Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

Good luck NotNic, let us know how you get on.
Serenity-Sorry to hear your having a rough time too, I am hoping things start looking up too!
Just got back from appt and the good news is my BP is fine again. Bad news is that I burst out into tears on her! Thats quite unusual for me. I am good at coping and putting on a brave face but I guess too much has happened for me to be able to do that. She was hinting if I was depressed, I just really feel that it's down to too many things happening at once and not being able to deal with it. I don't feel low or anything. Not sure how to get past it which is a bit worrying. I'm just gonna keep my distance from things, focus on my little family and try and sort through it when I feel able. Xx
NotNic - I keep reading about how uncomfortable sweeps are, and I don't feel like bothering! I saw on another thread you'd ordered an iCandy Strawberry, has it arrived yet? I totally caved on the pram front and ordered one today in red. It's supposed to come in about 2 weeks... I am WAY too excited about this thing!! I had some bad clusters of BH a while back, but I've stopped noticing them for a few weeks, maybe your Pip's just in an uncomfortable place right now? Fx it's not early labour, I don't want to see any of us go until minimum 37 weeks.

Serenity - sorry to hear you're having issues at home. It's the worst time in a woman's life to have anything like that, but somehow it seems pregnancy attracts trouble. Are you able to get out to any antenatal groups or something like yoga? Toronto is so lovely this time of year, hopefully you can at least get outside often. :flower:

Admiral - great to hear your BP is ok! It's totally fine to cry at your midwife appts, they are used to it!! (ine has the world's most massive tissue box on her desk just for those situations and I've used it more than once myself. :blush: Hope you're doing better this evening and you're getting lots of cuddles from your little girl to help you through.

Now I must go and baste my roasting chicken. I've covered the thing in bacon and stuffed it with an apple and I am already drooling. :haha:
Hopefully bumpycat. My husband has gone from telling me off for going out to now being the world expert on them, and apparently it's nothing! I am supposed to feel like this. It sure doesn't feel like nothing to me! The last few have felt worse than normal bh's iykwim! I'm hoping for 37 wks too. Maybe Pip is testing me and will end up being late anyway! I couldn't get hold of any of the community midwives. All of them have vm's that say ring the labour dept. I don't feel like I'm in labour though and feel a bit silly calling them so I'll see how I am tonight and go from there. We haven't got our iCandy yet. It's sitting in a depot as we were waiting to move and will be delivered the week after next to our new house.

Admiral - great news about your bp. Don't worry about crying. I have sobbed about z hundred times in the last fortnight and threatened to leave my husband more times than I'd like to admit. I get very down and frustrated. I think the fact we are so close to having our babies makes everything seem worse. We want everything to be perfect for their arrival and put pressure on ourselves. No one else seems to get why things are important.

Serenity - I don't think you need to worry about PND yet. Keep talking to your and make sure you have them keep an eye on any medication you need. Sorry to hear that things are tricky with your hubby. Hopefully the fact that a few of us feel very down at the moment and things aren't too rosy for us either, might make you see that this is pretty normal in 3rd tri.

Will keep you posted if I end up going for a check up. On more positive news we have NCT tomorrow and we are discussing new baby care. Looking forward to figuring out what I do once Pip's out! :)
Sorry to hear that some of you are a bit under the weather just now. Sending big hugs to all. x
Good morning (barely)! What's everyone up to this weekend? Feeling ok today?

I'm slowly working through my pre-baby list, will be making a pie from last night's roast chicken (my first batch for the freezer!), visiting Ikea, and going to a sling meet on Sunday to practice with my wrap carrier. Hope I don't get as tired as yesterday - I was out for 4 hours running errands hopping around town by bus and on foot, and that was definitely too much. It's so easy to forget how quickly I get worn out these days, what with being out of breath and the extra weight on my poor swollen feet. Loving those cankles ... :haha:
I know the feeling with the cankles bumpycat! Sometimes my feet swell so much it hurts a lot to walk on them.

I had my B12 injection yesterday and apart from the sting of the needle, it was absolutely fine :) Got my next one on Monday and an antenatal to follow on Tuesday when I'll be 34 weeks :happydance:

Last night I done some finishing touches to the nursery, hung the mobile, washed down the electric swing for like the fourth time lol. Also now have all babys stuff sitting out ready to go into the hospital bag later on today.

Here's a pic of my 33 week bump, it's the first one I've taken since week 29! Darn baby brain...


