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Had this ever happened to anyone? I am very upset :( Long rant

Thinking of you. They'd better treat you right this time. I hope you're doing alright.
Hello everyone, I have read each and every comment! Felt like I had so much support you are all amazing. Thank you... so update on my situation.

Went in and had a very compassionate doctor mother of two speak to me on the findings. She basically informed me that according to the ultrasound images they weren't able to properly see the babys face to see the nose and facial structure to check for any markers. In addition they saw some thickening on the back of the head and neck of the baby. Also the babys limbs looked shorter than normal in addition because the baby didnt want to turn they werent able to view his spine :(... I told her honestly how shocked I was because my pregnancy was going perfectly well even my nuchal and quad screens I had been placed in the 1/10,000 category for having a downs baby. She then opened my medical records and confirmed what I stated on my early testing. Advised me that they needed me to come in ASAP because if their suspicions were confirmed and I decided to terminate pregnancy they can't go past the 24 weeks by lawm.She had dialed in the head doctor who even though was out of town wanted to be present and advised her that she saw my records and everything was perfect.

I had been scheduled same day for another sonogram at the genetics and fetal medicine dept. They use a more advanced machine than the one that was used duing my anatomy scan. After having me go back and forthe between floors and the nurses arguing with eachother on how they didnt know I was supposed to be there I was finally ready to get scanned again. I then met another doctor an older male doctor who also spoke to me he too was extremely compassionate and just told me straight up depending on what they saw I had three options (do nothing, amnio or termination). The tech was very nice and I felt she was very knowledgable which made me feel a bit calm. I was in the room with the tech, the male doctor, female doctor and head doctor was on Voicemail because tech had to report what she was seeing as she scanned so that from there the head doctor could tell me what she would recommend for me.

My heart was racing as she began... first thing she checked was the babys heart and chambers were good... the babys head looked normal... a bit of a short chin which she thought baby might have cleft lip until she did a 3D and said no cleft lip. The babys stomach looked perfect....she mentioned something about poly but didnt specify I looked on google and basically that is referring to extra digits on hands or feet! Which I don't care about because I had an extra pinky on each hand which were removed when I was 11 months old plus it runs in my mothers side of the family. Well ofcourse baby still wouldnt turn for anything so the spine was still not measured.

The scan is over and I am still super nervous waiting to hear what the head doctor has to say... well she started of stating the initial findings were not as bad as they thought and doesnt suggest terminating pregnancy her suggestions for me was the amnio combined with the panorama to confirm mainly because they were still unable to measure the babys spine. So now it was basically up to me to decide if I wanted to or not do the testing. I felt relieved but at the same time just wanted to be 100000% sure my baby was ok because I couldnt endure any additonal stress during remainder of my pregnancy. I know I had initially said NO to amnio but at that moment I decided to go ahead with the head doctors recommendation.

The older male doctor would be the one performing it at the time and before he even got started sat down to speak to me which I greatly appreciated. He told me it seems that the initial screenings were probably bad angles especially since the baby didnt want to fully cooperate but seems like we have some good news based on what the head doctor said. I was prepped for the Amnio the doctors, the tech and nurse all made me feel super comfortable. The amnio wasnt bad at all I had thr monitor facing me and could see everything that was being done it felt less painful than having blood drawn I only had a bit of cramping afterwards. So after doctor is done with Amnio I get cleaned up and the tech scans me again guess who decides to turn !!!!
So after I was tortured lol he turns and the tech was able to measure his spine. The older male doctor than hugs me, tells me he will be praying for me and everything is going to be ok.:thumbup:

I have to wait a week for results on Amnio and Blood work from panorama test!
It makes me really glad to hear that the treated you better on the next visit and most importantly I'm relieved to hear that it sounds like baby is ok. What a scare!
It makes me really glad to hear that the treated you better on the next visit and most importantly I'm relieved to hear that it sounds like baby is ok. What a scare!

Thank you! I am still a tad stressed waiting on the final results of the amnio and panorama but have some faith based on the scan O:)O:)
I think the fact that the doctors are sounding SOOOOOOO much more positive, is a really good thing, as they don't like to give people false hope, especially these circumstances. They all sound much nicer and made you feel better informed.
Of course it's still a worrying time but let's hope this week goes quickly and you get all the answers, and continue to keep your baby safe and growing in there. Lots and lots of luck and hugs!
What an ordeal :hugs: so sorry you have to go through all this stress and uncertainty. But such great news that they are optimistic everything will be okay!! I will be keeping fingers toes arms and legs all crossed for you on the news of your amnio and blood work :)
What an ordeal you're going through! I'm glad they treated you so much better. Sending you love xxx
I was really worried we wouldn't hear back from you, i am glad all the scans basically show nothing, and the amnio will also help to ease your mind xxxxx I am so glad they were so professional this time, i think a lot of them panic when they think something is up, and seem very unprofessional xxx Although the person doing your scan started off that way in any case.

Thinking of you until you get your results xx i am sure everything is fine xxxx
Im Sorry you still don't have any definite answers but glad that things look a bit more promising, and that the nurses and drs were much more caring this time. Crossing everything that the amnio comes back ok, please update is when you get any news x
I'm so glad they were compassionate staff this time. I have everything crossed for a positive outcome x
Even though you don't have the final result, things are looking much better than you first expected...and it seems that you have a lazy son who doesn't like to co-operate - well after you have been tortured that is :)

I'll be keeping everything crossed for you for the results! Keep us updated hun x
So glad to hear they were supportive and kind. FXed that you only get good news from here on out!
So glad the dr was able to reassure you. Some Drs should just keep their mouth shut. They should have told you they didn't get all the pics they needed and what concerned them and explained why you needed a more detailed scan, etc. hopefully the amino results will be all clear so you can go back to enjoying your pregnancy.
Quick update ladies! Doctor just called me and my amnio came back normal :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Now I am just waiting for the panorama test which I will receive the results next week.
What a roller coaster, so glad things seem to be looking up!

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