Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

Hi all - just back from the Mothercare event. It's worth registering and attending, I think. Not a huge amount of information, but they do some nice demos of the car seats and prams, there are some vouchers for local things, and the goody bag is worth picking up. It has a few decent samples, a hat and scratch mitts, and a 10% off voucher. Got the car seat checked, too, and practiced with their set-up indoors a few times to get the hang of it. I think I was the farthest along of any of the women there - more than half of them weren't even showing! I got some looks as if to say - you're only planning buying stuff NOW?? It was very funny.

Thats why Im not going. I called to register and was told by the woman that I was too far on and they were targetting women that were very early stages because they had been briefed that it was likely that they would spend the most money!! Needless to say I wasnt particularly impressed by this and when I kept getting emails reminding me about it I eventually replied asking that they stop contacting me about it because of what Id been told. I ended up getting a call from their customer care team apologising and offering me gift vouchers and saying that the staff had been briefed to target women that were in first tri and early 2nd tri but they had been told to be discreet about it!
Hi all - just back from the Mothercare event. It's worth registering and attending, I think. Not a huge amount of information, but they do some nice demos of the car seats and prams, there are some vouchers for local things, and the goody bag is worth picking up. It has a few decent samples, a hat and scratch mitts, and a 10% off voucher. Got the car seat checked, too, and practiced with their set-up indoors a few times to get the hang of it. I think I was the farthest along of any of the women there - more than half of them weren't even showing! I got some looks as if to say - you're only planning buying stuff NOW?? It was very funny.

Thats why Im not going. I called to register and was told by the woman that I was too far on and they were targetting women that were very early stages because they had been briefed that it was likely that they would spend the most money!! Needless to say I wasnt particularly impressed by this and when I kept getting emails reminding me about it I eventually replied asking that they stop contacting me about it because of what Id been told. I ended up getting a call from their customer care team apologising and offering me gift vouchers and saying that the staff had been briefed to target women that were in first tri and early 2nd tri but they had been told to be discreet about it!

That's crazy - they never asked me how far along I was when I signed up or anything. I thought some of the things there were actually far better targeted at 3rd tri women, like the calm baby & baby music representatives, and the Red Cross infant & child first aid course people. Good that you got some vouchers and stuff as compensation for the annoyance!! It was worth it to me to get the car seat checked, at the very least, and I really enjoyed chatting with one of the calm baby reps, who had brought along her 8 month old daughter in a sling. The baby was soooooo cute, and fascinated with everything around, smiling whenever anyone smiled at her. Made me happy. :flower:
Hi all! Bumpy I do think it's worth going along as you never know and it's free so worth doing. I mostly did NCT to meet people and it's been a good experience so far.

How did everyone's 34 wk appointment go? Mine was okay. Slightly high bp though but nothing too worrying yet. MW still seems quite convinced I'm going to be early. She gave my bump a good feel and Pip is very low still. I asked if it was engaged and she said not fully but wouldn't tell me how much. She is concerned about my bh though and wants me to call the labour ward if something feels the same again. She said that they might want me to come in so they can check me over and give me steroids just in case. They also might give me something to stop the contractions if I'm not dilating. Is this what they did got you IAB? She also asked if my hospital bag was packed and asked me several times if I was sure my waters haven't started to go.

Am starting to get even more concerned that Pip might be an early baby. It seems like a good idea, but Pip is not big enough and we are not ready for him / her.

Hope everyone else's appts went well. Xxx
Sunshine that's terrible for mothercare to say that! Glad you got vouchers though! Good that you had a good experience though bumpy, I thought putting the car seat in the car was the most complicated thing at first! Lol! Definitely easier with an isofix, I love them!
NotNic I hope pip decides to stay put, although I'm sure baby would be fine now, it is still worrying!
I have yet another appointment today just to check BP. Midwife is coming to me though so its not as bad.
Have a good day everyone! Xx
Notnic, keep us posted hun. How regularly are you getting BH now? Hope Pip starts behaving! x

My appointment went fine yesterday. All is well in Camp Sunshine and baby is still head down.

Admiral, hope your apppointment goes well.

McSmyth - how was you appointment yesterday hun?

