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Hello again ladies


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Im here for the TWW again. Anyone else 4 DPOV ? Just wanted to say good luck to everyone hope you all get your :bfp: this month. :hugs:
I am 5/6 days past OV I think. well thats when I got my smileys... are you feeling anything different happening? xx
Hi girls, im also back in the TWW, 1dpo lol long wait!!

how u all feeling??? im not feeling to positive about this month, maybe its cause i dont wana get my hopes up

Hi ladies! Just found BabyandBump for the first time, and this thread. I'm so relieved that other people go through the TWW, the analysis of every twinge. I'm still learning all the abbreviations, but I'm 6 dpo, tired, have felt sick for most of the last 4 days and have my fingers crossed. Thanks for being here! :winkwink:
Hi ladies! Just found BabyandBump for the first time, and this thread. I'm so relieved that other people go through the TWW, the analysis of every twinge. I'm still learning all the abbreviations, but I'm 6 dpo, tired, have felt sick for most of the last 4 days and have my fingers crossed. Thanks for being here! :winkwink:



and lots of baby dust to every one!!!



I am 5/6 days past OV I think. well thats when I got my smileys... are you feeling anything different happening? xx

Hi hopeful, im not feeling anything at the moment :nope: how about you ? I got my smiley on monday. I tested quite early on the sunday morning and no smiley face but i did have ov pains sunday afternoon and lots of cm. I was going to test again sunday night but got in late so just fell into bed. Im assuming that ov did take place sun/mon as the pains were gone by tuesday. Im no expert so im always assuming lol.

Good luck hope you get your :bfp: keep me posted on your syptoms/signs ect :hugs: xx
Hi girls, im also back in the TWW, 1dpo lol long wait!!

how u all feeling??? im not feeling to positive about this month, maybe its cause i dont wana get my hopes up


Hi charliekitty, im not feeling hopeful this month. We didn't get too much :sex: in this month. Saying that though last month i was convinced that i was pregnant but wasn't :dohh: Im trying so hard not to think too much about it. Last month i drove myself insane on the 2WW. :growlmad:

How long have you been trying ? Do you already have any children ? :hugs:
Hi ladies! Just found BabyandBump for the first time, and this thread. I'm so relieved that other people go through the TWW, the analysis of every twinge. I'm still learning all the abbreviations, but I'm 6 dpo, tired, have felt sick for most of the last 4 days and have my fingers crossed. Thanks for being here! :winkwink:

:hi: Spen welcome to b&b. Keep us posted with your symptoms. Good luck hope you get your :bfp: :hugs: xx
Hi girls, im also back in the TWW, 1dpo lol long wait!!

how u all feeling??? im not feeling to positive about this month, maybe its cause i dont wana get my hopes up


Hi charliekitty, im not feeling hopeful this month. We didn't get too much :sex: in this month. Saying that though last month i was convinced that i was pregnant but wasn't :dohh: Im trying so hard not to think too much about it. Last month i drove myself insane on the 2WW. :growlmad:

How long have you been trying ? Do you already have any children ? :hugs:

yeh we didnt get a lot of BD in either, although i think i OVed yesterday adn we BDed last night but i dont know if it was enough!!! lol

i have really bad belly ache today tho =(

im trying not to think about it either and i also drove myself insane last month!! lol this is only or 2nd month TTC, but im more relaxed about it this month. and we are trying for our first baby =)

how about you hunny, how long have you been trying?? u got any children


This is my 2nd month ttc. I all ready have 3 children and my DH and i are ttc our 4th and last baby lol.

It's so hard to relax. I just keep thinking don't think about it don't think about it. :hugs:
Hi all

wondering if I can join you?

I am 4DPO today (just had it confirmed that I Ovulated on Monday) so I am now in the 2ww. Will probably drive myself nuts this cycle symptom spotting (I am already thinking my right b00b is tingling/stinging) so it would be good to have someone to SS with.

Will try hold of testing until next saturday but in reality I know I will probably start testing next wednesday as I have 3 internet cheapies plus 3 others left over from last cycle.
Hi girls, im also back in the TWW, 1dpo lol long wait!!

how u all feeling??? im not feeling to positive about this month, maybe its cause i dont wana get my hopes up


Hi charliekitty, im not feeling hopeful this month. We didn't get too much :sex: in this month. Saying that though last month i was convinced that i was pregnant but wasn't :dohh: Im trying so hard not to think too much about it. Last month i drove myself insane on the 2WW. :growlmad:

How long have you been trying ? Do you already have any children ? :hugs:

yeh we didnt get a lot of BD in either, although i think i OVed yesterday adn we BDed last night but i dont know if it was enough!!! lol

i have really bad belly ache today tho =(

im trying not to think about it either and i also drove myself insane last month!! lol this is only or 2nd month TTC, but im more relaxed about it this month. and we are trying for our first baby =)

how about you hunny, how long have you been trying?? u got any children



This is only my second month too and our first :) I am not trying to syptom spot because I think things you would normally have happening and normally go no noticed become massive. I just feel like the witch is on her way as I have really bad pressure in my back :'( xx
Hi all

wondering if I can join you?

