Here is a place to VENT! No negative comments please.

Sofie I would smack your mil in the face what a HORRIBLE person!!! :hugs:

All I'm going to hear about now is baby this, baby that, oh it's hard being a mum etc. Of course Sean is going to insist I go see the baby... I just can't do it.
Sofie I would smack your mil in the face what a HORRIBLE person!!! :hugs:

All I'm going to hear about now is baby this, baby that, oh it's hard being a mum etc. Of course Sean is going to insist I go see the baby... I just can't do it.

Tell me about it!

We are in exactly the same boat....I am already sick of hearing about it already and he is now 3 days old! (its past 12pm) Even on facebook my SIL have put an event up for everyone to come round to there apartment and meet the baby!! What a load of Bollocks!!! (Pardon my french!)

I just hope it's not too hard on you...Sending extra :hugs: your way!


Tell me about it!

We are in exactly the same boat....I am already sick of hearing about it already and he is now 3 days old! (its past 12pm) Even on facebook my SIL have put an event up for everyone to come round to there apartment and meet the baby!! What a load of Bollocks!!! (Pardon my french!)

I just hope it's not too hard on you...Sending extra :hugs: your way!



Ugh!! I've just been on facebook and there's photos and congratulation messages everywhere :( I will attempt to talk to OH about it later but I've got a feeling he's just going to think I'm crazy or something.

It's lovely, and it's no-one's fault that we're not pregnant but it's just too much isn't it!
:hugs: Ladies so sorry you are both going through this right now :kiss:

I cant believe your SIL and MIL hon what atrouscious behaviour and am glad your DH stuck up for up :thumbup: my DH sees no wrong in the way my MIL treats me and always but always takes her corner!
** hugs to all the DILs of evil MILs **

My MIL is odd in a different way - DH's family are so cold and detached I don't think she'd actually care. Mind you they didn't even care enough to come to our wedding.

Sequeena - I hope you gave your DH a great big huge hug thankyou for sticking up for you :)
Can I join you guys? (sorry for the long post, lol, I just read the whole thread and you guys brought up a bunch of thoughts I need to share/vent about)

I wanted to share my opinion about the guys attitude about not understanding what we're dealing with. I had to realize that while I'm elbow-deep (ok, knuckle-deep) in CM and OPKs and HPTs and symptom spotting each day, he usually barely knows when its time to test, lol. Its on my mind all the time and its my body going through these things. I also think its monumentally unfair of the universe to give us all those hormonal emotions right when AF shows and we have to give up hope on that cycle.

I did find a bright side to DH's attitude. Since he isn't as wrapped up in it or as concerned/disappointed each time, I don't have to feel like I'm letting HIM down and can demand all the comfort and pampering for myself!

He and I worked out an agreement where I tell him in advance so he can get himself excited by thinking about it all day then jumping me when I get home. It keeps him from working himself into a bad mood or getting his heart set on a lazy evening.

My rants:
I am a huge fan of apple products in general, love my ipod, iphone etc.... but I now hate them with a passion for their stupid iphone4 commercials with the video chat. The one where the wife calls and tells her husband that 'the little project we've been working on...' *smile* *nod* 'you're going to be a daddy' had me BAWLING. I would love nothing more than to tell my husband he's going to be a daddy.... and here they are throwing it in my face!!!! ARGH!

I won't tell most people we're TTC and when I hear the insensitive comments people get, I'm so glad I didn't tell people. Some friends know, and one who started trying when I did but is now 9 months pregnant still says some harsh things without realizing how much it hurts. The best thing she said to me lately was that she doesn't think its fair that she's about to deliver and I'm still not pregnant.. I laughed, teared up a little and told her I agree.

However, she'll still complains to me about a lot of pregnancy stuff with no awareness that I'd love to be in her shoes. It took her 5 months to get pregnant which she still feels was like 'forever' (not disagreeing with her or anyone else at that stage... when you want it so bad, it feels like forever no matter how long you've been trying!)... its just that now that she's fully pregnant, you think she'd let it go a little. She sat there and complained to me about a friend of hers who just got pregnant on the first time and about how mad that makes her since it took her 'forever'..... again... still not pregnant here... be mad on my behalf damnit!
She made some bad joke once about how if it was a girl, I could have it since her husband wants a boy.... I have a sick sense of humor but that was just mean.

