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Here is a place to VENT! No negative comments please.

I feel a bit like your ticker says glowingjo - me, dh and his many guitars, which incidentally annoyed me all night last night and stopped me from hearing Big Brother properly! x :dohh:
Am also making chilli con carne. Ok i'll be honest - chilli con carne con courgette/zuchinni (b/c they're in the garden going mad and we need to use them - and they're FREE!)

Damn I'm a good cook. :)

Can I vent about shit food ? I hate bad food. It is an ABOMINATION!
And why do boys smell so bad? Particularly their feet.
Do they not think it might be an idea to shower before coming to bed sometimes?

My (first) ex-husbands feet smelled SO bad that his shoes had to be placed OUTSIDE or I couldn't sleep. And I used to bag his socks in zip-lock plastic bags before they were washed. (He has a smoker and weighed something like 9 stones/ 126 pounds soaking wet.) :sick:

WHY the hell did I marry him? The feet was just the beginning.

My last relationship (before my dear OH was on the scene,)

(OK TMI!!! warning warning!!

Look away now!!
Skip to the next post!!

You've been warned!!)

the guy's (uncut) penor was constantly rank. I had a box of wet wipes next to the bed, and a can of air freshener. If he didn't use the wipes, I'd threaten to spray it with the Febreeze. :nope: He took a shower every morning, but... wow... come night time, gag a maggot. (We never did BD, ever, even though we slept in the same bed. Any guesses why?) :wacko:

I was pretty convinced all men were dirty, smelly, disgusting things until my OH proved me wrong. :happydance:

And while I'm ranting, I'm fairly certain AF will be visiting and I didn't 'catch' this month; I have that heavy crampy feeling low down which usually means, "Time for the Super Plus Tampons!".


(We now return you to your regularly programmed, *polite* venting)
Family = me, Dh and his several million guitars! (maybe I exaggerate slightly, it could be several thousand).

Sorry to hear about guitars disturbing your TV watching - I promise it wasn't DH! He was at the pub with me last night :)
And why do boys smell so bad? Particularly their feet.
Do they not think it might be an idea to shower before coming to bed sometimes?

My (first) ex-husbands feet smelled SO bad that his shoes had to be placed OUTSIDE or I couldn't sleep. And I used to bag his socks in zip-lock plastic bags before they were washed. (He has a smoker and weighed something like 9 stones/ 126 pounds soaking wet.) :sick:

WHY the hell did I marry him? The feet was just the beginning.

My last relationship (before my dear OH was on the scene,)

(OK TMI!!! warning warning!!

Look away now!!
Skip to the next post!!

You've been warned!!)

the guy's (uncut) penor was constantly rank. I had a box of wet wipes next to the bed, and a can of air freshener. If he didn't use the wipes, I'd threaten to spray it with the Febreeze. :nope: He took a shower every morning, but... wow... come night time, gag a maggot. (We never did BD, ever, even though we slept in the same bed. Any guesses why?) :wacko:

I was pretty convinced all men were dirty, smelly, disgusting things until my OH proved me wrong. :happydance:

And while I'm ranting, I'm fairly certain AF will be visiting and I didn't 'catch' this month; I have that heavy crampy feeling low down which usually means, "Time for the Super Plus Tampons!".


(We now return you to your regularly programmed, *polite* venting)

Not really sure what to say to that! It took me about 5 minutes to choose appropriate smilies for this............:haha:
I shouldn't laugh at other people's (ex)problems. I keep natural apple airfreshener in the bedroom and sleep with the window open.
When we stayed at a hotel couple of weekends ago I made him get up in the middle of the night and put his shoes in the wardrobe.
I shouldn't laugh at other people's (ex)problems. I keep natural apple airfreshener in the bedroom and sleep with the window open.
When we stayed at a hotel couple of weekends ago I made him get up in the middle of the night and put his shoes in the wardrobe.

