Happy Wednesday...


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2006
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Hiya everyone... hows you all today??

Im just waiting for Louise to wake up then gonna do some lunch and probably go to the park later.... whats everyone else up to?
We have been very busy today. This morning we went to a "Kinderkleidermarkt" = a kind of flee market were mothers from here sell there used children clothes and toys. You have to be there very early and you should not be afraid to fight!!!!!! 8)

At the moment Matthias is asleep and in the afternoons we are about to go swimming...
Working! Can't wait not to be! Dunno why I mona it's easy peasy sometimes!
I'm supposed to be working but the boss is off playing Golf so I'm on here with your girls (and boys) :wink:

shes a collie cross staff (dont ask me how that worked!! lol)

here is a pic of her when she was 2 weeks old, shes prob alot bigger by now, will post another pic when we bring her home later.


Makin me jealous!

i want a big fluffy cat mind :p
Awww Layla, how exciting!
I've been in work this morning for a meeting with HR
Gonna chill this afternoon cos am feeling anxious about the ultrasound tomorrow.

Wobbles™ said:
Makin me jealous!

i want a big fluffy cat mind :p

Aww you should get one when you move.

I have two black cats, but one is a big softy, he's black and is bigger than a small dog. But he's so timid he runs away if anyone comes to the house.
And just lately he's been cuddling up to me on the sofa.

Aww I wanna go home and cuggle him now.

shes gorgeous!!!!

cant wait to see some more piccies later! :)
Well Ive finished work going to have my coffee - OH is on way out to get his MOP vut so I'm gonna blast tunes & tidy up! :p
i had my mw appointment this morning and ive been working all day , that about it really and sorting out mortgage stuff

my mate is back from holiday 2nite so im gonna go see her later
Where would I get a big fluffy cat from? Would I have to buy one ... Not a free home newspaper job? I really want a fluffy cat :(
Didnt you say you were getting the puppy on your birthday Layla, if it is then HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Wobbles™ said:
Where would I get a big fluffy cat from? Would I have to buy one ... Not a free home newspaper job? I really want a fluffy cat :(

You could try your local Cats Protection or RSPCA, think they all charge just a small fee. Other than that if you want a really fluffy one you could contact a breeder, but that might be expensive.
I got my baby when my mums cat had kittens. That was 13 years ago.
And my other baby just turned up on the doorstep about 8 years ago and wouldn't leave.
They've both moved house twice with us too.

My OH said we coudl have a cat so he can pay :twisted: :lol:

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