Any ways .. back to harry potter lol ... i thought it was very good
oh and i thought it was the scariest one so far!
That's good to know! I've not seen it yet
HBP was so un-scary and OTT with teen hormones that I wanted to puke/cry. Not that I expect HP to be a horror film but it needs to be darker to be anything like the books.
Really? HBP not scarry? Oh gosh the scene with the flames and the inferi always freaks me out. And then all the memories with freaky looking Riddle *shudders*
I agree though, by far the scariest but the book was also by far the most intense that I think it completely follows suit. Though it's really intense I would say it may be one of the funniest. I was cracking up at so many scenes! And it's so true to the book!! I wish they did every movie in twos.