IAB - Hope you hanging in there and doing ok. xxx
Most days I experience tightenings but as for painful ones it tends to be every couple of days, though my last one was on Thursday so hoping that this means it was a temporary problem. I think more frustrating for me is that hubby thinks I have convinced myself that we are going to be early and I'm being silly. In parts I think he's right - because I can't imagine being late but that doesn't mean I want to be this early either!! I really would like some time off before Pip arrives so I can nest. We also need to resolve the nursery furniture issue and move!

Glad that everyone's appts went well. Good luck for today admiral.

Serenity and Mcsmyth - sorry to hear that things have been tough. Sending lots of pma and strong, happy thoughts to you both.

IAB - much love to you. How are things?

Hope everyone else is well and enjoying honeydew or nearly honeydew status. Really not long now! :)

Glad to hear everyone seems to be keeping well and there is lots of positive news :)

Had another scan/consultant appointment yesterday, everything looks good, LO is still measuring ahead (in the 97th percentile & estimated at 5lbs 3oz apparently) and is very, very low in my pelvis. My fluid levels are on the high side so I'm back again next week for another scan to check them and see if LO is still powering ahead.
I'm still having lots of BH, cramps and pressure on my cervix so will be quite surprised if LO doesn't make an earlier than anticipated entrance; fingers crossed it's not too early though.

We went to the NHS classes and generally found them to be ok. The first one was labour and delivery and the lady that was supposed to take the class was off ill, so we had a midwife show us around the midwife lead unit and talk through a typical delivery and discuss what would happen in certain scenarios and I think it was probably more informative than the usual class. The second one was a breastfeeding workshop, which I was a little apprehensive about after reading/hearing about other people being bombarded with the pro breast message (which I do agree with, but still don't appreciate the heavy handed approach some people have), however I was pleasantly surprised and found it quite useful. The lady leading the class was pro breast but also acknowledged that everyone has to find what's right for them and did discuss formula, combo feeding etc. The third class was a 'physio' session, which discussed birthing positions, breathing techniques, massages and exercises for ante and post natal, which again I quite enjoyed. I have however heard some absolute horror stories from other women and think it's down to who leads the class and their attitude/teaching style, so it's pot luck what you get :shrug:
Phew! Thanks Vixx and NotNic, good to hear that there are some positive experiences with the classes, or at least to be happy they are free and it's only our time that might be better used elsewhere.

I'm happy to hear everyone's good news. It sounds like the super early labour scares are past for most of us. I think everyone is past 33w now, and onto the home stretch. Fx we're all going to make it to early term (37w) at a minimum! :flower:

I had a crap night, been awake since 3am, at work since 9:30. Thank goodness my boss is understanding, and recognizes that I killed some of that awake time working remotely, so I am going home shortly for a nap and will finish my work day after dinner. I only have 3 1/2 work days left, spread over 5 real days till the 4th. I plan to work from home sporadically after that for a couple of weeks to keep from going stir crazy. There's only so many times I can wash baby clothes or clean the oven ... ONCE, if ever! :haha:
Glad everyone is doing well

Just had best midwife appt ever! My BP is still fine, I spoke to her more about home birth and it got me so excited! She said providing my BP stays as it is then there would be no reason why I couldn't have one. I spoke to her about my concerns and she was so reassuring. She is so lovely and said even if she is off duty when I go into labour to give her a ring coz she would want to deliver my baby! So excited, I have to try and calm down because I know it might not happen at the last minute but I think im ok with that too. Would just be so nice if it does work out! Xx
Hi all! Bumpy I do think it's worth going along as you never know and it's free so worth doing. I mostly did NCT to meet people and it's been a good experience so far.

How did everyone's 34 wk appointment go? Mine was okay. Slightly high bp though but nothing too worrying yet. MW still seems quite convinced I'm going to be early. She gave my bump a good feel and Pip is very low still. I asked if it was engaged and she said not fully but wouldn't tell me how much. She is concerned about my bh though and wants me to call the labour ward if something feels the same again. She said that they might want me to come in so they can check me over and give me steroids just in case. They also might give me something to stop the contractions if I'm not dilating. Is this what they did got you IAB? She also asked if my hospital bag was packed and asked me several times if I was sure my waters haven't started to go.

Am starting to get even more concerned that Pip might be an early baby. It seems like a good idea, but Pip is not big enough and we are not ready for him / her.

