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Here is a place to VENT! No negative comments please.

Congratulations hon this is amazing and a major pma boost for us TTC! h&h 9 months xXx
I'll keep my vent short and to the point. 'Theres no better birth control and a husband who wont BD' !!

Oh sorry hun :cry: Why won't he BD?.... :growlmad:

we have been TTC for 2months now, we have BD'd 3 times in that time.
this week i let him know it was our window of oppournity, i got some action on tuesday, he knows that we need to be doing it every other day, he shrugged me off last night. The OV pains are well and truely gone, so i think thats it.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hope you dont mind me dropping by. I just want to give a spark of hope to you lovely ladies. I was on LTTTC for 6 years and got sooooo used to getting a BFN. OPKs and stuff like that are quite expensinve where Im coming from. I did get addicted to HPT's. Sadly, I also could not seek treatment from an RE as my insurance does not cover it and I cannot afford to go private. Then 1 day, after 6 long years, just when I was about to give up hope, I got a BFP. I nearly fell off my seat in disbelief. What I'm trying to say is no matter how hard it seems, dont lose hope. Have faith in yourselves and your partner, and with lots of prayers, you will surely get your much deserved BFP. :dust: to all!

Thanks Mystique that really gave me hope. I just pray it doesn't take me that long b/c Idk if I would hold up as good as you. Congrats!
People who moan about how long it's taking them to conceive when they're on their 3rd-4th cycle wind me up something rotten :lol:
Wow, I never really caught this one but this is just as simple minded and negative as anyone could be. We are all in this TTC boat together. It doesn't matter if we have been in it 1 month or 1 year. We are all trying and looking forward to a BFP. Really grow a heart to sympathize with everyone else, regardless of circumstance. That is MY RANT!!!!
So I am really geared up at how some people on BNB look at some of us, because we have not been TTC that long, as whiners. WOW. Is it that sinful to want a kid?
Thanks Mystique that really gave me hope. I just pray it doesn't take me that long b/c Idk if I would hold up as good as you. Congrats!

I know. Hope yours and everyone's TTC journey is just a short one. :dust: to y'all.

People who moan about how long it's taking them to conceive when they're on their 3rd-4th cycle wind me up something rotten :lol:
Wow, I never really caught this one but this is just as simple minded and negative as anyone could be. We are all in this TTC boat together. It doesn't matter if we have been in it 1 month or 1 year. We are all trying and looking forward to a BFP. Really grow a heart to sympathize with everyone else, regardless of circumstance. That is MY RANT!!!!

LOL. IKR! At least we are sticking together because TTC with no good results is stressing enough. I know I been feeling really bad lately wanting to give up but then I come on here, and feel better. I seem to be having good day and bad days pretty frequently. I pray this gets better for me though.
LOL. IKR! At least we are sticking together because TTC with no good results is stressing enough. I know I been feeling really bad lately wanting to give up but then I come on here, and feel better. I seem to be having good day and bad days pretty frequently. I pray this gets better for me though.

:kiss: Me too hon, TTC is getting me a little down right now too :cry: and I cant seem to stop thinking `what if` but I just keep picking myself up and plodding on! When I come on bnb its like a little TTC family and helps me to :happydance: again!
In total agreement with the above, i have to say that the first BFN i got was the worst because you have this ideal that you will just get pregnant straight away, with each month i am becoming more and more realistic about things. I was a wreck the first month, i used to say to myself good god i dont think i could cope getting to 6 months and still not conceiving - well its 6 months now and i am a lot better than i was at 1, 2 and 3 months in so yes although i cant comprehend how hard it is to not get good news for years i do understand that for some people it is very difficult to adjust to the notion that actually it isnt a case of one romantic candle filled night of making love - it is actually hard work

everyone should feel like they can get support from eachother here so any ladies that have only been trying for a couple of months come join us! you never know one of the tips we give them may get them their bfp quicker!
In total agreement with the above, i have to say that the first BFN i got was the worst because you have this ideal that you will just get pregnant straight away, with each month i am becoming more and more realistic about things. I was a wreck the first month, i used to say to myself good god i dont think i could cope getting to 6 months and still not conceiving - well its 6 months now and i am a lot better than i was at 1, 2 and 3 months in so yes although i cant comprehend how hard it is to not get good news for years i do understand that for some people it is very difficult to adjust to the notion that actually it isnt a case of one romantic candle filled night of making love - it is actually hard work

everyone should feel like they can get support from eachother here so any ladies that have only been trying for a couple of months come join us! you never know one of the tips we give them may get them their bfp quicker!

:thumbup: In agreement this this also hon :hugs:

I am sad and on a downer right now :cry: but I want :baby: #2 so much I wont ever give up :nope:
I really really wish there was such a thing as immaculate conception. I'm too tired for this much BD'ing. Arrggghh!!! xx
With 2 mc's under my belt I am very fed up of the old 'at least you know you can get pregnant' line :growlmad: If you don't know what to say SHUT UP!!!!!
i know what you mean, i have a knack of looking through the calandar at this point looking when i bd'd when i o'd, daily cm observations, opks and i actually convince myself that it cant possible have hapened this month because of x y and z i think i need to find a really really good but very very long book to read whilst dh is at work an lo is asleep because i am surrounded with housework to do and yet i dont want to do it i just want to relax -
So glad I came across this thread, I came off my pill in June and hubby and I have been ttc since then, The first month I went to day 35 before AF joined me with avengence. My hubby text me that day to say he was sad as he thought I would be:cry:, but surprisingly I felt ok about it. I have always known that it wouldnt happen straight away.

Since then I started using ovulation sticks(digital ones) and when I got the smiley face last thur I was jumping for joy, lol:happydance:.

At the moment I know loads of people who are pregnant, one friend due today,one due end of the month,my SIL due nov, and me best friend due Feb. I am sooooooo happy and excited for them all but at the same time really wish it was me.

Anyway good luck to everyone and lets hope we get our BFP soon xxxx

AF should be due next sun if its another 35day so heres hoping it is our time xx
LOL. IKR! At least we are sticking together because TTC with no good results is stressing enough. I know I been feeling really bad lately wanting to give up but then I come on here, and feel better. I seem to be having good day and bad days pretty frequently. I pray this gets better for me though.

:kiss: Me too hon, TTC is getting me a little down right now too :cry: and I cant seem to stop thinking `what if` but I just keep picking myself up and plodding on! When I come on bnb its like a little TTC family and helps me to :happydance: again!

I know the feeling. I just made a journal after crying so much yesterday. I need someone to help me thorough this so please, please anybody read my journal in my signature and encourage me please. Today is just not my day.
So glad I came across this thread, I came off my pill in June and hubby and I have been ttc since then, The first month I went to day 35 before AF joined me with avengence. My hubby text me that day to say he was sad as he thought I would be:cry:, but surprisingly I felt ok about it. I have always known that it wouldnt happen straight away.

Since then I started using ovulation sticks(digital ones) and when I got the smiley face last thur I was jumping for joy, lol:happydance:.

At the moment I know loads of people who are pregnant, one friend due today,one due end of the month,my SIL due nov, and me best friend due Feb. I am sooooooo happy and excited for them all but at the same time really wish it was me.

Anyway good luck to everyone and lets hope we get our BFP soon xxxx

AF should be due next sun if its another 35day so heres hoping it is our time xx

Praying this is our month hun! :dust: to all!

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