I'm tired of being told to relax (but hey, I still changed my status to 'relaxed' in case it helps :haha:). Relaxing will not make my ovaries magically work, and relaxing while you're on a fully monitored clomid cycle is just not possible. Though I did start acupuncture to help me relax because it was getting to the point that I was having high blood pressure at my doctor's visits from stress.

I'm tired of dealing with that last stretch of the 2ww and not knowing if I'm pregnant, driving myself crazy with symptoms, squinting and HPTs etc.
I cry when I think of how much I've spent so far on HPTs, OPKs, doctors visits, tests etc... when everywhere around me people who were SUPPOSED to have trouble concieving had no trouble at all and spent the price of one HPT.

And lastly, I just thought I'd share my method for not crying in front of someone when I find out they're pregnant.... I just imagine as strongly as I can.... vaginal tearing from childbirth and that this 'lucky' girl in front of me will be facing that. It stops the tears dead in their tracks! :haha::haha::haha:
Welcome lisaf :hugs: of course please do join in :thumbup:

I agree with every single point of your post!
oooh, and I'm tired of having every single gross thing make me gag violently... its just not fair when I'm watching for signs of morning sickness
(almost puked this morning at the smell of a fresh deposit in the cat litter box... gagging, mouth watering and everything).... just so unfair!! :D
oooh, and I'm tired of having every single gross thing make me gag violently... its just not fair when I'm watching for signs of morning sickness
(almost puked this morning at the smell of a fresh deposit in the cat litter box... gagging, mouth watering and everything).... just so unfair!! :D

I agree every cycle since ttc from 2dpo I have had every and I mean every single preg sympton going.....unfair??? yes!
I got very jealous of this girl who got her BFP recently... not really because of the BFP.. but because she had every symptom ... and was RIGHT.
SO unfair!!! :rofl:
I got very jealous of this girl who got her BFP recently... not really because of the BFP.. but because she had every symptom ... and was RIGHT.
SO unfair!!! :rofl:

:thumbup: I had a loss last cycle and now I am in limbo land :)af: ?:bfp:) talk about messing with my emotions :nope: We have been TTC for 6months now and whilst I know its not a massive amount of time we struggled TTC DS and at 22 yrs old I was told it would be a miracle if me and DH were ever parents! I was gutted and although I didnt expect THE smoothest path this time around I thought I might get a little break but we have been through so much in such a short time its a wonder people even want to reproduce :shrug: I think the only thing that keeps TTC couples going is the hope that one day just one day their dreams may come true :thumbup:
I am really feeling like the world is against me right now! I guess it could be hormonal but I am not so sure.

Firstly I have a member of my family that is like a sister to me, we usually get on really well but at the moment all she seems to do is criticise me or my decisions and we just go out of our ways to disagree with each other.
Her and my husband have this really annoying habit of implicitly ganging up on me or siding with each other and it is really beginning to grate.

It got so bad that back in May I stopped talking to her about ttc as she outrightly told me that if I was actively trying for a :baby: altering my life style and sticking to a bedding schedule we would never be successful. She claims that she was just trying to make me realise that I was causing myself a lot of stress over nothing, but I think that for someone who has 4 children already it was a rather callous thing to say. Especially as hubby agreed with her!

The two of them are at it again, he is going round there tomorrow for dinner as I am going out in the evening to over-indulge, yes I may have been invited but that doesn't mean I am still not peed off. Hubby had the choice of having dinner with me or them and he bloody chose them!

All of that coupled with the fact that I am sure it is going to be another :bfn: as hubby has done his usual trick of going off :sex: half way through the cycle and I am not a happy bunny!

Sorry for the long rant ladies but I had to get it all out! Thanks for letting me vent!
Ladies I have an update on the MIL...She has called an appologied because DH told her too...I said I accepted her appology but to be honest I don' shouldn't take DH to tell her to do it....

