Health visitors, weaning and general AAAARGH!


Mummy of 1
May 31, 2009
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I took Sophie to the clinic today to be weighed - first time I've taken her there as the health visitor usually comes to the house.

So...our usual health visitor very reluctantly told me 3 weeks ago that I could start weaning Sophie, even though she said she STILL didn't understand the reasons for weaning preemies according to their actual age. I didn't tell her we started in August when Sophie was 5.5 months old :blush:

Today it was a different health visitor and she told me that we should now be introducing meat, fish and cheese...she said if we started weaning 3-4 weeks ago this is the stage we should now be at. She said there is a danger of missing the window for doing this if we don't do it after 3-4 weeks of weaning????

Now I'm panicking because we've been weaning her for a lot longer than she thinks, and all she's had so far is pureed butternut squash, sweet potato, courgette, apple and carrot, baby rice and baby porridge. What if we have missed the window she is on about?!

She was also asking if Sophie is sitting on her own yet and rolling. She's only 5 months corrected and I'm sure not even full term babies are all sitting at 5 months? She can sit really well without much support but definitely not on her own yet - and she is still much smaller than full term 5 month olds. She has rolled from her front to her back and vice versa but only twice each way and it's two weeks since she last did it.

I'm sure both health visitors think that the 13 weeks premature bit got cancelled out when Sophie reached her due date :growlmad:
Hey I can't offer much advice, but didn't want to read and run (I just typed "wean and run.. seriously! duh! lol)
We saw the dietician last week and she advised me to start weaning Leo in a month (5.5 actual) she said if I haven't started by 6 months actual he definitely needs to be started by 7 months.. she also mentioned that we need to move up the textures/consistencies quite quickly.. said that because he had the NG tube for 7 weeks he will probably gag on EVERYTHING but be persistant.. kept stressing that we needed to move to lumps quickly?? She didn't mention meat/cheese etc just the fact that he needed to learn to eat lumps!
I got his appointment through to see the health visitor about weaning .. that should be er... interesting!! Since last time I saw her (2 weeks BEFORE his due date) she was stressing that he wasn't smiling?!?!?!
Seriously, where do they find health visitors?!!!!

Wean and run made me laugh :haha:

Sophie has had things that are not completely smooth - carrot doesn't puree well at all and some of the stuff I froze has lumpy bits in it, and courgette isn't great for pureeing. I've tried her on apple that I've cooked in water and mashed up and she's coped with that ok as well. It's all so scary - I feel like I don't have a clue what I'm doing! xxx
See,I'm not surewhat to advise (forgive my typing i am SURE alex has got rusk crumbs trapped under my keyboard!!)

I often wonder what would have beenthe case if we didnt fanny around and tried Alex with solids earlier. Perhaps we wouldnt be struggling as we ar e now? I dunno...but in hindsight theres definatley a need for PROPER support in this area, its so grey and HVs need a kick up the arse.

Alex didnt sit til 10 months corrected think, btw!!!

Think my answer to this one is a)Whens ur next neonatal appointment and b) if its not soon, then ring and ask them what ideally you should be doing. They know whats best, not the HVs.
See,I'm not surewhat to advise (forgive my typing i am SURE alex has got rusk crumbs trapped under my keyboard!!)

I often wonder what would have beenthe case if we didnt fanny around and tried Alex with solids earlier. Perhaps we wouldnt be struggling as we ar e now? I dunno...but in hindsight theres definatley a need for PROPER support in this area, its so grey and HVs need a kick up the arse.

Alex didnt sit til 10 months corrected think, btw!!!

Think my answer to this one is a)Whens ur next neonatal appointment and b) if its not soon, then ring and ask them what ideally you should be doing. They know whats best, not the HVs.

There's just so little advice on weaning isn't there? I wouldn't even have had a clue we were meant to be weaning according to her actual age if it hadn't been for you and Dona, and reading the Bliss stuff!! If I hadn't done any of that, and had listened to the HV, we'd probably have been going up to our next neonatal appt on no meals a day!

Our appointment is 2 weeks on Monday so do you think it would be ok to leave it till then?

That made me laugh so much about the rusk crumbs! :haha:
aye... i would say so....whats 2 weeks hun, if it was months then fine but u'll get FAR better info from neonatal.

Put it this way, I dont want my HV to visit for alex anymore. The new baby, if full term, then fine, cause she might have a scooby then. But preemies....they guess!.
My hv just makes me feel inadequate and like I'm doing everything wrong. Whatever I say, she will argue with it. Also she told me off because we used a couple of those packets of baby food - like the cereal ones? She said they are too bland and I need to be cooking stuff for her. Completely ignored the fact that I told her I'd pureed a load of veggies for her and she gets those every day for lunch. But what's wrong with a wee bit packet cereal stuff for breakfast or supper?!

Do HVs really serve any useful purpose?! I'm still waiting for the phonecall she promised me 4 weeks ago tomorrow to tell me what Sophie's weight was in lbs!! "I'll phone you around lunchtime, when I get back to the surgery" she said....HAH!
I didn't start Holly on dairy, meat, fish etc until 6 months actual and she takes it just fine. At the same time I introduced finger food which she eats great as well so your HV is talking rubbish. Holly was even biting bits of my apple today and she will be 7 months corrected next week!