Hope everyone else's appts went well. Xxx

I am thinking of you and dear LO, I truelly hope He/She stays put for at least a couple more wks please take it easy and get plenty of rest....I wish you all the best..
Hey everyone, just a quick update on my last 2 days...

Antenatal on Tuesday went ok. I had my regular midwife again so was really pleased to see her. BP and urine were fine, but because that last cover MW I had was such an incontinent woman, I found out I have infact been measuring small! Tuesday was the first I had been properly measured and so had to go for a growth scan today. Our little one is sitting in the 10th percentile at 4lb 5oz. He is small and I've to go back for another scan in 2 weeks time. It's upset me quite a bit as I complained about that MW at 28 weeks to my doctor, who, if you can believe this, said to me: "oh it looks like you are just looking for something to be annoyed about!" Well excuse me but yes, I am annoyed, my baby is small and you could have helped me 6 weeks ago when I mentioned it!!!

Sorry, I am so angry right now. Have now been moved to full consultant led care with no option to attend Home from Home, so there goes my hopes to try out a birthing pool and natural birth. I didn't want a medicated labour, and found out today aswell that they are recommending I have an epidural as I have an enlarged heart. Eek, sorry I'm not making a lot of sense, my head is scrambled after today. Hope all is well with everyone! xx
Hey everyone, just a quick update on my last 2 days...

Antenatal on Tuesday went ok. I had my regular midwife again so was really pleased to see her. BP and urine were fine, but because that last cover MW I had was such an incontinent woman, I found out I have infact been measuring small! Tuesday was the first I had been properly measured and so had to go for a growth scan today. Our little one is sitting in the 10th percentile at 4lb 5oz. He is small and I've to go back for another scan in 2 weeks time. It's upset me quite a bit as I complained about that MW at 28 weeks to my doctor, who, if you can believe this, said to me: "oh it looks like you are just looking for something to be annoyed about!" Well excuse me but yes, I am annoyed, my baby is small and you could have helped me 6 weeks ago when I mentioned it!!!

Sorry, I am so angry right now. Have now been moved to full consultant led care with no option to attend Home from Home, so there goes my hopes to try out a birthing pool and natural birth. I didn't want a medicated labour, and found out today aswell that they are recommending I have an epidural as I have an enlarged heart. Eek, sorry I'm not making a lot of sense, my head is scrambled after today. Hope all is well with everyone! xx

Big Hugs to you I am so sorry, your MW should of listened to you when you first mentioned it to her shame on her, I too am going through the same thing but mine is due to having HBP, my lo is measuring small he is in the 19th percentile and I have scans every 2wks in hopes of improvements and there has been some growth a small amount but I am so happy with that, I am aslo being induced 2wks early because of HBP and my dr said she didn't want to add stress to my LO. I truely wish you all the best and you and your sweet LO will be in my thoughts.....
Kind of pointless but I am super excited that I am finally a Honeydew!!!!!! YAY for all of us we are getting so close, I must admit I am getting nervous I still have to mentally prepare for my LO's arrival I have been so anxious wishing the pregnancy away so that I can meet him, now I need some time to come to grips with I am going to be a new parent again to be newborn.
Admiral - yay for a great appointment! So excited for you! :happydance:

Akerie - woop woop for the honeydew! :)

Mcsmyth - sorry to hear that yours wasn't as good. I'm glad that they've now recognised that baby is a bit small but you still have plenty of time. There is a lady in 3rd tri whose baby has a heart condition and they are very keen to make sure she is a good size in case they need to operate. I think she's Tinks80. Have a look at some of her posts and see what she's been eating. Her lo has been doing really well weightwise in the last month. Remember you don't have to have the epidural. It's up to you so don't be forced into a decision you're not comfortable with. Did a cardiologist recommend you have one?

Vixx - it does sound like you might be early too. Sounds like a few of us have keen babies! Hope next week's scan goes well. What day is it?

Thanks for all your support everyone. Pip was a pickle at the scans so I think bh are just further proof that Pip doesn't like to be told what to do! :) Im feeling alright tonight and I have my final NCT session tomorrow so I'm not in work. Yay! Only 9 days left over the next two and a bit weeks. Bumpy how pleased are you you're on the home stretch too?! Also I think we've found my mat cover now. 4 hours of interviews and I have a front runner! Phew!

