Got my bloodwork back...

Oh man that is rough... hopefully they will understand why you are so sore... Good luck at your new job!

That is kind of scary waiting to hear... yikes! would you guys be upside down if it totaled out? What CD are you?

Me I am ok... It has been really weird... Not sure what is going on with my cycle, other than it is driving me nuts!!!!

Thanks I'm kinda excited to start somewhere again. I haven't worked since October so it's going to take some getting used to.
Ya it's super stressful waiting to hear. We'd be totally screwed if it totals out. Bc the bank would pay the car loan but we don't have any more money to put another down payment on another new car. Not to mention we absolutely need two car bc DH and I work the same hours but he works 30min away from our house in one direction and I'm 40 min in the other direction so there no way we could do it with only one car.
I think I'm CD 7 you? Do you have any idea what's causing your body to be so wacky this month? Are you still planning to go for your clomid appt? Has your stupid doctor said anything more about BC?

It's always nerve wracking to jump back into a job... I hate that part..
Oh man that sucks :( I hate being in limbo for such an important matter- Yeah DH and I used to work an hour and a half apart from each other... two cars was a MUST! Well hopefully they can figure something out so you guys are totally in a suck situation.

CD 14.. I haven't a clue what's going on.. two days ago I was brown spotting and one glob of red and now nothing but CM. SO WEIRD! I still plan on going, I am not and I mean NOT going to let him throw BCP at me. It was his nurse that suggested it, I know him a little better and he IS FABULOUS so I am hoping he will discuss with me what we can do to get preg!!

Ya it's a little neve wracking. But fortunately I knew someone there that got me the job so at least I have one friend lol. But I started today and it didn't seem too bad everyone seems kinda nice and goofy so hopefully they'll stay that way lol. It's almost impossible to do anything with just one car now days it sucks!!! I actually looked into getting a car at my new job just in case they do total it so I should hear on that tomorrow. It's be nice just to have a back up plan ya know.

That is super strange! I would def ask your dr wtf is going on when you go in for your appt. glad you like him, idk why nurses get involved's like your only a nurse for a reason stay out of my business until you go through med school. Thanks. Well good luck! How have you been today?

Oh that's always good!!! I love jobs where the people aren't a bunch of stiffs... makes the work days much nicer!
Good luck!! hopefully it all works out for you!!!

Yeah IDK what it was, who knows.. at this point I have given up wondering what it's doing LOL.. I will go get my Clomid and call it good.. and yeah I hate his nurse... everytime I try and ask a question she just treats it like I am blowing things out of proportion and that would never happen...
I am also changing jobs right now, and I am nervous about it too! I work with my husband right now which has been totally awesome... but my pay sucks! So I have a few options right now, totally stressing about which job to take... UGH why do decisions have to be so hard? LOL
Oh man that is rough... hopefully they will understand why you are so sore... Good luck at your new job!

That is kind of scary waiting to hear... yikes! would you guys be upside down if it totaled out? What CD are you?

Me I am ok... It has been really weird... Not sure what is going on with my cycle, other than it is driving me nuts!!!!

Thanks I'm kinda excited to start somewhere again. I haven't worked since October so it's going to take some getting used to.
Ya it's super stressful waiting to hear. We'd be totally screwed if it totals out. Bc the bank would pay the car loan but we don't have any more money to put another down payment on another new car. Not to mention we absolutely need two car bc DH and I work the same hours but he works 30min away from our house in one direction and I'm 40 min in the other direction so there no way we could do it with only one car.
I think I'm CD 7 you? Do you have any idea what's causing your body to be so wacky this month? Are you still planning to go for your clomid appt? Has your stupid doctor said anything more about BC?

It's always nerve wracking to jump back into a job... I hate that part..
Oh man that sucks :( I hate being in limbo for such an important matter- Yeah DH and I used to work an hour and a half apart from each other... two cars was a MUST! Well hopefully they can figure something out so you guys are totally in a suck situation.

CD 14.. I haven't a clue what's going on.. two days ago I was brown spotting and one glob of red and now nothing but CM. SO WEIRD! I still plan on going, I am not and I mean NOT going to let him throw BCP at me. It was his nurse that suggested it, I know him a little better and he IS FABULOUS so I am hoping he will discuss with me what we can do to get preg!!

Ya it's a little neve wracking. But fortunately I knew someone there that got me the job so at least I have one friend lol. But I started today and it didn't seem too bad everyone seems kinda nice and goofy so hopefully they'll stay that way lol. It's almost impossible to do anything with just one car now days it sucks!!! I actually looked into getting a car at my new job just in case they do total it so I should hear on that tomorrow. It's be nice just to have a back up plan ya know.

