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Here is a place to VENT! No negative comments please.

Ok - I'm back from work and first things first:

*** hugs to everybody. Absolutely everybody - I'd list names, but then I'd miss someone out and they might feel sad - so please if I don't mention you specifically then it's a supergiant hug on it's way to you! ***

Yes, I'm a little insane today :)

My vent for the day (ok it will probably be a recurring theme) it's not even about TTC!

I hate my new boss. Passionately, viciously and with every fibre of my being.
He is an ignorant fool who wouldn't know (or listen to) a good idea if it smacked him in the face - which I'm tempted to do.
He is a bully who doesn't listen, and who won't accept that he is ever wrong.
He obviously must have a really small penis because no normal man would be that obsessed with proving that he's always right.

I miss my old boss, he was the best boss EVER in the world. He listened, he told me to shut up occasionally. He CARED about me as a person. Why did he have to retire???

The new di**khead pisses me off so much I'm almost tempted to use the C-word to describe him. And I never EVER use that word.
I almost quit on Friday because of him - but the maternity benefits are amazing with my current job. I'd be an idiot.

But will I be able to conceive with this amount of stress and pressure??? ARRRGHHHHHH

Ok well it ended up being a bit about TTC :)

Glowing jo I totally know what you mean. We are in the same boat. If you've ever looked at my journal from the past 2 days, you would see that I am searching for a new job as well. I don't want stress from a job hindering me from conceiving, It's just not worth it. I am a teacher at a chartered school and the boss I have thinks she is a freaking MAN. I mean she wants power so bad that it is ridiculous. So yeah, I am searching for a new job as well. Hope all goes well with you hun.
I'll join in :). My vent for today is that I'm 7 days late and all my tests are negative. My cycles are usually between 32 and 39 days, with the usual being 35 days . Which means I'm 42 days so far and nothing. Last year 3 months after I quit the pill (June) I had my longest recent cycle of 52 days but that was last sept or something and my periods have settled pretty much until now. I had what I thought were normal af pains about a fortnight ago but they just faded off. Getting the odd twinge but not like when I'm due. I tested this morning and not even a faint line. Only have one test left and they're eBay onestep pregnancy tests 10mui so I think it's not this
month. I've been trying since I came off the pill. I'm so sick of it and having that damn af appear to dissapoint me every month. 2 people I know are pregnant and 5 people I used to socialise with have had babies now who are over a year old. I work in a charity shop too and right next to the desk we have tiny newborn clothes for sale and everytime I serve I see them, it's like a knife in my heart. :(

Sending you oodles of :dust: and PMA. Don't get down on yourself. You are not out until the :witch: arrives. I believe in you hun. Don't stress too much! :hugs:
My VENT!!!!! After 2 positive HPT I had a blood hcg done and the results are NEGATIVE!!!! Spontaneous miscarriage and now I have to wait to actually miscarry! I would be almost 5 weeks now. EVERYONE kept saying this was it for me and I was soooooo happy. But in my gut something felt wrong. My niece is pregnant (4 weeks), one of our friends is pregnant (9 weeks) and they are both expecting their 3rd. My other niece is pregnant! And another 3 in distant family are pregnant! WHY NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do I have to KEEP ON LOSING!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!! I have to walk round carrying what would have been my baby until my body has figured out that its not anymore. Have to go for bloods monday if I havent had a bleed. MY LIFE SUCKS!

:hug: :hug: :hug: Hun I can only imagine the pain you are dealing with. Life is tough and ttc doesn't make it any better for us. And in your case, the MC just would make me want to :cry: but don't give up hun. We are all here for you to vent out to and will def be understanding because we are all in this together, trying to accomplish the same goal. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to stalk my journal and talk to me there or send me a PM or just write on my wall. I don't like when others on here are in pain and I would like to be your friend to help you through this. I know how it feels when it seems like everyone around you are preggers and you are the only one who is not. Makes you wonder if something is wrong with you because everyone else makes it seems so easy. It's OK hun. You have me to talk to whenever you need to. I am on here all the time and will respond within the same day. Hope you feel better sweetheart. :hugs:
my vent:

I HATE waiting to O
I HATE that feeling of oh god what if we dont time it right
I HATE peeing in a pot every day at 2pm
I HATE having to keep to all the silly things i do waiting to o and in 2ww JUST IN CASE
I HATE having sex when i dont want it but have to
I HATE, HATE, HATE WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

done . . . . .

