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Here is a place to VENT! No negative comments please.

OMG i just read in the paper that a french woman is in court on charges of kiling EIGHT newborn babies. Apparently after the birth of her two eldest, she went on to have EIGHT more children and killed them shortly after birth!!! WTF is the world coming too? This forum is dedicated to people who are trying their hardest to have children, some are even having difficulty having one!!! YET this unbelievable woman killed EIGHT!!! If she really didnt want any more children then there is a magical invention called PROTECTION!!!

I am actually feeling sick in the pit of my stomach and i am so angry that people can even think of doing something so nasty and horrible let alone actually carry out the act!!!
OMG i just read in the paper that a french woman is in court on charges of kiling EIGHT newborn babies. Apparently after the birth of her two eldest, she went on to have EIGHT more children and killed them shortly after birth!!! WTF is the world coming too? This forum is dedicated to people who are trying their hardest to have children, some are even having difficulty having one!!! YET this unbelievable woman killed EIGHT!!! If she really didnt want any more children then there is a magical invention called PROTECTION!!!

I am actually feeling sick in the pit of my stomach and i am so angry that people can even think of doing something so nasty and horrible let alone actually carry out the act!!!

I'll keep my vent short and to the point. 'Theres no better birth control and a husband who wont BD' !!
I'll keep my vent short and to the point. 'Theres no better birth control and a husband who wont BD' !!

Oh sorry hun :cry: Why won't he BD?.... :growlmad:

we have been TTC for 2months now, we have BD'd 3 times in that time.
this week i let him know it was our window of oppournity, i got some action on tuesday, he knows that we need to be doing it every other day, he shrugged me off last night. The OV pains are well and truely gone, so i think thats it.
I'll keep my vent short and to the point. 'Theres no better birth control and a husband who wont BD' !!

Oh hunny. I think maybe you guys need to have a little chat cuz from what i see its as if you are wanting this more than him.

Or maybe there is an underlying problem. i know myself that at that "fertile" time i feel like all im doing is baby making when you should be bedding cuz u love each other and you want fun. Maybe he is feeling a little big used

Not defending his actions cuz he has a mouth and should talk to but maybe you need a little heart to heart xxxx hope everything works out xxxx
I'll keep my vent short and to the point. 'Theres no better birth control and a husband who wont BD' !!

Oh sorry hun :cry: Why won't he BD?.... :growlmad:

we have been TTC for 2months now, we have BD'd 3 times in that time.
this week i let him know it was our window of oppournity, i got some action on tuesday, he knows that we need to be doing it every other day, he shrugged me off last night. The OV pains are well and truely gone, so i think thats it.

Aw well maybe Tues was enough?... You probably BD just at the right time there! :hugs: Sorry you're feeling like this... Have you discussed the timing and things and told him how important it is to you, or is he like my OH and just thinking it'll happen when it does etc?... :growlmad:
I'll keep my vent short and to the point. 'Theres no better birth control and a husband who wont BD' !!

Oh sorry hun :cry: Why won't he BD?.... :growlmad:

we have been TTC for 2months now, we have BD'd 3 times in that time.
this week i let him know it was our window of oppournity, i got some action on tuesday, he knows that we need to be doing it every other day, he shrugged me off last night. The OV pains are well and truely gone, so i think thats it.

Aw well maybe Tues was enough?... You probably BD just at the right time there! :hugs: Sorry you're feeling like this... Have you discussed the timing and things and told him how important it is to you, or is he like my OH and just thinking it'll happen when it does etc?... :growlmad:
i can only hope tuesday was enough, i have the OV pains mon&tues (but strangely no positives on opks, which is why i thought it would be wise to bd every other day just incase). He knows what to do, but i think i'll have to talk to him again, esp as some months we're apart anyway when he works away. i can only think that he must think it will happen when it happens, but when you BD a max of 3 times in 2 months (so far) id have thought the chances are slim
Men just don't get it hun. We've been ttc 9 months and I've only just begun to get him on the same page! x
Men just don't get it hun. We've been ttc 9 months and I've only just begun to get him on the same page! x

DH is very much in the `when it happens it happens` team too :growlmad: A prime example....so I WAS due to ov tomorrow and so we should be dtd every two days from say last weekend and were due to dtd last night :thumbup: however over the last couple of days from my opks it seems I already ov at the weekend (we covered all the bases :happydance:!) but I didnt tell DH I had already ov to see if he initiated dtd last night and HE DIDNT :nope: now I know that we already passed ov but he thinks ov is coming up and dtd is real important right now but NO he still didnt initiate :shrug: I am convinced he doesnt want this as much as me although he says he does :dohh:
OMG i just read in the paper that a french woman is in court on charges of kiling EIGHT newborn babies. Apparently after the birth of her two eldest, she went on to have EIGHT more children and killed them shortly after birth!!! WTF is the world coming too? This forum is dedicated to people who are trying their hardest to have children, some are even having difficulty having one!!! YET this unbelievable woman killed EIGHT!!! If she really didnt want any more children then there is a magical invention called PROTECTION!!!

