*Help with OPK..PLEASE!!*


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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I went out and got an OPK (Clearblue-ovulation Test Digital). Gonna start checking from today I hope, so please help me!! When exactly do you test??
This month, AF was May 13th and ended May 17th. So this puts me on CD8, correct?? When Should I start testing for my "O" phase? :shrug: The Kit I purchased brings 20 tests, why is this?? Also, if I started to test my BBT, how and when would I need to start that based on my currect cycle?...Is this something I can purchase in any drugstore?...anyone PLEASE
How long is your cycle? If it's 28 days I would start testing about day 10 or you can start now if you like :) The OPKs get expensive lol. I think maybe you only probably use around 5 tests a month because if you're periods are regular then you can test day 10-15 and catch your O during that window. As soon as you get the smiley face you can stop using it for the month. All you need is a digital thermometer, just pop it in your mouth first thing in the morning (same time each day and before you get up)> If you joing www.fertilityfriend.com you can start charting straight away. Sooner the better because it helps build up a picture even if it's not going to be for the whole month xxxx
thank you :)..and thank you to anyone else who can clear the confusion for me and other newbies!!
I have been keeping track of AF for the last 5 months. For the first two months it varied between 28cd and 30cd, but for the last 3 months my cd's have suddenly been very consistent...31cycle days, thank god. I'll start testing right away. With the digital thermometer, what am I suppose to be looking for..is it anything over 98.6 °F? If so, what is my highest tempeture suppose to be signaling..my most fertile day (ovulation-day)? Or is it a sign that ovulation has already occured?

I found this piece of information on-line and I'm trying to understand it, in conjunction with finding your MOST FERTILE DAY

During the time of ovulation, an egg is available to be fertilized for only about 12-24 hours. But since sperm can live in the body for 3-5 days and then the egg is available for one day, your most fertile time is considered to be about 5-7 days.

Sorry about all the questions..lol. just trying to figure all this out :confused:
Hi there,

Basically sperm live longer than the egg, so make sure you :sex: before you ovulate so the sperm are there ready. I usually ov around cd12/14 and have managed to get pg twice from :sex: on cd 8 and cd 9. So sperm can live quite a long time.

The temperature thing shows ovulating after it has happened but I dont temp so cant answer anything about it.

OPK's I 'd start testing cd10 if I were you and they say its best to do it between 2-4 in afternoon every day until you get a smiley.

Good luck to you xx
Hi there! Your cycle sounds like mine. I run normally about 30-31 days. Today is cycle day 11 for me. I started testing yesterday, even though I know I probably won't get a positive until cycle day 14 or 15. Once you get a positive you can stop. I usually test for 3 more days just to see if its always consistant ( I normally test positive for 2-3 days). I found that testing at the same time every day works best for me so I stick to the same routine every month. 3PM, everyday. I stop drinking 2 hours before I test. I use cheapie test strips from eBay, Egens brand. You can get 50 strips and 10 pregnancy tests for less than $15 USD. You are only 3 days behind me so we could be cycle buddies! Good Luck on testing and I hope we all get a BFP this month!!!! :dust:
@Donna210369: Thank you so much for your feedback!! I will def. make sure to BD 2-3 days before "O" then, thanks for the tip :winkwink:. In regards to the OPK and the time to do it best, I've also heard mid-afternoon 2-4 pm, however the instructions in the OPK states it is best to do it when you have not urinated for atleast 4 hrs. I would think this would be easier to do in the morning when I first wakeup, Do you think this is a bad idea??..curious to know, why exactly 2-4 pm??

@Coocoocachoo: Wow! cycle buddies ha..I Love It!!! I want to start testing tomorrow as well, but I know I probably won't get a positive either until cd14/15 too. I checked with one of those on-line Ovulation Calculator thingies just now, and apparently I am suppose to ovulate on CD18..which means BD should occur then, 3 days prior, and 2days past CD18, correct?? I love the idea of testing alittle past your positive day to confirm consistency :thumbup:. $15!..I might so consider purchasing strips online too then. Thank you so much for your feedback and best of luck to you as well!!

Hey! Just popping over from second trimester.

Don't use them first thing in the morning. We always have LH present in our system which is why these tests aren't just two lines and it's positive. The test line has to be as dark or darker than the control line. I used the cheap ones I got from Amazon..Wondfu or Wanfu. They worked really great for me. I got a positive result on December 2. According to my dating scan I ovulated on December 4. Just remember that these tests detect your surge 12-36 hours BEFORE you ovulate.
Hey! Just popping over from second trimester.

Don't use them first thing in the morning. We always have LH present in our system which is why these tests aren't just two lines and it's positive. The test line has to be as dark or darker than the control line. I used the cheap ones I got from Amazon..Wondfu or Wanfu. They worked really great for me. I got a positive result on December 2. According to my dating scan I ovulated on December 4. Just remember that these tests detect your surge 12-36 hours BEFORE you ovulate.

Thanks for the advice! What do you mean "we always have LH present in our sytem"..? I'm actually going to be using Clearblue digital Ovulation Kit which determines a positive ovulation prediction with (a smiley face) or
(a round circle) signifying no ovulation. Like you said, considering that "these tests detect your surge 12-36 hrs before you ovulate", should intercourse start happening 3 days prior to Ovulation as well as on the day of, and the day after??

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