Have you told anyone?

I've told 2 girl-friends that we are to ntnp this year, both bridesmaids at my wedding nearly 5 years ago.K is generally quite a private person, and I thought if I told her our situation if she was in the same boat or had been trying already she'd have the chance to say so if she wanted to, or not. She was happy for us but not forthcoming (& I just felt embarrassed) so really hope I haven't upset her!
A is an open book, I knew she was thinking ahead to family, she is thrilled and wishes we could be pregnant at the same time (she's still having to WTt).
Not told any family as my brother already pesters me (I've told him we've been talking about it just to shut him up) I'm not sure what my dad's reaction would be and dh isn't keen on his folks knowing yet (I couldn't stand the scrutiny either, much as I love them).
It's certainly a limbo situation, so strength and baby dust to all others out there with the dilemma.
Hey there!
I have only told someone I work with (she is my Teaching Assistant in school so we work cosely together). I haven't told anyone else. My mum would get over excited but I know my in laws (especially father in law) wouldn't be very happy about it, he thinks we should wait another 10 years (I'm 25 and DH is 28)!!
I also want it to be a surprise to people when we announce we are expecting! I actually would like to find out around my birthday in April but I know these things work in their own time frames!!!
I was also thinking the other day about how I can open my heart on here about everything and not to my closest friends, but I think it's great to be able to chat to people on here! :flower:
I haven't told my best friend because like some people have said on here, she is not ready to settle down and thinks I'm becoming too settled and under the thumb, which couldn't be further from the truth!! I know that when I have a family we will grow apart eventually, which makes me feel sad but is a part of life!
Its a shame you didn't get the support you wanted.
We haven't told anyone and won't be. I'd rather no one know until i'm pg.
I told my sister in law that we were TTC which didn't go down too well.
omg, this is all so familiar... i have been with my oh nearly 9 years with a few ups and downs but still strong and planning on getting married in 2012... we also have a 7yr old dd so why is it when i mention being broody just in conversation everyone starts trying to talk me out of it!! makes me so mad, im nearly 26, have a wonderful well mannered, clever, funny amazing little girl.. why is there any reason for us to not give her a sibling??? we have a home, oh has a good job, we love each other very much and are all happy together. i once mentioned on a status on facebook that i was broody and my auntie immediately ptched in with.. oh i'd wait... then my bst friend!!! says i agree with yor auntie!! tut.. nice support there.
i see no reason for us to not be trying to have a baby and it bugs me when people feel the need to give me their opinion on why i shouldnt. like some of you have said usually because they are still single and think i should be going out with them boozing, really not my thing, i grew up a long time ago having my dd at 18!
even my mum is like oh your not gonna have another yet are you, i say no not for a while... only coz i dont want anyone to know we are trying yet, but i think why the hell should it not be now??! so annoying!
but the only person who knows and is very supportive is my brother, we are so close, he's starting to think about children but his will b a much different route as he plays for another team, but thats another story :)

anyway sorry for the major rant but thats just something that really gets my goat!! lol

I wasn't planning on telling people, but it just came out! I was excited (and hopeful) during my last 2ww so I ended up telling my 4 closest friends. My friends are fab and are all straight with me. One was jealous coz she can't afford to start trying for another few years, but immediately offered to babysit and go shopping for baby clothes with me! She will probably be my babys godmother, she's such a mum already. Then another friend just said 'I knew this was coming!! I blame the puppy!' because I have been extra broody since we got our little boy last year. Another friend was like 'No, enough things are changing. Everything should just stay as it is!' (like Joey from friends, in a mock childish kindof way) And the other was just so excited for us (as were they all).

I will be the first out of our close friends to have a baby, but they were all really happy for us and I'm really glad I mentioned it. I've set ground rules with them - like don't ask if I'm pregnant yet and if I'm out and I'm not drinking, don't make a big deal of it just gossip behind my back until I tell you! Haha. I love my girls.
Hi ladies!

We have been ttc 11 months now. Only my best friend ( who is ttc and has PCOS) and a friend that went through IVF know. I told my mum last month as I started hospital treatment (clomid and tracking) and for practical reasons she needed to know.

I never thought it would take this long. All tests show no reason why we cant conceive. Initially I was so excited I could have told everyone but I am very glad I didnt now as I think it would have put extra pressure on us.

I am very glad I told some people though as sometimes I need someone to talk to other than hubby about it! x
I Won't tell anyone until I am 12 weeks because I wouldn't want to have to give them bad news if things don't go as planned. Although DH will know from day 1.
It's good to know I'm not alone! Didn't expect so many responses when I started this little thread! :flower:

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