From all the things I have read babies should be sitting up fully with no support by 9 months although obv our preemies are different.
Reading this makes me think maybe I am taking too long over it?

But Anna has had a couple of colds and a viral infection since we started weaning and even now some days she is happy to have a good portion/half a jar and other days she just isnt interested.

Saying that I still have 2 months until she is 6m corrected... and I think I have an appointment next month with the paediatrician
We started weaning Ella at 17wks coz of reflux but she's still only having a few tsps each time. HV is actually quite good and when ive asked about how much should she be having and when to start new things shes just said to take the cues from Ella and that she will be fed at some point just babies all take their own time doing things. I worried too about the volume of foods she's taking coz she obviously a lot smaller than full term babies being weaned and again she said its just til Ella's full and that her full meal might be 1/3 jar etc so helped me relax a little about it all.

Only thing that does annoy me is this drive to get you to make all the food yourself, i think its fab for mums who can do it but i just dont know how they find the time esp as im still exclusively expressing for Ella and what with all her feeding difficulties and reflux by the time she's settled its time for her next feed so where id find time to make everything for her i dont know and in my opinion if it shouldnt be used from jars/packets then they wouldnt be able to sell it
We have the Annabe Karmel book which has loads of recipes for different ages - if we are introducing meat, fish and dairy, they come into the older section in the book, I think 6-9 months and I was never sure whether we should be going by Sophie's actual age for that section, seeing as how we started weaning according to her actual age, or her corrected age!!

For the mummies who are pureeing stuff and freezing it in ice cube trays, how much are you giving each time? I'm not sure how many ice cubes she should be getting at each meal....
I think every baby is different and Sophie is bigger so might eat more. Now Holly eats:
Breakfast - 1/2 weetabix. Sometimes she eats it all sometimes not.
Lunch - 1 ice cube of veg then 1 ice cube of fruit.
Dinner - 2 ice cubes of meat/veg

My ice cube trays are deep so they are maybe equiv to 1 1/2 normal trays.

Until she was 6 months corrected I always fed her milk about an hour before feeds and only 1 ice cube each time.

TBH I don't worry about how much she is eating as long as it's some to get used to different tastes & textures. Milk is their most important source of food until one year old and I am basing that on corrected age.

The consultant told me there is no right or wrong weaning a preemie as there is no hardcore evidence it's all just opinions so go with what you feel is right.

Try not to stress and enjoy watching your lo taste different things and get messy.
I am making the recipes from the 6-9 month of the annabel karmel book. Started when she was 6 months corrected. It is a time consuming process!!
I think every baby is different and Sophie is bigger so might eat more. Now Holly eats:
Breakfast - 1/2 weetabix. Sometimes she eats it all sometimes not.
Lunch - 1 ice cube of veg then 1 ice cube of fruit.
Dinner - 2 ice cubes of meat/veg

My ice cube trays are deep so they are maybe equiv to 1 1/2 normal trays.

Until she was 6 months corrected I always fed her milk about an hour before feeds and only 1 ice cube each time.

TBH I don't worry about how much she is eating as long as it's some to get used to different tastes & textures. Milk is their most important source of food until one year old and I am basing that on corrected age.

The consultant told me there is no right or wrong weaning a preemie as there is no hardcore evidence it's all just opinions so go with what you feel is right.

Try not to stress and enjoy watching your lo taste different things and get messy.

Thank you :) These blooming health visitors get me so stressed! First we were told not so long ago that we shouldn't be anywhere near thinking about weaning - and then a different one yesterday telling us we should be onto meat and fish etc. She also said Sophie's lunchtime and teatime bottles should be decreasing when she starts on the meat etc - so that got me thinking am I giving her anywhere near enough?! We've just been going pretty slowly so far and she started out on one ice cube and is now on two ice cubes of fruit or veg at lunchtime then we give her baby porridge at bedtime with her bottle. I always thought that the milk should be her main source of food for a while yet and really we have just been trying to get her used to different tastes and textures so far but yesterday the wifey made me think we are going too slowly! I feel more confident that we're doing the right thing after what you said though - thank you :) Are you going on Sunday? xxxx
hi im like you my hv hasnt got a clue keeps telling me that olivia needs to move up the chart more and that she'll refer us to the dietian im still waiting for that and its been a month, dont think ill go back cause cant be bothered listening to her got on and on.

We started weaing olivia at 5mths corrected and she took to it like duck to water loves her food and to be honest for what she eats she doesnt put much weight on lol. The hv told us not to wean her til she was between 6-7mths actual but her ped doc told us we need to be introducing her into more foods and 3meals+desserts and that was at 6mths. i dont think hv have a clue really.

as for sitting up olivia can almost sit on her own plus we've had her in a walker for the last 2mths which she loves cause she can explore the house without us carrying her around. i dont think that the hv shud be comparing premmies to full term babies esp since so term babies take longer that others to do things.

You shud go with your own instints katy1310 cause you know best
Yes will be there sun. Are you going?

Sophie is putting on great weight and doing well so I would say you are doing everything right so ignore the HV.
Yes will be there sun. Are you going?

Sophie is putting on great weight and doing well so I would say you are doing everything right so ignore the HV.

Aww thank you :)

Yes, we're going on Sunday :) Looking forward to seeing you and Holly again! xx

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