Happy experiences after miscarriage

Also forgot to say... a relative of mine who has a 18yr old son got engaged to her fiancee last year. They quickly got pregnant (think was last june time) & m/c. They took a break & started ttc again in sept. Fell pregnant first month & had two beautiful twin girls... both natural labour too.
After 2 years of trying and 2 miscarriages I am finally holding my beautiful boy!
I still can't believe how lucky I am to have him
I just wish every1 can feel this happy and finally get to hold their wee baby 2
Thought I'd bump this thread back up in case anyone else has some happy stories to share with us girls.

I did ask if this thread could be made a sticky as I think it would help anyone going through a miscarriage. That request seems to have been ignored :rolleyes:
My DH and I found out we were pregnant with our first baby in Jan 2004. We were so happy. We had been trying for about six months. Unfortunately, at thirteen weeks I started spotting and went on to have a natural miscarriage. I was heartbroken and scared to try again. Yet you don't know how much you want something until you loose it and I was so ready to be a mother. So we started trying again after a couple months. I had some problems with continued bleeding. Not serious but enough to make us wait.

Anyway, it toook a couple months and everytime it didn't happen I got depressed all over again. So I got an ovulation predictor kit and :happydance: we got pregnant first try! My son Aidan was born full term and healthy in June of 2005. Around my son's first birthday we started talking about having another. We thought it would take a little while since we were being pretty casual about it, but first try, :happydance: pregnant! My daughter Sienna was born full term and healthy in March 2007. Both pregnancies and deliveries were healthy and went off without a hitch. We are so blessed!

Unfortunately, our second daughter Mikayla passed away and was born still at 24 weeks on November 22nd this past year. It was quite a shock since we had gotten pretty comfortable in our ability to have healthy children and there had been nothing to indicate anything was wrong right up to the end. While we miss her and she will always be an important part of our family we are hopeful that we will one day have another baby to hold and cuddle. Our family just doesn't feel complete. It will take a while to work up the courage though. I am not there yet. But my beautiful babies give me hope.
It's almost 3 weeks since my ERPC after a mmc so I don't yet have that success story but after reading everyone's good experiences it means I don't feel concerned that I won't have that baby of my own.

I do however have 2 positive things that have come out of this experience - first I have really seen just how happy pregnancy made my DH (I wasn't really sure that he really really wanted a baby before I got pg) and secondly in the whole of our 17 year relationship we have never talked so openly about how we felt about something as we have with this. All in all I feel this whole experience, albeit a crappy one, has brought us much closer together.
I had a miscarriage in 2003 an d I went on to have two more healthy babies, one whos now 4 and a 3 month old.
Ok ladies hope this gives you some hope. I had my first little girl in 2004 and when I wanted a second thought it would be just as easy however I miscarried my LO at 13 weeks in May last year. I went from 7-13 weeks having numerous scans and holding on to every inch of hope but unfortunately it wasn't to be. I miscarried naturally at home and it was the hardest thing I have ever been through. I began trying again as soon as my body would let me and 4 cycles later I got my BFP again. I am now nearly 21 weeks have had all my tests and scans and I am expeting another baby girl...we are so happy, it was a tough first trimester filled with worry but I am now starting to relax and enjoy being pregnant. I met some fantastic friends on this board who also suffered losses but alot of them are now over in 1st and 2nd tri with me, never give up hope of holding that baby in your arms.xxxxxx
I miscarried due to a blighted ovum back May 2008. I was broken.
I tried and tried again but nothing was happening. I started to get worried something was wrong and I tried using OPKs and Preseed, which i hadnt been doing when we tried before.

Sure enough, on the first month it worked. By then my GP had referred us to the fertlity clinic. I thought 'How Ironic' when i got home to find an application form for it in the mail. I threw it aside. An hour later, I was miscarrying again.

i filled in the application and OH had to provide a sample. He did, it was an awkward thing for the poor soul to do. It was our second month of Preseed.

The surgery called not long after and asked him to provide another sample. we didn't know why. 3 days later, i got a positive pregnancy test. We had concieved again, on my first pregnancys due date. Looks like there wasnt anything to be concerned about.

I am now 18w2d and after a good few weeks of spotting, tears and doubts, I have finally made it here. That doesnt mean to say the journey has ended, I still have a way to go.
But I've got this far.
The remaining preseed packs were given to my friend, who is now pregnant after 1 month too. So worth a go?