2 words---> STOP STRESSING!
Im new to venting but feel the need so badly at the moment.

Im not even angry, Im just depressed. Im sick of not knowing where I am in my cycle. I had the Mirena removed 12 days ago and havent bled at all yet. I didnt have periods on the Mirena so have no idea of my cycles. All my OPKs have been negative so far. DH and I have been BDing pretty much every day since my coil was removed.

Even though Ive only been TTCing for 12 days, I just have a gut feeling this is going to be a long and arduous journey for us. And Im SS like crazy. Ive been nauseous for a few days and today Im REALLY badly nauseous but I just know its not because Im PG. I have a bit of heartburn and some cramping. But my boobies arent sore and I always get sore boobies during AF (when I used to have it).

Im going to POAS tonight just to get my head into gear. Ive ordered some IC ovulation kits otherwise Im going to be spending horrific amounts on the 'proper' OPKs Ive been using.

Im also pretty down because my DH didnt want to BD last night. Luckily he's been very keen to BD since we TTC, he wants a baby really badly too. But he was exhausted last night and stressed about a review he had in work today and I feel like a b*tch because I got upset he didnt want to BD. Im probably just PMSing and AF will show her ugly face soon.


Let us know how the test comes out. You are experiencing pretty good symptoms! :dust:
I need a turn... I need to vent about OBs! They are stupid, insensitive, patronizing, and narcissistic! I was referred to an OB due to my endo, and she never remembered who I was or reviewed the chart before my appointments. She never took notes down, so always had to ask me why I can't take BC (it aggravates my migraines and makes me homicidal... turns me into a :devil: literally). And she kept talking about Lupron like it was a miracle panacea of endo, even though I said I didn't want to take it since I couldn't take add-back therapy (i.e. BC pills) and I wanted to get pregnant.

What REALLY got me angry (and made me seek out another OB) was that she said I was too young to get pregnant (I am 25), that the endo I have is too severe for me to get pregnant (even though she brought pregnancy up in my second appointment with her), and said a bunch of other nonsense medical "facts" that were not true because she didn't agree with my decision not to go on Lupron.

When I got to the next OB, she also tried to push me on Lupron... I told her I want to get pregnant and I am TTC and even if I wasn't, I don't want to take Lupron. She looked at me like I was stupid and crazy!

These women (they are both supposed to be women!) don't have endo. They would not take Lupron if they had endo and were in my place! Besides, I am TTC, and I want to have a child, so why would I take a drug that would make that dream impossible to pursue for the next year and a half or more?

:hissy: Now, when I do get pregnant, how the hell am I suppose to find an OB? :cry: Thanks for the rant everyone... :hugs2:

Im right there with you, except for me its my gp. I have had bad periods for years to the extents im throwing up and fainting for whole 7 days, the dr says it is very likely it is endrometietis but wont find out because he said it wouldent make any difference. He then proceeded to tell me i should go on birth control, despite me telling him I wanted to get pregnant and that even when I did take the pill I got migraines so couldent take them (he could have seen for himself if he looked at the records)
He then went on to tell me because my periods are irregullar it will probably take 4 years to get pregnant. He organised some blood tests to check hormones and to see if I was anemic and told me to get them done when ever because I was irregular so even though I should have them on certain time of my cycle that it didnt really matter. He was really horrible about the whole thing and spoke to me like I was a complete idiot. Apparently Im in my test period of if I can get pregnant at the moment so they wont even check if I have endrometietis (even though he is sure thats what it is) until we have been trying for a year. AAHHHHH I hate doctors. :cry:
So my boss just told me his wife is 7 weeks pregnant. For once, I was genuinely happy for someone because I know she had an ectopic and lost a tube earlier this year. The little green monster was willing to keep its mouth shut about the fact that they already have 3 beautiful boys and clearly are super fertile to keep having kids and to get pregnant so fast after an ectopic. That is... until he told me that they were all gung-ho for another kid, but that now that its happened, he's saying 'what were we thinking' to himself.