My DH can even smell his own feet!
If only my DH could smell himself! He believes that his feet don't smell.....
thank god my DH always smells nice and is adamant about proper grooming and odor eaters and all sorts of good stuff! Trust me... He's male and can work up a foul sweat when he's working out -- but in general he can't stand body odor. Maybe it's just that he's a product of good raising? I mean he's not freakishly over clean or anything, but... I dunno. I guess I'm just super duper lucky in that department!
My DH has just chased me around the house with his sweaty body after a work-out. I've realised it's not that he doesn't realise he smells after exercising, it's just the way he loves me running away from him and shrieking like a little girl!
Except for his feet - that he's still in denial!
Am I allowed to vent at AF generally? Or possibly at myself!

Why have I just performed the complete insanity of buying both HPTs and tampons in the supermarket at the same time? Why did I feel the need to buy a HPT when it's blatantly obvious I am not pregnant (unless there is some secret way of being pregnant after all when AF has arrived).

I'd set up a poll, but I think it's perfectly clear that I'm nuts, barking, a few 'roos loose in the top paddock. (Insert other random phrases for lunaticness here).

Well I think that it's time for a glass of wine then.
It's OK hun, it happens to us all at some point. We all want to be preggo so bad that it just sends us out of our minds sometimes.
:hi: Ladies,

I just want to vent (if this is ok!) about having a terrible day today :cry:

I went into town with my mum, sister, niece and DS to do a spot of retail therapy :happydance: we had a lovely meal :munch: and a gorgeous :icecream:......but then things turned :muaha: my mums friend asked me if I was with :baby: to which I replied `no just fat` but really wanted to :hissy: and say `no, but I bloody well should be` (we had an early m/c last cycle!) not her fault of course but then seeing an abundance of pregnant women everywhere didnt help either :nope: DS decided to turn into a :devil: child and things got even worse when I came home and put a load of :laundry: in....I had left a tissue in my linen pants pocket cause DS was :bike: and I got distracted and so when I emptied the damn thing tissue was everywhere :sad2: I have spent the last few hours washing and rewashing the clothes in an attempt to get them looking at least wearable again :dohh: My boss has been :telephone: and bugging me all day and its my bloody day off and then I poas and now I am confused.com? Did I catch my `surge in` yesterday or my `surge out` and did I ov early.....I feel like :ignore: and locking myself away until the morning :grr:

Its by far not the worthiest post for a reason to rant but if anything it might make a few of you smile!

Awww hun. Don't stress yourself out too bad. Keep your head up and we are here for you. :hug:
Glowingjo I think he does it to make you irritated. Thank goodness my husband jumps in the tub after a workout because I think I would die.
I want to vent out to my mother! I had told her a few weeks ago that me and my husband were gonna try to have a baby and we've been married over 2 years. Her and my dad are playing childish games with me right now just because I couldn't keep my brother this past Monday. I got laid off of my job 2 months ago and still haven't found a job. So I kept my brother everyday during the week since June 23 from 8-5. My sister-n-law asked me to keep an eye on her house and dog this whole week and I was very busy that Monday. Last Friday my mother had told me after she got off at 5 that she had to run to the nail place so she won't be by here to pick up my brother until after 6. Well my husband calls that Friday and tells me to be ready when he gets home around 5:30 because we had errands to do. Well I texted my mom and she called me 15 minutes later just yelling at me on the phone..2 hours later my dad calls me and tells me he is on his way to pick up my brother..my dad gets there and I opened the door..I grabbed my brother's thing to give to him and he drops them so my brother and my dad started picking his stuff up then my dad just shuts the door in front of my face and didn't say nothing to me.. So yesterday my mom called me and we started yelling back and forth and the last thing that she said to me is when I have a child you'll know what it feels like and if you ask me to help babysit I won't do it because I can't trust you to keep your brother..so I yelled at her that when I do fall pregnant..I don't want you a part of my life or the baby's life if you're gonna treat me this and not be a parent..I am your child not your friend and hung up.......I might be pregnant and I have issues with my mother... I don't wanna stress over this situation if I am pregnant! I cried and cried and yesterday until I couldn't get my breath! I didn't do anything wrong! All I said was that I was busy and I couldn't keep my brother! I'm not gonna apologize because I'm always apologizing to them for something that they did wrong to me!

