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Had this ever happened to anyone? I am very upset :( Long rant


Active Member
Mar 15, 2016
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I had my sonogram scheduled 05/20 they made me drink about 5 cups of water my bladder was killing me but I didnt care because I was going to see my baby so I thought. Well I lay down and the tech starts the sonogram.... with the damn monitor facing her I am looking at her like OK. I turn my head to the side to see if she had the common courtesy of atleast adjusting the monitor so that I could enjoy this moment as well but no... so I am just laying there staring into dead space for an hour while she does her measurements. She then tells me to lay on my side because she needed to measure the babys spine to see if he would turn around and left me laying on my side for 10 minutes in hopes he wud in the meantime she was going to speak to some doctor they had there. 10 minutes later she comes back with this doctor and starts to manuever the wand on my side to see if the baby turns but he didnt. Then the doctor that was with her asks me "Have you spoken to a genetic counselor already?" I am like NO... everything has been fine. So she goes when is ur next appointment so I tell her 2 weeks from now. She said ok you need to speak to a genetic counselor asap and then just walks out. So I ask the tech is there something wrong with my baby ?? And all she tells me is she is not allowed to say anything the doctor will when I have my follow up. After that she turns the screen for like 2 minutes and I finally see my baby after like 2 hours :( she then prints out a photo and sends me on my way.... first of all she didnt even mention the sex of the baby or anything. The only reason why I know what I am having is because I had an elective early ultrasound at a 3D center when I was 16 weeks.

Today received a call from doctor saying I need to go in tomorrow urgently because they found some "important findings in my ultrasound" I have been balling my eyes out. I am upset and angry as well. Mostly angry because ever since I changed my prenatal care to this hospital I have been getting nothing but bad news :(. First they run the downsyndrome test twice after I told them I already had it done and it came back negative at previous hospital with a 1 in 10,000 chance of having a child with downsyndrome and nuchal transluency test was perfect. When they ran the test first it came back positive then she wanted to push for amnio and I said NO she ran blood work again and it came back negative. Then now they call me telling me my ultrasound done at 22 weeks had something. I am so upset how do I go from a 1 in 10,000 chance and now this new hospital I go to finds all these things wrong with my baby it makes no sense to me.

I am going tomorrow to hear what their "findings" are and while I am at it I am going to get my medical records and transfer back to the OBGYN I had been seeing at the beginning of my pregnancy.
Oh how scary! I can't believe the doctor that came in didn't tell you what they found! I hope you get some answers tomorrow, I cannot imagine going through that! So sorry
That dr sounds very cold and crude. I'd be extremely upset at his bedside manner and there's no way I would have left there without knowing WHY I am to see a genetic councillor. I'm so very sorry you are going through this. Most likely they found something wrong with the baby that points to some genetic disease. Hopefully it's something manageable and not too serious. Sending you good vibes, stay strong Hun and don't panic until you know the facts xx
Oh how scary! I can't believe the doctor that came in didn't tell you what they found! I hope you get some answers tomorrow, I cannot imagine going through that! So sorry

It really is! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy :(
I dont even know how I am going to sleep tonight
That dr sounds very cold and crude. I'd be extremely upset at his bedside manner and there's no way I would have left there without knowing WHY I am to see a genetic councillor. I'm so very sorry you are going through this. Most likely they found something wrong with the baby that points to some genetic disease. Hopefully it's something manageable and not too serious. Sending you good vibes, stay strong Hun and don't panic until you know the facts xx

Thank you for the good vibes! I really can't imagine what they will tell me tomorrow these people have given me nothing but bad news since day one. I am not taking their diagnosis will be getting my medical records tomorrow and already called my old obgyn to make an appointment.
I am upset on your behalf! They really should have given you more information or let you see the geneticist right away. I totally agree you should change doctors! In the meantime, fx for you that it's nothing too serious tomorrow :hugs:
I am upset on your behalf! They really should have given you more information or let you see the geneticist right away. I totally agree you should change doctors! In the meantime, fx for you that it's nothing too serious tomorrow :hugs:

Thank you hun :( I remember now this is the same hospital that told my mom to abort my sister 24 years ago because she had the risk of dying.. my sister was born perfect and my mom is still alive! Not to mention I also found out yesterday when I went to an urgent care center because I wasnt feeling well due to all this stress that the medication they prescribed me for the heartburn isn't safe for pregnant woman .. go figure
I'm so sorry that sounds like a terrible experience!! Hopefully you will have some answers soon. I would be so upset!
I'm so sorry that sounds like a terrible experience!! Hopefully you will have some answers soon. I would be so upset!

It truly is terrible I never thought my 1st pregnancy would come with so many obstacles. I hope my baby is fine and unfortunately after this no more babies for me can't take this stress.
Disgusting way to conduct themselves. I hope you get answers from your original obgyn and also make a complaint towards that doctor. The sonographers can be hit and miss, some are very much the people-person and share in the joy, others are just there to do the job, end of.
Sounds like quite a shoddy hospital though that get lots of things wrong, hopefully this is another case and that baby is fine. Please keep us posted!
I would put in a formal complaint. That is no way to treat you.
Awful behaviour, very rude & unprofessional. I would definitely lodge a formal complaint.
Hope you get some answers ASAP & that it's nothing serious xx
Thank you ladies for all the support. I haven't been able to sleep tossing and turning all night long worried out of my mind. My mom told me last night she wants to come with me to the hospital today to see what they say but I declined her offer mostly because she is trying to insinuate that maybe the hospital is right and previous OBGYN didn't catch anything wrong with the baby because he was much smaller than and now he is more developed and bigger.... thanks mom. Also she keeps pushing me to stay there because hospital is closer to home but the stress they have been putting me through is not worth it. My previous OBGYN is far from home but has over 30 years of experience and is way more professional all my appointments with her had consisted of ultrasounds all was perfect than now these people at the hospital my 1st ultrasound and they find "important" findings is how they worded it. I will arrive early get my medical records 1st then get their BS findings.

Now that I can remember the tech said she had a difficult time with me because my stomach was really hard meaning the muscles in my stomach ( I was very fit prior to pregnancy) so maybe that also contributes to the possible inconsistency.

Again I can't thank you all enough for the support
Im sorry to hear you're going through all this stress hun and I would definitely be making a complaint no matter what the outcome is because they have given you no indication as to what they have seen/found. I understand what you mean about your mum, mines the same I love her to bits but she sometimes add to any stress I'm feeling at the time. I think you will need some support though so presumably your partner is going. I'll be thinking about you and little bump today and will be watching for an update x
I hope you get some answers today x
Hospital just called me again this morning to make sure I received the message and then asked me if I was ok... of course not! :cry:

Then the doctor asked me if I had anyone that could come with me for support but I don't. I dont want my mom to come she just adds on stress and I am not on good terms with the father of my child.
I still can't believe they're not telling you anything. I'm sending you all the luck in the world hun x
Wow that is awful. Wishing you all the best for your appointment x

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