
Steph x

New Member
Oct 2, 2006
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Hi, I'm the new girl and just finding my feet.....there's so much to go to here!! Don't really know where to start. Had been recommended the site by a nice sounding girl I chatted to on Babycentre.co.uk, and thought id give it a go too.
I had a miscarriage in June this year and feel pretty much like I've come to terms with what happened now, I can talk about it, which is a big step. Lately I have been focusing on my 'most fertile days' and every month ...nothing...'cept a bloody heavy period! Yeah, thanks for that!!
Getting to the point where the whole loving thing is getting to be a pre planned mission impossible.
Does any one have any advice they can share...I would be so grateful.

Hi Steph hun

I am so sorry to hear of your loss - I think hidden identity can help to talk & your more than welcome to blow off some steam here :hugs:

What method have you been using to pin point your most fertile times?

Again welcome :hugs:

Hi Steph....:hi:

Welcome to the forum!!!

Sorry for your loss hun :hugs:

I hope you enjoy it here, it is a very friendly place...

Take care and I wish you a speedy BFP!! x
Hi Steph,

Welcome to B&B, sorry to hear of your loss.

Now I am sure you will find lots of useful infomation on the site, but from reading your message and responses I think there are two bits of advice I would give:

1.) Your feet are the two funny shaped things at the bottom of your legs!
2.) TTC - I beleive in TTC not becoming a mission but an ongoing process where in a relaxed environment you BabyDance and when the time is right ........ So try and chill with it all and enjoy the BDing.

Finally GOOD LUCK!

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