Hi Tam


I am just sitting here after dinner and a wagon wheel :oops: wondering what to do?!

What about you hun? How are ya?
just had my tea, and at nine o clock going to watch fun with dick and jane, eat popcorn and drink well it counts to just over two bottles of sirmoff ice.

Not alot on tv tonight is their?
Good for you!!!

Giss a drink!! :wink: :lol:

Oh it is crap on TV innit.........Shame there aint many more people on here too, really eery tonight and quiet everywhere....

You doing anything tomorrow.........I am looking forward to a roast dinner LOL!! So sad, but it has been months!
What's Fun with Dick & Jane? and don't be rude [-X :lol:
its a film with jim carrey in it,

not alot just going to a wedding fair with my mum tomorrow for an hour or two thats about it

what about your self???

i'm finding that tv gets worse and worse every weekend
i'm going to watch the film now and eat alot of popcorn and drink some sirmoff ice,

Night Night everybody. :beer:
I am hoping TV will get better soon with the cold weather setting in!! But we can only hope *sigh*

We go over the park with DD if the weather is OK so she can ride her bike, and then I will crack the whip and get Paul to do dinner :wink: but I think thats probably about it to be honest!

We are having a very mellow weekend actaully, hopefully we will have a bit more to do next week.....although I have no idea what!?

Is your film on TV or have you got a DVD? I might see if I can watch a DVD later, help pass the time!
Tam said:

I am just sitting here after dinner and a wagon wheel :oops: wondering what to do?!

What about you hun? How are ya?
You forgot the fly!!! :lol:
Oh yeah, and I swallowed a fly :shock: I don't recommend them :sick:


Night Night Vicky, sorry hun I missed your post! xx
Gives :baby: a play mate anyway!!! Lol!
:rofl: I have such a vision!!!!!!

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