Oh man, the rain can really mess things up... I'm sorry that happened!

that sucks there isn't anything they can do for the rib, sounds annoying....
What kind of job did you get?
I'm not sure if I'm going to my clomid appt.. I can't stop spotting/bleeding. I bled heavy for 8 days and now 4 days later I'm spotting again... I'm just depressed and don't even want to think about it..
Ya me too. It is super annoying bc if I take to deep of a breath or anything I'm in pain and the only thing they can do is continue to give me pain pills.
The job I got is nothing spectacular. But it's as a receptionist at the Hyundai dealership. Nothing major but def some extra needed income for sure.
Oh no! Why do you think you can't stop bleeding? I hear you on it being super depressing. My AF this cycle was the weirdest I've ever had spotted for one day then bled heavy for two then spotted another then bled heavy again. God sometimes I wish adoption was more fees able. Iran don't get me wrong I still want a baby of my own but it's just so hard and frustrating sometimes it's getting rediculius.
Oh man, that sounds painful!!

how long does it take to heal?
Hey a job is a job, I had to take a reception job when I moved here, it paid the bills!
It's been weird, it's all been brown blood with just the tiniest hint of pink. When I originally posted this I thought it would turn into full AF again, but no such thing (yet) doctors just want to put me on birth control to stop it... I don't want birth control!!
I hear ya, my friend after 5 years is getting her adopted baby this week... I'm super happy for her because I know the struggle they went through to try and get preg and THEN go through the adoption process...