Trying for #2 with Infertility
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Oh man that is rough... hopefully they will understand why you are so sore... Good luck at your new job!
That is kind of scary waiting to hear... yikes! would you guys be upside down if it totaled out? What CD are you?
Me I am ok... It has been really weird... Not sure what is going on with my cycle, other than it is driving me nuts!!!!
Thanks I'm kinda excited to start somewhere again. I haven't worked since October so it's going to take some getting used to.
Ya it's super stressful waiting to hear. We'd be totally screwed if it totals out. Bc the bank would pay the car loan but we don't have any more money to put another down payment on another new car. Not to mention we absolutely need two car bc DH and I work the same hours but he works 30min away from our house in one direction and I'm 40 min in the other direction so there no way we could do it with only one car.
I think I'm CD 7 you? Do you have any idea what's causing your body to be so wacky this month? Are you still planning to go for your clomid appt? Has your stupid doctor said anything more about BC?
It's always nerve wracking to jump back into a job... I hate that part..
Oh man that sucksI hate being in limbo for such an important matter- Yeah DH and I used to work an hour and a half apart from each other... two cars was a MUST! Well hopefully they can figure something out so you guys are totally in a suck situation.
CD 14.. I haven't a clue what's going on.. two days ago I was brown spotting and one glob of red and now nothing but CM. SO WEIRD! I still plan on going, I am not and I mean NOT going to let him throw BCP at me. It was his nurse that suggested it, I know him a little better and he IS FABULOUS so I am hoping he will discuss with me what we can do to get preg!!
Ya it's a little neve wracking. But fortunately I knew someone there that got me the job so at least I have one friend lol. But I started today and it didn't seem too bad everyone seems kinda nice and goofy so hopefully they'll stay that way lol. It's almost impossible to do anything with just one car now days it sucks!!! I actually looked into getting a car at my new job just in case they do total it so I should hear on that tomorrow. It's be nice just to have a back up plan ya know.
That is super strange! I would def ask your dr wtf is going on when you go in for your appt. glad you like him, idk why nurses get involved's like your only a nurse for a reason stay out of my business until you go through med school. Thanks. Well good luck! How have you been today?
Oh that's always good!!! I love jobs where the people aren't a bunch of stiffs... makes the work days much nicer!
Good luck!! hopefully it all works out for you!!!
Yeah IDK what it was, who knows.. at this point I have given up wondering what it's doing LOL.. I will go get my Clomid and call it good.. and yeah I hate his nurse... everytime I try and ask a question she just treats it like I am blowing things out of proportion and that would never happen...
I am also changing jobs right now, and I am nervous about it too! I work with my husband right now which has been totally awesome... but my pay sucks! So I have a few options right now, totally stressing about which job to take... UGH why do decisions have to be so hard? LOL