That is super strange! I would def ask your dr wtf is going on when you go in for your appt. glad you like him, idk why nurses get involved's like your only a nurse for a reason stay out of my business until you go through med school. Thanks. Well good luck! How have you been today?

Oh that's always good!!! I love jobs where the people aren't a bunch of stiffs... makes the work days much nicer!
Good luck!! hopefully it all works out for you!!!

Yeah IDK what it was, who knows.. at this point I have given up wondering what it's doing LOL.. I will go get my Clomid and call it good.. and yeah I hate his nurse... everytime I try and ask a question she just treats it like I am blowing things out of proportion and that would never happen...
I am also changing jobs right now, and I am nervous about it too! I work with my husband right now which has been totally awesome... but my pay sucks! So I have a few options right now, totally stressing about which job to take... UGH why do decisions have to be so hard? LOL

Thanks I hope it works out too.

Ya I hate nurses their always so nosey and think they know what's best. I had one nurse ask me once why I was even there because I couldn't possibly want children because I was "so young". Like excuse me you have no idea about me, my husband, or our life so how bout you shut the hell up! I hate how they think they know what's best. Just pipe down! So do you know how he's gunna have you take clomid? Like what cycle days?

What jobs are you deciding between? I totally understand while it's nice working with your husband money matters big time especially when dealing with infertility bc you never know what new expense is going to pop up. Specially since stupid pregnancy tests are so damn expensive! Lol
Oh man that is rough... hopefully they will understand why you are so sore... Good luck at your new job!

That is kind of scary waiting to hear... yikes! would you guys be upside down if it totaled out? What CD are you?

Me I am ok... It has been really weird... Not sure what is going on with my cycle, other than it is driving me nuts!!!!

Thanks I'm kinda excited to start somewhere again. I haven't worked since October so it's going to take some getting used to.
Ya it's super stressful waiting to hear. We'd be totally screwed if it totals out. Bc the bank would pay the car loan but we don't have any more money to put another down payment on another new car. Not to mention we absolutely need two car bc DH and I work the same hours but he works 30min away from our house in one direction and I'm 40 min in the other direction so there no way we could do it with only one car.
I think I'm CD 7 you? Do you have any idea what's causing your body to be so wacky this month? Are you still planning to go for your clomid appt? Has your stupid doctor said anything more about BC?

It's always nerve wracking to jump back into a job... I hate that part..
Oh man that sucks :( I hate being in limbo for such an important matter- Yeah DH and I used to work an hour and a half apart from each other... two cars was a MUST! Well hopefully they can figure something out so you guys are totally in a suck situation.

CD 14.. I haven't a clue what's going on.. two days ago I was brown spotting and one glob of red and now nothing but CM. SO WEIRD! I still plan on going, I am not and I mean NOT going to let him throw BCP at me. It was his nurse that suggested it, I know him a little better and he IS FABULOUS so I am hoping he will discuss with me what we can do to get preg!!

Ya it's a little neve wracking. But fortunately I knew someone there that got me the job so at least I have one friend lol. But I started today and it didn't seem too bad everyone seems kinda nice and goofy so hopefully they'll stay that way lol. It's almost impossible to do anything with just one car now days it sucks!!! I actually looked into getting a car at my new job just in case they do total it so I should hear on that tomorrow. It's be nice just to have a back up plan ya know.

That is super strange! I would def ask your dr wtf is going on when you go in for your appt. glad you like him, idk why nurses get involved's like your only a nurse for a reason stay out of my business until you go through med school. Thanks. Well good luck! How have you been today?

Oh that's always good!!! I love jobs where the people aren't a bunch of stiffs... makes the work days much nicer!
Good luck!! hopefully it all works out for you!!!

Yeah IDK what it was, who knows.. at this point I have given up wondering what it's doing LOL.. I will go get my Clomid and call it good.. and yeah I hate his nurse... everytime I try and ask a question she just treats it like I am blowing things out of proportion and that would never happen...
I am also changing jobs right now, and I am nervous about it too! I work with my husband right now which has been totally awesome... but my pay sucks! So I have a few options right now, totally stressing about which job to take... UGH why do decisions have to be so hard? LOL

Thanks I hope it works out too.

Ya I hate nurses their always so nosey and think they know what's best. I had one nurse ask me once why I was even there because I couldn't possibly want children because I was "so young". Like excuse me you have no idea about me, my husband, or our life so how bout you shut the hell up! I hate how they think they know what's best. Just pipe down! So do you know how he's gunna have you take clomid? Like what cycle days?

