Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

I get the 'shuddering'. I describe it as Pip fidgeting though it can be quite rhythmic. My mum felt it today and said that it was like Pip was tapping it's foot!

Braxton hicks also have been strong and my tummy has been so tight. I've been bouncing on a ball and that does help. BM has also increased and I'm very full feeling. Windeeze is a good friend these days. :haha:

I'm getting quite scared about how close it all is. It's not the labour bit but the actually taking baby home bit that scares me. I really need Pip to give me some time to put my feet up before it arrives! Xx
Blargh. Too warm and uncomfortable to sleep tonight. How do hot-climate pregnant women stand it? The heat's been off for hours and hours, must be this stupid cold that's causing a mild fever. At least I have my silly cat to amuse me while I wait it out. Never buying her another toy after watching her play with a scrap of paper from my cough drops! Back to the couch for another attempt at sleep soon - don't want to disturb OH in our bed as he'll have to get up in a few hours for work.

Had a right mess of BH yesterday evening, brought on by cramping in my gut. I've been losing plug bits for 3 or 4 weeks, but suddenly today they are bigger. I know it doesn't mean much, but it scares the pants off me that I *will* be having this baby within the next 6 weeks. I'm not ready to be a mom yet!
Hope you are all well. Everyone is very quiet this week!!

I had my 36 week appointment today. Baby is engaged which is good but she said he is back to back so I need to do various things to try and get him to budge. Im hoping that by my 38 weeks appointment he will have turned round. Im not overly concerned about it but would prefer him to be in the right position as the idea of forceps scares me shitless! I thought bubba was engaged as Ive been getting shooting pains in my foof and feeling lots of pressure down there. She said thats all a good sign of baby moving down.

I have quite bad carpel tunnel in my right hand but she said it should go away once baby is born so if its only a matter of putting up with it for 4 weeks or so Im sure I can. Anyone else had an appointment today?? x
Sunshine glad to hear your appointment went well :)

Birthing ball can be great for getting baby into the right position, as can kneeling on all fours as that's when they have the most room :thumbup:

Got back from my 36 week appointment about an hour ago, and although baby is still measuring small, he has grew on track the last 2 weeks according to FH so will hopefully get this confirmed tomorrow at growth scan :) Aside from that everything is grand, he is head down but not engaged yet, although MW said to expect it soon as bump has dropped so much. BH have been terrorizing me for a few days now, but on the upside, had my last b12 injection today yay :) Oh, and I got a sticker for being a brave girl lmao.

Anyone been nesting lately? Yesterday I rearranged babys nursery for no apparent reason :shrug: Hospital bag now packed and ready to go, and LO's clothes arranged to be washed and ironed over the coming week. So excited! xx
Did our hospital tour last night.

I HURT. Feels like Derek is electro-shocking me -- all the way from lower abdomen to foofdom. Braxton Hicks constantly now, throughout the day. And round ligament pains like I haven't felt before. Low backache. Almost all the signs of preterm labor according to one of my books, but I haven't lost plug or leaked fluid -- though they told me at my last appointment that I do seem to have a little excess amniotic fluid and they have no idea why.

Does anyone else hurt almost constantly?
foofdom! :rofl: I love it!!

I've also just got back from the 36 wk appt. Pip is now 3/5ths engaged and everything seems to be where it should be - heartbeat, BP, urine etc. I'm measuring 35cm which is okay since I'm 35+5. We're thinking now that Pip might be early but not scarily so, and assuming my last iron count was okay (they still haven't sent me a hard copy which the hospital need because of my blood condition) I should be all okay for a midwife unit birth which I'm very pleased about. :happydance:

Serenity - I hurt a lot these days. I get sharp pains down there :blush: and a constant stomach tightness which is uncomfortable and increases during the night, though isn't painful like the episodes I've had before. I described them and my mw called them as good 'bhs'. I've also started to get swollen feet and hands but apparently that's normal water retention probably aggravated by still being at work. Pip moves loads and does lots of squirming which makes me squirm! It does sound like you might not be kept waiting too long.

Only three more days in the office and I'm off for a year. Yipee!!!
Sounds like everyone is doing great apart from the aches and pains!
I have a lot of period type pains and shooting pain in my foof!lol! I remember them too well from my girl!
I had an appt today, gone over everything for my home birth! so excited. BP is lowest it has ever been. Baby is still not engaged.
My nesting is actually beginning to annoy me!lol! I had it with my girl but this time around is just crazy. Cleaned whole house at weekend, made husband paint everything he could. I am washing everything. Have bought so much stuff like blinds and lights, shelving units so have all that to put up! I don't think husband likes this phase I'm going through either!lol!
Take it easy girls and I will try! xx
Hey ladies-well had my appt yesterday and baby is doing good and is head down and ready to go and I am dialated 1cm and no effacement yet. I am just happy that its getting close so I can have this baby and stop hurting as well. I hurt alot and feel all those zapping pains as well. I go again next tuesday and hope to see much more progress. Doc says 3 more weeks and I can have her:) Anyway looks as though everyone is well and ready to have their babies. Love all the updates. Wonder who will go first!:) :hug: and love to all!
Hey ladies-well had my appt yesterday and baby is doing good and is head down and ready to go and I am dialated 1cm and no effacement yet. I am just happy that its getting close so I can have this baby and stop hurting as well. I hurt alot and feel all those zapping pains as well. I go again next tuesday and hope to see much more progress. Doc says 3 more weeks and I can have her:) Anyway looks as though everyone is well and ready to have their babies. Love all the updates. Wonder who will go first!:) :hug: and love to all!