It can happen!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This is a little different, but I think it is a happy story. My Mom had a miscarriage 2 months before she conceived me. I am just happy be here.
Hi girls,
I don't (yet) have a happy story of my own after my miscarriage. But I wanted to share other peoples with you.
My nextdoor neighbour had 5 (yes 5) miscarriages before giving birth to her baby girl. And then went on to have another healthy child.
My mother in-law had one miscarriage before each and every one of her healthy children. Like her body needed a warm up first every time. Just with my mother and my hubbys mother, they had 3 miscarriages out of 8 pregnancies.
It's amazing the amount of people that you meet who have experienced this once you get to talking about it. Not one of any of the people that I know (not just these 2) have not gone on to have a healthy baby.
There's hope for us all.
I'm the same. I know quite a few girls who have had miscarriages (don't think I know anyone who has had multiple miscarriages but the 2 girls I know had one each) and they have gone on to have healthy babies. They had miscarriages with their first pregnancies and both got pregnant again within a couple of months and have since gone on to have another one each. So I suppose they are a happy experience after miscarriage.
This is such a good thread that I'm going to bump it up again. And I do have a happy story from one of my coworkers. She has had a total of 12 miscarriages. (!). After awhile they finally figured out that she has an absorption problem of multiple kinds of vitamins including folic acid and b vitamins, as well as severe anemia. Right before every one of her miscarriages she would get a weird metallic taste in her mouth and know it was about to go badly. However she was able to have two healthy children, her son is 2 days younger than mine. There is always hope. I just wanted you all to know this. :D
firstly what a lovely thread xxx

mine started at 12 years old wen i was seen by a specialist for my extremly heavy and never ending periods.. i was told i more than likely had endemetrious and was put on the ocp to try and control the bleeding..

at 18 i was finally given an investigative surgery which confirmed that i did in fact have endemetrious :( i was warned this could have an effect on my fertility...

3 months after the diagnois i fell pregnant it wasnt planned and was one hell of a shock, despite my age i knew instantly i would make it work after being told i would struggle to concieve etc..

at 6 weeks i had terrible pains and was admitted to a&e.. the doctors suspected i was having an eptopic pregnancy and prepared to investigate.. within mins my bp dropped and they decided there was a chance the tube had ruptured and took me for emergency major surgery to remove the tube and baby.. i had major surgery which has left me with a c section scar.. never the less the pregnancy was not eptopic but in the womb... within 30 mins of being back on the ward i began to bleed heavily and the next day it was confirmed i had misscarried...

i went on to have another 3 misscarriges at 13 weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks..

i was seen at the recurrent misscarriage clinic but after 4 misscarriages in 2 years and being only 20 i decided to wait until i was strong enough to undergo the tests etc...

in july last year i came off my ocp and my period didnt arrive after 10 days i decided to take a test..

the pain i felt as i saw tht positive result was unbearable and i prepared myself for the worst... i saw my gp who confirmed my fears.. as the pregnancy was unplanned chances were slim...

i went into hospital with pain at 5weeks 2 days (3 days after my bfp) and basically waited to misscarry..

my hgc levels increased but did not double, a scan i had a day after admission showed nothing but a yolk sac..

my consultnant came to see me and started me on two types of drugs.. clexane injections and cyclogest pessaries..

the clexane thins the blood treating a condition called hughs syndrome which is quite commonly the cause in repeated m/cs..
the cyclogest s a hormone tht some woman lack n the frst trmester whch is needed to prolong the pregnancy..

i was told there was no guarentee the treatment would work...

7 days after admission i had another scan which showed the fetal pole and a heartbeat...

i have never cried so hard in my life!!!

i am now 7 months pregnant with a little girl.. the pregnancy has been anything but easy.. i still have to inject daily with clexane, i had a bleed at 9 weeks and then again at 26 weeks, a heavy uti at 26 weeks tht started pre term labour.. and now at 31 weeks bubs is engaged!!!

sorry tht was a long one!!

but from someone who honestly thought there was no chance i would ever have children of my own i cannot begin to explain hopw it feels to feel this child move.. every day is terrifing but one step closer.. i will never truly believe it untill she is in my arms...

please dont ever give up hope and thank you if you read this far!!!

:hugs:Mugzy.....congratulations babe, wishing you lots of luck with this pregnancy.

I gave birth to my 1st baby, Rachael at 24wks....she only lived for 17hours:cry:

I was soooooooooo excited when I became pregnant with my 2nd baby but nervous too and always had a nagging doubt in my mind. At 34wks on Boxing Day I went into labour and I gave birth to Thomas a couple of hours later on the 27th December. He seemed to be struggling and the Dr's were worried about him but seemed just as shocked as us when 28hours later he rapidly deteriorated and died:cry:. It's the anniversary of his death today and I'm feeling very raw....he would have been 7years old yestarday:cry:.