What jobs are you deciding between? I totally understand while it's nice working with your husband money matters big time especially when dealing with infertility bc you never know what new expense is going to pop up. Specially since stupid pregnancy tests are so damn expensive! Lol

I get that too, Oh you are so young why do you want kids... I am 24, that isn't too young to be starting a family.. but I just roll my eyes and move on. The one I can't STAND is the nurse telling me I need to lose weight... Um try having your body pretty much resist any type of weight loss, working out 1-2 hours a day and still not losing any.. I hate her look, GRRR ok now I am mad at her HA!
I am hoping he will let me do the CD3-7 as I have heard that is the best... I hope he will start me on the 100mg, my sister never got preg on the 50mg.

One job is a Admin assistant/ Promotions Coordinator doing all of the marketing and promotions, scheduling and coordinating all the events etc..The pay on this one is about $3.50 more an hour than my current job, but I would have to work holidays and some Saturdays... which kind of blows but it's a job i'd love to do.

The other is an Admin assist for a property management dealing with all the HOA managers... The pay is $1.25 more than I make now and it's a mon-fri type job... but not as involved as I want.

I am having the hardest time deciding what I want to do!
Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Kind of needed a break from ttc for a couple of days. It just gets so overwhelming sometimes. Well so far the job is going well. I'm not exactly pleased with the schedule they came up with but I'm hoping once I'm there for a while it can be changed to be more suitable for my schedule. How is your jun decision going? It sounds to me that the first job you were talking about may be the one that your leaning more towards. Plus it comes with a bigger raise and that can't be bad lol. Only a couple more days til your clomid appt. you excited? I just restarted taking the metformin. I went off for a couple weeks bc it was making me sick but now I'm giving it a shot again and just taking that. I cut out the vitamins bc I just don't have the faith that my gyno does that that will help. It may be stupid and I realize I'm not a doctor but it was just to much taking like 12 pills in the morning and 10 more at night ya know. I guess if the metformin doesn't seem to do anything in like 2 months by itself I'll reconsider adding the vitamins back in. I don't know it just gets to me sometimes that I have to do so much to possibly have a chance at getting preggers when so many people can just do it without second thought or even on accident. Anyways interested to hear how you've been doing! Talk to you soon =)
Hey girl... Ugh... I hate when job schedules don't work out how we want them... I took the first job, I couldn't turn down the opportunity that it is... I started on Monday, and am LOVING it!!! It's a ton of work though, which is ok :)...

The things we go through to regulate our bodies can be such a nightmare!!!!! Hopefully going back on them won't make you so sick again.

I've been taking a break from TTC as well, I just can't handle it.. My friend who knows we've been TTC for a long time now texted me today saying she was pregnant.. I can't handle this, I can't feel resentment towards another friend.. Ive already done that to another friend..

It just hit me in the gut today, they have only been trying for like 6 months and she has another child and her husband has 3.. I have been bawling all day (bawling typing this). DH has tried to be supportive, which is nice.

I don't know that I'm going to my clomid appt, I don't know if I want to feel the heartbreak of not getting pregnant with it.. I am not in a good spot right now :(.
Sorry girls I am not hiding or anything. Just irritated at the world. Hubbys liver issues aren't any better, so back to the hospital for another appt. I hope they can do more then just say change diet etc. Its not working!!
Hey girl... Ugh... I hate when job schedules don't work out how we want them... I took the first job, I couldn't turn down the opportunity that it is... I started on Monday, and am LOVING it!!! It's a ton of work though, which is ok :)...

The things we go through to regulate our bodies can be such a nightmare!!!!! Hopefully going back on them won't make you so sick again.

I've been taking a break from TTC as well, I just can't handle it.. My friend who knows we've been TTC for a long time now texted me today saying she was pregnant.. I can't handle this, I can't feel resentment towards another friend.. Ive already done that to another friend..

It just hit me in the gut today, they have only been trying for like 6 months and she has another child and her husband has 3.. I have been bawling all day (bawling typing this). DH has tried to be supportive, which is nice.

I don't know that I'm going to my clomid appt, I don't know if I want to feel the heartbreak of not getting pregnant with it.. I am not in a good spot right now :(.

Seriously if they would just tweak my schedule a little I'd be so happy. Also I'd like a bit more responsibility but I guess I can't complain at least I found something. So glad your loving your new job. It sounded to me when you were telling me about them that you really wanted to take the first one. So I'm happy it's all working out for you.