I'm sorry for the pains my Dr said its normal to be achey and hurt during the last weeks she said its our bodies preparing us for the day we give birth but I beg to differ I'm tired of feeling this way, hopefully soon this will end for you. But on another note you do have some good news bay is good and as a bonus LO is head down YAY!!!!!! my fingers and toes will be crossed for you for even more good news on Tuesday. "OPERATION EVICTION"
Just back from seeing the midwife, the 5th one I've seen this pregnancy, can you believe it? She was pleasant and professional, so I can't really complain. Blood pressure 118/74 and urine clear, lump's heart rate the usual strong and regular 135bpm. Fundal height had not changed from 34 weeks, which the midwife put down to measurement error as I have been measured by so many different hands. According to her I am a little over 36cm, dead on for 36 weeks. It will only be a concern if it does not increase by my next appointment in two weeks. I had another set of bloods done - 2+ hour fasting glucose and hemoglobin/full count. If there are any issues with the results I will get a phone call within a week, otherwise they'll just get added to my notes at the next appointment.

The lump has disengaged and its head is sitting at the pelvic brim. It makes sense - last night I only had to get up once to pee and I haven't been waddling at all today. The midwife said this is normal and as long as the lump stays head down with its back to one side we're in good shape. She encouraged me to get a gym ball to sit on instead of the couch or my office chair as it will help keep a good position and encourage the head to descend. I do like using the ball in yoga class, so perhaps we will have to go pick one up from the big Tesco tonight.

I managed to get my 40 week appointment set for the day after the due date, and I'm not going to tempt fate by trying to schedule anything for 41 weeks!

Glad to hear everyone is doing well :flower:
LOL operation eviction love it akerie! Hope you are doing well!
LOL operation eviction love it akerie! Hope you are doing well!

And I am doing wonderful, I am on the count down, I get to meet my LO in 15 days and I am feeling so many emotions at the moment. I still alot to do to get ready like pack our bags and get little items at this point and whatever I forgot to get him I will do so at a later date.

I am so happy for all of us on this forum, its almost over for all of us I have enjoyed talking with you ladies and I thank you for reading my posts and being supportive. YAY!!!!!!!!!
Morning everyone! :wave: Hope you're all okay. Looks like we have some good front runners for the first thread birth!

Bumpy - great news on the appointment. I too haven't gone further than 40+0 We can cross that bridge if/when we come to it.

No real update from me since my appointment. I'm just trying to get everything finished up for work. Tomorrow is my last day and if my maternity cover survives the week without me killing her it will be a miracle! She is such a know-it-all and she makes me look like a wallflower. I have to keep talking over her to stand any chance of training her on everything before I go! Plus I have my own stuff I want to get finished and shes pretty painful to work with. I feel sorry for my team now!! :)

Anyway, hope you all have a lovely day. Catch you later xxx
Morning girls! This is getting so exciting that we are so close, and a couple of us even closer!
Well my husbands dad came over last night to put up our lights for us as husband blew the fuse! Lol! They are all up now and look lovely! Just painting here and there and waiting for some shelves today to put in the playroom, so happy that we are nearly there!
It's been such a rough first half of the year so we are even more excited for our boy to arrive coz things will have to get better!
Just feel like its a waiting game now counting down each day! Xx
Hey everyone :)

Growth scan went well yesterday. He is now 5lb 4oz so gained a pound in a fortnight which was right on target, I'm so relieved and happy :flower:

After a long discussion with my consultant about my heart and my reactions to drugs, she confirmed that I WILL be able to use Home from Home and if I still want to, the birthing pool. My cardiologist doesn't want to see me until July and confirmed he had no concerns about labour putting excess strain on my heart.

I'm just ecstatic, feel like a huge weight has been lifted, and hopefully now my anxiety will be kept at bay during labour as I will be in the relaxing surroundings I had originally been hoping for :cloud9:
Hey everyone :)

Growth scan went well yesterday. He is now 5lb 4oz so gained a pound in a fortnight which was right on target, I'm so relieved and happy :flower:

After a long discussion with my consultant about my heart and my reactions to drugs, she confirmed that I WILL be able to use Home from Home and if I still want to, the birthing pool. My cardiologist doesn't want to see me until July and confirmed he had no concerns about labour putting excess strain on my heart.

I'm just ecstatic, feel like a huge weight has been lifted, and hopefully now my anxiety will be kept at bay during labour as I will be in the relaxing surroundings I had originally been hoping for :cloud9:

That is absolutley awesome news:happydance::happydance: I am so happy that LO is right on target, I have mine on the 16th and I pray that my LO cooperates and gaines like he should. Again I am so happy for you what a relief.....
Thank you so much akerie, it is great knowing he is growing fine now and I'm doing all the right things.

Good luck with your scan, not too long to wait, will be keeping you in my thoughts and I'm sure your LO will be fine :hugs:
Happy Birthday to me! :) my last Birthday being a mummy of one! Lol! I way over think these things! My husband has really spoiled me already! He surprised me by taking a day off work, he has bought me some earrings, charms for my bracelet, books, a makeup box and vouchers for boots to fill it! A sonos, you can play music in every room of the house! He is just cooking some bacon sandwiches and making me a cappuccino! He has invited my family around for tomorrow and is cooking a three course meal for us all! Gosh, I'm so lucky!
Have a great day girls! Xx

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