Good Morning & Hello!

Stephanie - I have big problems with my hips - but mine is tendons. I finally after 2 years of physical therapy and drugs got into pilates based physical therapy (and private pilates for a while) and thats when I finally got relief. I won't lie - hips are a huge part of discomfort and other issues during pregnancy so you are right to get it checked out now. I'm curious that they are giving you an xray. I was never offered that - but maybe what you have is very different?

I don't want to scare you - I have a g/f who Symphysis pubis dysfunction which is hip related and very painful - its rare - but happens after pregnancy :( So I hope you can find out whats going on quickly and get it strengthened before you conceive!
Welcome to the thread mrsbumble!
As "Opaque" said, this thread is a bit different... She is blessed to be pregnant & "Diliapickle" & I are currently undergoing different fertility treatments. Well, I'm just now beginning :happydance:

Ok, I'm not sure why the X-rays other than the GP has no idea sway I'm having an issue :shrug: remember - very small town doctor!!! I am trying to do as little as possible so as to not aggrevate it further but it's driving me crazy!!!!!! I am super active normally.
The FS called a bit ago and my thyroid levels are still off so onto meds I go!! After researching a bit, hopefully this will help curtail my long irregular cycles and maybe I'll lose a few pounds?? Who knows?!?! A girl can hope, can't she? :blush:
Welcome Mrsbumble!

Stephanie - So sorry to hear about your hip! That sucks! I hope you hear from the X-rays soon and it is something they can fix! Just one more thing right?! Bummer about the thyroid but at least you know now and can take meds to fix it :) and hey if an added bonus is to lose a few pounds all the better :)

Annie - When do you find out about NT? or did I miss you saying the results?! When is your next us that we can look forward too :)

So what I feared happened. I wasn't ready. And my doctor is on vacation so he didn't fully read my file about me leaving on Saturday and says "well you aren't ready yet so a couple more day of shots". I panic and say I don't have a couple days I leave on Saturday! so he looks again and decides that I *should* be ok with only one more day of shots. and then trigger tomorrow and then IUI on Friday and Saturday right before getting on the plane! So have to drive back down to Northridge for one more shot which I will then do in the car because I am meeting my mom in LA for theatre tonight! So should be interesting! I just really hope and pray that one day is enough! I actually had 4! follicles this time! But only two were close (one was 16mm and one was 14mm, the others were 12 and 10) so going to try and got those to at least 18-20 before Friday!
Stephanie - what kind of hip pain are you having? (just thought to ask! :dohh:)
And yes - getting on thyroid meds should help with lots of things - as it regulates everything.. :) SO maybe that will be the trick to a few things for you? We can hope right??

Karrissa - well I hope the doc is right because thats going to be a lot of driving- but I can't imagine they'd get your hopes up without having reason?? RIGHT? and 4 follicles! OH MY!

AFM - I won't have 'actual' results of the NT back for about a week - they have to process the blood and such - but the neck fold was under 2mm which is really good and some websites state that 75-80% of babies with downs will be over that - so right there - thats a relief on its own. Our next schedule ultra sound is May 16th - HOWEVER - I don't think we will wait that long - we will probably push for about 16 weeks - and I'll be 13 this friday :) So I think 3 - 4 weeks? I'll take my parents to that one ;)

OH I totally forgot - I had her look at the previa at the NT scan and she 1) like the others said - its way to early for them to have even diagnosed me with that especially without bleeding but 2) she showed me the placenta - and then showed me the cervix and they were next to each other - not on top of each other (from what I could tell) so I took that as its moved :) :happydance: good to know before our trip this weekend to suncadia - as you worry about bding with the previa just a little even though I've had no spotting.. :)
Annie - sounds like reassuring news already! And I am sure in a week the results will come back great :) 3-4 weeks sounds much better than 6! Oh and at 16 can't you usually tell the sex!! That is awesome about the previa! Hopefully it is fully gone and you don't have to worry about it ever again! :)

Yeah, I figure they wouldn't make me go through all this if they didn't feel at least one would be mature. And I do feel that the 16 will make it to 18-20 by Friday. They normally grow 1-2 a day so that one should be good. And I did panic at 4 at first but Jon calmed me and said we don't even know if all 4 will go and we had 2 last time which equaled nothing so let's not worry for now. So that helped and I felt better and what he said is true we had 2 that equaled nothing so maybe 4 can equal 1! That is if all 4 go which I am doubtful about I think most would be 2.
Hope everyone is having a great day! :)