I hope you are pregnant and you can show them what a great mum you will be :)
sometimes people know the heart ache your going through but are too scared to speak about it to you, maybe she feels bad for making you keep your brother?
who would of had him if you was working?
try not to fall out with your mum, after all shes your mum. by the sounds of it she will need your help first so when she does accept it and point out the fact you do have your own life and that keeping your brother evoles around you not them! chin up hun, familys can be hard to keep happy :( x
I just found out a mate of mine is pregnant with her 3rd child. At first i was excited for her until i discovered that this baby was an "accident" as she was getting her coil replaced :(.

Im so angry and annoyed. Dont mean this to sound horrible but she is extremely overweight, doesnt have a job, had had her other 2 kids put in care and here is me and my partner both work very hard, both healthy, idont drink, smoke or do drugs and we cant get pregnant. WHy is life so unfair!!!!

I have wanted a child for so long and all i keep getting is BFN!
I just found out a mate of mine is pregnant with her 3rd child. At first i was excited for her until i discovered that this baby was an "accident" as she was getting her coil replaced :(.

Im so angry and annoyed. Dont mean this to sound horrible but she is extremely overweight, doesnt have a job, had had her other 2 kids put in care and here is me and my partner both work very hard, both healthy, idont drink, smoke or do drugs and we cant get pregnant. WHy is life so unfair!!!!

I have wanted a child for so long and all i keep getting is BFN!


I agree hon :thumbup: I know lots of women who dont work and never have any intention too (both them and their oh`s!), smoke, drink etc etc and manage to have one baby after another :wacko: (mostly unplanned, not looked after properly and some taken into care!) whilst there`s me and DH trying our damn hardest to provide a good stable family environment by working so hard to support DS and :baby: #2 when she/he comes along :baby:

It just seems so unjust to me :cry:
I just found out a mate of mine is pregnant with her 3rd child. At first i was excited for her until i discovered that this baby was an "accident" as she was getting her coil replaced :(.

Im so angry and annoyed. Dont mean this to sound horrible but she is extremely overweight, doesnt have a job, had had her other 2 kids put in care and here is me and my partner both work very hard, both healthy, idont drink, smoke or do drugs and we cant get pregnant. WHy is life so unfair!!!!

I have wanted a child for so long and all i keep getting is BFN!


I agree hon :thumbup: I know lots of women who dont work and never have any intention too (both them and their oh`s!), smoke, drink etc etc and manage to have one baby after another :wacko: (mostly unplanned, not looked after properly and some taken into care!) whilst there`s me and DH trying our damn hardest to provide a good stable family environment by working so hard to support DS and :baby: #2 when she/he comes along :baby:

It just seems so unjust to me :cry:

Too true, there's some lesson here for people who deserve and people who don't, just wish I understood sometimes x
I just found out a mate of mine is pregnant with her 3rd child. At first i was excited for her until i discovered that this baby was an "accident" as she was getting her coil replaced :(.

Im so angry and annoyed. Dont mean this to sound horrible but she is extremely overweight, doesnt have a job, had had her other 2 kids put in care and here is me and my partner both work very hard, both healthy, idont drink, smoke or do drugs and we cant get pregnant. WHy is life so unfair!!!!

I have wanted a child for so long and all i keep getting is BFN!


I agree hon :thumbup: I know lots of women who dont work and never have any intention too (both them and their oh`s!), smoke, drink etc etc and manage to have one baby after another :wacko: (mostly unplanned, not looked after properly and some taken into care!) whilst there`s me and DH trying our damn hardest to provide a good stable family environment by working so hard to support DS and :baby: #2 when she/he comes along :baby:

It just seems so unjust to me :cry:

Too true, there's some lesson here for people who deserve and people who don't, just wish I understood sometimes x

Me too hon :hugs::kiss::hugs:

It seems to me sometimes that by been a good person you suffer the worst luck :shrug: I dont know :shrug: am not saying some Ladies are more deserving than others but crap always happens to people who work the hardest at something :shrug:

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