guess this includes me!!


lucky mum of one of each!
Aug 31, 2006
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well at least until december!!
Well i was a Teen mum for all of a month. i was 19 when i concieved my eldest and i gave birth to him in May, I was 20 in the June - it was actually just over 2 weeks :lol: but it still counts :wink:
Tootsie similar for me, I was 19 when I was pg, I gave birth on the 6th Jan and I turned 20 on the 16th Jan! So I was officially a teen mummy for 10days! But I might aswell still be because I look younger and get all the "looks" whilst walking round town :twisted:
Lauz_1601 said:
Tootsie similar for me, I was 19 when I was pg, I gave birth on the 6th Jan and I turned 20 on the 16th Jan! So I was officially a teen mummy for 10days! But I might aswell still be because I look younger and get all the "looks" whilst walking round town :twisted:

i know wot u mean hun everyone thinks i look 15 i get ID to get my mum her ciggys lol
Our new chref at work thought I was 17, when the boss told him I have a baby he said "what, that little girl out there" :oops: :oops:

When you get to know me though its different I have a old head! Just goes to show shouldnt judge a book by its cover!
Lauz_1601 said:
Our new chref at work thought I was 17, when the boss told him I have a baby he said "what, that little girl out there" :oops: :oops:

When you get to know me though its different I have a old head! Just goes to show shouldnt judge a book by its cover!

yeah my head is that of a 40yr old woman!!!!
Having babies definaly ages you lol, but were still young at heart! I was always very mature and into cleaning ironing ect very domestic even before I had Ella (sad I know!!!!!)
Babies do age you as in mature you, but I am older than all of ya here, but still think I am 18 :lol:
lol im mature at times but then im a big kid at others

wen it comes to Braydon i feel like i act 40 at time hehe

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