I got my extra shot of Bravelle last night with no problem and used their bathroom so I didnt have to do it in the car! I am becoming quite the pro now with these shots and it hardly hurt last night :) Today I have snuck in my HCG trigger to work in the fridge since I have to take that at 2:15pm and can't sneak away home from work to do it. But luckily it is already mixed so I don't have to worry about that! Excited and Anxious for IUI tomorrow to see if the meds Jon has been taking have helped the count or motility at all. Also hoping I didn't mess us up because the meds made me feel extra loving last night so we had a late night BD session... but when I was doing just the 1 IUI they had us do that on the day of trigger which would have been last night timing wise so I think we will be ok! Plus I had SO many pains last night that felt like O pains I wanted to get one in just in case... I know they weren't O pains since I did a OPK and it was - and now think it was just the follies growing! :)
Karissa - you go girl!!! :)

Just got a call from the doc - NT scan results are negative - (as in positive / negative not as in good / bad) which means we have a 1/250 chance OR LESS that the baby has any chromosomal issues :)
Annie - That is awesome news! :) yay for a healthy little bean (though they keep growing they are getting bigger than a bean now!) :)
So this morning did not go well. Jon had to leave to fix a work issue so I was alone (which normally is fine) but then I go in and the count was abysmal. Worst number we have ever had. Only 1.2 million. Then the doctor was a new one and was rushing and not reassuring like the other one. So I just felt terrible. Then I walk out and wait to pay and a mom walks in with a kid (which they say you are not supposed to bring) and it was just too much. I barely made it out of there and then totally broke down in the car. Had a nice cry and then drove to work. I do not feel positive about this time at all. We still do have tomorrow and maybe it will get better but I doubt it. I feel like the specialist he saw is terrible because both my doctor and even new one today made comments like oh he isn’t taking this med to help or getting this done to help? I feel like specialist should have done more than just give antibiotics that did nothing and in fact gave us worst numbers. I dunno sorry for the rant. I have been pretty good about staying positive about this all but today I just cant.
Oh Karissa :hugs: sorry to hear that the numbers were so low..... I know we have said this before, but all it takes is one.... And hopefully you have super duper eggs this time!!!! You also BD'd the other night too, right!??? So there are more swimmers than you think up there :shrug:

Annie I'm so happy you have the results!!! That wait has to be one of the hardest.... Because it is easy to SAY what we would all do in that situation if there was an issue, but you will never know until it actually happens... And I hope the three of us never have to find out! :hugs:

My hip pain is high on the left hip.. It hurts to walk, really hurts to run! I managed to get an appt on Monday!! So that is positive :happydance: again have to travel but I'm ok with that!
I asked Rock this morning IF we were proceeding with the FS and he was like, I thought that's what we were doing... So I said, oh ok good, then we are just waiting on you then! Needless to say, he immediately left and went to have his bloodwork done :happydance: now we just need the SA and we are all set!!!!
Thanks, Stephanie. I know it only takes one and I did have a talk with the boys on the way over that they had only one job and it was to find the egg! So hopefully they listened! And there is a slight chance we could have 4 follicles this time so 4 chances for them to find something! And yeah we did BD Wednesday (which I now wonder if that affected this) and used preseed so maybe... bummed I have to leave Saturday so we can't get another BD in after as well. But I am starting to feel slight better... so thank you! :hugs:

That is awesome you are able to get in on Monday! And glad Rock went and did his bloodwork! YAY! So after SA what do you do? Start meds? So exciting!!!:thumbup:
Ok i feel like the bad friend!!

Karissa...i can only imagine how you feel and maybe it is time for a second opinion but also remember you are on some powerful drugs messing around with hormones which are going to make the rollar coaster that much harde :wacko:

Sometimes remembering our feelings are out of wack are partly because we are hormonal can did today go? glad rock is n board now and gets that he has a part!! Boo to hip pain..:-[

Afm wwe are at suncadia this weekend and we decided t rent from an owner and holy cow its nice! Im just waiting for Bill to wke up!
So yeah the drugs really mess with emotions! I was so upset yesterday and felt I had wasted time and money with such a low count...then today it was 9x better! 9.1 million the highest we have ever had! I think God finally heard me and so gave me so hope back today. I feel so much better and feel we aren't out now! :) Jon came home last night too saying I realized you are doing all the work on this and I need to start doing my part and did all this research and got extra vitamins and green veggies! I know that didn't make the difference though it could have... Either way so hopeful now! And feel slightly bipolar from reactions yesterday! Haha

Annie - how fun! Hope bill wakes up soon so you both can enjoy and explore! :)

Stephanie - hope you are doing well!