I am 4DPO today (just had it confirmed that I Ovulated on Monday) so I am now in the 2ww. Will probably drive myself nuts this cycle symptom spotting (I am already thinking my right b00b is tingling/stinging) so it would be good to have someone to SS with.

Will try hold of testing until next saturday but in reality I know I will probably start testing next wednesday as I have 3 internet cheapies plus 3 others left over from last cycle.

:hi: curlew, of course you can join in :hugs: I also OV monday and am 4DPO so it should be very interesting to see how things progress for us lol
Keep me posted. Im going to try and hold off testing until the 19th unless i get some really good symptoms then i may test earlier lol xx
Hi girls, im also back in the TWW, 1dpo lol long wait!!

how u all feeling??? im not feeling to positive about this month, maybe its cause i dont wana get my hopes up


Hi charliekitty, im not feeling hopeful this month. We didn't get too much :sex: in this month. Saying that though last month i was convinced that i was pregnant but wasn't :dohh: Im trying so hard not to think too much about it. Last month i drove myself insane on the 2WW. :growlmad:

How long have you been trying ? Do you already have any children ? :hugs:

yeh we didnt get a lot of BD in either, although i think i OVed yesterday adn we BDed last night but i dont know if it was enough!!! lol

i have really bad belly ache today tho =(

im trying not to think about it either and i also drove myself insane last month!! lol this is only or 2nd month TTC, but im more relaxed about it this month. and we are trying for our first baby =)

how about you hunny, how long have you been trying?? u got any children



This is only my second month too and our first :) I am not trying to syptom spot because I think things you would normally have happening and normally go no noticed become massive. I just feel like the witch is on her way as I have really bad pressure in my back :'( xx

When is your AF due ? Good luck keep us posted :hugs: xx
Im not sure because I just came off BCP so they are a bit all over the place. If my body manged to O when I got my serge then around the 17th ish xx
Yesterday evening I was feeling really sick and today I am having stabbing pains in my right hand side. I am worried its another ectopic as the last time I started getting symptoms very early the eggie was stuck in my left tube and it had to be removed!!

I have two options I am hoping that its
1. It's just the pregnacare that's making me feel icky which has been normal for the whole time I have been taking it (although last night I was nearly sick which is a bit strong even for the pregnacare).
2. The other option is that I am hoping I had a bit of a dodgy big mac last night as I took DS to MacD's as a treat and then after I was bending over making some lego kit with him.

Funny how I am normally desperate to SS but I really don't want to have any good symptoms at only 5 DPO as I am now worrying big time:growlmad:
Yesterday evening I was feeling really sick and today I am having stabbing pains in my right hand side. I am worried its another ectopic as the last time I started getting symptoms very early the eggie was stuck in my left tube and it had to be removed!!

I have two options I am hoping that its
1. It's just the pregnacare that's making me feel icky which has been normal for the whole time I have been taking it (although last night I was nearly sick which is a bit strong even for the pregnacare).
2. The other option is that I am hoping I had a bit of a dodgy big mac last night as I took DS to MacD's as a treat and then after I was bending over making some lego kit with him.

Funny how I am normally desperate to SS but I really don't want to have any good symptoms at only 5 DPO as I am now worrying big time:growlmad:

Hi curlew i had to stop taking pregnacare last month as i was sick. I thought it was a sign that i was pregnant but after stopping taking then the sickness cleared up :growlmad:
I wouldn't worry to much at this stage but i would phone your doctors on monday and just air your concerns. At 5 days it could be implantation pains. Have you had any blood loss ? :hugs: xx
CCurlew Im sure all is fine but like sparkle said if your worried see ya doc. I have no syptoms now so I out I reckon xx
Morning all

well think it was the pregnacare making me unwell as I didn't take it at all yesterday just a folic acid tablet and I felt fine yesterday and this morning. Strange cause when I took them before I was fine but maybe my body chemicals have changed and I am more susceptable to the additional vitamins.

Feeling a bit more relaxed today. Hope everyone else is okay.
Hi ladies, i'm 4/5 dpo and something someone mentioned earlier has got me thinking...i had a positive opk on tuesday 3rd so bd that evening and haven't done so since.

Would the positive opk signal that i was ovulating the following day, and could i still get pregnant if i bd the previous evening or would i really need to do it on the day of ovulation? So confusing!

I definitely don't feel pregnant at the moment (although perhaps that could be a good sign as i've convinced myself that i do usually feel it every other month!)


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