Happy experiences after miscarriage


Mummy to 2 boys :)
Aug 29, 2008
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I don't know if this will work, but I saw it on another site and it was really nice to read. Maybe if some people could put down their happy experiences after a miscarriage. I don't have one for myself yet but my SIL did. She miscarried in much the same way as me, then went on to fall pregnant almost straight away and had a healthy baby boy.

Thought maybe this might be a nice thread to start to give hope to all of us girls who have suffered miscarriages.
I guess mine would be knowing that I can become pregnant.

Also, I wouldn't be here if my parents hadn't tried again after their miscarriage. Now there's a happy note.
Bless, this is a lovely idea Susan and hopefully we will get some happy stories xxxx
A fab idea Susan........I could definately do with happy stories today.....come on girls :hugs:
Okay here goes, after infertility due to anovulation, 4 rounds of clomid and early miscarriages I am 5 weeks pregnant today after my last miscarriage at 5w+1 in November. I am incredibly lucky to be pregnant again I pray my LO will stay with me xxxx
Hi girls.. hope you don't mind but I saw this post on the 'unread posts' since my last visit..

My auntie had a miscarriage, 2 children, another miscarriage, then 2 more children and one final miscarriage. She had 4 healthy pregnancies that resulted in full-term babies born the week of or after their due dates. And I now have 4 beautiful, healthy, smart, kind little cousins. A 15 year old boy, 13 year old girl, 10 year old boy, and 7 year old girl.. :hugs:
Well, I'm hoping this will be a happy experience. I had a miscarriage (at 5 weeks) in September last year. When the babies due date came around in May, I was 6 weeks pregnant with my baby Victor. I got an infection and he was born early at 28 weeks and only lived for a few hours. I got another bfp 10 weeks after he was born. His due date was 6 Jan, and I should be 6 weeks pregnant then. Hoping that this will be the baby I get to bring home.
:hugs:Mugzy.....congratulations babe, wishing you lots of luck with this pregnancy.

I gave birth to my 1st baby, Rachael at 24wks....she only lived for 17hours:cry:

I was soooooooooo excited when I became pregnant with my 2nd baby but nervous too and always had a nagging doubt in my mind. At 34wks on Boxing Day I went into labour and I gave birth to Thomas a couple of hours later on the 27th December. He seemed to be struggling and the Dr's were worried about him but seemed just as shocked as us when 28hours later he rapidly deteriorated and died:cry:. It's the anniversary of his death today and I'm feeling very raw....he would have been 7years old yestarday:cry:.

I didn't think I could cope with all this pain and thought about ending it all when....I started feeling sick at mealtimes. I found out just 6weks after losing Thomas that I was pregnant again and was shocked to say the least. I went into labour at 24wks (just 1 week before we were due to get married) which they stopped with drugs, the same thing happened again at 28wks but luckily they stopped the contractions again.
At 35wks I was having quite a lot of tightenings and went to hospital to be on the safe side....they said I was 4cm dilated and I gave birth to Lauren just an hour and a bit later. She was perfect and apart from a bit of phototherapy for jandice she was fine and didn't have to go to special care at all:cloud9:. Lauren is now 6years old.

When Lauren was 12months we decided to try again and were shocked to get pregnant the 1st month of trying. The same thing happened at 24wks and 28wks as had previously happened with Lauren but this time I managed to carry until 38wks. I had an internal at my antenatal appointment and the consultant started laughing and said "you're 4-5cm dilated....didn't you know?":dohh::blush:. Abi was born healthy and beautiful later that night:happydance:. Abi is now 4years old.

I got pregnant and had a miscarriage at about 6wks when Abi was 2years old:cry:

We started trying again straightaway but it took 9months to conceive our next baby. Toby was born at 36wks after a very fast labour....he's gorgeous and is a very healthy 13month old :happydance:

We went to Italy to a friend wedding when Toby was 5months old and weren't very "careful" about contraception as I was breastfeeding. To cut a long story short....we brought a little extra home than we bargained for:blush:. We always wanted 4 children so were very happy even if it had happened a little sooner than expected:rofl:.
I was horrified when I started to bleed at 7wks....the scan showed that I had miscarried one of twins but the other seemed fine so I was pleased about that. All seemed well till the 20wk scan when the sonographer found a large cyst on my placenta, next to where the cord is attached. We have been quite worried about this but I have had regular scans to check the blood flow through the cord isn't being disrupted and the consultant now sems quite confident that it shouldn't cause any problems now but I have another scan booked for a few weeks time (if I carry that far).

I'm feeling quite confident now about Smudge...I still worry sometimes but am hoping that this will be another happy ending:happydance:
hi i had my first son in 1993 no problems then in 1995 i had a miscarriage on christmas eve and in august 1996 i had an ectopic, i went on to have another son in 1999 and sadly a third miscarriage in 2001
when i had my ectopic i lost my tube and overy but went on to fall pregnant with my son. after my last miscarriage i got steralised because i couldnt go through it again :cry:
u have been thro so much :cry:
well we all have,but to looose a baby in the third tri .... gosh i cant imagine and hope2god i will NEVER EVER find out :cry:

AFM,i always thought u cudnt get pg uknow, from 19-25 i was with 2different bf, never ever used any kind of contiception,but never feel pg, i almost accepted it,just got on with my life,but when i got with gary, i got pg ! i dont even know why i tested,but in feb this yr i remeber thinking " gosh aint seen af for a while" and i was always reggular, so i tested ,got :bfp: i was already 7wk and SO excited ,we told everyone and any1 who wud listern, garys son houlden has lived with gary since he was 3-4yr old and he was 13 at this time,we told him .... then at 11wk i started spotting (hadnt had any earlier scan) we went for scan and to our horror the baby had died at 5/6wk, id mmc :(
we knew we wanted to ttc asap, i just felt so empty,it took us 5mth, 4of which i charted ,used presseed,instead cups,fertility monitor.......then on 6nov i got our:bfp: im now 11wk3day,we had a scan at 8wk1day,saw HB and i cudnt stop crying, cant belive how happy i was/am, i think everyday, when ive got this baby,crying and healthy in my arms,then i will relax !! a while to go yet, so will let uknow when ive had the baby and my happy ending after an awful mmc
Hopefully this will give hope to some of you..
Some of you on the forums will already know this but I had 3 miscarriages over 2 years.One at nearly 7 weeks,one at ten weeks and one at about 5 weeks.After my last miscarriage my period never returned.I started throwing up and feeling tired.I considered going to the doctor but thought I better do a test just to be sure that I wasnt pregnant,I thought it was unlikely as my cycle hadn't got back to normal after the last miscarriage.
The test was positive and on 7th July this year I gave birth to my daughter!So I just want to say girls,don't give up,even after multiple miscarriages! xxxx
Thank you everyone for contributing to this thread. I hope we can keep the happy stories coming and I hope that I can one day soon add to this as well x
I'm bumping this up because it is a good thread. I found out I was pregnant while on bc pills on October 19, 2005. On November 10, I started bleeding. On November 12, it was confirmed that I had had a mmc and had to have an emergency d and c as my body wouldn't let go and I was bleeding out. After I healed I started my vitamins and discovered I was pregnant again in February or March. My due date? November 12 (!). My little bean was stubborn though, and although I had some spotting and scares, he was not going anywhere and we had to go get him. (they apparently like it in there LOL) Liam Charles was born on November 19, 2006 after an obscene labor and emergency c-section because I can't do anything easily :rofl::happydance::cloud9: He is now a precocious 2 year old, full of joy and the light of my life!! :D
Hi, im so sorry for you loss.

My story is sort of happy.

I had a miscarriage in Sept 06 at bout 7 wks, my :witch: never arrived and by Nov 06 i took a preg test and got a :bfp:. I had no idea when she was concieved and i was convinced that it was the same pregnancy but it wasnt and i gave birth at full term, sadly she was born asleep, due a to a cord accident, but im currently pregnant again and i just want to say Miracles happen everyday.

Loads of :hug::hug::hug:

V x x
i had a inter utrine death at 29 weeks and had to give birth to my dead daughter just under a week before my 19th birthday in feb 07, i then went on to have a missed m/c at 12 weeks in sept 07. i found out i was pregnant in march 08 and after a rocky pregnancy im sat here breast feeding my daughter as i type.

I had a mc at 6 weeks in May this year, not long after I got my BFP and I am now 28 weeks carrying a very active little girl.
Hey all I had a miscarriage on and d&c on oct 23 I think I knew because I had absolutely no preg symptoms..... never had a period and now am 6-7weeks prego again... and have been nauseous night and day since the first BFP.... my scan is jan 9 and I am nervous..

Also I have a cousin who has had a miscarriage then a successful preg... miscarriage and then another successful preg... and another miscariage followed by a successful preg... She has 3 healthy beautiful children...
I got pregnant accidentally in May. My OH was not very keen to say the least but I wanted it with all my heart (I am 37 and he is 31 so our timings are out of sync). I then miscarried at 6 weeks and was devastated, not least because I thought it may be my last last chance. He wants at leats two children if not three and thought it perfectly ok for me to start at 40!

We then spent 3 months discussing, arguing, negotiating, crying......
In September he agreed to start tcc but I was made redundant and started to have second thoughts. We went on a pre planned holiday to Spain, thought 'sod it' and tried anyway, not ever believing it could happen so quickly. But it did and I am now 16 weeks pregnant.

Mine is not really a story about medical success since I seem to get pregnant quite quickly, but I am sure there are other people out there who's partners are not quite as keen/obsessed as they are and I want to share my story because my OH is now over the moon and the most excited daddy to be that there could be. It also gives hope to older mums to be. Part of the reason he agreed to start trying when we did because I had convinced myself and him it would take about a year. Now he's convinced I made it all up :rofl:

Good luck girls. xxx
Your stories really do give us all hope. I just had an ERPC 2 weeks ago after a mmc first pregnancy. Never realised til now how ready i am to have children. Fingers crossed for a successful full term preg next time.
Well after 9mths of ttc we found out we was expecting on the 1st may 2005. Sadley m/c on the 3rd May. Took us 2 years to concieve again & we found out we was expecting our little girl on the 2nd may 2007!!
She came 8 days after her daddys birthday 8 days early on the 27th Dec 2007.
Sometimes i do feel that we lost out baby for a reason (i seemed to understand more bout m/c when i got pregnant with my daughter) I passed my driving test a few months after the m/c, bout a brand new house & a new car.. all of which we may have not done with a baby on the way.

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