Here goes nothing!


Oct 30, 2013
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After alot of talk with my BF we decided that I should stop taking BC. I just finished the pills and AF came today. Were just going to take things as they come and whatever happens happens. After alot of problems with ovarian cysts and losing one ovary in August of this year it seemed like we should take our chances now. Very excited and scared at the same time. Trying to focus on the positive and know that we will be fine with getting pregnant whenever it happens even if its not the best time!
Always be positive. I just posted a thread and I'm all negative in it. I want to take my own advice but I'm better at giving it.
Relax, be happy and stay positive.

Defo just relax and stay positive.. easier said then done i know...
Im also scared and excited.. Never planned a baby before (daughter was a surprise) so its all new to me x
Thank you! Staying positive is the hardest thing to do. There are so many negatives going on right now I'm still in school, not working full time, my boyfriend has a job but not full time and is still looking for a job in his field. With no known cause or cure for my cysts and not knowing when I could get another we decided to just stop BC and see what happens! There's good days and then there's days where I say to myself AM I CRAZY TO DO THIS !!?! My boyfriend is amazing and I just keep telling myself we will be ok no matter when I get pregnant:thumbup: It's not easy to remind myself of that though.
I'm in a similar situation. The OH and I have decided to just see what happens. I just finished my last bc pack, period was last week. I go from so excited at the thought of being pregnant and having a baby, to wondering if we can handle it. Which is silly because I know we can. I'm scared I'll be disappointed at how long it might take. My Mom had a history of miscarriages and my sister had to use IVF to get pregnant.

Although the OH and I both have full time jobs, mine isn't the ideal situation since I commute and don't get home until about 7PM during the week. I've actually decided to have a conversation with my boss today about our plans to start a family soon and would like to work from home twice a week when the baby comes. Seems silly to have this conversation (my boss and I are close) at this early stage when we just don't know what's going to happen, but I feel like I need to know. Because if not I can not have this job and a baby so I'd need to job hunt ASAP.

I think I'm more nervous to talk to my boss than I am about having a baby!! lol

Although I don't post a lot, I'm really grateful this forum is here. It seems there are no judgments. The OH and I are not married, and the couple friends I have talked to about this seem to think I am crazy for NTNP when we are not married yet. It's hard explaining to them our views, since we both think having a baby is more of a commitment than marriage. However, we do plan on being married before the baby comes.
I finish nursing school in July and have a job lined up as long as everything works out (fingers crossed). I'm not engaged or anything either, we've talked about it and we both want to get married at some point. I've had quite a few people tell me that I should really be married first but I really don't see the reason for it. Neither of us are going anywhere and we both want to have a baby together.

My mom had no problems getting pregnant with me, but I am an only child. When she tried for the second she had a lot of trouble, a few miscarriages and failed IVF. So I really have no idea what I'm up against.

Unfortunately I'm having one of those WHAT AM I THINKING?! days. So happy I have this site to rant and get it off my chest it helps so much to have other people who may or may not be going through what I'm going through.
You know what helps me on those "what am I thinking" days?

Two things actually:

1- Pinterest. I've found some great articles from "what to expect" to "how to survive" and's great! Gives me hope and reminds me that we CAN do this.

2- my little pile of baby stuff. Yes, i'm guilty of buying little things (only things we'll need though) when I see a great deal. I just couldn't pass some things up. Looking at that little pile makes me smile :)
I love pinterest I started a baby board on there. So much great info! I've started a little pile myself, I find now that whenever I go to a store I can't help but look through the baby section and have to buy something. I always say well what if I can't find it when I am pregnant I should just buy it now and save it. I already know once I am pregnant there will be no stopping me!
Hi ladies! I'm new to the forum I've been reading the past few days & decided to join. My DH & I had a recent talk about starting a family soon I'm just scared to say the works "TTC". I'm a nurse too part time I have a stay at home job as well. We just got married this April. I have a 7yo DS, had him when I was 22, it was a total surprise b/c I was on BC when I got pregnant, but now that my DH & I want to have a child of our own I'm so scared I won't be able to get pregnant. I'm sure most women go thru this fear. So for now we are NTNP b/c I'm afraid I'll stress out too much if we actually make it official.
I love pinterest too, funny how you start to day dream and wonder and plan "how to tell" people once you get a BFP, plan the nursery, and look at names and not even pregnant yet haha I've enjoyed looking at vlogs on YouTube of women expecting and their early symptoms of pregnancy before they even got a BFP.
Welcome! I'm so happy this site is here to talk to people who are going through what I am at the same time. I'm constantly dreaming and thinking about what theme the room can be and looking at all the different things online! Even though were only NTNP I still feel stressed sometimes well a lot of times wondering when or if it will happen. If it doesn't happen then what. It's so much to think about, I'm really just trying think it will happen when it's supposed to happen!
I need to get on pinterest! I love going to babies R us and mother are etc and getting the catalogues! I fold pages...