I know thats just one of those stupid thoughts... and it doesn't mean they aren't happy or anything, but I just wanted to shout at him to be grateful it happened at all!

He knows I'm TTC and knows its been a while. I finally told him that I'm seeing a fertility doctor and apparently his wife also has low progesterone issues. Trying to focus on those concerns and not the insensitive comment he made. *sigh* I'm lucky I can actually share some of this stuff with him.
:wine: Here's to having a semi-great boss. I wish mine was like yours. CoNgRaTs to them!
Oh please dont get me started about my manager :trouble: HE HATES WOMEN is my only assumption.....he is power crazy and thinks been a manager is all about shouting, ordering and bossing everyone around and calling like 10 meetings a day :saywhat: and oh yeah hes a f%$king bully :gun:

He called me a liar today too outright infront our our `big` boss because during a meeting of thrashing out issues I told he I didnt think he had any trust in me being able to do my job properly and I was sick of feeling he distrusted me over a comment he made last week infront of other members of staff....He said he never said this although it was witnessed and told me I was a bloody liar :growlmad: I got up and walked out....I think my `big` boss is shitting himself incase I walk and oh yeah I am very on verge of jacking it all in.....dont get me wrong I could rant forever about all the other things he has done and said but it would probably take me a week but today was the last bloody straw arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh
My boss isn't perfect, and my workplace overall is the least women-friendly one I've ever worked at. Just pretty lucky with him. I think it helps that I never try to upstage him, and that I do something he doesn't know how to do... he knows he needs me, lol!
In fact he was freaking out about maternity leave back in March when I told him we were TTC!
Well I don't like my boss either. All she cares about is the minority count and that is the only reason she wouldn't want me to leave. The only thing is she doesn't make you feel comfortable there. I put in 5 apps today :yipee: pray I find me another job soon ladies.
My company is a start-up, so I've been worrying about us going under (we're still at a critical stage of trying to get ourselves out there). Here in the US, even in California, there is no job protected leave unless you've worked somewhere for at least a year. So I need to stay here no matter what until I'm pregnant and deliver.
Me too hon I need to stay put for any type of mat benefit :loopy: I love my job too and would never consider leaving if it wasnt for this damn manager and his power trips!
can you transfer somewhere else in the company?
Any chance he is stupidly trying to assert his authority as a new boss? That maybe once he feels the department is within his control he would cool off a bit?

I know when I've been a manager, I needed to know I could get my employees to follow the rules I set out before I'd let them bend them at all.
Well I need to leave. Glad you ladies can deal and want to stay. Must be nice.
Oh yeah lisa hon hes just asserting his authority but he is pissing nearly every member of staff off and its his attitude as well and just his manner and tone when he is speaking with you or barking orders....He has issues with you taking a break and everyday for the last week has cut short lunch time (which might I add we are not paid for!) to hold one of his riddick meetings with no outcome what so ever! Our `big` boss is aware and we are having a further discussion tomorrow to discuss our PERSONALITY ISSUES! Not that we have these because its not a two-way thing it is everybody complaining about him but I will give it a go cause then no one can say I didnt try some sort of mediation with him but he talks out of his arse and so I think I will just end up backing down for some peace and so I can get on with my job which isnt really solving anything!
I have a history of staying at jobs longer than is good for me. Last job that was like this had me in tears EVERY SINGLE night... heck, I barely managed to hold back the tears until I got to my car in the parking lot and SOBBED.
I've been there. I know I have reasons why I should leave now, but after that last horrible one, I feel like its pretty good here in comparison.

The CEO we have right now is a total jerk. Sent me two emails with definitions of the word 'immaterial' and lectured me on spending too much time on the small stuff. Umm, when he finally bothered to talk to me, he realized that I was trying to stop us from spending money we didn't have to in which case his definition of 'small' changed. But I had to point this out to him in a way that isn't seen as argumentative. He flies off the handle at the slightest things and has fired people because he thought he saw them doing something non-work related (reading their iphone manual.... for their WORK phone!). He doesn't care if it hurts the business or not... if someone is 5 days late paying us, he wants to find a new supplier.... meanwhile we're paying our bills 15 days late sometimes.... can't stand him!

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