Gym workouts

Everyone has said all I was going to say really. I go 4 times a week and do a mix of arms, legs, weights, cardio, classes etc.

All I will say is never underestimate the power of clean eating. I can not tell you how many fit women I know who only come to the gym 3 times a week, but they eat very clean and their bodies are ridiculous. I sometimes end up at the gym 5 times a week, I eat well in the week but the weekend I don't care and eat what I like (I really have an obsession with food!) This is why I don't look half as good as I should! But trust me, working out 3 times a week and teaming that with clean eating, you will see a huge difference. And running is the best exercise you can do, it works everything and you see results quickly. I say that but I don't really run because I look like Phoebe from Friends when I do :haha: xx
Ive been the the gym for years i just get bored sometimes. I havent been fora few months cus been busy with stuff. So i wanted to set myself a program up. I like the sound of these intervals on treadmil.

So this is what i am thinking of a program. Let me know what u think

30 min treadmill interval
15 mins cross trainer
10 mins rowing machine
10 mins stepper
15 mins bike
then 30 mins on weight/arms/legs/ stomach etc

try that for a bit and work up to longer. I can only go when kids at nursery and 1 day at weekend. So 3 times a week for now.

what u think
That's a lot of cardio.
What are your specific goals? Sorry if I've missed them xx
That does sound like too much cardio in one session. My personal trainer usually kills me with 20/30 mins of cardio then 30 mins of weight training. So for example, I'll do 20 mins on the step machine then for 30/40 mins we work on upper body with weights/pull-ups etc. then 5/10 mins of stretching. Another session I would do 30 mins on the cross trainer and 30 mins lower body squats/lunges/leg presses etc. today for example we did like outdoor running for 4/5 mins, then a set of 20 kettle bell lifts, then crunches, sit ups, planks, box jumps then back outside running for 4/5 minutes, repeated 3 times. It was for an hour and I was DEAD. If you go hard for an hour you don't need to be there for more. My personal trainer once told me I was wasting my time doing an hour with him then going to do like a Zumba class (all mid to high-range cardio). I would say a good hour/hour and a half per session is more than enough. Doing a quarter to half of your session as cardio and the rest weight training plus eating clean is how you will quickly notice a difference in your body xx
I want to lose weiht. When i used to go i did

30 mins treadmill
15 mins cross trainer
15/20 mins bike
30 mins weights
For weight loss, you would be better off doing some interval training (HIIT or tabata) rather than steady state cardio, and a good full body weights routine. Xx
yea i read up on and some is saying that like with cross trainer i have to make sure i feel it in my legs if u get me
yea i read up on and some is saying that like with cross trainer i have to make sure i feel it in my legs if u get me

Sorry, I'm not really sure what you mean. If you're doing hard intervals and heavy enough weights, you should feel it in your legs. Xx
What I mean is they say don't glide when moving u need to pushing if u get me like on a high level
I don't go to the gym! Honestly, I'd absolutely love to, but I have zero time. However, I am very much into crossfit, and I have created a home gym in our garage. We're slowly adding to it, but we have gotten/made the stuff for it very cheap! I also didn't see anyone mention working out at home. I do T25...if you haven't heard of it it's like Insanity but it's much shorter, each session is only 25 minutes and let me tell you, it is killer! The first few weeks it sucks, I'm not going to lie. But, once you get used to it, you can see your body change so fast. You get the same workout if you're doing the low-impact modification too. I had to modify a lot when I first started, and now I barely ever have to. I work out 6 days a week, and now if I ever miss a day I regret it.

I saw you asking about treadmills too. I hate the treadmill. It's so boring, but I know not everyone lives somewhere where you can go running safely outside. I'm lucky that I live in an area with a long running path with beautiful scenery. I also use Map My Run app on my phone, and I also have (nerd alert) a zombie app that I run with. It's called Zombies, Run! and it basically narrates a story line during a zombie apocalypse. It's fun to me, but there are so many resources out there to make running and working out actually fun. I get bored easily, which is why I've always hated working out. However, if I do have to run on a treadmill, I run for minute long intervals. I run a slow jog for a minute, and then sprint for a minute, and go back and forth. Intervals will be the best thing to increase your endurance. I also run with a weighted vest now, which has cut off about 2 minutes off of my mile-and-a-half run for the Air Force. Look up HIIT workouts online. Those are also great types of work outs, and always different. If anyone has any questions on getting fitter, let me know! I'm super busy and naturally lazy and I have total ADD, but I literally have a new found love for fitness because of the ridiculous amounts of reading and research I've done on workouts that do not include a gym.

Good luck! I've found taking progress pictures of yourself is motivating, and it's nice to see subtle changes.
I also reckon it's a bit too much cardio. As ILoveShoes said, you get greater benefits and results from HIIT, there are plenty program's to follow online either on the treadmill, bike or cross trainer if you prefer, but it's important to do the alternation, not just hammer it 100% the whole time.

I go the gym 4 times a week and I'll do upto 30mins on the treadmill, alternating between sprints and jogs/power walking. Sometimes I'll only do 15-20mins, depending how hard I work. After that I usually do about 30mins free weights or weight machines, although to much prefer to use the free weights and kettle bells as I find I'm getting better results.

I also play netball twice a week.

Ill have a look for someworks on them thanks
Ladies when do you all get time to go to the gym? I would love to go but I work 3 days a week, and on my days off, I have all my children with me. We don't use nurseries or childcare.

On my work days, we don't get to eat dinner til about 8.30pm and I'm too knackered/ full to go to the gym. Obviously I have Saturday but hardly feels worth my while for once a week. Hubby works long hours and regularly isn't home til 9pm to let me out of the house!

How do u manage?
My gym offers childcare :) I go in the early mornings, right after I drop my son off at school, and so there are only about 2-3 other children in the playroom at the time.

However, DD goes to preschool 3 days a week as well.
I go in the mornings after I've dropped the kids at preschool where they go three times a week, and there is also day care at my gym which the kids love so I drop them there once in the week too, I try to go 4 times a week.
The ymca in fleetwood where i used to live had a child care bit for free but i dont live there now. I moved and the ymca near me doesnt have the child care. I cant wait for lucas to start his 3 days in jan i can go on them days then cus my daughter starts school in september
I don't have children yet so it's a lot easier for me, although I do work 5 days a week. I make the most of evenings or go straight from work.


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