I didn't think I could cope with all this pain and thought about ending it all when....I started feeling sick at mealtimes. I found out just 6weks after losing Thomas that I was pregnant again and was shocked to say the least. I went into labour at 24wks (just 1 week before we were due to get married) which they stopped with drugs, the same thing happened again at 28wks but luckily they stopped the contractions again.
At 35wks I was having quite a lot of tightenings and went to hospital to be on the safe side....they said I was 4cm dilated and I gave birth to Lauren just an hour and a bit later. She was perfect and apart from a bit of phototherapy for jandice she was fine and didn't have to go to special care at all:cloud9:. Lauren is now 6years old.

When Lauren was 12months we decided to try again and were shocked to get pregnant the 1st month of trying. The same thing happened at 24wks and 28wks as had previously happened with Lauren but this time I managed to carry until 38wks. I had an internal at my antenatal appointment and the consultant started laughing and said "you're 4-5cm dilated....didn't you know?":dohh::blush:. Abi was born healthy and beautiful later that night:happydance:. Abi is now 4years old.

I got pregnant and had a miscarriage at about 6wks when Abi was 2years old:cry:

We started trying again straightaway but it took 9months to conceive our next baby. Toby was born at 36wks after a very fast labour....he's gorgeous and is a very healthy 13month old :happydance:

We went to Italy to a friend wedding when Toby was 5months old and weren't very "careful" about contraception as I was breastfeeding. To cut a long story short....we brought a little extra home than we bargained for:blush:. We always wanted 4 children so were very happy even if it had happened a little sooner than expected:rofl:.
I was horrified when I started to bleed at 7wks....the scan showed that I had miscarried one of twins but the other seemed fine so I was pleased about that. All seemed well till the 20wk scan when the sonographer found a large cyst on my placenta, next to where the cord is attached. We have been quite worried about this but I have had regular scans to check the blood flow through the cord isn't being disrupted and the consultant now sems quite confident that it shouldn't cause any problems now but I have another scan booked for a few weeks time (if I carry that far).

I'm feeling quite confident now about Smudge...I still worry sometimes but am hoping that this will be another happy ending:happydance:

Oh my goodness, may God continue to bless you. This gave me alot of hope. It seems like weird happy endings, but i'm hoping for an ending like yours:) :hug:
firstly what a lovely thread xxx

mine started at 12 years old wen i was seen by a specialist for my extremly heavy and never ending periods.. i was told i more than likely had endemetrious and was put on the ocp to try and control the bleeding..

at 18 i was finally given an investigative surgery which confirmed that i did in fact have endemetrious :( i was warned this could have an effect on my fertility...

3 months after the diagnois i fell pregnant it wasnt planned and was one hell of a shock, despite my age i knew instantly i would make it work after being told i would struggle to concieve etc..

at 6 weeks i had terrible pains and was admitted to a&e.. the doctors suspected i was having an eptopic pregnancy and prepared to investigate.. within mins my bp dropped and they decided there was a chance the tube had ruptured and took me for emergency major surgery to remove the tube and baby.. i had major surgery which has left me with a c section scar.. never the less the pregnancy was not eptopic but in the womb... within 30 mins of being back on the ward i began to bleed heavily and the next day it was confirmed i had misscarried...

i went on to have another 3 misscarriges at 13 weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks..

i was seen at the recurrent misscarriage clinic but after 4 misscarriages in 2 years and being only 20 i decided to wait until i was strong enough to undergo the tests etc...

in july last year i came off my ocp and my period didnt arrive after 10 days i decided to take a test..

the pain i felt as i saw tht positive result was unbearable and i prepared myself for the worst... i saw my gp who confirmed my fears.. as the pregnancy was unplanned chances were slim...

i went into hospital with pain at 5weeks 2 days (3 days after my bfp) and basically waited to misscarry..

my hgc levels increased but did not double, a scan i had a day after admission showed nothing but a yolk sac..

my consultnant came to see me and started me on two types of drugs.. clexane injections and cyclogest pessaries..

the clexane thins the blood treating a condition called hughs syndrome which is quite commonly the cause in repeated m/cs..
the cyclogest s a hormone tht some woman lack n the frst trmester whch is needed to prolong the pregnancy..

i was told there was no guarentee the treatment would work...