I'm not going to rise to her spitefulness! F**k her I have had enough with her games and her attitude if she doesn't like it she can do one because when we have a child it will be loved unconditionally by everyone and if she can't get a backbone and realise that this is what we want and DH loves me for who I am....Well thats her problem not ours!

full story in the journal ladies!
:hugs: Sofie
On the bright side, she's so openly hostile that you can say whatever you want to her, right?
Imagine if she made comments that she could claim were not intended to be hurtful.. then you'd be the total witch for telling her off.

In my opinion, its best to keep people like that out of your life as much as possible.
My mom is nowhere near that bad but I cut her off for several years because I couldn't take her criticizing every choice I was making and trying to control my life. Now she knows she's only in contact with me because she stopped doing that and if she tries that crap again, she'll lose me again. Harsh, but it works. Sad though... it would be nice to feel closer to her.
It might sound really daft, but I think the best way to actually really p*ss your MIL off is probably to ignore her. Don't stoop to her level, and remember - you are better than her. You have all the evidence to back this up (because it sounds like she's a nutjob), there is no need to tell her she's an idiot etc, because that will just undermine your case!

It's great that your DH is supporting you, so if it was me II'd probably just avoid contact with her a little bit, and imagine yourself as a cloud looking down on the little tiny stupid person. Cos you know you're right :)
I am really feeling like the world is against me right now! I guess it could be hormonal but I am not so sure.

Firstly I have a member of my family that is like a sister to me, we usually get on really well but at the moment all she seems to do is criticise me or my decisions and we just go out of our ways to disagree with each other.
Her and my husband have this really annoying habit of implicitly ganging up on me or siding with each other and it is really beginning to grate.

It got so bad that back in May I stopped talking to her about ttc as she outrightly told me that if I was actively trying for a :baby: altering my life style and sticking to a bedding schedule we would never be successful. She claims that she was just trying to make me realise that I was causing myself a lot of stress over nothing, but I think that for someone who has 4 children already it was a rather callous thing to say. Especially as hubby agreed with her!

The two of them are at it again, he is going round there tomorrow for dinner as I am going out in the evening to over-indulge, yes I may have been invited but that doesn't mean I am still not peed off. Hubby had the choice of having dinner with me or them and he bloody chose them!

All of that coupled with the fact that I am sure it is going to be another :bfn: as hubby has done his usual trick of going off :sex: half way through the cycle and I am not a happy bunny!

Sorry for the long rant ladies but I had to get it all out! Thanks for letting me vent!

hun, I would advise you to speak with dh on how you feel, what you would like to change in this journey, and how you really need his support. Also, you need to know 100% that he is equally ready for a kid as well. Talk to dh so you guys can be on the same page and sometimes although you do not think you are stressing, you very well maybe. TTC is tough and DH told me to stop thinking so much of it and for us to act together. It seems more promising for us this month because we are on the same page and he is equally excited about it. It just seems so right this month ya kno. But I hope this can help you better. And I didn't tell anyone I was ttc because of that same stuff. People are so not considerate of other's feelings when they are ttc. It is better to keep the news between you, dh, and of course, us here on bnb because we seem to understand where you are coming from and where you are trying to go. GL hun!
:hugs: Sofie
On the bright side, she's so openly hostile that you can say whatever you want to her, right?
Imagine if she made comments that she could claim were not intended to be hurtful.. then you'd be the total witch for telling her off.

In my opinion, its best to keep people like that out of your life as much as possible.
My mom is nowhere near that bad but I cut her off for several years because I couldn't take her criticizing every choice I was making and trying to control my life. Now she knows she's only in contact with me because she stopped doing that and if she tries that crap again, she'll lose me again. Harsh, but it works. Sad though... it would be nice to feel closer to her.
I totally agree with you hun. You couldn't have said it better because she is only going to keep on running into probs if she don't minimize her presence in their lives.GL sofie!
Sofie you are a great person by the way. You give me PMA and that makes me happy, so you are a good person. :yipee:

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