My OH is pretty laid back... We aint engaged either but that doesnt bother me... It will happen just no rush for it... He is amazing with my daughter and has been her dad for a long time (doesnt see her real dad)... She is 5 and dying to be a big sister... I think of ways to tell her as a surprise... I watched a video on YouTube and cried it was so sweet
I feel like my OH is NTNP and I am TTC. I can't help it :/

Thankfully he thinks my little pile of baby stuff is cute, I already sleep with a pregnancy pillow....but that's mostly because those things ROCK and I need to hug something while I sleep :)

Pinterest is GREAT for baby ideas, announcement ideas, photo ideas, etc...I'm obsessed!
I think men are alot more relaxed... Also they dont really know much about ovulation etc... They just think of the fun parts and enjoy it...

Mine forgets I even stopped taking the pill sometimes! It was his idea!! He has no concerns and is def not stressing about it probably never gives it a second thought. It's all about the fun for him right now, until I get that BFP !
Yeah my OH doesnt seem to take much notice... its all fun and games for them... we stress more...

I am meant to be 1 day pass O, according to my app.. but ive never been that good at getting my head around it all... x
I haven't gotten any of the apps, I haven't started keeping track at all.

I'm really having a bad day starting to have second thoughts about everything. We've suddenly hit a rough patch in our relationship. Well I guess I shouldn't say suddenly.... Things haven't been GREAT but at the same time haven't been bad. Back to the fact that he can't find a job in his field and probably won't has really put him in a funk. His birthday is also coming up on Sunday and these past few weeks he's been depressed. I don't blame him it really sucks but he can't take it out on me and needs to do something to get himself going. It seems that things are just going wrong and even though time is not on my side maybe we shouldn't be doing this until we get things back to normal.

I'm also hoping this jump into having a baby is not some kind of mid-life crisis. Friends of his are married and having kids or already have 1 or 2, or buying houses, and he has none of that and we're not close to any of that yet mostly because of money.

I'm an over thinker but now I'm just really not sure this is the right thing to do. Okay my rant is over =/
I haven't gotten any of the apps, I haven't started keeping track at all.

I'm really having a bad day starting to have second thoughts about everything. We've suddenly hit a rough patch in our relationship. Well I guess I shouldn't say suddenly.... Things haven't been GREAT but at the same time haven't been bad. Back to the fact that he can't find a job in his field and probably won't has really put him in a funk. His birthday is also coming up on Sunday and these past few weeks he's been depressed. I don't blame him it really sucks but he can't take it out on me and needs to do something to get himself going. It seems that things are just going wrong and even though time is not on my side maybe we shouldn't be doing this until we get things back to normal.

I'm also hoping this jump into having a baby is not some kind of mid-life crisis. Friends of his are married and having kids or already have 1 or 2, or buying houses, and he has none of that and we're not close to any of that yet mostly because of money.

I'm an over thinker but now I'm just really not sure this is the right thing to do. Okay my rant is over =/

sorry for jumping in like this, i hope im welcome :p
ive kind of been stalking this thread a little ...hehehe

Just was wondering, if you dont use any apps or anything then does that mean you arent charting at all? it really is the greatest thing! (i think so at least :))
im sorry to hear things arent going too well with oh right now.. actually thats kind of what happened with dh and i in the last year. we were ttc#1 but then "life happened" along with moving, bills, and everything else stress related. so we switched to ntnp because honestly, a baby was the last thing our stressful lives needed. now dh and i are graduated from college and he is working in his field(finally! after being ill for months) and we are just starting to get back on our feet. now if that BFP shows up (i hope it does soon!) i know we will be able to handle it just fine.
i wanted to let you know that if the time doesnt feel just right for you thats ok :) keep your head up. maybe a few months delay on the whole ntnp/ttc thing will be good for your oh..?
and charting really is great whether you are ttc or trying to prevent...knowing how our bodies work makes all the difference i find :). if you arent temping and blah blah all that stuff, then maybe try it out. that way when you ARE for sure ready to give ttc a go, youll have that advantage of knowing what to expect each cycle :)

anyways i really hope you dont mind my jumping in
Good luck to you andOH..i hope things get better for you guys soon :)
Hi Ladies,

I'm very much in the same boat as all of you, so hope it's ok if I join the conversation.
I'm 26 and getting married in April next year. I also finish nursing school next year in June/July. We have decided to NTNP I don't really mind if I'm pregnant on my wedding day as it's just going to be a small backyard wedding. That aside marriage I don't believe, is one box you need to tick before trying.

Honestly I don't believe there is EVER a perfect time to start trying - I'm am so nervous mostly because of finances but at least my fiance works full time and I work part time. I have suspected endometriosis - it's another reason I want to start trying now.

So nice to read all your posts - It's good to know I'm not alone in worrying.
mrs owl - congrats on the upcoming wedding..and on beginning the ntnp adventure :)

i also believe theres never any TRULY PERFECT time to start ttc...just have to be able to handle it well when it does happen :)
dh and i are so anxious...terrified yet excited about it all
mrs owl - congrats on the upcoming wedding..and on beginning the ntnp adventure :)

i also believe theres never any TRULY PERFECT time to start ttc...just have to be able to handle it well when it does happen :)
dh and i are so anxious...terrified yet excited about it all

yes that how we feel too - really excited but anxious too. I brought some folic acid today which was on sale so I though why not start taking it now as it certainly can't do any harm.
I really wish I knew how long it will take us to conceive - that's me I always like planning things, I guess I will have to let go and see what happens.

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