin (being the biggest organ) absorbs about 60% of the stuff you put on it which goes directly into our blood stream! Crazy huh?

Interesting! I hadn't thought about that. Makes total sense.
Yea, I hope that they will have RE docs available to me or that I wont need to see one! I got my second high on my CBFM today. If I get a peak within the next couple of days then I will be testing right around Christmas...oh wouldn't that be a dream come true!
Hi ladies I was wondering if I could jump in and ask a few questions? I need help lol. OK so I just got done taking 100 mg clomid days 5-9 and 75 iui gonal f on 10 and 11 (first month with injectable third on clomid) on day 10 I gave myself my first shot and well I think I screwed it up :dohh: when I pulled it out some of the med came out with it and was on the outside of my skin.I think I did it to fast or something. Day 11 went great and it all got in there but now I'm worried I short changed myself. My fs office is closed weekends so I can't call and ask I'm freaking out. Should I give myself a bit more tonight so I'm not out this month? Ugh what would you ladies do, Help?!?!
Hi ladies I was wondering if I could jump in and ask a few questions? I need help lol. OK so I just got done taking 100 mg clomid days 5-9 and 75 iui gonal f on 10 and 11 (first month with injectable third on clomid) on day 10 I gave myself my first shot and well I think I screwed it up :dohh: when I pulled it out some of the med came out with it and was on the outside of my skin.I think I did it to fast or something. Day 11 went great and it all got in there but now I'm worried I short changed myself. My fs office is closed weekends so I can't call and ask I'm freaking out. Should I give myself a bit more tonight so I'm not out this month? Ugh what would you ladies do, Help?!?!

So your on a combo cycle! I haven't read too many posts on others doing Clomid with injectables. I am on those too but I developed a cyst from last cycle so I'm sitting this cycle out from meds. I wouldn't worry about some of the meds leaking out. I watched a video on injecting fertility meds and it said that some of the liquid may be left in the syringe but that you'll still be getting your full dose. Plus if your follicles are not big enough at your next follicle check, they will just administer you more meds. If it makes you feel better asking your doc then dpgo for it! When is your follicle check? GL!

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