Ya so far so good I haven't been nearly as sick as I was when I first started them. Still the occasional upset stomach but nothing completely unbearable.

I'm so sorry you have to go through that with your friend. Announcements are horrible enough but through a text message I probably would've smashed my phone! I understand what you mean about not wanting to resent another friend but we have a right to feel the way we feel too! Glad your DH is being supportive.

So did you wind up going to your clomid appt? If so how'd it go? If not what are your plans now?

As for DH and I I'm taking the met twice a day as prescribed but cut it all the vitamins. 15 pills in the morning and 10 at night was just too much for me to handle.
Sorry girls I am not hiding or anything. Just irritated at the world. Hubbys liver issues aren't any better, so back to the hospital for another appt. I hope they can do more then just say change diet etc. Its not working!!

No problem Hun we all need to take time to just be for awhile. Sorry to hear about DH liver problems! Isn't it so aggravating when they say oh change your diet or exercise more its like wtf if I wanted those types of answers I'd go to a holistic healer not a damn "medical professional". Hope things got better for you. What'd they say to do?
Hey girl... Ugh... I hate when job schedules don't work out how we want them... I took the first job, I couldn't turn down the opportunity that it is... I started on Monday, and am LOVING it!!! It's a ton of work though, which is ok :)...

The things we go through to regulate our bodies can be such a nightmare!!!!! Hopefully going back on them won't make you so sick again.

I've been taking a break from TTC as well, I just can't handle it.. My friend who knows we've been TTC for a long time now texted me today saying she was pregnant.. I can't handle this, I can't feel resentment towards another friend.. Ive already done that to another friend..

It just hit me in the gut today, they have only been trying for like 6 months and she has another child and her husband has 3.. I have been bawling all day (bawling typing this). DH has tried to be supportive, which is nice.

I don't know that I'm going to my clomid appt, I don't know if I want to feel the heartbreak of not getting pregnant with it.. I am not in a good spot right now :(.

Seriously if they would just tweak my schedule a little I'd be so happy. Also I'd like a bit more responsibility but I guess I can't complain at least I found something. So glad your loving your new job. It sounded to me when you were telling me about them that you really wanted to take the first one. So I'm happy it's all working out for you.

Ya so far so good I haven't been nearly as sick as I was when I first started them. Still the occasional upset stomach but nothing completely unbearable.

I'm so sorry you have to go through that with your friend. Announcements are horrible enough but through a text message I probably would've smashed my phone! I understand what you mean about not wanting to resent another friend but we have a right to feel the way we feel too! Glad your DH is being supportive.

So did you wind up going to your clomid appt? If so how'd it go? If not what are your plans now?

As for DH and I I'm taking the met twice a day as prescribed but cut it all the vitamins. 15 pills in the morning and 10 at night was just too much for me to handle.

Yeah, we sat down and had a good long chat.. She is one of my best friends and she said she was nervous about telling me but she felt that she should... We have made up and I'm super happy for her :)

My clomid appt was a total bust, the doctor said he won't give me clomid until I lose 10 lbs... He was so rude!! I told him I've been working my a$$ off since January but its hard because of the insulin resistance to lose weight...(at least for me it is) he just looked at me and said I wasn't working out hard enough or I was doing something wrong... I was so mad!!!!! Still am, I just can't believe it...

I'm glad to her things are going good for you, yeah that many vit is just too much!
Give up alcohol, sat fats etc. Which he has done, and they sent him a letter saying he can't get a physical before August with the insurance so he can't get back in! Grr.

I am so sorry about your clomid appt. Gosh that stinks
I have to take metformin (500mg 3x a day), vitamin d (50,000 units 1 time a week), and then my prenatal ... those are the main 3. I also take a daily baby aspirin and a low-dose steroid to help create fertile CM. And then mucinex after AF is gone so I can try to create even more CM (I don't make it on my own ... it's such a pain)

