Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

At the risk of jinxing myself, I've had more normal tightenings without the pain this week so hopefully Pip was just keeping me on my toes. Thank you for all your postive thoughts and good wishes. With a bit of luck Pip is listening to you all! :)

Bumpy - sorry your session was rubbish, but hey a free ice cream out of it isn't so bad. :) Part of the trouble with this sessions are that they are there to cover the basics and with bnb we learn so much just from reading threads that we're looking for more than the basic. FX that the other sessions are more useful.

IAB - Hope the contractions ease off. 34 weeks is a good point though as it's when they normally have developed enough to feed themself if they decide to come early. Even so we want you to keep on keeping this baby warm for a few more weeks! Keep us posted.

Hope everyone else is well. Anyone got anything exciting coming up?
Good morning ladies!Happy 34 weeks to most and then happy 35-36 to stacey and mcs!! well the contractions are easing a bit but still there and I really think this little one thinks she is ready to come out and meet mommy daddy and the crew!!! Glad to see everyone is doing well . Nic-thats awesome that the contractions decided to slow down. Bumpy-sorry that your classes didn't go as well as expected and same with you Sunshine.Sunshine-hope you are doing well and as it looks you are doing great!!Stacey-where are you cause I know you are getting close!! Mcs-hope all is well with you. Admiral-where are you ? hope everything is going well for you. Akerie-how are things going keeping your little one in? Hope everyones BP is down and that we are all doing well.:hug:!! Miss you all !
Good morning all, hope it's a happy weekend for everyone! I wanted to let you all know how awesome the Red Cross first aid for infant and child course is. OH and I went yesterday and both felt it was well worth the time. The class can be done either in two 2.5 hour sessions in the evenings, or as a Saturday session of 6 hours including a lunch break (bring your own). It's very practical, with lots of time actually trying out techniques using dummies (CPR/choking) and classmates (recovery position, bandaging wounds, slings). It's entirely suitable when heavily pregnant, though maybe not if you have bad SPD because you need to get up and down from the floor a number of times. I managed with OH helping me up from time to time. There were a few mildly distressing photos of things such as allergic reactions and meningitis rashes, but nothing really bad, they were just so you could recognize them.

Today (it's a busy weekend!) we're going to the Scottish Baby & Toddler show at the SECC in Glasgow. I'm way too excited about this! We've already got pretty much everything that we want for a newborn, it's more to see all the fun options and toys and things to think about for a little later on, but it's going to be great.

I'm a happy pregnant lady today. :flower:
Brilliant update Bumpy. I'm tempted to have a look into courses now too. Don't really have any updates except we've decided to wait for our nursery furniture. We had a look at other styles and we think we would kick ourselves for not being patient. Pip will have a crib to sleep in and it's only changing that we really need to consider but we can cope with a plain changing mat for the first few weeks and can get a few storage baskets for the bits. House is moving on too. First coat of the bedroom paint went on and looking at doing the nursery tomorrow. Kitchen is going in this week too.

Hope you're all well. Tomorrow we get to say "our babies are due next month!" :happydance:
I'm here!
Sounds like your all doing great. Glad the move is going well NotNic.
I had a lovely weekend, my sister and her husband kindly offered to look after my girl so my husband and I had a chance to relax before the chaos begins!
I have another appt today, sure it will be ok.
Have a lovely day everyone- the sun is out! Xx
Hope you are all well. I havent had a chance to read the last few pages yet as been away all weekend. My list of shopping requirements is finally finished. Came home with a whole car full of stuff (actually couldnt see out the back window it was so full) so think everything has been bought and just need to organise it all now. Baby has been moving around like never before. Elbows, knees and god knows what else have been protruding frequently from my stomach over the last week. Think he is desperate to get out!!
Good morning all, hope it's a happy weekend for everyone! I wanted to let you all know how awesome the Red Cross first aid for infant and child course is. OH and I went yesterday and both felt it was well worth the time. The class can be done either in two 2.5 hour sessions in the evenings, or as a Saturday session of 6 hours including a lunch break (bring your own). It's very practical, with lots of time actually trying out techniques using dummies (CPR/choking) and classmates (recovery position, bandaging wounds, slings). It's entirely suitable when heavily pregnant, though maybe not if you have bad SPD because you need to get up and down from the floor a number of times. I managed with OH helping me up from time to time. There were a few mildly distressing photos of things such as allergic reactions and meningitis rashes, but nothing really bad, they were just so you could recognize them.