7 days after admission i had another scan which showed the fetal pole and a heartbeat...

i have never cried so hard in my life!!!

i am now 7 months pregnant with a little girl.. the pregnancy has been anything but easy.. i still have to inject daily with clexane, i had a bleed at 9 weeks and then again at 26 weeks, a heavy uti at 26 weeks tht started pre term labour.. and now at 31 weeks bubs is engaged!!!

sorry tht was a long one!!

but from someone who honestly thought there was no chance i would ever have children of my own i cannot begin to explain hopw it feels to feel this child move.. every day is terrifing but one step closer.. i will never truly believe it untill she is in my arms...

please dont ever give up hope and thank you if you read this far!!!


Thank you for sharing your amazing story! :hugs: You certainly went through alot to get to where you are now!

Wishing you all the best now and once your precious princess arrives... happy & healthy!
Oh my goodness, may God continue to bless you. This gave me alot of hope. It seems like weird happy endings, but i'm hoping for an ending like yours:) :hug:

I'm being induced on Monday so I hope I can add another healthy baby onto my story then for you:happydance:

Good luck babe:hugs:
Thanks for sharing you story... and it is amazing.. you will give women hope... and keep us posted on the new arrival...

firstly what a lovely thread xxx

mine started at 12 years old wen i was seen by a specialist for my extremly heavy and never ending periods.. i was told i more than likely had endemetrious and was put on the ocp to try and control the bleeding..

at 18 i was finally given an investigative surgery which confirmed that i did in fact have endemetrious :( i was warned this could have an effect on my fertility...

3 months after the diagnois i fell pregnant it wasnt planned and was one hell of a shock, despite my age i knew instantly i would make it work after being told i would struggle to concieve etc..

at 6 weeks i had terrible pains and was admitted to a&e.. the doctors suspected i was having an eptopic pregnancy and prepared to investigate.. within mins my bp dropped and they decided there was a chance the tube had ruptured and took me for emergency major surgery to remove the tube and baby.. i had major surgery which has left me with a c section scar.. never the less the pregnancy was not eptopic but in the womb... within 30 mins of being back on the ward i began to bleed heavily and the next day it was confirmed i had misscarried...

i went on to have another 3 misscarriges at 13 weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks..

i was seen at the recurrent misscarriage clinic but after 4 misscarriages in 2 years and being only 20 i decided to wait until i was strong enough to undergo the tests etc...

in july last year i came off my ocp and my period didnt arrive after 10 days i decided to take a test..

the pain i felt as i saw tht positive result was unbearable and i prepared myself for the worst... i saw my gp who confirmed my fears.. as the pregnancy was unplanned chances were slim...

i went into hospital with pain at 5weeks 2 days (3 days after my bfp) and basically waited to misscarry..

my hgc levels increased but did not double, a scan i had a day after admission showed nothing but a yolk sac..

my consultnant came to see me and started me on two types of drugs.. clexane injections and cyclogest pessaries..

the clexane thins the blood treating a condition called hughs syndrome which is quite commonly the cause in repeated m/cs..
the cyclogest s a hormone tht some woman lack n the frst trmester whch is needed to prolong the pregnancy..

i was told there was no guarentee the treatment would work...

7 days after admission i had another scan which showed the fetal pole and a heartbeat...

i have never cried so hard in my life!!!

i am now 7 months pregnant with a little girl.. the pregnancy has been anything but easy.. i still have to inject daily with clexane, i had a bleed at 9 weeks and then again at 26 weeks, a heavy uti at 26 weeks tht started pre term labour.. and now at 31 weeks bubs is engaged!!!

sorry tht was a long one!!

but from someone who honestly thought there was no chance i would ever have children of my own i cannot begin to explain hopw it feels to feel this child move.. every day is terrifing but one step closer.. i will never truly believe it untill she is in my arms...

please dont ever give up hope and thank you if you read this far!!!

i had a MMC in feb 08 and caught again the following month, just had my beautiful baby boy on 29th Dec 08 xx

its such a hard time and you feel its the end of the world, but i tried to remain positive and knew that something just wasn't quite right that time xx

good luck to you all and have faith :hug:
I think it is great that there is so many success stories. I really hope that I can add to it one day. It is hard for me, because I see woman have m/c all the time, and then several months later, they are pregnant again with a successful pregnancy. Here I am 26 months later with three m/c in a row. I just don't even know if it will happen, but if it does, I would love to come here and share my story too...even tho it really hurts to read some of these.

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