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hello ladies sorry I don't post as much but as I told you before I feel like I had failed alot of you ladies and I am left with that feeling everytime I post. Anyway congrats to all us new honeydews. I am thrilled to have finally reached this goal and as you said bumpycat 37 weeks would be the magic number. My LO dropped alot lately so I am not sure if that means something or if she will continue to stay put. just wanted to catch up a bit. admiral-I am sorry to see you having such a rough time. I hope you get it resolved soon and that you feel better. Sunshine -glad to see you doing well. how is your spd? NotNic-I know you said your mom had a history of pre term labor and sorry you are going through such rough contractions but I hope they have stopped and if not I would get them checked immediately. I hope LO stays put for a bit yet. Bumpycat-hope all is well with you. mcs-good to see you back here and posting again. I hadn't seen you in awhile and had wondered how things were going with you. great bump pic:) staceykor- hope you are doing well dear. If I saw your last post right you have been busy and all so I am hoping since your almost 35 weeks that you are feeling well. if i am missing anyone i apologize. Hope everyone is well and having a nice weekend. :hug: and love to my bnb ladies!!!
Thank you all for your well wishes!
Well I was supposed to be having a relaxing day and my husband decided to take my girl out so i could rest, he came back with a tele for our bedroom, really sweet so I can stay in bed. Only he bought a really crap one for the same price as one that we had previously agreed we would get, so he goes to take it back but then rings me to say they won't accept it back coz my husband had opened the box whilst trying to convince me it was fine!lol! In the end they agreed to give him another one and he calls me to say he got it but it was ex display, he hadn't asked them how long it had been on display or got any money knocked off! I went mad, maybe coz i was already down, maybe hormones, maybe coz I still haven't eaten! He just called to say he has now got a new one! I feel sorry for him, he is having such a hard time too. Any other time I would have found it funny coz he is always doing things like this, it is him all over! He has been so quiet recently and that screaming match we just had over the tele is not us at all! Guess its just all the pressure! Pfft! Sorry to vent!
Hope your all ok xx
IAB, dont feel like that. We are just glad you can post when you get the chance to. MY SPD is ok. I only get back and hip pain in the evenings now unless Ive been exerting myself so thats good! Admiral, glad it all got sorted in the end. At least you can watch telly in bed now!
McSmyth - fabby bump photo hunny!!

Well, guess what I did about an hour ago?? OH asked if I wanted to go wander round the garden ( every week or so I like to go and see what new stuff has appeared etc as there is always something else popping up. Anyway, I digress....) soooooo, I was in my pyjamas and said to him I would come for a wander but as it was raining Id need to put my welly boots on and chuck on a jacket. So there I was wellies, pyjamas, jacket and an umbrella. Guess who shut the front door (which automatically locks)...... me!! I had no keys and neither did he. We ended up having to take our cat flap out of our boiler room door and use a broom to try and turn the key that was on the inside of the lock and then and use the spoke of my umbrella to try and push the key out then my OH had to stick his head through the cat flat and try and catch the key! I was pissing myself laughing the whole time. It was like something out of the Krypton Factor. Needless to say we finally got in (thank god!!!) Im such a womble sometimes.

Here is a bump pic of me from last week when we were going out for the evening. I hate getting my picture taken which is why I normally chop my head off before I post photos but this looked even more ridiculous headless! lol x


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mcsmyth - glad to hear the B12 injection went fine and you're getting stuff done in the nursery. Ours is still kind of piles of random boxes because we're stowing things in there to get them out of the way until the loft flooring is in place. It'll be so much better after that's done! Your bump's looking lovely, have you dropped at all or are you carrying low-ish anyway? I can't decide if I've dropped or not, it seems to get lower at night and be back up again in the morning!

IAB - please don't worry about us, we're all happy to be mucking about in here and with all the pregnant brain issues I doubt anyone even remembers what all the fuss was about a couple of weeks ago!! Baby engaging is such a weird thing, it seems like it doesn't mean anything at all in terms of when labour is going to start - some of the BnB ladies in 3rd tri are talking about dropping at 30 weeks (!!!???) and others don't until they're actually having contractions. I guess it's just a matter of whether our LOs prefer bladder/hip or rib/breathing torture!! :haha:

admiral - I don't know why but your tv story absolutely cracked me up. I hope you got what you wanted in the end, your poor OH, but honestly the threat of pregnant wrath should make them get it right the first time! :winkwink:

Sunshine - love the lost key post, read it right after admiral's and it's just cruel to make a pregnant woman laugh so hard - round ligaments do not mix well with belly laughter! Your bump's looking gorgeous, I love your dress. Is that your garden in the background? It's beautiful - I wish I had the space for naturalizing spring bulbs like that. :flower:

Started packing the hospital bags today, one for me, one for baby. I can't believe how much stuff is recommended to bring! I'd thought I could get away with my old carry-on satchel, but it's going to require a small suitcase :dohh: We're going shopping tomorrow to pick up the remaining little bits and pieces and some snack food. OH has his special list of stuff from his dad-to-be course and for some reason it was driving me up the wall that he had his own partially overlapping list to mine. :shrug: Like he's intruding on my territory or something!
I think I'm finally figuring out how to attach pictures. lol it seems like so much work you just can't choose them from your computer. :p

This is my 31 week bump :)
Ah cute bumps! :) No more BH just yet (fingers crossed) so hopefully Pip was just being a pickle! We had a long NCT session today and picked up some great tips for positions and massages. Our lady also recommended a small glass of wine in the early stages to help with relaxation and I think that might be something I'll be trying! :)
Bumpycat-thankfully I see the funny side too now bless him. I did apologise to him. In my normal state I would have found it all hilarious right away! Oh well! It's up now and it's lovely just watching tv in bed, wish we had got it sooner! But it's wonky!lol! He has to correct that tomorrow! Lol! You have reminded me to pack my bags too, thanx!
NotNic- glad your doing better hun.
Nice bumps! I really need to do one! Xx
NotNic, can you add me to the front page of due dates too? June 10 :) Thank you!
Bumpy - Glad I made you laugh. I couldnt believe what I had done at the time but afterwards I was actually crying with laughter particularly at the fact that I was stranded wearing nothing but PJ's and wellies!! Yeah thats our garden. We have about an acre so thats just a wee corner of it. Im looking forward to summer coming so I can see it in full bloom! We moved here in winter so havent seen it properly grown yet. I havent even thought about my hospital bag yet. Ive bought a button down nightie and some nipple pads and stuff but I need to sit down at some point and make a proper list and get organised!! x

Kuriazuri - lovely bump piccie!
mcsmyth - glad to hear the B12 injection went fine and you're getting stuff done in the nursery. Ours is still kind of piles of random boxes because we're stowing things in there to get them out of the way until the loft flooring is in place. It'll be so much better after that's done! Your bump's looking lovely, have you dropped at all or are you carrying low-ish anyway? I can't decide if I've dropped or not, it seems to get lower at night and be back up again in the morning!

Thanks bumpycat, I think I just carry quite low, I read about all these women saying they've "dropped" and think to myself, if this bump drops any lower he is going to fall out lol.

Gorgeous dress Sunshine and beautiful bump!

IAB It's good to see you back again I hope you are keeping well, you certainly haven't let anyone down and you are forever offering good support and lovely comments.

Nice pic kuriazuri :)

Oh a glass of wine in the early stages of labour sounds likee a good idea to me lol, well, a glass of guiness maybe :) Just a few more weeks ladies, can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone in xx
Bumpycat I've got all of mine in a large holdall including stuff for hubby and the baby! I still need to pack a towel and a baby blanket, but that should fit. All hubby needs to bring is a camera case and the small cool bag with our drinks. I swear I must have forgotten something! :)

Here's my 33 week snap:


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I look really small in this pic. I can assure you that I'm not! :)
Hi ladies, hope ur all keeping well. Wasn't on this thread over weekend so was nice to have a bit of reading up to do. Sunshine, that sounds like something I'd do with the keys! I had physio on thurs morn and when I came out my car had rolled down a bit of a hill into the back of another, vomit! Just a little scratch on other car thank god. Then I went into town for lunch with a friend while kids were in school, and I lost 20 euro from my pocket, grrr!!! And I missed my turn off for work one day early last week. Talk about pregnancy brain!!
Anyway have appointment tomorrow and shud get scan so that's something to look forward to:winkwink:
Hi ladies, hope ur all keeping well. Wasn't on this thread over weekend so was nice to have a bit of reading up to do. Sunshine, that sounds like something I'd do with the keys! I had physio on thurs morn and when I came out my car had rolled down a bit of a hill into the back of another, vomit! Just a little scratch on other car thank god. Then I went into town for lunch with a friend while kids were in school, and I lost 20 euro from my pocket, grrr!!! And I missed my turn off for work one day early last week. Talk about pregnancy brain!!
Anyway have appointment tomorrow and shud get scan so that's something to look forward to:winkwink:

Id love to be having another scan. Lucky u! Post piccies if you get any. Sorry to hear about your car and money! Pregnancy brain sucks!! x

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