Today (it's a busy weekend!) we're going to the Scottish Baby & Toddler show at the SECC in Glasgow. I'm way too excited about this! We've already got pretty much everything that we want for a newborn, it's more to see all the fun options and toys and things to think about for a little later on, but it's going to be great.

I'm a happy pregnant lady today. :flower:

Thank you for asking, my appt was scheduled for this Tuesday I bumped it a little just a case of nerves I dont want to hear more bad news the nurse called me friday and asked why did I m ove it I told her that I was nervous so she out me on for this Thursday I'm just trying to bake him as long as possible, I dont wasnt them telling me that its time because I don't feel like it is just yet!!!!!! So we will see what they say Thursday. I feel great so I hope that my BP is normal or in my case normal for me. I hope that everyone had a good weekend Ladies we are getting so close.:happydance::happydance:
Doughnut Alert: I've just realised that we are considered to be 8mths pregnant now. How scary is that?!

Also I need to do you guys a new bump pic this week as according to hubby I've got 'massive' this weekend! He really is scared that Pip might come this weekend when he's in Ireland and I've had to reassure him that I feel fine. In fact better than I did when I was getting bhs. I've also had to tell him it's normal growth spurt. I hadn't put any weight on for 2 wks so Pip and I are playing catch up. That and the fact I've eaten on average a pack of biscuits every two days :blush:

We are missing a few people on here ATM. When I'm on the pc I'll update the title with our wks and do a subtle bump.
Hello ladies! :flower: We've got duelling contractors today - fence team and loft team are both arriving between 9 and 10am, and parking is somewhat limited. Eeep! Fence team was supposed to be here yesterday but it was too wet. Be interesting to see who brings the bigger truck :haha:

I'm doing well today, very happy to see 35 weeks and wondering exactly how my ticker is going to insult me for the next 7 days. :happydance: Loving all the good news from everyone!!
My appt went well yesterday! Def given the go ahead for a home birth and my assessment is next week :happydance: my BP is the lowest it's ever been since book in so I think staying away from some members of my family for now is doing me good.
Shattered today, my little girl isn't well. Being sick everywhere bless her so she slept in with us for the first time last night. I hope I don't get it!
How exciting bumpy! I keep nagging my husband poor thing to get everything ready! Lol!
8 months NotNic ! Eek! Well nearly for me!
Have a good day everyone xx
Admiral thats great news.
Bumpy, hope the workmen dont cause too much havoc!
Notnic, Ive been away for almost a week and OH said last night when he came home and saw me for first time that Ive gone huge since I left. Cant believe that we can officially say that we are having a baby next month!!

Hope everyone else doing fine. x
Fence team for the win! They arrived first, scored the empty driveway slot, and were done in 2 1/2 hours. I am impressed. The new fence posts look terrific and are solidly in place. Super professional. Loft team is still banging around upstairs, but that's a 2 day job and they'll be here for most of tomorrow too. I'm really happy that this is all happening, and tomorrow night OH can cart all those boxes and things into the loft for storage, leaving the nursery with much more space. :happydance: :happydance:
Hi everyone, hope you are all keeping well!

35 days to go, who's excited or in complete denial? Lol.

I have all the stuff for the wee man and my own hospital bag sitting ready to be packed, and just can't seem to take the final plunge and put it all in the bag. His movements seemed to have slowed a little the last two days but I think that's probably due to lack of room rather than anything else.

Had my 4th b12 jab today, they sting like hell but have to say I'm feeling ok about getting them now.

I've been moved to full consultant led care as my latest heart monitor results have shown 2 enlarged valves, so no Home from Home for me lol- Awell, as long as he arrives safely I couldn't care if I had him in the car park never mind Home from Home.

Baby has dropped down dramatically this week, the pressure on my hips and pelvis is pretty agonizing sometimes, and I'm still waiting for a physio appointment for the SPD lol.xx
Finishing a strong second place, the loft team! I'm so chuffed, it looks terrific. They're coming back tomorrow for a couple of hours to put in a light, add the frame around the new hatch, and re-mount the smoke alarm that had to be moved, but the bulk of it is done. All in one day, I couldn't be happier. All that extra space is going to be SO useful! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
McSmyth sorry to hear about the heart valve thing although as you say so long as baby arrives safe it doesnt matter where it happens! Cant believe you are still waiting on a physio appointment!! Hope you are ok hunny. x
mcsmyth - glad to hear your LO is doing well and that you're getting the consultant led care. I've heard that sometimes those slightly enlarged valves just go away on their own, fx that's the case for you. It's really too bad you have to wait so long for physio though. Can you phone and ask them to let you know if there are cancellations so you can get an earlier slot? :flower:

sunshine - are you doing better this morning? Saw your 3rd tri thread that your OH had been insensitive last night, and wanted to send some :hugs: your way. If you want your sister at your birth, I say go for it. Your comfort and support is the number one priority for a birth partner in labour, and if you don't think your OH is up to it, call in the troops. :help:

How's everyone else doing today? Haven't heard from admiral, IAB, NotNic, or akerie for a few days, hope it's all good news and you're all keeping happy-busy-nesting. Not much to complain about this end - tiring having the workmen around but they'll be out of here shortly and I can go have a bath. :shower:
Hello! Nothing really new for me - hence no update! I'm getting BIG and that's about it! :haha: I'm looking foward to finishing work next Friday, so busy keeping everything up to date here as it looks like a handover isn't probably going to happen with my maternity cover. Hmm apart from that I have my 'surprise' baby shower on Saturday and I am Godmother at a Christening on Sunday.

Not sure if I told you guys or not, but given my not so great history with my inlaws (particularly the fact that everytime my Mum and MIL have met, my MIL has always been rude to my Mum and often drunk. (She's not an alcoholic. There just always seems to be wine at those events! :haha:) ) my sister stressed out about who to invite. She ended up telling me she was arranging something and asked who I wanted to go mostly to make sure I was okay with my MIL not coming. (My sisters and my Mum do not like my MIL at all!). She then has told everyone else that I don't know and that it is a 'friends event', so that when my inlaws find out they won't think it is me that has not invited them. She was supposed to keep some of the stuff a surprise - the date etc. but she keeps forgetting that and telling me!! Despite the drama, I am actually really looking forward to the day.

Anyone else got plans for the bank holiday? x
Hey everyone, glad that everyone seems to be doing well.
Sunshine- I hope the disagreement with your OH gets sorted. I had my sister there with me until she made a sharp exit when I was ready to push! Luckily my husband didn't mind that she was there at all. It really helped and I think helped my husband in the end as he felt a bit helpless. All of us chatting amongst ourselves kept me really relaxed. Maybe mention that it could help your OH too and compromise by saying she won't be there for actual delivery? Unless you want her for that too?
NotNic- families can be absolute nightmares! Lol! I hope you don't get any backlash from it but really you shouldn't. Obviously your family are the most important to be there!
Mcsmyth- hope you get sorted soon hun, that's terrible you still haven't got an appointment. They will be calling you with one when baby is here!
Bumpy- so pleased that your happy with the house! Gosh workmen are annoying though! Lol! We had moved to a new house when I was pregnant with my girl and the builders were everywhere making so much noise, totally annoyed me! Lol!
Everything is fine pregnancy wise for me! My little girl is really sick bless her so it's been really exhausting. I hope I don't get whatever it is. I haven't been able to do anything around the house and it's driving me nuts! She is more important though, I feel so helpless! Hoping that she is all better at weekend so we can get on with things.
Hope everyone else is ok xx
hi ladies! I am here just been crazy here....the toddlers are sick and i went to docs yesterday. So I am still a fingertip and no effacement and looking like I won't start dialating for another week and a half. My little girl is measuring anywhere between 35-37 weeks and she weighs in already at 5#'s10oz so she is gonna be a big girl! I still contract all the time but apparently they are doing nothing. Glad to see all is well and i will be checking in again soon! oh and now I am on my weekly appts! Anyway :hug: and love to you all!keep the posts coming ladies!
Notnic - hope your baby shower goes well. Nothing like extended family drama eh!! I didnt realise it was a bank holiday. With me not working I totally lose touch with these things and my OH doesnt take them off work so Im clueless about when they are!!

Bumpy and Admiral - Ive told OH that my sister will be popping in to the hospital to give him a bit of a break (you arent allowed 2 other people in the room at the same time unfortunately) and he is fine with that. Given his apology earlier today I think he might end up being uber supportive but Im glad that my sister will be coming in to see me too all going well. We havent really spoken much tonight as I told him that I dont want to discuss it again but I need him to be a bit more sensitive with me just now because Im a hormonal wreck!

Admiral - sorry to hear your little girl is poorly.

IAB - Glad you doing ok and baby isnt trying to make an early appearance just yet!!

Speak to you all soon. x

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