I have been getting stronger BH they sometimes trick me into thinking I am going into pre-term labor..YIKES!!! I had a Dr's appt. yesterday with my regular Dr, and it was not a good one sadly she stated that my pressures and the swelling are getting worse and wanted me to go to L&D I told her I would rahter wait to hear what my other Dr says tomorrow she was not happy with me, I am on restriction at work and supposed to be at home but its very hard with an active toddler , I see my specialist today she is awesome lady. My regular Dr said that if my specialist decides to induce me today I will have to I was an emotional wreck I told her I would take it easy I just need to be closer to his due date, I am going to keep my fingers crossed and hope for good news. My appt is at 2:15 today and I am going to stay positive!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if my words don't make sense I am just a basket case at the moment....