Sunshine - randomly my NCT teacher sent me a sheet on peri. massage. If you interested I can try to send it to you but it comes with a warning not to open it somewhere public! :haha:
Vixx - it does sound like you might be early too. Sounds like a few of us have keen babies! Hope next week's scan goes well. What day is it?

Having the scan on Wednesday morning, but don't get to see my consultant until the following Tuesday.
We certainly do seem to have a cluster of keen babies in this thread! I'm hoping she stays put until about 36 weeks, given her growth pattern she should be a very good weight by then and I think I may be more than ready to begin eviction procedures!

Have you got a week you'd like to reach as a minimum?
Just back from my 34 week midwife check-up and everything is fine. Fundal height is still 2cm larger than average - if it had been 3cm or more, I'd have been sent for a growth scan at the hospital. The midwife wants to do one extra glucose blood test at my next appointment just to be on the safe side
- couldn't do it today as I'd just had lunch. LO has remained head down and is now partly engaged (4/5 palpable). The midwife said the head is firmly locked into position and she could not move it at all. I had wondered a couple of days ago if it had begun to engage as I have been feeling increased
pelvic pressure and the movements I feel have changed qualitatively - not quite as much rolling around and not as punchy as a week or two ago, though still frequent.

This was the fourth midwife I've seen since booking in, which doesn't really bother me but I am slightly surprised at. I liked her. She will be teaching our antenatal course which starts tomorrow and runs for four weeks. I was not pleased that the midwife team has reduced the number of clinics per week. I am supposed to go in every 2 weeks from now till 40 weeks, and I am over-booked for my 36 week appointment because there was literally nothing available for several days either side - I have to wait for a cancellation. Because of that I insisted on getting my 38 week appointment booked today, and I plan to ask for my 40 week appointment to be booked next time.

I'm glad to hear everyone else's appointments have been going well. I hope all you ladies are having a good Thursday and looking forward to the weekend! :flower:
Haha just had to share...I had my first dream about having my baby! It was quite funny because I was standing in my best friends living room in the dream. All of a sudden my dress started really moving so I just reached under and pulled her out from my belly! Haha no pain, just all, oh look here she is! That cracked me up. We have an appointment tomorrow morning, who knew how much one could like midwife appointments?! I love hearing her heart beat and just getting more and more information about what's going on in there. I dunno about you guys but I am beyond ready to meet my baby!!!
Vixx - it does sound like you might be early too. Sounds like a few of us have keen babies! Hope next week's scan goes well. What day is it?

Having the scan on Wednesday morning, but don't get to see my consultant until the following Tuesday.
We certainly do seem to have a cluster of keen babies in this thread! I'm hoping she stays put until about 36 weeks, given her growth pattern she should be a very good weight by then and I think I may be more than ready to begin eviction procedures!

Have you got a week you'd like to reach as a minimum?

37 weeks ideally. I finish work at 36+1 so would really love a week to myself to sort things out. We plan to move house when I am 36+4 so at least that will give me a few days to unpack! I also think Pip is a little bit small so a few more weeks to fatten up would be good. :)

Good luck for your scan.

Bumpycat - FX a cancellation comes through. In the end I managed toget one when I am 40+0 but at a dodgy time.
sorry ladies I have not been posting but just dealing with alot. went to court today ..its a long story but all turned out well. contractions are getting the best of me but I am not worried as this is 2 weeks later and I am still hanging in there. wow life is has just been crazy!! hope everyone is doing welland I am glad to see all you ladies!:hug: Nic-hope you are doing better with your contractions. hang in there girl!:)
IAB - you're 34 weeks tomorrow, congratulations! One day at a time. Glad to hear things are well with you. :flower:

NotNic - hope Pip's still hanging in there for you and getting nicely plumped up. I am sending lots of full-term thoughts your way. :hugs:

So I had my first NHS ante-natal class today: birth and labour. Sunshine, it was as bad as yours. What a waste of time. Nothing I didn't know already, delivered poorly, ran 15 minutes over time (always inconsiderate, and more so when the only nearby parking is metred!), and my back is bloody killing me after almost 2 hours on a very uncomfortable chair. I figure I will still go to the remaining 3 classes as there may be some local-specific information that could be useful, but at least I will be prepared to be bored stupid. OH was much nicer about it than me, but he's always been the calm one in our relationship. I had a lovely rant in the car on the way home at least, and he bought me ice cream so now I am happy again. :haha:

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