I am actually feeling sick in the pit of my stomach and i am so angry that people can even think of doing something so nasty and horrible let alone actually carry out the act!!!


Its sick and disgusting!! honestly shaking with rage. I know i havent been TTC as long as some people but every day is like a year!! So why is it that people like this are given the ability to reproduce!! when otehrs more deserving arent!!! AAAAHHHH](*,)
Men just don't get it hun. We've been ttc 9 months and I've only just begun to get him on the same page! x

DH is very much in the `when it happens it happens` team too :growlmad: A prime example....so I WAS due to ov tomorrow and so we should be dtd every two days from say last weekend and were due to dtd last night :thumbup: however over the last couple of days from my opks it seems I already ov at the weekend (we covered all the bases :happydance:!) but I didnt tell DH I had already ov to see if he initiated dtd last night and HE DIDNT :nope: now I know that we already passed ov but he thinks ov is coming up and dtd is real important right now but NO he still didnt initiate :shrug: I am convinced he doesnt want this as much as me although he says he does :dohh:

maybe its time for you laides to sit down and be open with your partners. Maybe he is scared? i know people jsust automatically think omg he doesnt want this but what if he just needs reassurance!!!
Hi hon,

I agree I just dont understand how the world works AT ALL! The gift of 8 children is amazing and to do something like that is truly unhuman....we struggled TTC DS and we have had an early m/c we want #2 so much which will complete our family.....gosh it so hard hearing someone could do that after being given 8 children and we would only like 2 who we would love and cherish forever!

RE DH hon, we talk and talk and talk! I agree I think he is scared and worried and tries to be brave for me even when I tell him I dont need him to be! I think once we get our sticky eggy things will be fine, its just sometimes DH been himself gets something into his head and refuses to see reason!
Just to put in my two centimes. First, please no NOT follow these links if you are easily upset. Please. I have NOT hotlinked them so they can be easily clicked, you'll have to copy and paste them into a browser window if you want to read them.

At the moment, there is a rash of this going on here in France. ht tp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/07/28/world/main6721555.shtml and ht tp://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100729/wl_afp/francecrimechildren

I can't imagine the horror of digging in your garden and uncovering the skeletal remains of infants, it gave me nightmares for weeks when the news broke here.

Germany has also been hit with at least one case ht tp://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-04/08/content_7941243.htm

And... the women in Texas... ht tp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/27/otty-sanchez-woman-accuse_n_245627.html
And a woman in Virginia...

It goes on all over the world, sadly.

(edit: The site hotlinked them automatically, so, hopefully there are now broken links. If you want to read them, remove the space between the ht and tp at the beginning of the url string.)

I can see the excuse of 'Pregnancy Denial' if you had ONE unknown pregnancy, you didn't gain weight, you continued having your menses throughout and suddenly your waters broke and you were faced with something you didn't understand. But, how backwards would you have to be to NOT understand you'd just given birth???? Seriously? And THEN to go ahead and kill THAT newborn, as well as seven MORE and STILL claim you were in denial?

This just makes me livid.
Couldn't they have at least given them up for adoption?
Couldn't they have at least given them up for adoption?

I was reading this story on the internet and it seems they have two grown up daughters :shrug: I just dont get it.....if you dont want any more kids you should take the nessecary precautions....it just doesnt seem right to me that after commiting murder the 1st time they were blessed with 7 more babies :growlmad: the world has gone mad :wacko:
Hope you dont mind me dropping by. I just want to give a spark of hope to you lovely ladies. I was on LTTTC for 6 years and got sooooo used to getting a BFN. OPKs and stuff like that are quite expensinve where Im coming from. I did get addicted to HPT's. Sadly, I also could not seek treatment from an RE as my insurance does not cover it and I cannot afford to go private. Then 1 day, after 6 long years, just when I was about to give up hope, I got a BFP. I nearly fell off my seat in disbelief. What I'm trying to say is no matter how hard it seems, dont lose hope. Have faith in yourselves and your partner, and with lots of prayers, you will surely get your much deserved BFP. :dust: to all!
Wow Thanks! True inspiration! Happy and Healthy 9 months to you x x

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