It regulates my insulin levels and everything else has raised my needed vitamin levels as well so I am ovulating now with femara (ovulated once on clomid - so I was happy to change) so hopefully something will work now :)
Sorry I've been Mia again. Well here's an update: I decided to up my metformin on my own bc I feel like 1000mg wasn't doing enough and everything I've read as far as success stories go everyone has been on 1500-2000mg so I decided to take 2000 so maybe that will help. Also AF is not due til July 1st but I had a feeling so I went and bought some filler store tests. Well the first one I took at 1am negitive but then in the morning DH found it and it had turned positive. So I thought okay evap line so I took another one just in case that one also negitive until 20 min afterwards then positive again. So I though just maybe bc it was so early still. Took two more today both negitive even hours after so now I'm heartbroken. I should've known better then to read them after the ten minutes but get a girl can dream right. Anyways that's what's going on with me. What about you girls?
If any of you girls know how to post pictures from your iPhone ill upload pics of the tests I did take but idk how to do it.
He girl! That sucks I am sorry.... The only way I know how is if your posting from your phone, click the go advanced off the quick reply and click the little paper clip attachment thing... It should say like upload from my pics or something.... Hopefully that works! :hugs:
Idk if it worked but if so the one one the left is the one that I took second that have me a positive after 20 min and the one on the right is the one that gave me the positive the next morning.


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Sorry I've been Mia again. Well here's an update: I decided to up my metformin on my own bc I feel like 1000mg wasn't doing enough and everything I've read as far as success stories go everyone has been on 1500-2000mg so I decided to take 2000 so maybe that will help. Also AF is not due til July 1st but I had a feeling so I went and bought some filler store tests. Well the first one I took at 1am negitive but then in the morning DH found it and it had turned positive. So I thought okay evap line so I took another one just in case that one also negitive until 20 min afterwards then positive again. So I though just maybe bc it was so early still. Took two more today both negitive even hours after so now I'm heartbroken. I should've known better then to read them after the ten minutes but get a girl can dream right. Anyways that's what's going on with me. What about you girls?

Increasing your metformin on your own could cause more harm than good - you start messing with your bodies insulin levels you could really be doing some harm :/ I would talk to your doctor and make sure you get a lab done to make sure that your insulin levels aren't being regulated with the 1,000mg a day. If your insulin levels are normal with 1,000mg a day - you shouldn't push it .... taking more medicine when you're TTC to cause serious harm instead of help.
Idk if it worked but if so the one one the left is the one that I took second that have me a positive after 20 min and the one on the right is the one that gave me the positive the next morning.

I would give it 24-48 hours and test again!!
Thanks I would go to my doctor but my insurance just dropped me and my husband for not recertifying in time so in the mean time that's why I thought if go up. But with the 1000mg I'm not seeing any changes. Not weight loss not even a measley pound, not getting rid of extra facial hair, not getting rid of acne, so that's why I thought the dosage was to low bc I read it should help with all those things. I tested again this morning nothing not even after the time limit. So what I got on those tests must've just been evap lines. It just kills me bc I've never had evap lines before. Or for that matter any line except the control line and I thought evap lines were supposed to be gray and in the one that came up after twenty minutes it was clearly pink ya know? But I bought ten tests yesterday already down to seven but that should carry me trough until AF is due since she's expected to come July 1st. I was just stupid and got my hopes up on a stupid evap line!!! =( I hate this whole process!!! Congrats on you BFP though! How long we're you trying? DH and I are going on give years in about two months=(
Also just realized when I uploaded my pictures it got flipped the one on the bottom is the one that looked like that 20 min after taking it. The one on the top is the one that looked like that the next morning when DH found it.
Thanks I would go to my doctor but my insurance just dropped me and my husband for not recertifying in time so in the mean time that's why I thought if go up. But with the 1000mg I'm not seeing any changes. Not weight loss not even a measley pound, not getting rid of extra facial hair, not getting rid of acne, so that's why I thought the dosage was to low bc I read it should help with all those things. I tested again this morning nothing not even after the time limit. So what I got on those tests must've just been evap lines. It just kills me bc I've never had evap lines before. Or for that matter any line except the control line and I thought evap lines were supposed to be gray and in the one that came up after twenty minutes it was clearly pink ya know? But I bought ten tests yesterday already down to seven but that should carry me trough until AF is due since she's expected to come July 1st. I was just stupid and got my hopes up on a stupid evap line!!! =( I hate this whole process!!! Congrats on you BFP though! How long we're you trying? DH and I are going on give years in about two months=(

Metformin isn't a cure all .... I didn't lose any weight at all on it, it has not changed any single PCOS symptoms I had except my insulin resistance. It doesn't do anything else for a lot of people. For me, all it has done is keep my insulin levels normal. I just don't want you to harm your chances by taking medication in ways you weren't told to, I hate seeing people really harm themselves by misusing prescription medications :(

Thanks .... my husband and I have been trying for almost 3 years. I've been trying to find out my problems since I was 20 - so all in all, 9 years of constant doctors appointments trying to figure out what my problem was. It took a 1,000 mile move and finding the best doctor in the state to finally get my issues solves.

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