I am heading to airport and flying rest of day to DC :)
9.1???!!!??? Wow!!! :happydance: that is an amazing difference!!!! Between that, the IUI you had the other day, AND the bonus BD you did too, plus the 4 possible eggs, I smell success!!!! :hugs: ugh, but another TWW... :blush: at least with a work trip it should sail by!

I have my appt for my hip tomorrow at 1:30. I hope i get some kind of answers!!!
I honestly have felt bloated Amy kind of crampy and "wet" down there on and all day...if I were symptom spotting I would be ALL over that!! :haha: but I don't even know what DPO I am!!! In one way it is kind of refreshing, because sex has turned back into just that - nice lusty fun sex....but not knowing when to expect AF is irritating :growlmad:

Annie, everything ok with you???
Stephanie- I hope you get your answers tomorrow! :) yay for the lusty BD it is nice when then pressure is taken off! What dpo do you think you are? When's your next appointment again? You need to do SA right?

Yup yucky TWW! Hopefully it goes fast! Today did so hopefully the next 13 do as well!
I think I could be 8DPO if I ovulated on CD14... AF is due anywhere between April 8th and 15th :wacko: depending on how crazy my cycle plans to be this month!! I am hoping that the thyroid meds will help regulate everything!! But it's probably too early for that :growlmad:
This week is so crazy that I don't think we'll get the SA done... But I'm shooting :)haha:) for next week! Then we make our next appt!!! :happydance:
How are thing going for you in my time zone?? :blush:
Well I will keep my fingers crossed cuz you never know! :) and hopefully thyroid meds are helping too!

I am slowly getting used to it. Hard to fall asleep at night which then means hard to wake up! But making do and trying to get in some sightseeing while here too :) temp went up again today so got crosshairs on fertility friend! Yay for proof of ovulation! :) now let's hope my little talk with the "boys" worked! Haha

Annie - how are you doing?
Ok - I'm back home and a little more 'normal' ;)

I don't feel all that good today - stomach issues - but I'm not sure what.. tired.. (Bill was snoring again last night - I hope he forgot to take his allergy meds because that was a our miracle cure and I want it to continue to work!)

Other then that - its the big "I can't find any jeans or outfits that fit.. " issue. I'm soooooo sick of it. We even went an hour out of our way to go to an H&M that sold maternity - and found nothing :( then I got a lead at some jeans at motherhood - that were supposed to be on bogo - except they weren't. And then Bill and i got into it because he thinks I have things that fit and I dont' need to keep buying - but in reality - I don't. At one point he said - you are pregnant you don't need to be stylish - I just bit my tongue. I already feel big fat and ugly - so yeah lets put on clothes that I don't think look good too..

SOrry - like I said - I'm really frustrated :(

Karissa - I still am on cloud nine for you!!!

Stephanie - you all are on the right track here - and thyroid meds can take a little while - but then .. yes you should see some relief!! :)
Annie- sorry you couldn't find pants that has to be so frustrating! And any ol pants won't do just cuz you are pregnant doesn't mean you should have to wear frumpy yucky stuff! I hope you can find some stuff soon! :)
Annie - big hugs to you!!! I know we probably all say "when I get pregnant I am NEVER going to complain" BUT- lets face it, even though we want this so bad, it's not a walk in the park! Your boys is going thru major changes!! And it can't all be fun!! So you should at least be able to wear cute maternity clothes, right?? :hugs:
Boys just don't get it sometimes!!!! :winkwink:
So it turns out I have tendinitis in two muscle groups in my hip/glutes - my muscles aren't strong or stable enough to handle all the running and working out I've been doing. Good news - this can be helped with physical therapy twice a week. Bad news- I am not supposed to do a whole heck of a lot in the interim.
I am just glad I don't need surgery or something that can mess up our plans for getting pregnant! :thumbup:

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